
Where The Freaks At?

Shelby Fighting Seasonal


04-07-2023, 03:03 AM
Morbid strolls through the grass fields of this picturesque land. While the gently rolling hills and plentiful prey animals make this place grand, the dark male pays little mind to any of it. The sun is high in the sky and flies lazily buzz near the large buffalo that graze but still, he moves through the land as if he is the only creature here. He is a man on a mission. Lurid, his sister, has established her pack and he is late to join her. Still, even being late, the man leisurely strolls through the land because… why not?

Strange stone structures jut out of the ground at various places, trees growing from their tops while roots wind around the façade. Ivy covers many of their faces and it is obvious that nature is reclaiming what is her’s. The prey animals seem to be avoiding the area he is moving toward and, if Morbid had cared, he would have checked the wind to find the reason why. But again, the man just isn’t concerned. And why should he be? In his six years of life, the man has constantly trained his body until he knows exactly what he can and cannot do.

A yawn pulls his maw apart as the lazy droning of flies and the pleasant warmth of the day work to make the man feel sleepy. Luckily, a rather pissed off grizzly roars its anger at him from not too far off. Silver-white widen with joy as his eyes turn to the upset ursine and a delighted grin tugs at his lips. Muscles flow like water as he is suddenly on the attack, the dark man racing up to the suddenly startled bear. Teeth flash as he enters the beast’s space and he bites a huge chunk out of its right cheek.

Shock ripples across the grizzly’s face as the wolf he had just been roaring at is suddenly in front of it and dealing damage. It seems slow on the uptake as it jerks backward, swing out a paw at where Morbid had been mere seconds before. But he is gone, racing around its side to deliver another bite to the creature’s back right leg. He thrashes his head, popping the joint and earning yet another roar. It tries to swing around and smack him but the leg does not support its weight and his backend sags toward the ground.

Morbid decides to take his time and drops back, giving the bear some space while allowing his pale gaze to roam over the angry beast. Lifting a brow, he tuts at the creature, saying, “Now, now. You shouldn’t go around attacking wolves. Never know what will happen.” An evil smirk pulls at his maw as he stalks slowly around the injured grizzly. He enjoys the fear that radiates like fire from his form and he drinks in the scent of urine. Stupid thing is so scared it pissed itself.

Scoffing softly, he says, “Too bad you won’t live past today. You might have actually learned from your mistake.” Features pull into a thoughtful mask for a moment before he adds, “Actually, I don’t think you would have. Oh well.” A shrug of dark shoulders and the man gleefully prowls forward, ready to pull apart the creature piece by bloody piece. Suddenly, a blur of brown fur streaks into the fight, racing in from the left side to deliver a painful bite to the left front leg. Morbid curses loudly as his fun is now spoiled. Stupid helpful wolves. He charges back in, never one to be left out of a fight.

"Morbid Amarix"

WC: 605
Total WC: 605 / 1500



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

Pride - Bisexual
04-07-2023, 03:04 AM

The gentle rolling hills and close proximity to pack lands have been calling to the earthen-hued woman for some time. Athena has been cooped up for far too long and the beautiful Spring day is just too nice to ignore. She meanders through the prey laden land, watching the buffalo graze from a safe distance. One lone wolf cannot take down a single buffalo let alone a herd of them and both parties know it. Thankfully, they seem to strike an uneasy truce with the wolf that wanders the lands; they do not turn to charge her and she does not threaten them.

As she wanders, she finds stone structures slowly being reclaimed by the greenery around it. Athena pauses to consider a large willow tree that grows out at an angle from a domed roof. Her head tilts as she traces the roots down the skewed building’s façade, admiring the beauty that is nature. Ivy crawls across the exposed face, covering any etching that might have been there. Flies buzz by her head and she flicks her ears to unseat a couple that have tried to find purchase. Suddenly, a bright flash of color enters her field of view and she refocuses her amber gaze to catch it.

A beautiful monarch butterfly flutters in front of her, searching for a flower to rest on. A smile pulls her lips up and a content sigh rolls gently from her mouth. She lingers a moment longer, tracing the butterfly’s path before deciding to move on. The sun is a welcome companion and the warmth it offers is sublime as she slowly treks along a grassy hill. As Athena walks, the wind suddenly shifts and brings to her, the musk of a grizzly bear. Grimacing, she turns to avoid the area it originates from when another scent follows hot on its heels. It is a wolf.

Uncertainty tugs at her mind for a minute before her compassionate heart wins out she races to where the pair are. It is a fair distance away and, as she nears, she hears a male talking to… someone. Not slowing down to try and understand what he is saying, Athena races right into the fray. Coming up from the grizzly’s left side, she notices it is distracted and sitting, facing a stranger. She races to the left front leg, delivering a strong, painful bite before back peddling away. A roar of pain a string of loud cursing fills the area. She pauses to take a moment and puzzle over why the guy seems so mad.

But battles wait for no one and, as the unknown male rushes towards its face, Athena also rushes back in. She latches onto the leg she had attacked, aiming for the joint that rests at the elbow. Thrashing her head, she hears the pop and feels the tendons shred underneath her teeth. A roar is given but, with only two working legs, the bear can do very little to retaliate. The wolves slowly stalk around it, looking for an opening to end the creature’s suffering. Or at least, that is what she is doing.

WC: 523
Total WC: 1128 / 1500

"Athena Nocturna"

Athena has a Little Owl companion named Archimedes. He is always nearby.



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
04-30-2023, 08:57 PM

Ever the explorer and wanderer, Remus crossed through the buffalo knolls as he continued his tracking of the herds here and picking out possible points to hunt from. It was a bit of a trek from here to Ashen's lands, especially to carry a whole buffalo back home, but as they began to prepare and plan for his and Ike's wedding he knew they were going to need a large amount of meat for the celebration so this would be a good way to get it. There was nothing that a good cart wouldn't solve when it came to getting the kill home anyway. He had his falcon companion, Nero, in the sky above, wheeling one way and then the other as the avian helped him with his tracking and pulled his attention to a possible new path with shrill cries from above. This time the call from the falcon wasn't about a new cluster of buffalo at all, but instead about other wolves and the fight that they were apparently in.

Curious, Remus made his way to the top of one of the rolling hills, spotting the bloodied bear and the two wolves that were making various strikes in their attempts to bring it down. Honestly, from what he could tell, the bear was already dead to right between the two ruthless predators that had begun to circle the poor thing by the time he began to make his way down the slope to offer his assistance. While he had no way of knowing who had landed what blows or how the fight had gotten to this point, it very much seemed to be at the end and he didn't really care to see the bear suffer for it. While the roaring bear was slightly distracted by the brown-streaked woman he slipped up beside it from an angle that would keep him out of it's line of sight with his dagger drawn and with a quick and decisive jab of the blade through the bear's temple he ended this massacre. The ursine spasmed and twitched a few times before finally falling still and Remus pulled his blade free, wiping the blood on the grass before he slid it back into its holster on his leg. With a glance to the other two wolves, he gave them both a quick nod before he turned and began to walk away to resume his scouting.

WC: 403
Total: 1531 / 1500

"Remus Armada"