
But I know we've made it this far, kid




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-26-2023, 06:29 PM

After the tiger attack, and almost losing Haydée, Bellamy had went into a state of hyper activity. Near constant patrolling, neglecting sleep and eating, to try and keep her children and her pack safe. It was noticed. She lost weight, started looking like shit… Dag called her out on it, Bae-Syl and Lucette too. But the woman finally felt like she could slow down. After accepting not one, but three new members into Ethne and their pack meeting, Bellamy took a couple days for herself. The woman slept like the dead, curled up in the part of the cave behind the falls where she, Gavroche, and their little ones slept. Thankfully she did not dream, and the lack of dreams meant that no nightmares were able to plague her. When she did wake, it was briefly, and the woman was up long enough to eat some herbs her husband provided for her and the small game that her children thoughtfully brought for her. Alexander seemed to have a bit of a knack for hunting already. Maybe he had future as a Woodsman.

On the third day, a bit past noon, Bellamy’s eyes fluttered open and for the first time in what felt like ages she felt more like herself. She was rested. She had energy. She rose to her paws, glancing around the den. Neither Gavroche nor her children were present, though she noticed a bundle of herbs Gav had left for her. Whiskers was there with her too, keeping an eye on the she wolf, and as Bellamy lapped the herbs up the badger chuckled. “You needed that rest, Bells.” She told her gently. Bellamy glanced toward her and gave a nod. She wouldn’t deny that. Being able to leave the patrolling of Cattail Creek to Bae-Syl, and putting Beauregard in charge of patrolling Lazuli Falls while she was out put her mind at ease.

“Yeah… It feels good having those I can have help.” She gave a sheepish smile. “Even though… both Lucy and Gav have pointed out I could have, and should have been asking for aid all along… instead of trying to shoulder everything myself.” It had been a bit of a hard lesson. For her mate being in the rank of Advisor Bellamy hadn’t been listening to him at all. Things had needed to change, and things were going to change. There had been a lot discussed at the meeting, and one of the bigger things for the pack as a whole was the training the youths were to receive. From what she had seen at the meeting, and what Gavroche told her, Hay’s run in with the tiger did little lasting damage. It seemed to affect Bells far more than her child.

Bellamy made her way out of the cave, leaving Whiskers behind. She assumed Ears was likely hunting. Making her way beyond the main area, Bells started to pick her way up the path that lead to the area at the top of the falls. Once she got there she tilted her head back, calling for her little one. It was time she and Haydée touched base with one another… and her daughter’s training could resume. She’d have one lesson with her thus far but that wouldn’t protect her little one from dangers. She shifted on her paws… uneasy. It would be the first time she spoke with Hay one on one after what had happened… and after her daughter and son saw what she did to the beast that dared to try to take her. If it wasn’t for the stripes, Bellamy wasn’t sure it could have even been called a tiger anymore...


Word Count: 611
Total Word Count: 611 / 1,500

"Talk," 'Think.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-04-2023, 06:14 PM
The run-in with the tiger had been eye opening and, while the small pup had felt fear at almost being carried away to be a snack, a new side had emerged that Haydée had not realized. It had been raw and passionate, carrying her small form on until the battle was done. It was a new and scary emotion but one the small girl is determined to harness. Since the fight, anger has boiled underneath the surface for the three days that her mother had to rest and recover; anger at the situation that made her feel weak and useless.

At her father’s advice, the small pup has found a secluded spot near the bottom of the waterfall and she takes time to try and still her racing mind. Sitting on the grass, listening to waterfall, she turns her focus to her breathing, allowing the world to fall away until there is only her and her breath. The simmering fire of hate, cools, returning to the gentle embers that it was before the tiger attack and relief floods her system. Haydée grounds herself in the moment before allowing her eyes to flutter open to the beauty around her.

A call reaches her and, when she realizes it is the voice of her mother, the pup immediately springs up to her paws. Mom is awake! Small paws thunder along the trail that leads to the top of the waterfall and she does not slow as she approaches her tall mother. Hay slams into the woman’s front leg with force and wraps her legs around it as she hugs her mother;s leg tightly. Emotion cracks her voice as she says, “Mommy! I was so worried about you.” It is true, the girl had felt responsible for her mother’s condition and had spent most of the previous three nights laying awake.

But now her mother is awake and calling for her! That must mean she is okay. After squeezing her leg tightly one more time, Haydée scampers backwards to look up into Bellamy’s eyes. Tail wags as she looks up at her mother with immense love and adoration. The fight with the tiger has not altered the girl’s outlook of her mother and, actually, has made her appreciate her mother more. But there is a reason for the summons so the small pup plops her butt in the grass, tail still wagging and says, “That was really scary. I thought I was going to be eaten! And… I thought it killed you.” Ears droop as her shoulders hunch inward, the guilt and fear she had felt showing its face again.

WC: 437
Total : 1048 / 1500

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
04-10-2023, 08:36 AM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2023, 07:04 PM by Bellamy. Edited 1 time in total.)
Her little Hay came up the path with purpose. Bellamy could hear the power in her paws as she rushed towards her. Her daughter stopped only as she slammed into her front leg and though Bellamy winces ever so slightly from the impact she is quick to lower her head and embrace her child. Hay was taller than Gav now, even a bit taller than Nessie and Luce, but she was still smaller than most Bellamy had seen in Boreas and Auster… and that was okay. Her daughter had more than enough spirit to make up that size difference, a good heart and level head. Bellamy knew Hay was the right choice for Ethne's heir.

At Haydee's confession Bellamy draws back, offering her an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about that, my little one." She knew Hay hadn't been the only one. Her mate, other children, and even Bae-Syl in his way had been protective over her state. Helping how they could. She shouldn't have worried them… but… it was a good lesson to pass to her daughter. "Your mother should have asked for help sooner, rather than try and handle everything on her own. Ethne is a pack after all." That smile became a bit warmer. "Something you will need to keep in mind when you take over from me in a couple years, okay?" A quick lick is given to her daughter's cheek.

The next statement causes Bellamy's smile to waver. She shakes her head, giving a half hearted chuckle. "Your mother has fought demons far worse than that tiger. I assure you, more of its blood was on me than my own." She told the pup honestly. She had been ruthless. "...I thought I was going to lose you." Her ears lowered. "...and I lost my sense of self. The only thing that mattered was getting you out of its jaws and making sure it couldn't hurt you or anyone else again." Bellamy drew in a breath.

"Hay… I walk with shadows. Much of the time I am strong enough to keep them at bay, but the fallen twins Delusion and Calamity have come to me, and their agent, Chaos, lurks nearby." It had been a bit since she brought up the teachings of Foi. And these ones were not ones she had hoped to tell her children about.

"Do you remember when I told you about the God and Goddess, and the Eldest?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. "...and about balance?" Bellamy drew in a breath. She was finalizing the lesson. She would be telling Haydee about the dark side of Foi, about the Dreamends and the Guardians, and what her episodes meant… what to look at for should anyone else had one and how to handle them.


Words: 464 Words
Total Word Counts: 1,512 Words
Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.