
Destruction Babies!



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-03-2023, 08:16 AM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2023, 08:28 AM by Twig. Edited 1 time in total.)
Corvus Destruction x Autumn ‘Twig’ Memoire

Finally after many years (IC and OOC) Corvus and Twig are finally having babies! There will be up to three babies available! They will be born April 19th and will be playable May 3rd. Applications will close April 26th.


Activity: While we would both like to see these puppies very active they won’t be policed very hard. Matching parents' activity is all that is asked.  
Designs: You know the drill by now. Designs supplied by us are not free to use for non twivus puppy characters or off this site. And in the unlikely event your pup is reclaimed the design, art and tables will go with it. If you’re using one of our designs and want it modified a little let us know! If you use your own design the previous rules don’t apply. As long as it fits the litter's theme it should be fine, but run it past us if you’re not sure
Mutations: Neither parent has a natural mutation, but you are welcome to add them!
Heights/size: Corvus is 42” tall so height will be discounted 25% to that point, and then Twig is only 28” so there is quite a range your puppy could be.
Personality/ alignment: We’re mostly looking for neutral/ lawful based pups. Corvus and Twig both are in the middle, but it would make more sense for the pups to be similar or light leaning.
Loyalty: A strong sense of duty and loyalty will be instilled in this litter from an early age. There’s no reason for the pups to be salty or disloyal fresh out of the womb, of course this can change with IC development but try and keep it real.
Names:  Nature or bird themed is preferable but we will entertain almost anything.
Other:  Extra pup passes will be purchased for you, and if there is any trouble with other purchases please let us know!


Application form:

<b>Name:</b> First and Second Choice last name Destruction
<b>Sex:</b> male or female
<b>Size/Build:</b> height in inches build as described by site rules
<b>Design:</b> one offered or one of your own
<b>Appearance:</b> site min
<b>Personality:</b> site min
<b>Skills:</b> Corvus and Twig both are Fighters/Hunters
<b>Plans:</b> long term goals or potential plots


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Toys for TotsEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
04-07-2023, 03:09 PM

Name: First choice: Branch (there is an account with the name but they haven't logged in since 2020) Second Choice: Merlin (like the bird not the wizard xD) Destruction
Sex: Male
Size/Build: height in inches build as described by site rules
Design: one offered or one of your own
Appearance: site min
Personality: site min
Skills: Corvus and Twig both are Fighters/Hunters
Plans: long term goals or potential plots



Master Healer (256)

Intermediate Navigator (45)


3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - PansexualSamhain 2022
04-09-2023, 10:14 AM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2023, 01:46 PM by Crux. Edited 1 time in total.)
Name: Magpie Destruction (Second choice name is Shrike, would need to be cleared up)
Sex: Female
Size/Build: 29", Light

(Reuse permission granted by Kat)
Appearance: Magpie will largely take after her mother in most ways, she is a little thing, not as small as her mother but she's not exactly big. She will be born light, almost delicate looking but as she grows and fills out instead she'll develop a dancer's build. She'll only ever grow to be 29 inches tall and that paired with her lighter frame will combine into a feminine look, and she'll move like it, light on her paws and seeming more to glide or dance than to walk.

Further the old blood, Memoire or Black, shines through easily on Magpie's pelt. Though the coloration could be argued to be Destruction as well though less seen in this particular branch of the family tree. The girl is swaddled in a silvery white color, more grey or more white depending on the light. This is broken up by a single color, though it marks her in many ways. An ashen black that marks all four of her paws, rising up past her wrist on her forelegs and just above her hocks on her hide legs where it starts to rise up along the backs of all her limbs and flecks across the fronts of them, similar to striping but uneven and random. The whole of her tail is black and the color runs up her spine to her shoulders. The rips of her ears are also rimmed in this coloration. It's on her face that a familiar set of markings manifests in this same color, a set of markings running from the outer corners of her eyes and down towards the bridge of her nose, each flecked with black off the side of these lines, and a swirling marking that moves from her lips up to beside her nose.

Finally she also bears a pair of violet eyes, almost in mirror of her mother.

Personality: Magpie is perhaps a more fit name than just her looks would imply. She will have a penchant for collecting, anything that sparkles, shines or even just catches her eyes, as she grows it'll be likely that others will be finding her stashes of treasures under paw. And while the more visually stunning items will be easy to understand her eclectic tastes may leave other wondering if there's any pattern at all to what she'll collect. Woe betide to anyone she discovers stealing, or even just throwing out her treasures, but she's more than eager to use them in barter and trade, mostly for other things she'd like to correct but as she'll grow she'll learn the value in things not able to be physically collected as well.

Because much like the corvidae that gives her her name Magpie is sharp as a whip and remembers both those that have done right by her and those that have wronged her, and she may let that grudge simmer for years until she's given a chance to act on it, and others may never even know that she's harbouring it because the girl's outward face is happy and exuberant. In fact similar to a real Magpie she's also loud, easily excited and struggles to regulate both her excitement and her volume, she may need to be reminded to use her inside voice from time to time. But well what is she supposed to do when there's so much fun to be had and so much to see and learn? It's safe to say Magpie is a great friend to have at a party and a great friend to recruit to getting revenge on your shitty ex, and in truth she'd rather make friends than enemies, and woe to anyone who hurts her family, only she's allowed to tease them!

Skills: Intelligence & Hunting

Plans: Pick up hunting from her parents, beyond that go out, have adventures and see what happens.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Crux has a 6 inch long burn scar on his throat, most of his art does not reflect this.



ContributorPride - NonbinaryPride - PansexualEaster Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
04-10-2023, 02:25 AM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2023, 06:19 AM by wicked. Edited 7 times in total.)
Officially this is done, unofficially I'll probably continue to tweak it until apps close lmao

Name: Rye or Teal (like the duck)
Sex: female
Size/Build: extra small (22") & medium
Design: Here! -- I made this one, if you'd like any changes made lemme know
Appearance: Pour one out for every little girl that's ever been told she looks like her dad. Rye looks an awful lot like her father, and his father before him. She's built like a miniature version, with only vaguely lighter proportions. Despite being rather lacking in stature, Rye still carries herself with a rather commanding presence. Though good natured, it's clear that if she wanted to pack a punch or put up a fight, there would be little to stop her. Though the girl is tiny, she's sturdy.

Her base coat is shades of brown, the color going from soft to more intense as it works down her back. Rye has a similar blaze and chest marking to her father, but the tips of her ears are white. Pale socks with stripes upon them creep up all four of her legs. Her coat texture is one of protective weather resilience, but her undercoat is comfortable and plush.

Personality: Though it will not immediately be apparent, there is something deeply, intensely restless inside Rye. Something feels like it will never be satisfied. A bone deep desire for something that she cannot put words to. A soul deep desire. Until she has a goal, a cause, something to fight for, that hunger will threaten to consume her. Rye feels only in measures of devotion and beyond. The first time she finds that cause, that something, she will know at once why she's here. Why she lives and breathes. Without some sort of external purpose, she can be a bit lost.

Rye is wary of strangers. She's not always sure how to think or act, and can come across dorky. In time, she'll grow into this bit of herself. Rye will let the dorkiness become part of her charm, along with the roguish, lopsided smile that she so frequently sports. What she won't admit? The charm is a carefully practiced act. She's learning to project confidence. She's learning to do her best to mask the insecurity that lives in her head, in her chest. It will take time and practice for Rye to develop the confidence she wants to portray.

Somewhere deep in the pit of her chest, she longs for the romanticized version of everyday life. She wants to fall in love with the little things, over and over, again and again. Falling in love with life again and again, day in and day out... it's a nice daydream. Rye likes those daydreams the best of all.
Alignment: neutral good
Skills: fighting & hunting
Plans: Rye is going to be a hardy, head strong but well meaning young pup. Hoping to have her little gay heart broken as a yearling and then decide that instead of talking about her feelings, she'd rather become a knight. Also with both parents being older, losing them is going to absolutely break her, and she's just going to be going down the "I do not need feelings, I need a bigger sword" path in life. She needs a cause to devote herself to.


04-17-2023, 05:02 AM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2023, 06:49 PM by Dikui. Edited 8 times in total.)
Name: Canary Destruction
Sex: male
Size/Build: 42" (I also have a dire pass if that's cool with you), heavy
Design: [Image: seven.png]
Canary will grow to rival or even surpass the size of his father. As an adult warrior, he'll be built like an absolute tank, thick with muscle. He's not meant to be agile; he doesn't need to be -- he'd only need to run if he didn't have something valuable to protect. He would appear intimidating if nearly everyone he's ever met hasn't seen him laugh so hard he's half-collapsing on the floor or make everyone else laugh at how mind-numbingly dumb his jokes -- dad puns, mostly -- are.

In coloring, Canary is made solely of dusty gold and flame. His base coat is tan, lightest along his broad shoulders, and fades into a bolder, darker tiger orange over his haunches, face and ears, and lower legs. And Canary does nothing but follow a theme, so the tiger pattern continues in the form of stripes carved into those orange sections of his pelt. Striking But the hottest fires burn blue and violet, and those colors glow in his large, friendly eyes, which are set slightly high and far apart on his face. His face leans masculine, with wide, strong features and a full muzzle, and his ears tend small and apart.

kind - loyal - practical - social
Canary can be best described as a himbo. Big, kind of dumb, and sweeter than pie. There just isn't a mean bone in his body; the boy always tries his very best to make others happy with his easy smile and confident manner. He lives up to his singing namesake well: it's common to see Canary flitting between social groups, effortlessly making strangers into his friends, and pulling along shyer friends and siblings (his chief delights and responsibilities) to introduce them to interesting new people that he thinks they might like. No one's allowed to be lonely if Canary's with them! He genuinely loves the company of other wolves, and this social sphere is where he feels happiest.

Canary isn't a dreamer. He's not a leader. He isn't introspective or sensitive, nor does he seem for a while to have many ambitions besides continuing as present. He loves his family and will follow wherever they want to go, but on his own initiative... It's very true that he wouldn't know what to do without the wolves he loves. For a long time, he will be utterly incapable of defining who he is without resorting to comparisons to his siblings and parents. He deeply wants to make his family proud, and, at least for the moment, he's sure he'll succeed.

Alignment: lawful good
Skills: fighting, healing
Plans: really just want him to be really close with his family and stuff, maybe further down the line he could have a bit of a negative character arc but we'll see :) I think of him as maybe having a high rank or even becoming a leader eventually if the need arises


04-24-2023, 07:22 AM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2023, 07:52 AM by Synth. Edited 3 times in total.)
Name: Skylark or Sparrow Destruction
Sex: Female
Size/Build: 23', light
Design: Shaded - Unshaded
Appearance: A quite literal disaster in a tiny, doll-like package; Skylark is almost just as small as they get, and light to match- in the jaws of a much bigger wolf, she’d be nothing but a ragdoll to shake around. But she would be damned if she didn’t have the confidence of anything twice her size, and it shows in how she carries herself, as a pup, with the fearlessness of someone who has fought a mountain lion and won. She is the thunder, she is the raging waters of the ocean, and she laughs in the face of danger and encourages her siblings to do the same (or not- either way, she’ll be their self-proclaimed knight.)

Skylark doesn’t resemble one parent or the other too strongly- she takes some of the earthy hues from her father, while the majority of her markings- excepting a white forehead blaze, dark brown stockings, and patches of lighter fur- from her mother. White stripes, much like her mother’s, extend along all four legs and her hips, like the shine of bone in the earth, a solid contrast between her neutral hues.

Unlike both parents, Skylark had the luck- or misfortune, however she thinks of it during the day- of being born with partial heterochromia. Her eyes are mostly her mother’s shade of royal purple, but there’s a hint of a much lighter, seafoam green.

Touches on spoilers in personality / plot.

A quite literal disaster in a tiny, doll-like package; Skylark is almost just as small as they get, and light to match- in the jaws of a much bigger wolf, she’d be nothing but a ragdoll to shake around. And, in an eerie contrast to how she was before, it would be oh-so-easy for someone to decide to. Gone is the ferocious little girl who proclaimed she was a knight, and in her place is someone who carries herself silently, like a ghost, like she’s not in this world. She’s still as confident as she was before, outwardly, but in a much different way- instead of being confident in her skills, her confidence now comes from being lost in her own made-up world.
Personality: From the minute she’s born, there’s one thing anyone who knows Skylark should be sure about- she’s loud. And boisterous, and pretty much anything that would be nightmare fuel for first-time parents. It doesn’t mean she’s particularly rude, or mean, of course- when it comes down to it, she absolutely adores her family, and if she had to choose death or saying something even vaguely hurtful to them, she would gladly choose death.

That doesn’t mean anyone else is immune to her sharp tongue and habit of speaking her mind, though.

Skylark says things the way she sees them, and, with the exception of a rare few, she doesn’t care about hurting feelings, and an apology is near-impossible to gather from her. Why should she apologize for being right, after all? It doesn’t make sense to her. Of course, this means she gets into more trouble than she should, but it’s not something she’s entirely unaware of- in fact, her middle name is trouble! She knows what she’s doing, and she’ll be fine.


As close to her family as she is, Skylark is almost inseparable from most of them, especially her siblings. Her adoration for them reaches entirely new levels, and as a pup her desire for them to go with her almost outmatches her determination and roaming spirit if she does have to make a journey alone. She’d rather not, of course, because what knight goes without their charge, but once she’s given the freedom it isn’t rare for her to decide the convincing is too hard for the day. At least, more often than not, she brings back gifts- various trinkets from her travels.

As big-hearted as she is, it’s no surprise that Skylark is a bit of a hopeless romantic, and as she gets old enough to have crushes, she’ll yearn for the idea of a wife who adores her wit and gift-giving and honest nature. It isn’t uncommon for her to have simple puppy crushes on others her age.

Skills: Navigation & Hunting
Plans: Major plot - Referenced briefly in appearance (personality planned for later, had no time because of work) under the spoilers, Skylark will, as an older pup, end up wandering away and will be gone for an unspecified amount of time (I'm a big fan of angst, personally, so long enough to believe she's dead would be best) before she finally shows back up, emaciated and quieter due to the shock that came with having to survive on her own. At some point, sooner or later, I would love for them to realize that she's not really recovering mentally- to deal with the trauma and struggles of nearly dying, several times, Skylark will have resorted to some pretty severe maladaptive daydreaming. She won't be entirely unaware of things that are going on, but she'd much rather focus on that than the severity of everything happening (likely a coping mechanism while she was lost as well) and it will show.

That being said, I would love for her to eventually recover (at least somewhat) and get a gf, but in terms of everything that isn't set in stone and I would sooner get her a support system so it can develop naturally instead of trying to do it on my own.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-27-2023, 07:52 AM
Closed! Congrats to everyone who finished their app, you've been given a puppy! <3 Go ahead and say the extra pup slot gems come from my ooc account!