
What Happens in the Altar ...

Solo Seasonal / Starter



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-01-2023, 02:10 PM

Once the fire had started, and the embers had been stoked, the flames were far more willing to lend themselves to her control. Though instead of immediately quenching the small bonfire once she had achieved its intended purpose, she left it alone- allowing it to whip and billow in the tundra breeze, providing some semblance of a glow against the ill-lit darkness of night. The only evidence of natural light, coming from the waning crescent above as the world slipped into the embrace of the crone. But even through the encompassing chill, the snow had completely melted off in the ring of volcanic activity- or perhaps it had never stuck to begin with. With the approach of Beltane, she knew the northern geyser was well into its transition into a hibernating state for the quickly approaching summer. It would surge forward momentarily on rare occasions, but it would only last a few beats as the remaining bits of steam found their escape. While the geyser itself produced a heat akin to fire, she was aware of scattered pockets of water that managed to hold some heat, but not enough to burn. Caught at the right time of the year, they actually provided a pleasant method to cleanse oneself. And with the throbbing wounds in her neck, she sought to make this a healing experience as well.

Aurelia began by separating out the bits of charcoal that she would use to smolder incense from the bonfire, nestling half of them in a divet in the rock near the shallow pool that would be her altar for the evening.  “Jeg påkaller kreftene til helbredelse og nåde,” The girl mumbled as she withdrew the first herbs from the folded fur she had carried them in. With only a moment of hesitation, she began to layer on some of the plant matter she had brought with her. She would pack petals of lavender, leaves of sage, and strips of paper-thin bark from cedar trees she had brought with her into the divet over the top of the hot coals. Everything had been previously dried, so while a freshly picked herb would have wilted from the trapped moisture, a nice plume of smoke began to fester in the absence of life. “For å få frem et sunt, livlig tempo.” After stashing an amount of incense she felt would burn for the entirety of her ritual, she moved to add one final layer of glowing charcoal to ensure everything was properly weighed down. Of course, the wind would play havoc with the traces of herbal fumes, but the floral scent was still easily picked out and easily enjoyed. With a soft and slow inhale, she held her breath at the pinnacle to allow the lavender to instill its sense of clarity

Once she was prepared for the next part, she went to collect the rest of the herbs she had brought with her. White flower heads of chamomile, silvery petals and jagged leaves of marshmallow, and the velvety leaves of sage. Piece by piece she would float the herbs on the surface of the pool, watching intently as the tannins began to leech into previously clear water. “Ved magien til dette hellige ritualet,” Only when she had finally used up the entire stock she had brought with her, did she hesitate. There was no current in the stagnant pool, but the breeze did a fine job of agitating the surface, enough so, that she didn’t feel like it was necessary for her to attempt to stir it herself. “Må helbredelsen være rask og sann, og i sikte.” Satisfied that all the scattered herbs needed now were time to diffuse, she moved on to the final step.

Returning to her folded fur, she carefully removed five small pieces of quarts. One at a time, she would place them evenly spaced around the pool for the sake of trapping in the healing energy she had worked hard to instill. “Med styrken til månen, stjernene og himmelen,” Satisfied that they were positioned correctly, she took a final moment to admire her work before making the decision to enter the altar. Breaking the surface with a single paw was still enough of a disturbance to send rings rippling across the surface. The immediate flood of heat in her toes was delightful. Though, she wouldn’t rush it as badly as she wanted to. With a deep inhale, and a slow exhale, she took another step. Another breath, another step. Over and over until she had waded to nearly the deepest part of the pocket where the water had just begun to touch the lowest point of her chest. And with a final exhale, she lowered herself into the bath, allowing the warmth to cover her back and shoulders as her legs folded beneath her. “Jeg forviser sykdom, smerte og gråt.” Aurelia finished, as she allowed her eyelids to flutter close with a gentle sigh. Now that the incantation was complete, all there was left to do was soak. Gratifyingly so.

"Aurelia Veratti"
838 / 800 WC


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-01-2023, 04:11 PM

After he and Aresenn had killed the bear, they decided to go their separate ways for a while. The pirate boy had some business back home to take care of, and while Sephiran didn’t have a particular task to complete, he wasn’t ready to head down south yet. In his mind, he had some unfinished business to attend to. Because he couldn’t get that snarky little girl out of his head. He had tried to find her fallen log home several times, but it was so well hidden in the forest, he kept getting lost. He had only been able to find it once, and to his dismay, she wasn’t there. Still, he wanted to make sure she knew he was looking for her. So he had left his scent all over her log, marking it urine to signify that he would make it his if he ever found her. Unfortunately for Aurelia, Sephiran was a sportsman at heart. He had no problem with stalking his prey, no matter how long it took him to find her. Because the chase was enthralling.

He hadn’t expected to catch her scent north of the pine forest, in a territory where the earth split into geysers that shot out steaming hot water. He could feel the heat within the earth as he walked, weaving between small pockets of water that were still warm to the touch. The sky was littered with stars, a crescent moon lighting his way, as the soft hues of the northern light could be seen in the far distance. But Sephiran wasn’t a man who cared for the scenery. The night helped conceal him from wandering eyes, given the dark hues of his pelt. But he made no attempt at hiding his approach as he followed her scent, drawn to her like a buzzard to rotting meat.

The first thing that came to sight was the soft glow of a fire on the horizon, which acted as a beacon that would lead him to her. He had missed most of whatever ceremony she was completing, and the area smelt of an array of burning herbs intertwined with smoke. It was something he hadn’t experienced before, and he took a deep inhale, trying to deduce if this was the same smoke that had made him so sleepy. But it didn’t smell the same, so he figured it was different. ” “ A foreign language made his ears swivel upon his skull, creeping forward on silent paws behind a collection of boulders that were concealing his pretense. Given the mix of aromas in the air, he figured she couldn’t smell him. So his arrival was meant to catch her by surprise. It was meant to terrify her.

Soft splashes of water and a deep sigh followed the odd words, and eventually, everything fell silent. Bouts of steam rose up into the sky, emanating from the pool of water she was sitting in. He decided to her enjoy this peaceful moment so that when he ruined it, it would be more gratifying for him. Then, without any forewarning, the beast crept out into the open, slinking up toward her from behind. “Well now... look at what we have here.” He crooned, lips peeling back into a sly smirk. One that revealed nearly all the teeth in his mouth, as he purposely walked through her pristine alter to stand at the edge of the water, looming over her.

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-01-2023, 04:54 PM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2023, 08:16 PM by Aurelia. Edited 1 time in total.)

The serenity of the moment truly began to establish its hold on her, as she tilted her chin back to the sky in a salutation to the moon. While not as bright as the Pink Full Moon a few days prior, it still provided plenty of light to see- not that she was doing very much of that. Or at least, not until he showed up.

In an instant, her eyes flashed open and her muscles tensed in sudden surprise at the unexpected voice. Though, after a moment to collect her thoughts, she recognized the tone without having to turn around. As her startled breath began to calm down, she licked her lips before answering. “Look, Snaggletooth, now’s not a good time.” Aurelia started, pushing herself further in the deepest part of the pool so she could turn to face him a little more casually. She made no move to rise out of the water, or to stand to greet him, leaving herself submerged just above her shoulder. She couldn’t help but allow her attention to linger. He wasn’t too rough on the eyes after all.

Though, the cheshire grin that spread across his features sparked some sort of flame within- the annoyance beginning to trickle through her at his presence and her sober state. Why was he so damn proud of himself? Clearing her throat, she spoke again, but in a little more of a lighter tone. “Be a dear, and go ruin someone else’s ’me time’ okay?” Aurelia crooned as she came to settle on the opposite side of the small pool, looking at him with clear expectation in her hardened gaze.

"Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-01-2023, 05:19 PM

Although she didn’t dramatically jump out of her skin, she was startled by his sudden appearance. Her tensed muscles caused a shift in the water, sending out small ripples that moved the flower arrangement she had set up. It was a rather peculiar sight, something she had obviously spent a lot of time constructing. But Sephiran didn’t care for it at all. What he did care about, was the aggravating nickname she gave him, before dismissing him from her presence. His pelt bristled immediately, the erect pattern expanding down to the end of his tail that curled over his hips. His sly smirk morphed into a sneer, displeasure overcoming his expression. “Watch your tongue,” He seethed, tongue rolling inside of his mouth in a display of aggression, as he bared his fangs at her. “Or I’ll take it from you.” And as she moved away from the edge, paddling towards the deepest part of the hot spring, Sephiran followed after her. He didn’t miss a beat, as his larger, muscular body entered the pool and caused water to splash up in the wake of his movement. Which sent most of her little flowers onto the shore in waves.  

Even when she taunted him again, trying to settle on the opposite side of the pool, he kept advancing towards her. If she didn’t jump right out, he would attempt to close the space entirely, as he sought to raise a paw and place it beside her head, to loom over her in the pool. To corner her between the edge and himself.“If you need to be taught another lesson.” A sudden spout of steam rose up from the spring, dissipating into the night sky as Sephiran glared down at her. “Just say so.” It was a threat, but there was something else lingering in his tone, that hinted at something far more… sexual. Father had taught him, women acted up when they needed to be fucked. He was still disappointed that he hadn't ravaged her the first time. So, tonight he could make up for that.  

Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-01-2023, 06:34 PM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2023, 08:17 PM by Aurelia. Edited 1 time in total.)

She wasn’t entirely sure which part got under his skin the most, but in the end, it didn’t particularly matter. She achieved that part of her goal, maybe a little too efficiently- her words were like oxygen to a deprived flame. At first breath, there was a volatile explosion between them. And while she wasn’t exactly afraid of him, his intensity made her a little uneasy. As she casually moved away, he made a more direct advance- having no problem wading through the pool of water with every ounce of tenacity he was intentionally trying to convey. Popping off with threat after threat. She couldn’t help but scoff in disbelief- her attention settling on the petals and leaves that were being washed out with each brash movement the boy took.

The annoyance she felt in her chest bubbled into her cyan gaze as it settled on him with clear intent to invade her personal space. She thought that maybe he was wanting to chase her from the pool, though she refused to surrender the space. Her stubbornness would rule that she drown in it before she allowed him to force her from it. As he instilled himself over her, she couldn’t help the paw that would rise to brace against his chest- not to push him away- but to stable herself, and to maintain it as a potential last-ditch effort to prevent him from smothering her if that was his intention. However, her eyes remained fixed to his as he went on to challenge her for another lesson.

Aurelia felt the throb where he had pierced the side of her neck with those elongated fangs. She had done her best to treat them, but they hadn’t quite closed up yet- still visible. Even though she knew she was at the disadvantage, she simply couldn’t surrender. “Do you live your life always this fucking uptight?” She asked with clear annoyance. “Why don’t you try calming down? You might actually enjoy yourself.” She finished, gesturing to the warm bath that she had prepared … or at least what was left of it.

"Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-01-2023, 07:44 PM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2023, 07:53 PM by Sephiran. Edited 2 times in total.)

As he loomed over her his head slightly tipped downward, as he brought his muzzle down to bring his jaws closer to her face. His lips were still curled back,  fangs shimmering in the moonlight as it reflected off the water to illuminate his features. Through the steam, he was able to see her face clearly, and the hardened expression that shot daggers at him. She must have hated him, given how he constantly tried to dominate her. Tried to put her down. Craved seeing her writhe in his presence, disgusted by his demands. And he loved it.

One of her paws rose to press against his chest, using it to stabilize herself. He leaned into her slightly, wanting to increase any uneasiness she might feel. But not enough to make her limb buckle. The memory of her clawing at him while he pinned her down came to mind, and he wondered if she would try to do it again if he suddenly lunged to grab her by the throat. Speaking of her throat. His gaze trailed down to it, and he caught a glimpse of the punctures his fangs left behind. He thought about how easy it would have been to slice through her jugular, and feed on her blood while it was still warm. But that damn smoke had made him so sleepy.

”Do you live your life always this fucking uptight? The growl bellowing inside his chest became louder. ”Why don’t you try calming down? You might actually enjoy yourself.” She gestured toward the hot spring that was prepared with petals and leaves. He couldn’t deny the aching of his muscles, as his body was fatigued after fighting the polar bear for a second time. Not to mention, the wound on his side was still healing. It might do some good to actually relax for once. She just needed to listen to him.

His growling slowly dissipated until it stopped completely, and he brought his face down more to align his muzzle with hers, to stare directly at her face and into her eyes. If she didn’t retract herself, there were only a few inches separating their lips. And there was an intensity in their closeness that he couldn’t deny. “Then don’t test me.” One last warning, which was more than he gave others. There was just something about this girl that kept him enthralled, and he didn’t want to ruin it just yet. Perhaps this was how his father felt when he acquired new toys. With a sigh, he pushed off with his paw that was on the ledge, pivoting his body to sit directly beside her in the pool. More water splashed out before it settled around them, and he sank down until only his neck and head were poking out. “What’s the point of this anyways.” He grumbled, thinking all these flowers, leaves, and burning herbs were a waste of time. Did it really have some type of medicinal effect? Or was she just crazy?

Code by Sea



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-01-2023, 08:58 PM

It seemed like they were locked in a silent duel of wills for what felt like forever. He leaned into her outstretched paw- and stiffened joints of her forearm. Leaning in a display of bared fangs and curled lips. While she didn’t show her own teeth, her lip did twitch on reflex- her communication came from her eyes, unrelenting even from the rumble that resonated from his chest. Much to her surprise, at the recommendation of relaxing landed better than she had anticipated. Even still, he leaned in closer- a charge of electricity dancing between them.

As he suddenly pulled away and settled in beside her, she tilted her head back once more, taking a quiet moment to enjoy the release of tension before speaking up once more. She simply couldn’t help herself. “Everything is a test, if it comes from me or not, Snaggletooth- but if you don’t like being called that, then what’s your real name?” She quickly interjected after delivering his pet name a second time, expecting him to be upset by it. She didn’t know why, though. She thought it to be a perfect fit- endearing almost. As much as an edgy individual such as himself could be.

She was somewhat surprised when he asked what the purpose of the ritual was. While she wouldn’t go into the spiritual side of things, she’d had no problem explaining the practical application. “Well. It’s a healing bath. The tannins from the Chamomile, Marshmallow, and Sage seep into you muscles and wounds when your skin gets pruny- aiding in the process of recovery. The burning herbs are a bit of a uhh … aromatherapy. Healing for your mind and spirit through scent.” She explained gently, pleased to answer any questions about her practices that were offered to her. Though, at the mention of burning herbs, she couldn’t help the smirk that spread across her own features, thinking back to the combination she had burned when they had encountered one another the first time. “This batch of incense doesn’t have quite the kick as the last batch did, though.” Aurelia snickered, casting him a sideways glance as she recalled him passed out on the floor of her den. She had traced the runes of Hagalaz and Algiz over his unconscious body- though he didn’t need to know that. The important part was she had awakened first, leaving him and an emptied den behind before he had stirred.

"Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-01-2023, 09:42 PM

As he settled beside her, the tension that had collected in his muscles over the last couple of weeks started to melt away. So many things had happened in the spring season, most of it involving Aresenn and the chaos they unleashed. Two alphas, several daughters, multiple bears, a crocodile, and a leopard seal later, and Sephiran was beat. The warmth of the water reminded him of the hot springs that were close to his homelands. His mother had taken him there, mainly to soak herself off after an interaction with his father. This wasn’t quite the same, because the geysers didn’t have the same sulfur smell like the hot springs did. And he wasn’t helping his mom wash blood off her pelt.

Memories of home flooded his mind, so much that he completely diverted his attention away from her. But it only lasted a few moments, as she drew him back in with another insult. Only this time, she was asking for his name, instead of just trying to piss him off. “Did you forget what I said?” His head turned to face her, lips curling again to flash his teeth. Was she really that adamant about losing her tongue? “I’ll rip it right out of your mouth with these snaggleteeth.” The threat came out as a hiss, as she was starting to bring out his anger all over again. Perhaps he was being too lenient with her. It may be easier to just drown her in the water.

Fortunately for her, she gave a pretty in-depth explanation of her little setup, which increased his knowledge of the use of these herbs she was using. Some were familiar to him, but the whole mind and spirit thing sounded like a joke. She also mentioned something about her last incense, which must have been that weird smoke that made him so sleepy. He was genuinely interested in it, but his arrogance prevented him from asking about it. So he just grumbled in acknowledgment, pleased that this bath would aid in healing his wounds.

What he did decide to do though, was give her his name. “Sephiran-“ His gaze shifted towards her, to look her in the eyes. He wanted her to remember his face, know his name, and recognize his scent. Sephiran Saxe.” Because he was going to be coming around a lot more often. “And what should I call you.... aside from bitch?” If she wanted to throw out snaggletooth, he would insult her back, unless he gave her something better to call her. Really it was just some rude banter.

Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-01-2023, 10:12 PM

She dipped her muzzle into the water as she bit back laughter as he threatened her with his snaggleteeth. She really didn’t mean it to insult him, but she was certain that it would be difficult to assure him of that if she laughed in his face. Clearing her throat, she withdrew the lower part of her face from the pool to draw in her next breath. “Apologies.” She said, with a tone that was only a little less than sincere.

Again, to her surprise, he seemed somewhat interested in the herbal portion of what she had to say. Maybe he wasn’t entirely a lost cause after all. As her description came to a close, and a brief silence settled between them she was met with yet another surprise. An introduction she half expected never to receive. She cleared her throat to exchange some more pleasantries but wasn’t given the opportunity before being prompted for her own name. She couldn’t help but laugh at his joke, even if it was at her expense. The context was just much more amusing than the actual meaning of his words if it were his intention or not. “Well, Sephiran. You have a sense of humor after all. See? Isn’t that nice?” Aurelia answered, gently nudging him in the shoulder with her own to draw an emphasis on what she thought to be funny.

Whether the touch rubbed him the wrong way or not, she was quick to continue. “I have been called much worse than that.” The smaller fae began, “But my name, is Aurelia if you choose to use it instead.” In the end, it didn’t really matter to her.  Though she couldn’t help but tease him a bit more. “I don’t mind the occasional bitch, though.” She assured him, offering a playful glance out of the corner of her eye.

"Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-11-2023, 01:19 PM

When she dipped her muzzle into the water, looking up at him with those cyan eyes barely above the surface, he couldn’t help the thoughts that flooded his mind. It would be so easy to drown her under the water. The image was so clear in his head, as he imagined her thrashing beneath him, clawing wildly at whatever she could. Her movements slowing down, before a burst of bubbles rose to the surface. Her lungs filled up with water, making her more buoyant. Her body floating to the surface, still warm enough for him to have a little fun.

Apologies. Her voice brought him out of his mind, as his gaze shifted back to her again. He called her a bitch, which he expected to piss her off. But instead, she found it humorous, which wasn’t what he was expecting. She nudged him with her shoulder, and the first thing he noticed was how soft and supple her musculature was compared to him. His flesh lined with goosebumps, lips twitching as he fought back a sneer. He wanted to feel more.

He attempted to lean in towards her, wanting to follow her shoulder bump with one of his own. Aurelia. He repeated her name inside of his head as he leaned in, wanting to press against her with more pressure than a casual nudge. “By who?” He asked, not really caring to know who taunted her. What he did want to know, was what type of crowd she belonged to. Who she belonged to. Because he wanted her for himself.

Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-14-2023, 08:21 PM
After she bumped him in her accent of humor, he responded with on of his own- but with more tension. She didn’t offer any resistance, allowing the force transfer to shift her sideways in the water. She used her paws to balance herself as she settled a half-stride away from where she had been.

When he asked who she was from, her immediate response was a shrug. The girl thought a moment, before relaying her answer. “Occultists … Druids … Gypsies … Harlots with cause…” The last one eliciting a chuckle to herself, though she was quick to continue. “They have different names depending on who you ask.” Aurelia explained, nonchalant in the way she finished. It was easier to offer him layman’s terms, than attempt to explain in sincerity the nature of the coven she had left- or had been kicked out of rather. Reciting misinterpretations just so happened to be the easiest for an outsider to digest- though it entered her mind that perhaps he was looking for a family name. She’d offer it to him, confident that he wouldn’t gain anything from the knowledge, as she knew of very few of her own blood relatives herself. “My surname is Veratti, but it was my mother’s first. Like the rest of them, the man that sired me wasn’t kept around for very long.” Aurelia added with a smirk. She was aware that a family name generally came from an individual’s father. But she wanted to use this as an instance to provide a peak into where her disinterest stemmed from.

After a few moments of hesitance, she shrugged. “But none of it is important now.” Aurelia finished glancing towards the moon a moment before realigning her attention to Sephiran with that playful smirk plastered over her features. “Are you going to tell me about how historically egotistical your family is? Or are you the way you are because you have daddy issues too?” In the beginning she was able to maintain a straight face, but it quickly broke into a poor attempt at stifled laughter as she wrapped up her inquiry.

"Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-14-2023, 10:48 PM

He felt her body shift beneath the water, a consequence of the impact of his forceful shove. It put them at a distance again, which Sephiran would allow for now… only because he would use it to his advantage when the time was right. There was no sense in constantly harping over her, because eventually, the intimidation factor would be lost. No, he wanted her to stay on edge. To keep wondering inside of her mind when he would choose to pounce on her again. He wanted to keep her on her toes.

He didn’t look at her when she gave her explanation. Instead, he thought it over in silence, not quite understanding what she meant when she said occultist, druids, or gypsies. Harlots he had heard of before from his father, the others were foreign to him. Still, he connected the dots and figured she was a rogue by nature, and didn’t have a pack to call home. Which would make things easier for him, but not as exciting. “So, you belong to no one." He said, making a statement more than asking a question. It was him musing aloud to himself more than anything. And for her, it would shed light on how the boy interpreted things.

She stated her surname, which was one he had never heard of. Not only that, but it was her mother's. The concept was taboo to the Saxe boy. Irritating even, because he couldn’t conceptualize taking the name of a woman. His gaze shifted towards her then, to catch her looking up at the moon before she asked about his upbringing. He couldn’t help the earsplitting cackle that bubbled from his jaws, lips contorting into a sneer to combat the smirk on her face. “Egotistical?” He sneered, his body shifting so that he was facing her. “Daddy issues?” His body rose slightly, his shoulders breaking the water's surface. To remind her of how large he was compared to her. “If you have not heard of the Saxe lineage, consider yourself favored by whatever gods you believe in.” Though there was a smirk on the boy's face, there was an enormity behind his statement that was not to be mistaken for banter. “"Though, they may have forsaken you now that you’ve met me.” His tongue slipped past his jaws, sliding across his front teeth in a suggestive manner. His patience was starting to wane, as his mind kept generating possibilities of how this night may end. Him, alone with a girl in a hot spring on a calm summer night, with no one to interrupt them.

The possibilities were endless.

Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-15-2023, 12:01 AM
The way he echoed her initial explanation, it sounded like an observation- a statement of facts as he calculated outcomes in the back of his mind. It made her feel like a pawn, being weighed and measured into a scheme she had no control over. In that moment, her gaze drifted to the empty space just beyond him as she began to silently sort her options. “Yep, you got that right … I belong to no one.” Aurelia said softly, echoing his own words as he had said them, glossing over the intention that had likely been foreshadowed.

As his laughter broke the space between them, she couldn’t help the flick of her ears. He questioned her label of egotistical as if it had been misplaced. Though, his next sentiment just further ensured her that her assessment had been an accurate one. After he implied that she had been forsaken, Aurelia was quick to snap back. “You know nothing of my gods.” She asserted, meeting his sneering features with a hardened gaze of her own- though it immediately softened. “But I won’t hold that against you.” She finished with a playful wink. It was an act. In reality, she was growing bored, and it would simply be a matter of time until she made her grand exit. Now, it was just a waiting game for the right moment unless things took an interesting turn.

"Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-15-2023, 10:37 AM

Though he had meant to increase the intensity between them, wanting to create an aura of unpredictability with a foreboding hint of danger, Aurelia didn’t give him the reaction he craved. She became stern in response to his tormenting, stating he knew nothing of her gods, but wouldn’t hold it against him. As if she knew something about the afterlife that he didn’t. As if she were withholding crucial information, and treating him as lesser because of it. The softening of her expression and the wink that followed tried to make it seem like playful banter. But Sephiran didn’t perceive it that way. He felt insulted. As if she thought these gods were better than him.

The noise that bubbled from his throat was a guttural, low-sounding growl that rose in tone as it morphed into a snarl. He bared his fangs at her, eyes narrowing as his ears fell flat against his skull. “You believe them to be superior?” He questioned, peering down at her, wanting to make her feel small. “Tell me, Aurelia,” Her name dripped like venom from his maw, as he attempted to take a step closer. The sections of his pelt above the water bristled down his nape, as his tail rose out of the water. “What will they do to save you from demons like me?” Without warning he suddenly lunged forward, jaws splayed as he snapped in her direction, wanting to grab her by the side of her neck. If she had been observing his body language, she may have been able to avoid the attack, given her small size and speed. But if she chose to stand her ground and fight, Sephiran would take what he wanted.

Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-15-2023, 11:19 AM
While she was faced with a curled-lipped display of grandeur, she herself maintained an empty expression with an unwavering gaze. She met his dual-toned stare with narrowed eyes- not rising from the water to meet him physically, but still offering the challenge of mind and wit. As he questioned the way of the world, she was quick to answer him. “It’s not a belief, it’s an acknowledgment of truth.” She could imagine that stupidity of thinking that for one moment a single individual could see themself as preferable to the forces of nature. “The foolish part, is that you believe yourself to be superior to her.” She sneered back in the coldest tone she could offer.

As she had already been anticipating an imminent threat, and looking to make her own escape from the hot spring, she didn’t pay attention to his last exchange. With as much sudden strength as she could muster, Aurelia propelled herself from the bath she had prepared- narrowly avoiding the clasp of jaws where she had just been moments ago. In the end, none of the stuff she had brought truly mattered- she could remake her supplies. The only thing that mattered now was putting as much distance between herself and Sephiran Saxe, as quickly as she could.

-exit Aurelia unless stopped-

"Aurelia Veratti"