
'Cause I'm Just A Girl



"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
04-26-2023, 11:24 PM

In the days following the incident with the two boys at the market, Andy had closed herself off and begun to brood. Shortly, she would be leaving the northern lands with Kite to go visit her sister, Briar, down in the Hallows so that the former could carry out her plan to run away. All the deception and lying to both her father and Briar has not been sitting well with her and that, coupled with the strange run-in with the boys, has made the girl more irritable than normal.

So, to spare her loved ones from any unplanned outbursts, the purple girl has taken herself out of pack lands under the guise of hunting. Truthfully, she has not told her father what she is doing since he seems to be in mega overprotective mode since that day at the market’s entrance. Carefully, Andy picks their way along the vast stretch of plain, pale blue eyes spying several small clusters of pine trees in the distance.

The girl’s companions hang back, keeping watch over her while allowing the moody girl space. While she keeps watch for any signs of prey, the girl cannot stop her mind from turning back to that fateful day. A sigh rolls past her lips as she, once again, she thinks of the purple boy and how his words had been cutting. Sure, the red one had shared barbed words and insults but Andy saw him as a worthy opponent to spar verbally with.

Yet, the purple one… there had been a darkness in his mismatched gaze that frightened her to her very core. Part of her hoped to find that red wolf again and share witty retorts with him but another part worries that she will find him with that purple wolf again. Andy’s mind is snapped back to the here and now as she spies a lupine paw print in a very thin dust of snow hiding under one of the scraggly trees. Gaze turns to the area around her as she tries to find who or what left the print.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
04-27-2023, 06:04 PM

After his run-in with Vulcan, he had continued to linger within the pine forest. Their conversation- the enlightenment- had given him quite a bit to think about. And just by existing in close proximity, he felt that he was that much closer to the truth. The history of Incendium. How had his father allowed their family’s kingdom to fall? Why had he fallen in rank with the pirates? Things seemed so clouded with the sudden revelation … not to mention the free fall he had taken with Sephiran to escape the massive white bears. So much had happened in the past few days. It was hard to keep everything straight. Between the fatigue, the bruises, and a possible cracked rib or two, he was pretty slow getting around. Each stride taken sent a twinge of pain through his side. And while he had rested initially, he felt that it was more painful laying around than it was trying to get something accomplished.

Aresenn had made the decision to double back, crossing over his trail as he made his way into a different part of the forest. But just as he was searching for a different path to take, he spotted a familiar lavender frame as it became apparent between the scraggly pine trees. It was the antlered girl from the marketplace. They hadn’t really had the opportunity to interact before the Warlord came and interrupted them. The memory was still vivid in his mind- having refused to fight whichever of her pack mates had come to challenge him- Sephiran having had to answer to Sirius. An amused grin tugged at the corner of his lips as he approached her, an obvious effort to right himself against the pain. It was almost convincing. “Well, if it isn’t the princess.” The Praetor boy mocked. “A little far from home aren’t we?” While he had adopted a teasing sneer, part of him was glad to have the opportunity to run into her again. Not that he had ill intentions, but he did find her snappy attitude entertaining.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
04-28-2023, 04:52 PM

As Andy looks around for the owner of the pawprints a very familiar, snarky voice reaches her ears. Head snaps in the direction of the boy who had been at the market mere days before and, while he looks a little rougher for wear, he is at least not dead. Dramatically, she rolls her eyes and pulls a bored expression as she dryly says, “Oh great. The pirate boy. Glad to see you survived your little escapade into the market. Albeit, barely.”

Eyes find small hints at the pain the boy is in and, although she wasn’t there after Levi and her father had issued their challenges, she had heard through the grapevine that he had backed down. Her words are carefully picked to try and dig at him and for his mock about her being far from home, Andy is quick to quip back, “At least I know how to protect myself.” Another jab at the fact he had turned down the fight. Huffing, she turns to continue on, secretly hoping he will follow after her and continue this verbal spar.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
04-28-2023, 08:57 PM

As soon as his tone resonated in the space between them, he watched her snap to attention. He wasn’t entirely sure if she shared a mutual feeling of amused distaste, but judging by her sudden onset annoyance, he thought that maybe she did. “Careful, you might give me the impression that you don’t hate my guts.” Aresenn answered with his own sarcasm, offering her a devil-may-care half-smirk as he crossed into a more conversational distance. “But what do you mean into the market? That’s a very generous description of where we were stopped.” He added, recalling that they had hesitated at the entrance. It just wasn’t a guard that intercepted them initially, but rather the antlered girl that stood before him now.  

When she argued that she at least knew how to protect herself, he couldn’t help the roll of laughter that manifested from his chest. “Well that remains to be seen, princess- daddy came to save you last time.” Aresenn was quick to answer, remembering vividly his surprise at seeing a bear ushering her away from the confrontation. But before she would hear his response, the girl suddenly turned on her heels, leaving him where he stood. The Praetor boy stood blinking a moment, a small surge of annoyance forming in his core as his amber gaze lingered on the sway of her stride. The tension broke with a grin as it cracked his features- casually moving to follow her as she pretended to lose interest. He wasn’t buying it. Or maybe this was exactly what she wanted, and if that were the case, shame on him.

He cleared his throat before continuing. “And just so you know, part of protecting yourself is knowing when to stand down- a piece of advice that might save your life one day.” The young Pirate insisted. Even as she was trying to mock him for the outcome of the challenge, he didn’t regret his decision. Given the opportunity to have a do-over, he would make the same choice again. That being said, her words did cause a little bit of a sting. In an effort to try and pursue another topic, he found his voice once again. “What are you even doing out here anyway? I’m surprised you’re not locked away in an ivory tower somewhere after a villain such as myself was apprehended on your front doorstep.” Aresenn sneered, acting as if something caught his attention off in the pine trees. In reality, he watched her from his peripherals, not quite understanding why or how she commanded such an interest from him.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
05-02-2023, 08:55 PM

It is refreshing to trade insults with the boy and a slight tick of her lips hints at the barest beginning of a smile. Gods, his smirk is annoying and charming at the same time and she offers him a huge, exaggerated eye roll at his words about her description of the market. A snort is given as Andy says, “Well, I was trying to be nice. Thought it might help your ego if you think you made it further than you actually did.” One brow lifts as she keeps a deadpan expression on her face, playing up the boredom that his presence is supposed to give.

At her quip about protecting herself, the boy laughs and Andy’s expression sours. His words cause her lips to purse but she is quick to but on a sweet smile and bat her eyelashes as she counters, “Well, to be fair, he was protecting me from your friend. I don’t think he was worried about you.” Just to add to the sting she tosses him a wink before abruptly spinning on her heels to move off. He follows and she has to hide a smile at the fact. Oh, this is going to be fun.

He continues on about protecting himself and the girl laughs, saying, “I’ll keep that in mind hotshot.” It seems that the barbed words about the fight have put a bur underneath his fur and she was determined to dig it in a little deeper, “I would offer to fight you right now but it wouldn’t be a fair fight. You are very… outclassed.” Yes, he keeps digging at her about being a princess and, truthfully, Andy hates the title. There is an air of entitlement that comes with it and the girl feels it detracts from all the hard work she does. But, she uses it to turn the insult back toward him.

At the boy’s next words, the girl barks a laugh, shooting him an amused glance at him as she says, “Ivory tower? Villains? My, my. I do believe you have been reading too many fairytales pirate boy.” Another laugh is given before she allows her features to slip back into cool indifference, “And I’m hunting, if you must know.” Suddenly, she stops and rounds on the boy, eyes narrowing as she says, “Do you really think you are a villain? Because, if I’m being honest, you are not the best villain out there.” An eyebrow lifts as the corner of her lip twitches, the amusement she feels peeking out just slightly.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
05-08-2023, 05:11 PM

At her grand display of an eye roll, he couldn’t help but return it with a broadened grin. “How kind of you to be concerned for my ego.” Aresenn answered her back, glossing over her attempt to draw a rise out of him. Her effort to maintain a stoic expression only made him what to break her resolve even more so. It seemed that when it came to laughter at her expense, it was harder for her to maintain it. The reaction she did deliver was an entertaining one, and also kinda cute if he was being honest. But she was quick to gain composure and go in for more of an impact.

The Praetor boy couldn’t help but scoff as she mentioned that Sephiran had been the threat in that situation.“That whole thing was a misunderstanding- do you think the goal was to walk into Armadan territory and take on the lot of you just the two of us?” He asked, ignoring her wink as he tried to lead her to his own version of logic. In reality, he knew that Sephiran could be a bit unhinged at times. While they got on just fine, he certainly wouldn’t want to make an enemy of the Saxe boy … or become a target, for that matter. Aresenn did a lot of joking with him- ended up saying things that he thought Sephiran would admire him for. But when it boiled down to core values, Aresenn had to believe that if they had not been confronted by anyone, and things had been allowed to escalate that day in the marketplace, he wouldn’t have let Seph cause the girl any real harm. He certainly wouldn’t allow it going forward either- if he had anything to do with it.

Hotshot. Aresenn couldn’t help but roll his own eyes, but he wouldn’t press her on it with the mindset of withholding further ammunition. As to the suggestion of a fight, he couldn’t deny that he wasn’t in the best shape at the moment. - not that he was interested in fighting a girl anyways. Though, when it came to her last barb, he couldn’t let it pass by. Outclassed? Aresenn repeated the word just as she had said it to him. He intentionally made a display at offering a visible recoil in his expression. Initially acting out the reaction he thought she was looking for in the vein of surprise and frustration. In reality, he was certain that she was correct in that assessment. “I don’t know about very … maybe a little.  But if it’s any consolation, you’re doing a pretty good job wounding me with your words.” He finished in a tone of mock exasperation. It was a poor attempt at a dumb joke.

At the accusation of having been too involved with fairytales, the Praetor boy merely shrugged, allowing himself a quick glance in her direction before looking back out in the surrounding territory.. “What can I say, I like a good story.” He answered, making his best effort to roll with the punch. Arguing with her wasn’t exactly the point of this interaction any longer. He’d do his best just to keep her talking. Much to his satisfaction, she’d answer his question as to what she was doing- though he wasn’t certain he believed her. But before he had the opportunity to call her out, she suddenly rounded on him. Causing him to come to an unexpected stop a little closer to her than he intended. Even still, he met her narrowed and unwavering pale gaze with levity. Though, he was almost certain he saw a crack of amusement in her own seriousness as well. Aresenn couldn’t contain the short- lower-toned chuckle as he answered her question with another question. “Ahh, but you’d agree I am a villain?” Though honestly, he didn’t see himself as someone who was inherently sinister. Self-serving? yes. Unreliable? Sometimes. He did have some semblance of a moral compass, albeit a bit skewed, but it was still there all the same- he suddenly realized he might have lingered close for a bit too long, he casually pulled away, offering her space back to her.

After a brief moment of hesitance, he continued on with his early question. “What are you hunting for? Must be pretty special, as I’d imagine the Armada would have specific wolves designated to do that kind of work.” Aresenn pointed out. To be fair, he didn’t really know first thing about the Armada- just what he had heard from the older pirates. But based on what he had been told, he got the impression that it was a huge empire that was militantly structured- a far cry from the chaos the Pirates ruled themselves with. Even still, he was curious as to what her response would be.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
05-13-2023, 08:35 PM

The boy returns her eyeroll with a broad grin and Andy does her best to shrug off just how charming he can look. A snort is offered to his words and she works hard to keep her expression neutral, boarding on the verge of being bored. The conversation moves on and she brings up the fact that her father was protecting her from his friend. His words lift her brows as a small grin tugs at her lips and a hint of the real Andromeda peeks through her carefully maintained façade. It shows a girl who loves to joke and tease, who enjoys her time spent with others, and who is always ready to go explore.

But, before he can get any more than a glimpse, the girl slips the cool mask of indifference back into place. The fire-kissed boy does have a point about the misunderstanding and Andy relents, saying, “Well, I guess you aren’t that stupid. Still, it would have been fun if you tried.” This time she cannot stop the amusement that pulls her lips up, her eyes sparkling with unvoiced humor in that moment. Suddenly, she remembers she is not supposed to care and the bright rays of joy that had begun to peek out are quickly squashed as pulls the smile into a frown. Damn, he really is making her work to keep up her stoic expression.

The dig at him being outclassed is repeated back and a smirk appears as he visibly recoils, the girl celebrating a small victory of… well, what she isn’t exactly sure. His next words pull a genuine laugh from Andy and her eyes round slightly in surprise. Shit, he actually made her laugh. The exasperation he offers at her wounding with words has the girl’s pale blue gaze sweeping over to him. A brow lifts in silent assessment before she offers, “Am I? And here I thought we were both giving insults just as good as the other.”

True, she has been trying to ruffle his feathers, to get reactions out of him by carefully placing barbed words but she doesn’t actually mean anything bad by… well, anything. He goes on to talk about fairytales and Andy notices the way he looks to her before turning his gaze back to the surrounding territory. A part of her wonders if he is embarrassed by the fact that he likes those stories and, for a moment, she considers using it as more ammo against him. She banishes the thought almost as quickly as it forms, knowing that they all need to have something in their lives that they enjoy.

Speaking of which… the talk turns to villains and she stops short, her eyes narrowing as she keeps the conversation rolling, her tongue firing insults as rapidly as it can. Andy’s heart suddenly picks up speed as she realizes just how close the boy is and, to her immense surprise, she realizes it isn’t because she is afraid of him. At his words of her thinking he is a villain, the girl tilts her head slightly to the side and looks at him with a serious, assessing eye. After a moment, soft tones say, “We are all villains in someone’s story.”

This time, the somber look that tugs her features down isn’t forced or even for the boy’s amusement. No, there is truth in the words and she knows that, to him and his strange friend, she may very well be the villain in their narrative. After a moment, she shrugs her lavender shoulders and admits, “But, honestly, you don’t look like a villain to me. Maybe your choice of friends isn’t the best but… who I am to judge?” Another shrug is offered as her rough edges slowly dull, revealing a softer wolf underneath.

He seems to realize that he is close and pulls back, which has her feeling… confused? Damn it, he is causing her to feel funny and strange which she does not like. Finally, he circles back to the hunting and Andy blinks away the confusion that lingers in her eyes. A smile, slow to appear but quick to spread, is on her lips as the amusement she has desperately trying to hide breaks through. Another laugh fills the air and she shakes her head, saying, “While my father may call me a princess but I am far from the ones you may read about. I am not a damsel in distress and I do not shy away from a hard day’s work.”

She stands across from the boy, a smile on her lips and humor burning brightly in her pale gaze as she tells him, “I don’t know how the Pirates do things but, in the Armada, every wolf pulls their weight. That means doing what needs to be done when it needs doing. Our food stores could use some extra meat and that is why I am here.” Speaking of hunting… Turning, she scans the area around them for signs of prey, pretending to become absorbed by the task she is supposed to be out here for. If he doesn’t leave soon, Andy fears she might become downright cordial with the pirate boy.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
05-15-2023, 07:59 PM

Just for a moment, he thought he saw a drop in veil she was fighting to maintain. Though, he wouldn’t mention it, and she would be quick to instill that disinterested grimace firmly back into place. Much to his surprise, she didn’t pose much of an argument to the event at the marketplace. Instead, she agreed that maybe he wasn’t that stupid after all. He couldn’t help the snort of amusement. “Wow, don’t hurt yourself. That almost sounded like a compliment.” He teased, looking away for a moment as he worked to conceal the smirk that threatened his features.

It was the genuine laughter that stole the show for him. He studied her from his peripherals- it seemed that maybe even she didn’t believe it could be possible to think a pirate could be anything but detestable. It was kind of a cute realization. “Well …” His tone trailed off in a sigh, still avoiding direct eye contact to be dramatic. “it just goes to show you, how far more ruthless you are than myself.” He continued, adding in a stretch for good measure. “Can’t even tell when you’ve hurt someone’s feelings.” He finished, offering a sniffle as he chanced another glance in her direction. Even still, the teasing glint was ever-present in his amber gaze.

It seemed the sudden closeness surprised her every bit as much as it had him. Though, she didn’t immediately recoil out of disgust. Instead, she took a moment to think, before delivering something far more insightful than he anticipated. We are all villains in someone’s story.  He tilted his own head slightly, offering a shallow nod as he considered. Though it was then he came to a separate realization that this girl was probably way too smart for him … but it wouldn’t stop him from trying. As she continued, she steals his attention once more. Offering genuine insight that she didn’t perceive him as someone with ill intentions. In the quiet space between them, he offered her a subtle, but soft grin, behind eyes that suddenly felt exhausted. He could have lingered there in that moment for much longer than he did. Though, he was quick to blink those feelings away as he moved to give her distance- returning to his brash and teasing self with ease. “Sounds like I have some work to do then- and I never claimed to make good choices. So you can’t hold that over my head either.” He answered in an effort to put his own momentary lapse behind him.

In line with her hunting trip, she went on describe some of her own personal values- aside from whatever impression her father gave. “Is that so?” Aresenn asked in amusement. She went on to explain how it had fallen on her shoulders to come out hunting- not out of necessity, but because she saw a need, and decided to fill it. “Hmm, well, aren’t you just a girl of her people, then?” The Praetor boy mused. Though as what she said sunk in, he couldn’t help but draw parallels. “As a pirate, it’s generally everyone for themselves. You have to pull your own weight because no one is going to pull it for you. I thought the high and mighty Armadans would be a lot more rigid with their structure and routines. Doesn’t sound all that different.” It might sound more flowery- the way they did things when it was put to words. But from an outsider looking in, he didn’t notice anything that was starkly divergent.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
05-22-2023, 05:44 PM

The way the boy quips back just as quickly as she doles out her dry witticisms thrills Andy in a way few boys have managed to do, yet. Truthfully, she hasn’t met many boys who weren’t part of her far-reaching family and she was beginning to believe that all the wolves that make up the opposite sex are full of stoic silence and droll talks… not that there is anything wrong with that. It isn’t that she doesn’t love them, quite the opposite in fact, it is just… she likes to be challenged on an intellectual level. This fire-hued boy has her sparring in ways that don’t involve the traditional ways or weapons and teeth and the girl is thankful for that.

As she admits that he probably isn’t that stupid, the boy gives an amused snot and returns her words, in kind. Andy lifts her brows in mock surprise as she swiftly rebuttals, “Did it? Guess I will have to be more careful in the future… Hotshot.” Lips begin to lift in the beginning of a grin before she shakes her head and stifles the happiness that works to betray her. If she wasn’t so dead set on keeping him at arm’s length, the girl might have considered that they could be friends. But Azure hates pirates and the boy isn’t exactly someone that she could ‘bring home to dad’… yet.

Laughter, genuine and filled with actual humor escapes and Andy finds herself surprised that he has managed to pull it out of her. Not that she don’t think he could but… well… you know. He speaks, tone trailing off into a sigh as he avoids direct eye contact calling her ruthless and, while she might have been alarmed if the words had come from anyone else, the girl cannot help but issue another laugh. The teasing glint in his amber gaze has not wavered since they started talking and she isn’t worried about hurting his feelings… not really.

Words slip past her lavender lips as she says, “And here I thought all pirates had to have thick skin since they are the most hated pack in all the lands.” Then she pulls up short as the talk shifts to villains and fairytales and her heart picks up speed at how close he is and, even this close to him, the girl feels no disgust or anything even remotely similar to it. Instead, she notices his scent. It is rich with the salty spray of the ocean, deep with the smoke of countless campfires, and softened with the hints of the pine needles that surround them.

Maybe that is what has her guard slipping, allowing her to admit that they are all villains in someone’s story. Something about him keeps disarming her; his ability to keep her on her toes, the way he doesn’t give up… in that minute, Andy admits to herself that she might actually, like him. His words pull the girl from own internal monolog and she snorts a laugh, shaking her head as she says, “Yeah, that would be tragic. Maybe try to stick to the morally gray area. Seems more like… you.”

Actually, the girl sees the ability for great goodness within those amber eyes just as she knows that there is a dark well deep inside her that she must never tap into. In her short life, Andy has come to the conclusion that all bad wolves are capable of great kindness just as all good wolves are capable of truly evil things. It is the complex reality that they all live. The talk moves on to her hunting and she explains that she saw a need and filled it. He calls her a girl of her people and she cannot help the eye roll that follows.

However, she does not retort just yet, instead allowing him to explain what his pack believes. Head cants to the side as she looks at him, assessing the boy in a new light as she now has this new information. As he finishes, Andy allows silence to follow between them for a moment while she orders her thoughts. Finally, she slowly begins to explain, “Well, in that Armada, it isn’t everyone for themselves. We believe that we are stronger, together. Each wolf is unique and comes from a different walk of life and that means that they all bring something different to the pack. Everyone is expected to pull their weight because, not everyone can do everything.”

“For example, there are wolves who cannot hunt, either because they don’t know how or are physically unable to. We have food stores that they are allowed to eat freely from and it is up to other wolves to fill those stores. Now, the wolves who cannot hunt are expected to give their talents in other areas by doing something like, picking herbs or running a patrol. We work together to keep the pack stocked with everything that is needed and, because we work together, everyone is free to take what they need when they need it.” Andy suddenly realizes that she has gone off on a tangent and she falls silent she feels heat beginning to creep up her cheeks. For a girl who doesn’t like to talk, she seems to have a lot to say to him.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
05-22-2023, 10:03 PM

Hotshot. There it was again. And even more difficult to ignore than the first time, though he somehow managed. “You most certainly will.” Aresenn echoed, agreeing that she’d need to be careful that she didn’t throw in too many backhanded compliments, as he just might mistake them for the real thing. In all of his interaction with the Fatalis girl, he didn’t once think of the ramifications that it could bring. It was easy to forget that Pyralis lost her life … probably to one of this girl’s relatives. Even still, why should he be foreced to pick sides on quarrels that didn’t belong to him? He personally didn’t have any grief with the Armada … nevermind his father blamed them for the dissapearance of his mother. He hardly remembered her. That one was tough. Though his father had no real proof, and even if his susicions were true, he highly doubted that this girl had anything to do with that either- Aresenn blinked the thoughts away, wanting to steer clear of the train of thought the pulled stops at the places where this could all go wrong. 

As she insuinated the she was under the impression that Pirates had to be tough in order to be the most hated pack, Aresenn couldn’t help but scoff. “We’re actually a pretty sensitive lot.” The Praetor boy quickly interjected, his tone presented as  a matter of fact, though the amused glint in his amber gaze ever present It may not be the truth, but the idea was funny, at least. “It takes a lot out of you, being the most hated pack like you said.” He added, ears perking to her laughter. He could listen to it all day. His attention lingered a moment before he cracked another half-smirk. “It’s an awful lot of work …” Most of it, being self-inflicted of course. But that was beside the point. 

At the mention of him having more work to do, he caught another bout of the laughter that he was quickly becoming addicted to. Though, rather than responding immediately, he took a moment to consider her suggestion, before slowly nodding in acknowledgement. “Morally grey is a good start. I can work with that.” Aresenn declared, offering compliance to her suggestion, whether she be serious or not. In that moment, he felt like he could be anything she wanted him to. But in reality, he honestly wondered how true that sentiment was. 

The Pirate boy was actually fairly interested to hear more about the Armada in depth. That was the structure he had always heard about- something he felt the pirates severely lacked. As she finished her explanation, he offered a slow nod paired with that half-smirk of his. “Sounds like you’ve got it all figure out.” He observed, allowing a brief silence to rest between them as he took another panning glance through the sparse pines. Ever since his conversation with his half-brother, it had become very difficult to look around the pine forest and not think of Incendium- and in turn, his father. How he would hate this. With a dissapointed exhale, he returned to face her. Offering a final amused grin as he made the motion to leave. “Well, I better leave you to it so you can feed all the starving children, cripples, and old folks. Would hate for them to miss out because I was holding you captive.” He teased, taking a shot at how she described everyone taking care of eachother. He took a couple backward steps, only realizing how difficult it was to turn away until it was time to do so. “Be sure to talk me up to your pack- how you narrowly escaped the great Pirate Outlaw, Aresenn Praetor. Spread that notority for me, will ya?” He finished with a final attempt at a bad joke and an introduction all wrapped up into one.

In his awkward, back stepping exit, he hadn’t noticed a particularly large branch on the ground. And of course, as luck would have it, he would stumble over the top of it. Not enough to cause him to trip- he caught himself in time thankfully. However, he was sure it made him look like a bigger idiot than what he was. With a broadened grin, he’d call out one last time. “Until next time, Princess.” Aresenn concluded, before turning on his heels and heading out the way he came in. He so hoped there would be a next time.

"Aresenn Praetor"