
Drop the Bass

Fishing for points c:



Advanced Fighter (80)

Beginner Hunter (0)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
05-14-2023, 08:58 PM

Summer had thrown the world into warmth, pulling Ifrit out of his dark and dreary den during the early morning hours. He'd been having trouble sleeping lately, so instead of trying to force himself to keep trying to sleep, he got up and decided maybe he should try something that might just help him...focus. Or not. Maybe thinking about nothing for once would help him settle. He emerged from his den and started walking. Where? He didn't know. To do what? He also didn't know. His aimless path led him towards the lake, its tide somewhat low with the lack of rain this season, but it wasn't enough to worry about. He paused near the edge of the water, crimson gaze staring at the water as it gently lapped against the shore. He could see small bugs skating across the surface, the quacks of ducks echoing across the lake. The flutter of wings as some sort of water bird took off at his presence, and elsewhere, the splash of what might've been a fish taking out one of the many bugs that skated across the water.

A thought dawned on him. He hadn't ever really fished before. His father had tried to teach him at one point, but Ifrit simply hadn't had the patience or focus for it at the time. And now that he was thinking about Ignis...he definitely wanted to clear his mind some. He hadn't really seen his father since Incendium's fall. He had had one run-in with Cina since the disbandment...and that had been at the raid. He thought about his family. What they were up to, and how their lives were going. Were they happy? Or just as lost as he was? Sighing, he made his way to the water's edge and saw the silhouettes of fish swimming away from his shadow. Maybe he ought to try his paw at fishing. It would be a nice change of pace, wouldn't it?


Ifrit has horns & longer fangs. These may not always be depicted in his Art!