

Jupiter I


7 Years
10-18-2013, 12:01 PM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2013, 12:02 PM by Jupiter I.)

She limped heavily, taking great care to not leave weight upon the severely-injured toes for any longer than necessary. The wounds upon her scruff and neck were terribly sore and not even keeping her weight upon the pads of her front right paw could prevent it from stinging sharply when it laid upon the ground. Despite this, she hauled herself painstakingly upon the long, tall fallen log that she had held what she realized was so few meetings on, and settled down there. Mercury soon followed, coddling her and stressing over every bit of her posture and nudging at her pelt with worry. She swept her tongue reassuringly over his forehead and rocked her weight back onto her haunches, keeping her posture straight and appropriately authoritative.

After a quick glance about her surroundings, she raised her head and released a summoning howl to haunt the Ludicaen skies.

ooc: All Ludicael members are required to reply by 11:59 central time on 10/21/13 (this coming Monday) or they will be demoted and/or removed completely from Ludicael. PM me if you have issues meeting this deadline.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



5 Years
10-18-2013, 03:02 PM

Since the challenge Novella had lingered in the pack lands, her time was spent entirely with her family, though she had waited and kept an ear out for any mention that Jupiter was feeling a little better. By now the young female had certainly decided that she wished to join the pack, with Song, Symphony and Anthem already here she couldn't see herself wanted to go to a different pack on her own. Not that she was scared to do such a thing, but simply didn't wish to be parted from the majority of her family, hoping that Myth and Legend would join them as well as Howl if they could persuade him to forgive Song for something that wasn't her fault.

She had spent some more time with Song that morning and now was on her way to find another of her family members to leave her sister to her own family for a little while. Along the way however the sound of a howl caused the white girl to change her path, running towards the source. Though not entirely certain, she believed that this was Jupiter calling for a pack meeting. That was brilliant news if so, surely it meant the Sol was feeling a little better. Now then would be the time to try and speak to her.

In her eagerness, it seemed that she had gotten the chance she had hoped for, being one of the first on the scene. There was currently on Jupiter and one other wolf present. Her pace had slowed considerably by this point and she now walked towards the Sol, dipping her head in respect and greeting to her. "Sorry I haven't spoken to you before hand, but I didn't want to disturb you. My name is Novella Destruction, I'm Song, Symphony and Anthem's sister. I was hoping that you would let me join your pack."


10-18-2013, 10:22 PM

A pure ivory she wolf trotted into view, her moonstone orbs glimmering with infinite intelligence. As the light struck her pelt, the crystalline hairs released the lights with which she shared a name. Sitting in a darkened alcove of the clearing, the maiden nodded respectfully, kindly, to her beloved Alphess. She was damaged from the battle that had just ensued, as the white lady had heard. A she wolf who spoke of relations to her friend Song was talking to the Sol, so the dame chose not to interrupt them. Instead she let her mind wander, wondering if Siarvon would make it, if Drake would join. If her best friend appeared for the meeting, then there was the possibility he could meet Magnus, the man who had taken an interest in the angelic furred dame, who shared these feelings as well.

She made a mental note to talk to Jupiter later, and ask her if there was any help the damsel could offer. A thick banner, with a pair of raven's feathers embedded within it, wrapped around powerful, broad paws while she waited for the meeting to begin. Her pose was regal, effortlessly beautiful, and the poise of someone raised to be royal. She was once a princess, and still considered herself one, even though her pack had all been dead for at least a year and a half. Turning her thoughts from something so dark, she watched birds fly overhead, letting her infinite mind wander. When the meeting started, or someone joined her, then her attention would turn outwards. But for now, she was oblivious to the goings on around her.


10-18-2013, 10:40 PM

Ooc;; hope you don't mind me throwing him in, I've had no muse for the poor boy :/

He came when he was called, though he had heard the challenge for Ludicael echo from the battlefields he had not gone, rather waiting to see the outcome. He had sworn to keep Jupiter and her family safe and at that current point in time his presence at the challenge wouldn't have been good. He felt darkness creeping over him once more, anger and rage welling up in his heart. He had receded into solitude since speaking to Jupiter about joining her pack, since Secrets murder and her betrayal. He was finding it hard to trust anyone he didn't know, jumping and melting into the shadows rather then getting to know the rest of the pack. His eyes were haunted, complexion drawn from the lack of sleep. He had been having the worst dreams ever since Secrets death...

The massive male approached in silence, head lowered and sickly green gaze darting to and fro to take in the different faces around him. A low nod, almost a bow would be given to Jupiter but upon further inspection he would pause and life his head to regard her and her injuries as she lay atop her log. Concern was evident in his gaze but he said nothing, they could speak later to see if there was anything he could do for her, now there was most obviously something on her mind. So he moved, back a bit so other more known and respect members could file to the front and he could linger at the outskirts. He was here for the queen and nothing else.




10-19-2013, 01:02 AM

He had been relaxing in the shade of a nearby tree, completely covered by the branches' shadows that stretched across the ground. With his black pelt, the six-month-old pup was perfectly camouflaged within his surroundings. His eyes had been closed, his paws had perfectly flexed, and silently, he was hoping that nothing would disturb him...the hope was shortly lived.
Out of the blue, his ears picked up the howl that was to call all of Ludicael together. Slowly, he raised his head from the ground and tried to pinpoint the exact location of the howl's source. Bi-colored eyes of silver and gold blinked and he shook his head to get rid of the dirt before standing on all fours. Once he quickly stood, he shook all over and sent dirt particles out and away from his body. With an eager spring in his step, Dhiren proceeded to break through the foliage.
It did not take long for the young boy to find the source. Jupiter stood out like a lighthouse beam from the shore and he increased his pace just to reach her. He greeted his alpha with a polite dip of his maw, eyes twinkling as he raised his head to say, "Good afternoon, Sol Jupiter. I hope I am not too late." His teasing words caused him to glance around at the wolves that had already gathered. When his eyes landed upon Novella, he found himself drawn to the white female. She smelled like his mama and that was enough of a reason to approach her.
He waited until the female had stopped speaking with Jupiter before making himself known. "I know we haven't officially met, but I am guessing you are one of my mama's sisters..." Dhiren smiled and leaned his head to the side. "My name is Dhiren's nice to meet you, Aunt...?" He waited silently, hoping she would catch on that he wasn't sure what her name was.




10-19-2013, 10:07 AM

Novella would leave the family that morning, Song would presume to hunt, but she wasn't sure. She was enjoying the presence of her young sister, and the siblings she had once thought totally lost from her. She had spent much of the last season with her family, and she had no complaints about being in their presence. As she watched Novella disappear into the mangroves she had to heave a sigh as her mismatched gaze fell over her more immediate family. A smile would play across her features as she adored the members of her family that were surrounding her still. The lateness of the day had caused much of her brood to slip away, but she would enjoy the presence of Novel and the few others silently. Nap time was her favorite time.
The perfection of the moment was shattered as the sound of a voice summoned the wolves of Ludicael. Jupiter wanted their presence, and Song was one to quickly comply. She would stir the remaining family as she herself pushed her delicate ivory form into the air. She would nuzzle them, and with quiet words of encouragement they would trot towards the sound of Jupiter's voice. Their queen was calling them, and they needed to answer. With head held in a more relaxed position she would lead her brood to where Jupiter seated herself over the pack. A concerned smile would place itself upon her visage as she took in the damaged image of her Sol. She hoped that after the battle she would not suffer too seriously. Symphony had taken care of her right away, but it still seemed she could be having trouble.
With a respectful nod of her head she greet the Sol, seeing that Novella and Dhiren had already found themselves in attendance. She would find her grin growing wider as they both found themselves in front of the Alpha. She would remain silent as she nuzzled the bother of them before lowering her haunches to the ground by Jupiter's?perch.




10 Years
10-19-2013, 10:23 AM

Her nap would be gently disturbed as she was woken by the sound of a howl, in her sleep induced coma she would not be aware of who had summoned them, but instead she would focus on the movements of her confident mother. Song would nuzzle her awake, and a smile would form on her features. Her head would rise as she greeted her mother from the nap she had been enjoying, the six month old pup was now much bigger than she had once been, but it was painfully obvious that she would not reach the heights that her sisters and brother were.
With a happy smile she would pull herself from the earth and gladly follow her mother to the meeting. She had never been to a meeting before, and she was incredibly excited. All the wolves from her pack would be there, and maybe she'd catch a glimpse of the wolf who had saved her from the water not so long ago. Before that though she would greet the wolves who already found themselves in Jupiter's presence. A huge grin would place itself on her maw as she ran forward to greet her aunt and her brother. She was sad he had not been there for her to cuddle with during nap time, but now she would let him appreciate her. "Dhiren!" She would squeal as she ran to tackle him, white paws flailing as she tried to drape her front appendages on his back. A whimper of happiness would leave her maw as she licked at his darkly colored head. Her attention would waver as she realized Novella was so close, so with gusto she would turn her attention from her ebony brother and to Song's sister.
Happily she would nuzzle the girl's leg, she had been with them earlier in the day but she loved seeing her. As she would greet the girl she would turn to the alpha who had made the summons in the first place. Novel had yet to meet the great leader, and she was stuck in slight shock as she took in her image, though the smile would remain she would become slightly shy as her eyes found the lavender ones of Jupiter.


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Magnus 1


10-19-2013, 10:55 AM (This post was last modified: 10-19-2013, 10:55 AM by Magnus 1.)

Magnus heard the howl as it tore through the mangrove. Jupiter. He trotted and sped up to run, hoping he wasn't late. A council cam into view, Song, Aurora, Jupiter, and a few others he did not know. He stopped running and trotted up to see them. I apologize if I am late. Jupiter, Aurora, Song" he dipped his head at each of them in turn. This was a pack meeting. He hoped it was not one of grievous cause. He had no desire for war or death. He was happy with his new home and he wished not for that to be ruined. Quite a lot of people were still to show, and no one had really begun talking, so he was not late. That was a relief, he did not want to turn up to his first pack meeting late. He padded next to Aurora. "I hope it is not war, I have no desire for destruction." he whispered, not wanting to be rude.



10-19-2013, 01:38 PM

Jupiter had been challenged for Ludicael by some idiot from the pack of Glaciem. What did the north want with his eastern pack? The ebony knight had been on edge since the challenge and even more so afterwards. If that bastard was bold enough to go and challenge his Sol, who was to say that he wouldn't come and try to forcefully take some of his pack members, his family included. Cherokee was agitated, irritated and frustrated. Why couldn't Ludicael just be left alone? The brute hadn't been in such a good mood as of late and that morning he had slipped off on his own to blow off some steam. He didn't want Song or any of the children to see him upset. He needed to be calm and reasonable around them despite wanting to go and rip the bastard to pieces himself and end all of this madness once and for all.

Ivory and ebony ears would flicker atop his skull, catching the sound of his Sol's voice as she summoned her pack to her. She was back from the challenge and still alive. The borealis would waste no time, making haste towards the meeting, mismatched silver and ivory jade eyes spotting the figures of his wife and children, as well as his in-laws. Quietly the man would weave his way through the growing crowd until he was at Song's side, pressing his nose into the nape of her neck, chuffing softly against her skin before he pulled back, haunches folding beneath him as he allowed his attention to focus on Jupiter. It was clear that she was hurt and her injuries would take some time to heal. Onyx brows would furrow with bottled up anger, trying his best to keep his emotions in check.

Talk like this



10-19-2013, 02:57 PM

She had laid huddled in her den, sleeping well into the day. Her body had wrpped around a rather odd site, a barn owl. The two had meet and learned that they had much in common. The owl seemed to be glued to the pale cream wolf. He added her the best he could in trying to heal Jupiter's broken paw. Symphony had spent hours awake trying to think of the best way to heal them. She had set the bones back in place and wrapped the paw with a poultice and rush leaves to act as a cast. But she knew in the end time would be the best treatment. The Sol's paw would never be the same again but it could still work properly. The other wounds were healing nicely to her relief.

A howl echoed throughout Ludicael and into her den. Ears twitched before blue and pale yellow orbs opened with a yawn. Slowly her body uncurled aroun her friend and her paws pulled her out of her den. She stretched out her back with another massive yawn."Come Atlas..the Sol calls. Maybe it is time you met the rest of the pack hmm?" She said as she watched the owl hop out and ruffle his feathers. He was a regal looking thing, with eyes that seemed far to wise. Together the two swiftly moved out towards Jupiter, the owl moving silently in the air above.

Symphony slowed to a walk as she approached the meeting. So many were already there. She was slightly put off, thinking she was a little late. As she passed members she did not know, she would dip her head in greetings to them. She came up to the Sol and gave her paw an expert sniff."My Sol, come to me afterwards for a new dressing and more herbs." She whispered softly. It was then Atlas decided t dive in. He landed heavily upon Symphony who snorted. Wings raised and slowly closed as if putting on a show. And to him, he was, he loved making his presense know."Sol Jupiter, your beauty is unearthly, out of this world, none shall never be able to reach the compairion in which you hold. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am no other than Atlas Xihuitl, dear Symphony's compainion." He said with a deep bow. Symphony would twist her head to look back at him, trying to hold back a chuckle before moving to sit to the right of Jupiter. "How I do Sym?" Atlas whispered. For infact he had been, and was, nervous at meeting all these wolves. He trusted Symphony, oh his dear Sym. She had a soul he had yet to find like any other. He crooed softly and preened her fur around her ears and neck gently."Wonderful Atlas, an introduction none shall forget my friend." She smiled as she fell silent await for the meeting to begin.




5 Years
10-19-2013, 10:44 PM

Canta was doing what she did most? staying well within the den, deep in thought. Her family had all gone about their business as per usual and left the girl to her devices. Though she was still young and the world still very new to her this was a certainty. Her family understood her need to be alone, most of the time anyways, and in return she would grace them with her presence when she was good and ready. Not that she thought very high of herself, no simply that she had grown to find social interaction tiring and that when she was alone she felt recharged.
A howl would break through her thoughts, ebony head swung around to gaze beyond the entrance to the den. Her mother, who had been watching the few remaining pups in Canta?s company, lifted to her paws and headed for the entrance, soon after her sister Novel followed. Canta remained in her dark corner for a moment longer before rising to her paws with a sigh and following after them. She paused outside the den to stretch working the kinks from her tiny body.
Finally she trotted off towards the mangroves. The scents of many wolves hit her, new and familiar all mingling together. Her forest gaze scanned the gathered wolves, landing upon her Sol for a moment before coming to rest on her family. Picking up her pace she headed towards them, rubbing up against her father?s leg happily before bounding over to her siblings. At six months old the girl was already taller than Novel though she stood almost even with her brother, beating him by but an ear tip.
The girl would say nothing as she settled in to wait, pressed against her brother?s side.


Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire, Thank you Nine!
[Image: oLGAaTF.png]


10-20-2013, 08:03 AM

Haky would wake from his diseased sleep. Pictures of Aria, taunting him out of reach. It would never be their without her. She filled a hole in his heart. One his family never did. He needed her. He wasn't complete. She had left without a trace, not even a whiff of a goodbye. Haku' s heart had been shattered. He rose, shoulders slouched and head lowered. The brute was considerably thinner and his coat duller than a season before. He hadn't been eating since losing his dear Aria, never finding an appetite within him. As he made his way outside a small overhanging tree he had been sleeping in, he heard a summoning howl in the not too far distance. His Sol was calling for a pack meeting. He began trotting towards the source of the howl. He was getting weaker by the day. He couldn't bring himself to eat anymore and it felt like something was trying to eat him from the inside. He staggered into the clearing where others had already gathered. He nodded to his Sol with respect and flopped down at the back of the crowd.


Jupiter I


7 Years
10-22-2013, 04:10 PM

The woman steeled herself for the hopeful multitude that would probably arrive, making a mental note to make the pups exempt and seek out her own once more soon. Guilt lightly touched her mind at the thought but she shoved such emotion away--Ludicael was of utmost importance to her, especially since she now carried the wounds she had earned fighting for it. Deep breaths cycled through her lungs as she waited for her first arrivals.

A relative stranger was the first to make their appearance on the scene of the gathering place. Mercury stood, his hackles raising defensively, but Jupiter bumped him lightly with the side of her leg as the woman began to speak. An amused smile flickered across her features and she nodded to the gal. "Indeed, another one of Song's." There was just the lightest flicker of darkness in her eyes before it vanished, gone so quickly that it could have nearly been a figment of one's imagination. "I told her that her family was welcome to seek refuge here, and you are no exception. Welcome to Ludicael." Her tone was minutely hushed as she spoke directly to the woman, lips still upturned in a beam.

Jupiter's attention was about to flicker to Mercury to ensure that he had calmed, but it was then that more familiar faces arrived; first Aurora, then Kylar, and directly after, Dhiren. She couldn't quite suppress her light-hearted chuckle at his warm and infinitely polite greeting, and nodded to him. "Good afternoon, Dhiren. Don't worry, my good sir; you're perfectly on time." She watched as he meandered over to Novella, but drew her attention elsewhere as he began to speak, not wishing to eavesdrop.

Song, Novel, and another light-pelted wolf she didn't quite recognize made their presence known and she nodded to the first two, seeking the scent of the third as he approached and greeted her. Ludicaen fragrance drifted forth and only then was she satisfied, leaving him be. She watched as the youngest of the individuals, Novel, leaped upon Dhiren, and held the child's gaze when she glanced up at Jupiter. The woman winked at the young girl with a playful smirk upon her features.

Without quite realizing it, she shifted her weight to conceal her wounded paw a little more as Symphony made her appearance, smiling at her healer appreciatively as their condition and need for redressing was brushed upon. "I will not forget, thank you," she replied evenly, and was about to say more before what appeared to be the femme's new bird companion raised his wings to introduce himself.

Jupiter allowed for a deep rumble to echo from her chest, grinning at the companion and shaking her head humorously. "My, I've not been so flattered by a male of any species since I came of age," she responded affably. "It is a pleasure, Atlas."

Attentions fell upon a quietly-arriving Cherokee and a similarly-approaching pup--Canta, if Jupiter remembered from when she'd seen the pups when they were younger, and how they'd grown!--and she nodded to both of them. The final straggler appeared to be Haku and concern quickly crossed her countenance. The boy appeared to be in near-emaciated condition and she sought Symphony's gaze, jerking her head lightly towards him in a prompt and request for the healer to tend to his condition.

With most of the meet and greet over, she glanced about, taking a mental inventory of those missing and reminding herself to possibly seek them out at a later date. For now, though, she felt as if more important matters needed to be addressed. The woman cleared her throat and swept her gaze over those gathered once more before projecting her voice out to speak, her smile still lingering.

"As I'm certain most of you have discovered, Song and Cherokee are our relatively new Boreali. Along with their promotion, though, I now announce that I've decided to name Aurora as a Gravita, should she accept the rank." She paused briefly before continuing, seeking out the alabaster-pelted woman. Aurora had been present in Ludicael for quite a while and had caught her interest more than once.

"And of course, as you have seen, Ludicael was challenged for but it shall remain ours for hopefully quite some time longer." Eyes wandered to Song and Cherokee as she briefly pondered over giving them battle training when her own wounds were healed, but did not linger for too long on their forms or on the matter. Triumph was sweet everyone once in a while but had no place for staying for prolonged amounts of time.

"On a different note," she carried on, tone and expression sobering, "Our closest ally, Medusa, passed the throne of Amenti on to her beta. Soon after, the pack was challenged for and lost. Thus, she will be returning to the pack with her children, as well as our former secondary alpha, Deteste. I expect you all to treat them with respect." The lass hoped she wouldn't have to mention that Deteste's rank would not be restored to its former status as of now--she could merely pledge to clear it up should there be any confusion.

"This leads to the topic of war." She hesitated, allowing the concept to sink in for a moment. "Should any trouble arise soon and should a war break out, I'm here to inform you that I will personally not join the battle but in self-defense of Ludicael. The stance the pack will take should allies be under attack is up for you all, and is one of the things I am here to ask you all."

ooc: next posting round ends 10/25/13 at the same time as last time, just so we can make sure this gets moving and finished soon. PM me if you have conflicts with posting. People who haven't yet posted can join in but should they already be a member, they will be considered late and that will be taken into consideration. Better late than never, though~


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


10-23-2013, 09:40 AM

The man would saunter quietly among the crowd until clear sights could be set upon the russet queen. His movements and mannerisms all as if there were no other person there but he and the woman yet the fascination he had once had for her had faded, his great loyalty shifted to the serpent that held both of them in her quick grasp. Yet he was at heart a diplomat and his memories of mangroves caused him concern in the wake of war. His head would turn and he would watch without seeing into the distance as Jupiter went through the mundane of greetings and updates. His crown would snap cleanly back to the woman as she spoke his name, their gazes exchanging as a curt nod would be given to explain his identity for there were many here who did not know him. His gaze would intensify and his posture would stiffen as the subject of war was approached.

In the preservation of Ludicael I urge you, Jupiter, to disregard your alliances and keep your own out of the violence. As far as I know Ludicael has not specifically been asked to partake in the war. Considering this your absence should not affect your stance with your allies. He would present his thoughts in a short and concise matter. Yet such a plan was perhaps not as simply as it seemed. You should also be aware that one of your own. A woman named Symphony. Ventured into Amenti territory to seek an alliance of healers. This was shortly after Canttina had taken the lands and the crazed alphess considered Symphony's presence as a token of alliance from Ludicael as a whole. When she learned this was not the case she threatened the pack. Such short-sightedness should not be overlooked. I am wondering if Symphony herself planned to inform you of all of this. She refused to leave even after friendly advice on my part. Her presence lead to a dominance fight between Cantinna and Medusa. It appears that Canttina is currently distracted with war business but I assume she intends to fulfill her threat afterward. I fully intend to re-take Amenti once the war is over so she should be no threat to you once everything is settled. His tone would be unwavering and stoic yet he could not help the pang of distaste that struck his features when he explained Symphony's actions. He was unsure what kind of ruler Jupiter was now for in all honesty she seemed somewhat bored with it all. He wondered what her reaction would to be to the information he had presented and watched her carefully for any sign of reaction.


10-23-2013, 05:14 PM

Magnus took a seat beside her, talking about war, about how he hoped that was not the reason for this meeting being called, and the alabaster lady hoped the same thing. Maybe it was about the promotion of wolves to higher ranks, or just Jupiter offering an update on how things were going on the outside, their alliances with other packs. Aurora nuzzled her love with her deceptively delicate cranium, murmuring reassurances under her breath.

The meeting began, and Jupiter's voice filled her ears. She spoke of Medusa and her pups returning to Ludicael to reside once more, as well as Deteste, their former secondary Alpha. Then the topic of war was broached, and there was a sense of unease within the willowy princess' chest. But Jupiter only said there was no reason for her to go to war was if the sanctity of the pack was at risk. That was when the black male she had only met once appeared, and spoke to the grouping of wolves. Canttina, the masked murderess of the North, was planning to take on Ludicael because she was mistaken about an alliance? A growl rumbled deep in the angelic pelted woman's chest, but she swallowed it down and continued to listen.

When the ivory dame heard her name called, and the words that followed, she was shocked, surprised. Gravita? Quite a high rank for someone such as herself, who really didn't deserve such an honor. She parted ebony lips, taking a moment to compose herself before speaking. "Tis such an honor to receive a rank such as that, Jupiter. I will gladly take up the position." She spoke, her soft whisper of a voice filled with gratitude. Her faint Russian accent was more audible, with the emotion within her vocalization, and her otherworldly tone would send shivers down the spine. Dipping her head respectfully to Jupiter, she offered a shy grin of thanks. She felt a presence beside her in her shadowy nook, Corvusi taking a seat beside her and purring in congratulations. Waiting for what would come next, she remained seated and watched the meeting progress with sterling silver orbs that glimmered with unknown emotion.



5 Years
10-24-2013, 07:25 AM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2013, 07:25 AM by Novella.)
ooc: Wynn, Dhiren & Novella have met before, but that thread is just taking its time right now...

Novella's expression quickly grew to a smile as Jupiter welcomed her into the pack. "Thank you!" She stated, as if her body language alone hadn't been enough to express her joy at the revelation. Completely forgetting about any other pack formalities for now, she was simply pleased and proud to be joining Ludicael and her family once more. It was most certainly the outcome that the young girl had hoped for and now she couldn't wait to share the good news with Song, Symphony and of course Anthem.

Behind Novella other wolves had begun to trail in. None would have been familiar to her anyway until the dark coloured male moved to her side, addressing Jupiter politely and then speaking to her afterwards. "Hello Dhiren, shall we give the Sol some space?" She greeted her nephew before starting to clear the area in front of Jupiter. She suspected other wolves would perhaps wish to step forwards and greet their leader.

However before she made any remarkable move away from her spot, the arrival of her sister certainly caused her to hesitate. Happily nuzzling her in return and finding herself rather eager to share her good news. As Song sat beside Jupiter however, Novella reminded herself that Song was an important member of the pack and certainly didn't need the distraction right now, not to mention that she had just been about to step back a little and join the rest of the pack rather than sitting in Jupiter's way.

Another distraction would find Novella halting yet again as Dhiren was suddenly pounced on by one of his sisters. He received a very enthusiastic greeting for a moment before Novel's attention was turned upon Novella. Dipping her head, she gave the young girl a nuzzle in return. "Hey Novel, you two going to come sit with me?" She questioned. "Or the three of you." She added with a warm smile as they were joined by Canta.

Settling down in perfect timing Jupiter soon began the meeting. The mention of the challenge seemed to set the tone for what Jupiter had to say, leading onto another challenge and then mentioning a war. Most of what the Sol had said meant rather little to the young girl so far, though after having seen the challenge alone certainly found the news of war rather unwelcoming. As much of a coward as she felt to admitting it to herself, there was no way she could fight if these allies wanted Ludicael to help.

Magnus 1


10-24-2013, 05:45 PM

Aurora, nuzzled him. He was glad that she had been promoted. It was clear that she had been in ludicael for a long time. She deserved to be noticed. He looked at the her, she shone as radiant as the sun, yet she was as cool as ice. He tore his eyes away from Aurora, which was quite hard for him and looked at Jupiter. And then to a starved looking young man, he looked about his age. His fur was a horrible dull white. He looked like he needed help. But Magnus decided not to meddle, he guessed he was in mourning. When Magnus was in mourning he did not want help he simply wanted to die. Slowly, but surely he had managed to get his life on track. He was glad that he had, if not, he would not have met Aurora. Magnus concentrated on Jupiter again, so if there was war she would not fight. Magnus did not mind, they had other fighters, including him, but it would be good to have such a skilled warrior in their presence. He would not interrupt, he did not want to seem rude. So he stayed silent. And listened to the progressions and updates of Ludicael.




10-25-2013, 10:37 PM

Magnus would follow closely behind them, he would greet Aurora, Jupiter and herself. As he approached Aurora the white she wolf would nuzzle the man affectionately, it seemed the two had grown rather close. She was incredibly happy for them, her smile would show them quite plainly. She would be distracted from the lovebirds by her own Knight. Cherokee would easily find his way to her side, she melted as he buried his face into her neck. All too soon he would pull away as he should. It was not time for displays of affection, but rather business Jupiter needed their attention. Still Song could help but feel the gentle tug of her heartstrings as she let herself lean into her man's side, feeling his warmth cut through the Autumn's chill. A relaxed sigh would fall from ivory lips as another of her children found their way into the meeting. Canta's form followed closely behind Symphony.
As the babies and the rest of the pack settled down Jupiter would begin the official meeting. And she started off with attention falling on she and her husband. "As I'm certain most of you have discovered, Song and Cherokee are our relatively new Boreali." She would feel her fur start to heat, but she felt proud all the same. The home she so loved was partially her responsibility, and one she took seriously. Before she could attain a level of pink color noticeable by anyone but Cherokee the attention was transferred to another pale colored member. "Along with their promotion, though, I now announce that I've decided to name Aurora as a Gravita, should she accept the rank." Aurora's quiet voice would find its way into Song's snow colored ears, she would gladly accept the new rank. Briefly the recent challenge would be mentioned, as well as talk of the Amenti pack. She had barely joined the pack when Medusa and Deteste had gained the Amenti crown. It was rather disheartening to know they had lost such an alliance. Of course she would give unto the male the respect he deserved. Her last note though, only increased the tension she could feel inside of her. She had felt something was brewing, and the challenge had only increased her feeling. She feared for her family and her friends.
What of her family in Seracia? What of the brothers and sister who still travelled to unknown places. "What of Seracia? My adopted mother, and her family live there. They housed me when I gave birth. Are they in danger?" Concern would paint itself across her delicate features, what would she do if Silent or her Husband came into harm? Or their children, those beautiful pups who were born the same time as her own children. She could hardly consider the thought. They would not leave her mind as yet another wolf found his way into the meeting. She recognized him as Deteste, the man Jupiter had only just mentioned. Though he seemed not to notice her she would dip her head in greeting, but her expression would change as she heard his words.
What would Symphony have to do with Deteste? She had been working on Ludicael's behalf, with out the consultaion of Jupiter. The pack had been threatened. How could she have done such a thing? A look of confusion and horror would befall her features. Not having Symphony's point of view made her question Deteste slightly, but the fact would remain that the she wolf, Canttina had brought ill will to Ludicael. Her ears would fall to her skull as her bicolored eyes would meet the mirrored gaze of her sister. "Symphony, I.. what do you have to say about these accusations? Have you brought trouble to our home?" Her words were quiet, but full of concern. If what he said was true, Song was not sure what would become of her sister. What would Jupiter think of her actions?


Jupiter I


7 Years
10-26-2013, 01:28 AM

Song's inquiries rose above the small chatter of the rest and the woman sought the other alabaster lass with her gaze, a small smile of fondness spreading across her features, though it quickly sobered due to the topic at hand. "I'm unsure as to whether or not Seracia is involved in the conflict. They are allied with Valhalla, but if they ask for our help, I would be inclined to offer some sort of aid." Jupiter paused, pondering over this issue a bit more but finding that she had nothing more to say. She nodded in response to Aurora's acceptance of the rank, beaming, and was about to reply but something stopped her.

Celestial optics fell upon a familiar obsidian form and there was a minute, inaudible sigh of relief as she gazed upon Deteste. It had been too long since she had seen the previous secondary alpha. She was unsure as to whom his loyalties now belonged but it mattered to her not as long as there were not treasonous thoughts in his conscience. Her ears tipped forward to drink in every last syllable of his dialogue, taking in the words and processing them for thought. She personally agreed with his advice and it seemed as if no one else was speaking up. Her brow furrowed minutely with concern--were they afraid of her? Afraid of giving their input? Jupiter's moment of insecurity quickly cleared, though, as she urged herself onwards to speak.

"Unless there are other objections, Ludicael will abide by such a policy should war break," she announced evenly, sweeping her path of sight over the congregation. The woman was nearly about to do a final check in her mind for any remaining prevalent issues when Deteste's deep timbre projected once more.

Orbs of violet trained slowly on Symphony, her audits rotated towards Deteste as she stared the healer down, listening to the brute. Her features fell from friendly to neutral, her eyes narrowing at the very slightest as she took a deep breath. Anger touched the back of her mind and she felt her words slip from her lips before she could halt them and give the lady a chance to fully defend herself.

"Is an alliance of any sort with a pack, especially the one of our recently-overthrown allies, not any of my business? Did it not occur to discuss such a thing with me first?" Her tone quivered a bit and her lips parted, impulse urging her on but her conscience hardly restraining her. Eyelids lowered over her optics for a moment and she took a deep breath, unshielding her orbs to fixate her stare on the healer once more.

Emotions swirled within her. Words bubbled at the end of her tongue but she bit them back. Symphony was but a healer--a new member, at that. If she'd been here longer, maybe it'd be pardonable... her mind said quietly. But then, she knew that it was not true. As long as Medusa--her serpent, her snake--had been involved in it and possibly harmed, Jupiter would not rest until she could ensure that such a mistake would happen again. And for both Medusa and Deteste to have been there and asked her to leave?

Song said all that Jupiter needed to be answered before she could continue. The Sol would not discipline the lass further in front of the congregation but hoped her message was firm and would get across without her having to say much more despite the lashing dialogue threatening to leap from her ebony lips. Suddenly, Jupiter wished that Medusa was present to press their pelts together and meld them into one. In this moment, all the Sol wished for was relief. The security of a lover's touch. Mercury pressed himself closer to her leg to remind her of his presence and she was comforted slightly by the gesture. A sigh escaped her but she would wait, patient and stoic, for the woman to answer Song's questions.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


10-26-2013, 06:28 PM

Haiku watched the meeting progress absent-mindedly. His thoughts were wherelse until he heard his Sol mention war. His head lifted swiftly. War? He had heard rumours and stories about the current war, but he never thought his pack would be involved. His Sol said that there was a possibility that Ludicael would join if need be to aid their allies. Haku understood. He rose, his bones weak under his weight. Jupiter, if our pack does come to war, then the fighting skills I posses, however small, I will put use. he bowed his head to his Sol before collapsing in his spot once again, legs too weak to stand still for long.
Jupiter then went on to other matters, pointed at a false alliance? The white male looked to a young wolf, supposedly a healer, who the words seemed to be pointed at. After finding his energy insufficient for listening intently, he kept his gaze upon his Sol as she spoke.
