
Space to Run



7 Years
10-21-2013, 01:56 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

In what felt like no time at all, the pups were growing. Each day they made a new accomplishment it seemed, from getting their wobbly movements more under their own control, opening their eyes to see the world, and beginning to say their first words. The russet and black she-wolf could hardly describe the joy and pride she felt as she watched the pair progress, often stunned into silence by their strong wills and determination. And certainly they had the incentive. Nako was proving to be a very interesting older brother, curious of the youngsters and helpful in his own right though flaunting what little authority he had by age. It still surprised Tahlia how immediately at home he felt, how willing he was to find that niche for him in their household, and it only made her liking for him grow.

The growth and incentive definitely came with a price, however. The children were up and moving now, turning the den from a quiet nursery to a much too small playpen. And with Nako free to come and go as he pleased, Anais and Jakart were finally starting to realize their confinement. She could tell they were growing restless, eager to start their journey into the wide world beyond the den, and she had waited as long as she could. There was simply no more keeping them inside; they needed the extra space to run.

"Very well," she had murmured, her tone almost grudgingly conceding as she shook her head slightly, "You may go. But do try not to wander too far. I would like for you to be presented to the pack, not stumbled upon. And I will be watching." But she was unsure they heard the last part. Being overeager pups, she was sure they had already stopped listening after "you may go." She sighed quietly to herself as she stepped outside of the den and sat down there at the entrance, being true to her word about watching them. Already she could tell she was going to have her paws full with this lot. But despite her worries regarding their upbringing, she would not have traded it for the world.



5 Years
10-23-2013, 02:43 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

It had felt like such a long time that Anais and her brother had been confined to their den, allowed only to peek out into the world beyond or sneak a few steps outside in order to greet a returning parent for a quick moment before they entered their home. Often she would find herself staring toward the opening into the clearing and forest beyond when she should have been resting, imagining what it must have been like to travel those woods freely, what sorts of things and beings she would find once allowed to do so. Nako could already and she was increasingly envious of him, wishing to be able to do the same already. She was no wiggly pup anymore. Surely she was old enough now!

To her surprise, her mother eventually conceded. It had come about suddenly, catching the girl by surprise, though as she stopped mid-play and glanced upward at the woman with an opened mouth and wide eyes, there was no denying the growing smile that began to spread across her childish face. This was it! They were finally being allowed to leave!

As expected, she hardly heard what it was her mother had to say, already on her paws and making for the den's entrance. She rushed right out of it, squinting only a little as she stepped boldly out into the daylight, and laughed openly as she came to a stop in the middle of the clearing that sat between the family den and the trees. There was so much space! And the air, it was so much more wild and clear than that of the den. Light golden eyes shifted quickly from tree to grass, from grass to rock, from rock to sky, taking it all in as she made a quick circle in place. It was overwhelming, but at the same time exhilarating. Another laugh fell from her smiling lips as she raced for the trees, beginning to weave in and out of those just at the treeline before stopping behind one and peeking toward the den that she had at last escaped from.

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



5 Years
10-23-2013, 08:24 PM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2013, 12:44 AM by Jakart.)
Jakart had nosed himself between his mothers forelegs and had comfortably slept after a daily nursing period, belly full as he lazied in the confines of their den. Mother was warm, Jakart liked warmth as he slept, mismatched eyes squinting open as he peered around the den while attempting to free himself from his mothers forelegs. He stumbled and fell on his chest with puff of dust causing him to sneeze, the little pup picking himself up and wobbled his way up to his sleeping father who lay in an offshoot to the side of the dens entrance. Father had carved out a nook for himself to sleep and offer a way to block the entrance should two pups want to go out early, Jakart staring at his sleeping father and letting out a pathetic growl as he pounced on his fathers shoulder. Milk teeth bit into the leathery scar amidst Bane's whitening and grey speckled fur. It didn't get a rouse out of his sire though.

Bane's ear flicked however when mother spoke and the older wolf cracked an eye that remained narrowed to look down at his son. Jakart let out a whine but paused when told by Tahlia that the pups could go outside for the time... minus his older brother Nako. Jakart thought that Nako was a dire wolf pup of old in the stories his father told him, his brother having been smelled by his side when he first came into the world. Why was he so big already? Why did he get to got outside earlier than him and his sister? Why was Bane picking him up right now? Jakart let out a wail of protest at being carried. He could walk just fine.



11 Years
10-24-2013, 12:47 AM
The elder fixed his jaws around the neck of his son and firmly clenched his teeth together as Anais ran around him. It was funny the way Jakart had attempted to wake him up when he'd been pretending to be asleep. Bane was always watching the two four-legged products he and Tahlia had raised in the daytime, except when he was hunting. Bane rose out of his family's den and depositing Jakart in the snow right in front of him. A shiver went through the pup and he stood on wobbly legs to get a feel for outside, Bane laying down in the crisp morning snow to watch Anais weave amongst the trees that bore the mark of his shoulder.

"Clearing only Anais, come back." Bane yawned with eyes closed as he took to watching Jakart paw at the snow and dug his nose into it only to fling it everywhere with a laugh. Bane plunged a paw into the snow and flicked some at the pup, letting out a laugh of his own as Jakart lunged back at his fathers chest. Bane looked up at Anais as a thought crossed mind.?Where was Nako at? Where could the bastard pup possibly be?
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
10-24-2013, 01:07 PM
Nako stood at the bottom of the hill with head tilted up at the sky in the early winter slush, in a strange limbo as he listened to the world. A swirl of air wrapping around him, the half dozen feathers bounced along the fur of his head and neck. Nako opened his mismatched eyes at the sound of the wind through the trees, enjoying the noise as if it was his mother making calming sounds to lull him to sleep. The pup twisted his neck to the side to gaze at his pelt color... the shades of grey, the white of his paws, a rumble of satisfaction coming from his maw. What was it his father had called them? Hunter colors? Ya, maybe that was it. A half smile creased his maw and he turned around to make his way back home up the hill. Nako meandered through the trees towards the den, taking a moment of pause to shake his pelt free of snow.

A useful tip was given to him by his father when the young wolf asked to go outside. Widen his paws on the snow so as to not sink into the winter skyfall as much. A flicker of movement crossed the corner of his right eye and the bastard pup's head snapped to look at its source, a paw halted in midair. "Baby bunny..." Nako looked at the little snow rabbit shivering on the base of a tree, its mother coming out and ushering it back inside. A good thing too, Nako catching the foggy breath of a gyrfalcon in the trees above. The wintery feathered raptor was staring at him, the juvenile staring back all the time as he resumed his trudge to the den. The first tree that bore the mark on his and his fathers shoulder mark being passed, wandering gaze catching the movement of his sister Anais just along the edge of the clearing. Nako got low as he stalked up to his sister, and pounced.



7 Years
10-25-2013, 12:10 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Such excitement and energy! Her son had been pestering his father well before she had spoken to give them leave of the den, and even now he was still at it, starting a little war in the snow. And there, among the trees, her daughter was racing about, weaving in and out of sight as she skirted the very edge of their permissible play area, already testing those limits set down by her parents. Tahlia could not help the proud smile that stretched across her face as she watched them at play, so happy with what she had been given. It had been a long time coming, but the wait had been completely worth it. Here was everything she could have wanted, everything she had dreamed about even if it had not been this exact picture in her mind at the time. But it was still no less perfect.

Drawing in a breath of the crisp air, she rocked herself to her feet and padded closer to her husband and Jakart, still smiling over their antics as she reached down and nuzzled her mate behind his ear. Lifting her head, she glanced toward the treeline again, spotting her daughter still crouched there beyond where she should have been but before a word could be spoken by Tahlia the girl's older sibling was there, pouncing on her and initiating more play. She shook her head slightly, hoping that in a moment the pair would wander their way closer again, at least within the designated boundary, and sat down beside Bane. She did not try jumping into the festivities herself - it was difficult shedding her somewhat strict and proper bearing, even for the children - but she was content enough with merely spectating and was happy just to be with them.



5 Years
10-25-2013, 01:01 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Her mother sat outside the den's entrance, taking up a position from which she could watch them all with little effort. Her father was already outside of the den and situated upon the snowy ground in the middle of the clearing before the familial den, Jakart in tow and seemingly preoccupied. Or at least she had thought until the large, intimidating figure had spoken up and addressed her. The girl jumped slightly upon hearing her father's deep voice instruct her to come out of the treeline, to head back into the clearing, but despite the nervousness she felt at possibly disobeying she merely crouched into place and wagged her tail, as if lowering herself might suddenly make it more difficult for her parents to notice her there behind the tree.

She failed to take into account that it did nothing for those behind her. Oblivious to her approaching elder brother, Anais remained grinning and huddled behind the tree, watching her family members curiously until the one family member not present decided to show himself. He was on her before she realized it, and a half frightened, half excited sort of squeak exited her in surprise. She rolled beneath him, pressed somewhat onto her side in the snow, and nipped at his paws and legs gently, pale eyes bright as she wriggled and pushed against him, attempting to get away as she laughed.

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



5 Years
10-25-2013, 01:57 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2013, 11:36 PM by Jakart.)
Jakart pulled at his fathers chest and spat out out a wisp of fur. Mother came by and stood next to father to give her mate a smile and a nuzzle, the little pup stumbling to his paws in the snow and letting out a yip of wanting attention. A big paw from his father came down and rolled the young wolf onto his back to press him into the snow. Jakart let out a growl and bit into the anchor holding him down with milk teeth. A strange taste began to infiltrate his maw, Jakart giving pause and licking at the metallic taste of blood. This taste was... strange. Jakart liked it.

His sister's cries echoing into his ears and the pup raised his head from the snow, Jakart beginning to wiggle in protest to be let up. His sire did so, the pup rising to his paws and went to investigate his sibling at the edge of the clearing. The older brother, the largest one out of them left his sister behind and was coming towards him at a good clip. "Dire wolf! Ahhhh!" Jakart wailed as he stumbled back the few paces towards his parents and squirmed his way against his mothers chest. His nose searched through the soft, down-like fur of Tahlia's stomach until he found a source of warm sustenance. Milk teeth clamped down the teat as he began to suckle in the comfort of his parents company. Why was Nako so big?



11 Years
10-26-2013, 11:35 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2013, 11:36 PM by Bane.)
Bane licked away the pinpricks of blood on his fur, a smile surfacing as Tahlia's muzzle rubbed behind an ear. A content rumble echoed in his chest from her showing of affection, the elder wolf laying in the snow with his eyes half-lidding in satisfaction. He had a mate. He had pups. He had his own little corner in the world carved out for him and his family. Life was good now, the gentle swooshing of air through the trees in the mountain forest, the squeals and yips of pups playing in the snow for the first time. Bane heard Jakart call Nako a dire wolf and let out a laugh as the Seracian jester struggling to his paws and faced Tahlia, the snow feeling cool through his fur as he lay his back. A lazy pawing was given to his mate's cheeks and chest, Bane lifting his head to caress her throat with his tongue. A pup was felt touching his tail and Bane looked down his side to see Jakart nursing, the young lupine pawing her stomach to stimulate milk flow. "I love you Tahlia... we made it... we made it." Bane said with a relaxed gasp.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
10-28-2013, 10:36 AM
Nako giggled and nosed Anais's stomach and neck. His half sister was silly, the littler pup squirming and wiggling beneath him as she bit at his paws and ankles with her milk teeth. A growl and a yip left him as she bit the soft skin of his ankle a bit to hard, Nako scrunching up his muzzle and growled against her neck. "Dat hurt Anais, dun bite me anymore." The pup got off of his sister to rub against the tree she was hiding behind to investigate it before marking it as his own with a cheek rub. He felt his head feathers graze along his side as he turned towards his sister and yelled. "Race you to mom!" Nako took off, splaying his paws on the snow to not sink to far in. Jakart was across the clearing with his parents, his brother stumbling backwards at the site of him and hopefully Anais as she took part in his game. Nako was just about to reach Tahlia when a paw bowled him over with a yip. "Daaaaaaad. Why you ruin the race?" Mismatched eyes, only one color from his father, the other from his real mother, gazed up at his sire.



7 Years
10-29-2013, 02:09 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

As hoped for the two pups along the treeline hurried their way toward their parents in the center of the clearing, though the race seemed to have a surprising effect on Jakart who was already there. Tahlia watched as he paused to look in their direction, crying out about Nako and calling him a dire wolf, before hurrying toward her. She could hardly help the laugh that bubbled up from within at his antics that accompanied the one Bane gave, and she lifted a foreleg clear of the youth as he shuffled into her stomach and set it down again with a slight wince as he latched on to nurse. That was something else about motherhood she had been lacking knowledge about, though she was willing enough to put up with it for her children.

Distracted by Bane's pawing, the gold-eyed she-wolf peered down at him with a contented smile, closing her eyes and enjoying the feel of his tongue along her throat. She listened happily as he spoke to her, obvious delight written in every word regarding the family they had brought into the world, and truly she felt the same. "We did," she responded proudly. Her gaze rose upward to watch as Nako and Anais began racing toward them, though she continued to speak, "They are growing so fast. We will need to introduce them to-" But she cut off her phrase as she watched Bane raise and paw and knock over Nako in his headlong race with ease, feeling initially a moment of panic at seeing the youngster sent sprawling but then relief when he seemed none the worse for his tumble. A swift glance was given toward her husband before she allowed herself to continue and finish what she had intended to say. "We need to introduce them to the pack soon. They are old enough now to mingle with the others."



5 Years
10-29-2013, 03:15 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The moment she heard the sudden growl and cry of alarm from her brother as she nipped his paws she released her hold, ears falling back in immediate apology. She had not meant to hurt him but it seemed she did not quite realize yet the sharpness of her puppy teeth, and she took Nako's slight berating without resistance or countering. She merely muttered a quick, "Sorry," as he let her go, rolling to her stomach and scrambling to her paws to shake off as much of the snow that still clung to her body as she could. A little shiver raced through her slight frame as her fur moved and allowed the chill to reach her skin, though she made no other signs of discomfort.

A challenge was made and Anais answered it with a grin, taking off in pursuit of her elder brother. Her steps were not so swift as his and the snow hindered her considerably more but neither fact deterred her from following, a quick giggle slipping out of her as she hurried to at least keep up with Nako who, with his obvious lead, was easily going to win their race. But before he could reach their mother, their father's swift paw shot outward and caught the boy, sending him tumbling into the snow. It might have been the perfect opportunity for her to gain an advantage while Nako got to his paws again, but instead she felt only tickled by the situation and fell into laughing at her brother's expense, pausing in her running as she neared him and her father to speak through her mirth, "He got you good, Nako!" With a bounding leap, she padded over to her father and nuzzled her cheek against his, tail wagging as her laughter finally subsided.

-- anais

brb: adventuring

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



5 Years
11-03-2013, 12:12 PM
Jakart continued to nurse, his head tilting back as he filled himself to his stomachs content. He didn't know the problems of the world. No worries, no problems, always finding something interesting about the world at this stage in life. Such was the life of a wolf pup, there was always something positive, the young pups not knowing what it was out there like in the real world, to be cold, alone, starving. The satisfaction of finding a real meal in a long time or better yet, taking prey down yourself. But Jakart didn't know these feelings. Warm, full, and well rested. It would all change in the coming year though. Hunts would go wrong, no prey or an injury could inhibit a wolf as sure as any sickness.

Bane's Tahlia born male stopped his suckling and licked at the milk that had seeped to the corners of his muzzle before giving a yawn. Jakart was still a pup though, warm, full, and well rested. Drowsy with the feeling of no worries or problems, he slowly crawled against the warm fur of Tahlia's stomach and curled up against a leg as his siblings played and parents watched. Jakart didn't know the problems of the world.

-Jakart is asleep-



11 Years
11-04-2013, 09:16 PM
Bane viewed his bastard pup upside down as Nako peaked his head out of the snow at his father and yipped his complaint, also feeling Tahlia's gaze upon him at his actions towards Nako. The male lazily pawed at the youngster again, absentmindedly listening to the last part of Tahlia speaking about when they should show off their young to the pack. She wanted it done soon, and as Nako tackled his throat Bane nodded and brought his paws towards his eldest pups maw which the Alena-born began to nip and bite in earnest. Anais was laughing and Bane arooed at Tahlia with a point of his muzzle underneath her to where Jakart was curled up. "Shhhhh, Anais, your littermate is trying to sleep."

The Talutah wolf out a soft growl at Nako with caused the pup to jump off his father's chest and give a yawn. "Tried males..." Nako had been outside and running around earlier, the juvenile lupine must've been exhausted by this point in time, Bane rolling over and picking up his son by the scruff of his neck. No wiggles of protest or complaining being heard as the pull of his scruff caused the little pup to enjoy a relaxing sensation. "Can you get Jakart and see if Anais is tired? It's funny to believe that my sons hardly lasted until mid day." The elder wolf spoke to Tahlia and went into the den to drop off Nako before doing a quick turn around and coming back out to stare at Anais, as if to ask her if she was going to be like her brothers and have to sleep early.

-Nako is now asleep-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
11-07-2013, 04:16 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The mother wolf was still as her son nursed, conscious of him there against her stomach though her attention remained mostly fixed upon her daughter, her husband, and her step-son, of which the last two were presently still wrestling. It might have been fine had she not been trying to speak with him, but she did feel somewhat irked to not have his full attention. It was a wrong time, surely, for such a discussion, but in her eyes it was incredibly important. Their luck had already been pushed once when she had waited so long to announce to Maverick and the pack that she was expecting; to deny introducing their children could very well hinder their stance - and more importantly Bane's who had already received one demotion - even more.

She could only sigh as her mate urged their daughter to hush, which she did with a timid tucking of her ears and wag of her tail. Already Nako was yawning, allowing his father to lift him up and begin carrying him into the den. Tahlia lifted a paw and glanced down at Jakart to find him quietly resting against her stomach very peacefully, and as much as she would have been content to let him sleep there she reached down and lifted him by the scruff as well. He was quiet as she carried him, padding softly into the den after Bane had exited and depositing her sleepy child there beside his brother while Anais snaked around her legs and with a smile and wag of her tail settled in beside her brothers to wind down.

Smiling at them, she took a moment to look at each of them in turn before turning and stepping back outside the den to rejoin Bane amidst the snow. "I half expected Anais to go racing off into the trees again," she admitted with quiet laughter in her voice, moving forward until she could press her forehead beneath his chin. Thoughts returning to what she had already mentioned, what Bane had yet to make a comment on, she broached the subject yet again, though posing the offer in slightly different terms. "Will you join me when I introduce the children?" She recalled disappointingly the manner in which Maverick had announced her pregnancy, his pointed avoidance of including Bane as the father. Despite what he might have felt regarding their union, Tahlia was far too proud of her family to deny her husband in the same way; she only hoped he might be willing to join her and further prove that their union was a sound one when the time came.



11 Years
11-07-2013, 11:16 PM (This post was last modified: 11-10-2013, 12:10 AM by Bane.)
Bane shifted his gaze into the den to observe the three wiggling pups as they found comfortable positions to sleep. Tahlia joined him outside and commented on Anais's obvious wanderlust, his mate rubbing her head underneath his chin with a laugh. "She's got your fish catching paws that for sure." Bane wrapped a paw around her neck and listened to her question about when their young should be introduced to the wolves of Seracia. "I will Tahlia, as a mate should." The bloodied moon wolf tugged his paw and brought him chest against Tahlia's, his nose touching hers in contemplation. "It'll be hard to question our union with three pups of fine breeding roaming wandering around."

His chin and lifted to rest in between Tahlia's ears, thinking. "You wanna go do something? Or just laze about? I could go hunt, for I'd imagine you'd be hungry due to having the three of them nurse, not Nako, never mind, our two... our two..." Bane rubbed the side of his neck against hers and let Tahlia's side fur slide between his fangs. A rumbled was given next to Tahlia's ear, the Talutah wolf giving a yip and a play-bow with tail wagging slowing behind him.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
11-25-2013, 10:11 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The proud mother smiled at the thought of her daughter taking after her as far as her techniques regarding hunting went, eager to see another fisher in their family. It was unconventional, something that seemed unique and valued because of it, and she could only hope that one of her children might be able to prove themselves invaluable in some way to their pack mates, particularly when they became of an age where they could move up in the ranks and start breaking out on their own. It was still early, and the colder weather right on the horizon, but already she was eager for the spring, hoping to see if what her husband said might be true.

As she felt the paw lift and curl around her neck, drawing her closer, Tahlia was relieved to hear Bane agree to being there for the time when she would show their children to the pack. Her tail wagged demurely at her side as she licked his muzzle where it pressed against her own, grateful to finally have a chance to right things now. It was better late than never, and perhaps with it some sense of recovered reputation might be able to be taken from it as well, a proper introduction being what should have been expected and approved of now that Anais and Jakart were no longer mere wiggly, defenseless babes. It would be a slow start to getting things back on track, but a start nonetheless, and for that Tahlia was eager with anticipation.

With a sigh her dark golden eyes closed when her husband settled his chin upon her head, comfortably seated within his embrace when he spoke up again and suggested what they might do now. Lazing about did sound wonderful, but not nearly as wonderful as did his offer of hunting for her. He was right; taking care of the pups, even if it was just the pair that she nursed, was tiring work and she sure felt it. But as she felt his teeth gently glide along her fur and then heard his playful yip, she suspected he was unaffected by the same tiredness that she felt. With a relaxed smile she opened her eyes again and peered across at him in his playful stance, chuckling gently as she answered, "That hunt sounds perfect. Perhaps I could join and observe? You have gotten to see me fish already; I would love a chance to see you in your element."



11 Years
11-29-2013, 02:27 AM
The place where his mates tongue touched still tingled on his muzzle as he mouthed a yip at Tahlia, not wanting to disturb their young in the process of falling asleep. She looked down at him and Bane gave a lazy blink of his sapphire eyes while observing her laughing form. His gazed turned a bit downcast at the mention of her seeing him hunt. Age restricted him now and as he stood himself upright and serious the elder wolf couldn't help but give a sigh. "There isn't really much to my hunting skill anymore, can't outrun a deer, but I can ambush it and take it down with some luck. It's how I fed us those few days and that was before winter." Bane gave an askew glance at the woods behind him for a moment.

"I am no longer quick on my paws, sharp in my turns or bite as hard anymore, the best I can do at this moment is maybe a lemming nest. For I am wolf and I have a damn good nose. Follow me." Bane gave his mate a reassuring smile and strode off into the woods, passing the marked trees with splayed paws leaving indentations in the snow. His nose touched the frozen skyfall and began to sniff out the scent of the rodents. Their distinct smell was found easily enough, many of the little ground dwellers having made their homes at the base of trees or amongst the roots of bushes along the bottom their hill. The Bloodied Moon wolf scraped away at the snow and soil before picking up a hibernating lemming and breaking it's neck with a shake of his head before setting the rodent down for his mate got eat. The old wolf sat in the snow with a yawn as he licked his teeth while watching Tahlia. Did she even like lemmings?
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•



7 Years
12-06-2013, 03:15 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

For all appearances, it nearly looked as if she had disappointed him with her choice, even though it had been one of his suggestions. She did not follow his line of thought at first, unable to figure for herself where it was his dampening expression had come from, though as he explained himself it became considerably more clear. It was true, he was not the spry thing that he once had been, long before he had met Tahlia. But the russet and black woman was convinced he was not so old and stiff as he tried to make himself out to be, smiling as she listened to him admit his faults and fears regarding his body's capabilities in the hunt. "It has not been so long since then, has it?" she questioned with encouragement when he paused to give the woods behind him a quick glance.

He did not need much reassurance or wheedling for him to finally agree and lead them through the woods, sharing a heartening smile with her along the way. Tahlia remained close to him as he sought out their course and only fell back when he began to sniff and capture the scent it was that he was after - lemming, she supposed - and began to track in earnest. She let him go ahead, hanging back so that she be well out of his way and her own steps would not couple with his in the snow to create even more noise to give away his intent. For all his talk, it hardly seemed to take him any time at all to locate his prey and dig it out, snatching it out of the snow and killing it swiftly.

She approached him as he set the lemming upon the snow and took his seat, smiling admiringly at him for his success despite what he had earlier said. It was no deer of impressive size, but the simple fact that he had still been willing to fetch her a small meal was flattering all on its own. "Thank you, my husband," she said as she stepped over to him and placed a gentle lick against his cheek and a lingering nuzzle under his chin. Settling her eyes upon the lemming, she turned toward it and bent down to feed, placing a paw upon it as she did so. It was not quite so filling as larger game might have been, but that was a small detail to her. She had been more interested in watching him hunt than what he would catch, and for that she was satisfied.

Licking her lips, she righted herself again and took a seat within the snow, golden eyes seeking out the blue ones of her mate. "Before long the pups will be hunting. Are you ready for that?" she asked, curious to know if he had given it thought prior to that moment. They were growing so quickly, it would only be a matter of time before they were old enough to wander on their own and leave them, free to do as they wished and make all their choices on their own. But for the time being, they were still small, sweet little children, and Tahlia had every intention of spoiling them with all the knowledge and treats that she could think of. "I cannot wait until the weather warms and we can go to the lake. All of us."



11 Years
12-08-2013, 12:04 PM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2013, 03:10 PM by Bane.)
Tahlia took a set of steps up to him and licked his cheek, the fur tingling from the gesture as well as the nuzzle. A nice set of love touches, Bane humming in pleasant satisfaction. The elder wolf didn't quite answer his mates question right before he went to hunt, an answer being pieced together as realization upon realization dawned upon him, and it was only after his mate began to feed that he addressed it. "I, I think your right." Bane sadly looked down from where he sat as his mate munched a lemming, the sudden realization that he'd been selling himself short ability-wise a few times when talking to Tahlia. Such as when attempting to get her pregnant, a remark about his age and potency had been given. "I've been doubting myself a lot these days... where would I be without you? Probably breaking more rules, getting impaled on branches and wandering aplenty outside of Seracia. But no, without you we probably never would have had our two... well that and you were receptive for about a fortnights time didn't help either."

When his mate had finished her gerbil, leaving nothing but a stain of blood on the snow and what looked like the skull to return to the earth, Bane adjusting himself as he leaned over to rub his mates back with a foreleg. "Hopefully in a couple of months... hungry things... and by that almost all the time." Bane hushed into an ear and contemplated what she had said about the lake.. "That sounds like a wonderful day trip." He placed his head on top of hers and contemplated what to do for the rest of the time while their pups were sleeping. "Any ideas of what were going to do now? Bane rumbled suggestively into her ear before taking it in his jaws and giving it the smallest of chewing motions as a massage while he awaited her answer.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•