
Piece By Bloody Piece



05-09-2023, 12:30 AM

Summer has arrived and, with the warming weather, has come more life. Prey and predators alike have had a prosperous spring and many young animals now roam the wilds. Morbid wanders through the prey laden land, looking over all the inhabitants with an appraising eye. Buffalo lift their heads to cast a wary gaze his way and the man flashes them a toothy grin as he passes. Tail flicks as he moves on, not stupid enough to take on a strong herd like that by himself. In the distance, he spies a grizzly carrying off a deer, blood painting a gory trail as it goes.

Truthfully, the man is here ‘shopping’ since he still needs a few more pelts to finish off his room. Yet, many of the animals here are boring or he already has several of their kind. Just as Morbid is about call it a day and take down one of the pronghorns for lunch, a strange scent catches his nose. Curious, the dark man alters his course to investigate. He is not disappointed as the orange and black pelt of a tiger soon comes into view. A mother and cub are stalking one of the herds of deer that are lazily grazing on the lush green grass.

Excitement thrums through Morbid as he pictures their pelts on his wall and he decides that they will die today. He stalks after the predators, moving silently after the pair. The wind shifts, taking his scent to the mother and cub and the tigress immediately rounds on him, instinctively putting the cub behind her as it growls threating at him. A wicked grin curls his lips as he moves toward her, the man exuding confidence as he goes. Anger colors the beast’s eyes as her display does nothing deter him and she offers him hiss.

Morbid laughs, a loud booming sound in the mostly peaceful day. Confusion clouds the tigress’s gaze as he refuses to backdown, calmly moving to engage the creature. Stepping into her space, the tiger lashes out, sending a paw at his head which the man easily dodges. Striking out, he latches onto the beast’s nose and easily shreds the important appendage. He does not back away, staying right up in her face as she recoils and attempts to smack him again. A curl smile is on his lips as he decides to take his time with this one.

"Morbid Amarix" | "Latin"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-14-2023, 09:19 PM

Although he had been enjoying his time in the north, Sephiran had gotten tired of dealing with the cold day in and day out. Even though it was summer, much of the north was still covered in snow, and aside from Aurelia, there wasn’t much to offer him up there. He decided to travel back down to the southern territories, searching for some excitement and warmth. Part of him wondered if he would run into Aresenn, which he would enjoy. They were always slaughtering things together. The thought of dismembering another fawn excited him, especially if Aresenn would be there. They could make necklaces from the entrails, and gnaw on a leg while they looked for something else to butcher. His pelt started to bristle in excitement at the thought.

As he moved across the prairie, he paid no mind to the animals grazing on the yellowed grass. Herds of bison bellowed in the distance, warning him that they were aware of his presence. But a bison wasn’t on his list of prey today. No, he wanted more of a challenge. He wanted something that would fight him, not just try to trample him and run off. A cougar came to mind, but he wanted something larger, faster, and more lethal.

And to his surprise, the universe would deliver the challenge he craved. He heard the snarls and hissing before he saw the flash of orange and black, the silhouette of a large feline appearing on the horizon. He stopped for a moment, skull lifting as he inhaled the scents that lingered in the prairie. Another wolf was here too. Without hesitation Sephiran strode forward, morbid curiosity driving him towards the unfolding scene.

He arrived just in time to see the tigress taking a swipe at a male wolf, who dodged the attack before grabbing onto a paw. Behind it was a cub, not much bigger than a wolf pup, who the mother must have been protecting. A long, toothy smirk spread across his maw, as the hair along his nape and spine stood erect with excitement. There was something about killing the innocent that made him feel alive. Without a second thought, the Saxe boy lunged forward, throwing himself into the fray as he sought to grab the mother tiger by her left back limb, wanting to sink his saber fangs into her hock to shred the Achilles tendon and render her limb useless. Mom would have to die before the cub was his to claim  Whether he intruded on the other wolf’s hunt or became an aid in this feat, didn’t matter to him. All he cared about was getting what he wanted.


Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.


05-28-2023, 08:17 PM

The tiger and dark-hued male stand face to face, blood dripping from the male’s maw as he smiles darkly at the tiger. It seems confused that a wolf would unabashedly approach it, let alone attack it and not back off, and it stumbles back to try and put a few steps between them. But Morbid does not back off, his confident stride pulling him right back into the tigress’s face as he strikes out again. Teeth dig into the flesh above and below the creature’s right eye and, like popping a champagne cork, the man easily removes the creature’s eye.

Tendons, like long strands of spaghetti, dangle from his bloody maw as the cat growls and strikes out blindly. It is in pain, with only one eye and no nose to use, which means that Morbid easily dodges the clawed paw. Suddenly, it yowls again and spins in an attempt to strike at something behind her. Curious, the male leans to the side, spying a purple yearling with the same lust for blood that he himself feels burning in his veins. A wink is giving as he slurps the dangling tendons down before cracking a dark grin.

With the feline distracted for the moment, and blind on her right side, Morbid causally strolls around to where she cannot see him. Suddenly, he launches forward, hooking a leg underneath her front leg as he attempts to get her on the ground. If he can get to the tender tissue of her belly… the man plans to take his time and enjoy killing the tigress… if the purple male has no objections.

"Morbid Amarix" | "Latin"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
05-31-2023, 07:15 PM

Before the tigress whirled around to face him, the other male wolf had removed one of its eyes. This left a rather gruesome sight behind, as tendons and nerves coiled out from the bloody hole in its skull. It was enticing to see, enthralling even, as it shot a wave of arousal down the boy’s spine. He didn’t falter in his attack, lunging forward with splayed jaws as he shredded through the tendons in its hind limb. A massive clawed paw came swinging in his direction, which forced him to pivot and release his hold to avoid getting smacked.

With the tigress’s attention on him, the other male took the opportunity to attack. Whatever he did, which Sephiran could not see given his positioning, made the tiger falter and stumble to the ground. She released an enraged snarl, one that dared the two wolves to pursue her further. And Sephiran took the taunt as an invitation. He surged forward, ducking down closer to the ground, to bring himself more level with the tiger. With jaws splayed, he bit into the thin underbelly of the beast, before raking his saber fangs from the umbilicus down to the groin to split her open. He had to leap away quickly to avoid the swiping claws that came his way.

Whether it died quickly or not, didn’t matter to the Saxe boy, because his goal had already been achieved. He would allow the other male to deliver the finishing blow, or let the tigress bleed out into a slower death. Either way, they had fought and defeated it. With blood dripping from his maw, he turned his attention to the cub that sparked his infatuation in the beginning of the encounter. He strode forward, closing the gap between himself and his newest toy, before he reached down to grab it by the scruff. It growled in protest, kicking and flailing as it tried to get away. But it’s fate was already sealed.


*note: we are using the two-round skill pass thread from Hermes here

Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.