I get these cravings, to get out and escape
Expert Healer (170)
Master Fighter (260)
3 Years
3 Years
04-18-2023, 09:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-18-2023, 09:52 PM by Rivin. Edited 1 time in total.)
Rivin had seen this land in passing, but never before had the yearling entered it. Now that the Pirates had returned from the raid and the cuts over the right side of her face and eye were healing. She’d been lucky she hadn’t lost her eye. Dumb koi kid. He looked kind of nice, but she’d decided she hated his guts… and at some point she’d be back for round two. Later though, once she’d had some more luck in fighting things. Was kind of stupid to run back to someone immediately after getting your ass handed to you and expect things to be different. That was fine though. All in all Rivin thought she did well for her first raid. She had bested that first koi wolf, and he had been older! Lark had really come in clutch there at the end. Rivin cast a glance towards the bobcat as he padded alongside her. He was loyal, dutiful, obedient. Rivin liked having him with her to go to places like this. The feline bristled as they moved through the land. “Many animals fear the Barren Hills,” He told Rivin. “The earth shifts, ripping up trees without warning, and collapsing the tunnels under the earth just as fast as it made them. Don’t go under the surface.” A warning. He raced ahead, leaving the yearling behind as she walked in the dying light of evening. Probably not the most ideal time to be wandering in a land that could swallow you up, but hey, Rivin didn’t exactly like planning things out all the time. Life was too short to plan every move. Sometimes you need to wing it. That feeling within her began to stir again and Rivin slowed, claws biting into the soil. That whisper, that voice within calling her name. Rivin flicked her ears back and narrowed her eyes. Some help that feeling had been in the raid! But wasn’t I? Rivin growled lightly. You can feel me, you can tap into my strength… A coo, the voice more of a feeling within her mind and body, part of her. Rivin snorted, turning, and, as she did so, realizing that she could see another wolf. Wait… wasn’t that another one of the pirates? He’d been at the raid too. Gilly…something… right? Maybe it was about time she learned his proper name. He shared the same rank as her dad after all. “Yo,” She called out to him. “Some raid, huh? Heard you kicked the ass of both your opponents.” Would that be enough to catch his attention? Or would he ignore her as just another kid? "Talk," 'Think.' |
04-19-2023, 10:53 PM
Gil didn’t often take this path as he often didn’t care to trek north of Obsidian Beach. Today, though, he was on a sort of personal mission. Having stopped by home to bandage his missing digit and snag a bottle of booze to drink on the way there, the man was halfway to feeling better. Lost in thought as he rode on his prideful high of kicking koi wolf ass, he almost didn’t notice the other pirate. She was young and barely noticeable to him most of the time. Except this time she was calling out to him. Stopping as both ears turned to her, he tilted his head curiously in her direction. Yo? Is that what youngin’s said these days? A light huff leaves his nostrils as he considers moving on past the yearling. Yet, she goads his pride and mentions his wins in the raid. A flicker of a smirk crosses his lips as he decides to approach her. “I suppose it was alright. My carrying in the raid still did not get us a win,” Gil replied as he eyed the girl carefully. Was he bitter? Slightly, only deterred because he had finally bested Terry or was it Tammy? Eh, still and got that punk’s toe! Anyway, he eyed her still because while Gil didn’t really care how well others did, he did want the pirates to start winning more often. So he supposed he should care how well the other pirates did. Fuck. “Couldn’t say the same about you though. Seems like you and your siblings need some work,” his lip twitches somewhat as he rolls his shoulders. Shifting his weight, he wonders how she will response. ”Speech” ’Thought’ |
gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him
Expert Healer (170)
Master Fighter (260)
3 Years
3 Years
06-04-2023, 08:54 PM
Calling out seemed to work. The other pirate turns to her and, with her compliment, a smirk appears on his face. He speaks and Rivin frowns a little. He had won both his fights, hadn’t he? And she had only won one of them. The pup shrugged at his comment. “Considering the old man hasn’t done much in the way of training and I still won one of my fights, I think I did alright for myself.” She didn’t mind it, but that didn’t mean she didn’t want to do better. Rather than get offended, however, she was going to use his statement to her advantage. She arched a brow, casting the man a grin. “But if you don’t want things to just rely on you, maybe you should give me some pointers on how to do better. Maybe even give me a lesson or some shit.” But would he do it? "Talk," 'Think.' |
Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.
06-06-2023, 10:57 AM
It was probably noticeable that Gil and Modesty hadn’t been the best parents. They had had a rough start into parenthood and that had carried on into a lackluster sort of an attempt. So when Rivin commented about Ignis not really trying to train them, he only shrugged. He considered Ignis a friend of sorts, more like drinking buddies, and whether Ignis was a better father or not hadn’t ever been on his mind. Her next statement was a good point though and that at least earned her another huff from his nostrils and a nod of his head in her way. Finally fully turning toward and closing the gap between them, he cast her another smirk in response. “I’m a tad loose from drowning out some pain,” Gil lifts his paw where he is missing a toe and it is clear there is a discarded bottle nearby. “But I guess I got some time to show you some moves,” he states as his yellow eyes size her up. Soon she will be taller than himself since he only stands at 42” and her frame is heavier than his. Thick and not as feminine as he imagined most females to be, Gil chalked that up to her being around mostly boys - brothers and pack mates included. This could be a good lesson for her on how to fight different wolves of different sizes and shapes, or he could teach her about battle stances. “Would you rather a lesson or a practice spar or both?” He offers instead. Maybe leaving it up to her will help her be more inclined to learning and having it stick in her head. ”Speech” ’Thought’ |
gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him