
Meant to Live



2 Years
10-11-2013, 05:01 PM
Early morning had everything in a frozen clutch, everything was so brittle that it seemed to break and scatter under any weight applied. Air huffed out of parted jaws creating a very noticable cloud before the face of a wolf. Pale green orbs were set on one thing only. Each limb pushed at an easy lope, tracking down the trail of her quiry. It had been three days now, across the south. Her sides breathed evenly though through thick plush winter coat ribs could be counted. The predator could not afford to lose this meal, every fiber of her being commanded she hunt down this deer. Sure it was small, but it was enough to feed her starving body. A glow of burning determination was the soul fire that kept the young girl moving.

The scent was growing hot, any mintue now and she would be upon the body of the tired deer. She had no one to teach her to hunt but she had learn that trailing her prey relentlessly won out in the end. She knew her strengths and how best to use them. She was nearing the deer, almost able to taste it on her tongue. Her brain could only focus on it and the scent borders of a pack had gone undetected. A snarl ripped from the yearly as she came into lunging distance of the deer. It legs shook, barely able to hold it up. She clung to the throat of the deer, both collasping to the ground in a heap. she struggled under the weight of the dead deer as she crawled her way out from under her. I...i did it? She thought to herself. She stood staring down at it almost blankly. The long hunt had given her a task, but now it was over. What would she do now? Where would she go?

A new scent had her tense up, all around her was pack scents of many wolves. Tail curled under her as pale green eyes scanned around her. Maybe she could drag the deer out of here and eat? But surely they would scent a fresh kill and her. There was no way avoiding it. Ears pulled back flat aginst her skull as her heart hammered. What should she do? What could she do?!



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-13-2013, 07:34 AM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2013, 07:35 AM by Epiphron.)

There was nothing quite like an early morning walk to warm up her frozen body. Winter as not upon them, and in full force; snow dotted the earth, and with each exhalation the Queen saw a puff of white smoke escape her lips. Limbs carried her slender frame across the lands, eager to scout this morning. It wasn't something that normally thrilled her, but danger was a very real threat recently -- perhaps not here, but to Valhalla. And who knew the power that the wolves of Glaciem possessed?

The sight of another was impossible to ignore, and she redirected herself across the fields, heading towards her. As she drew closer, she saw that the girl that had materialized on the border looked rather malnourished. She was most certainly not a threat to her, or any of Seracia for that matter. And near here, a fallen deer ... curiosity piqued, she increased her pace and headed towards the woman. As she drew closer, her tail flagged high above her back, eyes fixed on the stranger who was certainly intruding. "I assume you realize that you have crossed into a pack's territory?" Epiphron questioned, though her tones were light and unassuming. "But you fear leaving your kill here, for you might not make it through the winter without it. Relax, you will not be harmed here." A smile had appeared on her face, warmth and yet detached all the same as blue eyes examined the youngster.



2 Years
10-15-2013, 12:10 AM
Pale green orbs quickly noticed a women approaching. Her high held tail made her gulp and shudder. Tail was nearly invisable with how close it was glued to her underside. She glanced around with alarm, paws shuffling backwards, nearly tripping over herself. Eventually her rump flopped down as she tried to make herself as small as possible before this women. Her words would seem reassuring but one could never be too cautious. Eyes would glance down at her deer then the white women with a few splashes of russet and back again."I...I..uhh..I didnt mean too! I had followed it for three days and finally was able to kill it. I didnt know this was pack territory till it was to late." She would babble out in a rush.

Ideas rushed and swam in her head. She could always ask to join, but what kind of pack was this one? Would they accept a starving wolf in the middle of winter? How could she prove her worth? She didnt know much in fighting. She was only good at tracking, fishing and navitgating Alacritis. She looked down at the ground as her stomach gave a loud rumble and a soft whimper slipped from her muzzle. She closed her eyes in embarrassment. "Please...take my deer in appologies for tresspassing and possibly an acceptance into your pack?" She said softly with her head bowed down. Even if she was on the edge of just tearing into the deer no matter what, manner and common sense would always come first.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-15-2013, 10:18 AM

Though Epiphron wasn't a woman that preferred to rule by fear -- it seemed that was more of her brother Syrinx's style of leadership -- she appreciated the girl's submissive nature. As she examined her further, she seemed hardly more than a yearling; it was impressive she had survived this long on her own at all. The smile remained on her lips, and though its genuineness was questionable to those who knew her well, it was not exactly condescending.

The girl was nervous, and she didn't want to see her grovel before her. Seracia was not a tyranny, but instead a Kingdom ruled on respect and mutual loyalty. She would teach her that quickly. "Don't be alarmed. I can see that you mean us no harm." Though she was always on edge when strangers arrived here, she could tell this girl was no spy -- and if she was, she was a damn good one.

It seemed her hunger had pushed her into a frenzy, and she hadn't realized she'd been stepping into claimed territory. Blue eyes watched her, noting how underfed she did appear to be. "If you are looking for a home, you are more than welcome in the Kingdom of Seracia. I am the Queen; but please, just call me Epiphron. All we ask here is that you contribute what you can. Listen to your superiors. And the Kingdom ought to come first at all times, even in the face of death. Selflessness will be greatly rewarded." What good was a member who would not fight for their own family, and work for the greater good? All but useless.

And this girl was already quite selfless, offering the small deer she had taken down in exchange for protection. "Keep your meal. Give me your name, though, and you are more than welcome to make this your home if our principles appeal to you." This was no place for wolves who found joy in killing or wreaking havoc, and she could only hope this yearling was not so evilly-inclined, though it certainly seemed she wasn't.



2 Years
10-17-2013, 02:56 PM
It seemed this female had a good sense of judgement which the yearling liked. She was glade the other didnt see her as a threat and her tail would wag a few times before stopping. Even still she would remain in a submissive posture. After all she had crossed into her pack lands. She had broken an unspoken rule among wolves. She must always be respectful and ammend for her wrong doing in any way possible.

Epiphron was her name, and queen! Pale green orbs widened with awe. She told her the principles the pack ran by, making her held tilt. It would seem easy enough. But was she ready to throw her life in danger for a group of wolves she did not know yet? Surely that time would never come and if it did it would only be till she had learn everyone here and saw them as family. The thought of meeting so many new wolves made her nervous. She hd never really been around many of her kind. Infact her mother had been a loner and her father unknown. But surely Epiphron would help her settle in right? Another worrying thought entered her mind. What could she offer the pack in return for being part of it. Eyes looked down at her paws, trouble. " Queen Epiphron, those prinviples seem simple and easy enough to follow. Ones i would be more than willing to follow. But i'm worried about fitting in...and i dont know what i could offer the pack in return.." Her voice would trail off in the end with a frown. At least she was being honest though. Her mother told her honesty would get her far in lif one day. Maybe this was what her mother ment?

When Epiphron spoke again, telling her to keep her meal, eyes glanced up. All she needed was to give her name and she would be accepted? Eyes studied the women for a moment, trying to see if this was some kind of joke, a trick. But she only found her self wanting to trust her and finally have someone to lean on once again. She gave a yelp and spun in a tight circle twice before stopping. Head bowed with embarrassment."Sorry...My name is Rohini Astraea. I do wish to share my meal though. If i gurge myself, it'll only make me sick since its been awhile since ive eaten. Please, do have some." She said softly. A new light blazed in her eyes, a new hope, a future. She would wait for Epiphron to speak and then take the first bite.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-18-2013, 06:56 AM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2013, 06:57 AM by Epiphron.)

The smile remained, a pleased addition to the girl's already quite lovely face; there was no threat to her or her family here. Her own blue eyes sought the youngster's, since the eyes did seem to be the window to her soul -- and what she saw seemed to please her.

"Don't worry, you will find something," she assured the worried newcomer. She seemed rather anxious at the possibility of not fitting in, but Epiphron was not alarmed. "There is no rush in finding your place. Not all wolves have to be grand warriors or hunters, or even medics. We have young children here, and always need mentors and helpers for them. It even helps to have messengers travel between us and our allies to send messages." She really didn't have decide now, and she was not pressed to get an answer from her -- she rolled her shoulders somewhat lazily, wanting the girl to realize she truly was no threat. "I also know you will have no trouble finding your place here. We have all kinds of characters here. My own children are around seven months of age. I'm sure they could use a younger woman like yourself to look up to."

And finally she gave her name. "It is a pleasure, Rohini." But she had no interest in keeping her meal to herself. Ah well; she could enjoy an afternoon snack "Then I will join you." Smile grew a bit, and she bowed her head slightly. Slowly she would recline to her belly, inviting the girl to join her and relax. There was no need for her to get more nervous. With little hesitation she would grasp the flesh between her jaws, tugging the animal's fur aside to get to the meat, which she began to chew at gently.

(Given the recent site update, it's fall now instead of winter so let's just assume that~ :D)



2 Years
10-18-2013, 09:06 PM
She would sit there, fully focused on Epiphron as she spoke. She was no warrior type, the thought made her unnerved, to rip into another of her kind. Hunter, well she still needed to learn alot in that area. Healer was possible maybe. But she wasnt sure she had the steady paw to treat major wounds. She did know her way pretty well around Ala. She had too to stay alive for so long. But like Epiphron said, she didnt have to decide just yet. As Epiphron rolled her shoulders her tail wagged. The queen trusted her enough to relax, that was good right? She no longer felt nervous but welcomed here. She had not been chased off but allowed to explain herself.

She had childern? Ears perked up with interest. Epiphron thought she was someone pups could look up to? But they had just met, could the Queen judge someone so easily and percise? Or was it that Epiphron had hopes for her turning out to be a good asset to the pack? She sure hoped so. She didnt want to let someone she just met and liked, down. Silently she swore she would do her best for Epiphron and the pack.

She sat there as she watched Epiphron take a bite of the deer. A new feeling washed over her. She was pleased she could feed another, to offer her kill. It was a satifying joy. To know she could offer something in the end, to be worth something. Truely she had never fed with another ffrom own of her own kills. Her mother had always been the one to hunt when she was young and eaten with her. After their separation, Rohini had been alone and only found enough food to get by with. So Epiphron would be the first. She smiled before bending down to eat as well. For a straving wolf she ate like a well trained princess, never making a mess, something her mother had taught her



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-22-2013, 02:06 PM

She didn't know a single creature in Seracia who was completely useless; even the youngest children seemed to have some kind of skill, even if they did not feel the need to apply themselves yet. The Queen was not at all worried that this young girl would wind up being a waste of space. It was nice to watch the worry leave her posture; to watch her stance become more relaxed and free. At the heart of everything, Epiphron truly was good, and she could not stand to see a young girl starve with winter soon approaching. Having children had changed her -- softened her, in a way that she had never known possible.

The girl would join here. In silence they would eat, but truthfully Epiphron was not starving, and so she was content to gingerly pick at the meal while Rohini did the same. "What was your life like before this?" She would inquiry gingerly, assuming the girl decided to stay. It was best to have a faint idea of the wolves that walked among her family, her loved ones, especially if she didn't want to sleep with one eye open at night.



2 Years
10-25-2013, 06:21 PM

She laid there, using self control to not tear into the dear like some insane wolf. But it felt nice to let her guard down, knowing that she was safe. She wouldnt be alone anymore, she would be able to grow up with friends, a pack. It was thrilling and yet nerve racking. She didnt know one thing about living in a pack, or even with anyone really. Filling her stomach warmed her, re-energized her. It was another spark that said she would live to see another day. Silently she gave thanks to mother nature for providing her with a meal finally.

Epiphron's voice made her look up and pause mid-chew. She wanted to know her past? She shifted uneasily for a moment, eyes darting around."I..uumm..I only lived with my mother. I had a brother once..Mother taught us everything she could as soon as possible. She wanted us well prepared for life, specially since it was only us three. But...this past Spring..i lost them." She paused for a moment. She wouldnt, couldnt go into detail about what had happened that night. Not even she had fully understood it."I traveled alot on my own here in Alacritis. I cant remember where im from. Mother moved us alot, but it wasnt here in Alacritis. So..i tried to survive on my own this whole time." She finished. She grinned softly before taking another bite. She hoped Epiphron didnt ask for details on how she lost her mother and brother.

Talk like this



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-28-2013, 07:30 AM

It was a heavy question, but Epiphron was curious, wanting to know what kind of woman this one was. She'd seemed timid and scared when first arriving, and more than willing to give up her food for protection and refuge. The Queen couldn't imagine not having a place to live. Quietly she would gulp down some more of the kill, before nudging it toward Rohini. There was more than enough for the two of them, and she was certain there would be leftovers for whoever might be hungry. Perhaps they could drag it toward the center of the territory once Rohini was done.

She'd never really been part of a pack, it seemed, only lived with her mother and a sibling. "I'm sorry to hear that," she mused aloud, voice tender and empathetic. "Well, you have a home now, and are more than welcome to make yourself comfortable here. The wolves of Seracia are good. I am sure you will find some kindred souls here." The Queen smiled, stretching her forelegs before her as her jaws would part in a lazy yawn. "When you are finished -- eat all you want -- perhaps you could assist me in dragging the rest of this toward the center of the territory. I am sure we can find a few hungry mouths who are eager for a meal."



2 Years
10-29-2013, 08:21 PM



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-02-2013, 09:51 PM

She listened to Epiphron as she commented about having a home. What was it like to have a home? To be able to call a place where she belonged and would grow up from this day on? Whatwould it be like to be anchored to one place, never to be roaming around aimlessly. But also what did it mean, to have a home? There would be only way true way to answer they,and that was to stick around and find out. She hoped her mother and brother would be proud of her trying to make something of her life.

She nodded to the Queen's next set of words and continued to eat for a few more moments. She didn't want to over indulge knowing it would only cause her stomach to ache. She stood up with a stretch. A shadow of doubt and fear clouded her eyes, ears flattened out and tail hung town. And yet she was ready to take the next step in her life and meet the pa?k."I'm readywhen you are Epiphron." she said softly before grabbing one end of the half eaten deer.

Talk like this

Soon enough she would discover what it was like to have a home -- Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias would see to it personally that she was safe and happy here. Something about the young woman had struck a nerve with her. Perhaps because she was at such a vulnerable age, hardly a yearling, dancing the line between childhood and adulthood. Hopefully she would find her place here, but she expected no less. Had anyone not found something worthwhile in Seracia? Even Bane, the brute that Maverick seemed to detest so deeply, had found love here.

With an affirmative nod she leaned forward toward the kill again. Jaws would part to grasp a piece of the flesh firmly as she began to tug it backwards. She knew the land well, and doubted she would snag her paws on any obstacles, but he kept her body angled to the side and her head tilted slightly so she could glance behind her occasionally. Slowly, together, they would bring the kill to the center of the territory for whoever needed to eat.

"Thank you," she said, panting as the two of them released what remained of the kill.
"Make yourself at home and explore as you please. I will be near if you need anything, so please don't hesitate to call for me." A smile was offered as she dipped her head, before turning to leave.

- exit Epiphron -