
Snow time like the present!

First outing for LucyBae Puppers~



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
06-13-2023, 10:33 PM

Auster’s winter was in full swing and yet, despite the chill, Lucette had promised her little ones that they could go outside today. And what a day for it! There was snow falling, the fresh kind of powdery snow that was both mystical and pleasant and pleasant to play in. Lucy still remembered her first snowfall. Thankfully her children had splashes of darker colors that could make them easily seen. Even Gav, despite his lighter middle coat. The only one she was a little worried about was Vitani, but even now the sweet child seemed to be getting around okay despite her disability. But how would she do when the world was more open? What if she fell into the pool of the falls? Worse yet, what if she went under the falls after and drowned? Lucy shook her head, dismissing those thoughts as she rose.

It was morning, and it was time. She nuzzled each of her children, including the young Nova, and shot a quick glance at Bae-Syl with a smile. “A promise is a promise, my little ones. Your father and I told you that we’d go out today, and out we’ll go. You are to follow behind me, and not reach out to the rushing water. It will be loud and very, very cold this season. There is more cold stuff outside, but it is pretty too.” Lucette’s tail began to wag as she started towards the main part of the cave to lead the way outside. “Bae, can you take the rear and make sure no one falls into the pool?” The last thing they needed was for a medical emergency to end up spoiling the fun of the rest of the kiddos… and scare the hell out of their parents.

Would the kids be as excited as she was hoping?

"Talk, 'Think.'
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Extra large
06-14-2023, 11:10 AM
Souzan was more than ready to meet the world beside her parents and many siblings, more than she could count on her toes. She rushed after her parents fast and with a big smile on her lips. Her tail wagged as she stuck close to her mother and father. Doing her best to keep up with her small legs. "Yes yes yes!!" She laughed and started to sniff everything around her, wanting to check everything she could, minus the water her mother warned them about. "Watar!" She said as some snow collected on her nose and melted into water. "Cold water!" She giggles. She then goes to her mother and blushes her head against her leg affectionately. She loved her mom so much.

"Souzan" -
code by Cloudy
[Image: PuffsTransparent.png]



Expert Fighter (130)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

2 Years
Dire wolf
06-14-2023, 11:40 AM
Nova had been adjusting to her new family, of course, she felt a bit out of place as she was totally different from them. And it was hard for her to accept that her biological parents abandoned her or something like that. And that left the girl with self-doubt and distrustfulness with others, especially those who now called her parents. So when her mother called for her young siblings she almost didn't follow, but at the end she observed from the back, keeping her distance. Slowly she took a seat and watched not making an attempt to interact. She sighed and looked around, she hasn't explored her new pack much yet, perhaps she could do so now. And like that, she walks around but not going too far.

code by Cloudy



Expert Fighter (140)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
06-15-2023, 01:09 AM
With so many warm bodies wrapped snuggly around each other, it is no wonder that Jericho is so soundly asleep. His small legs are twined around one of his siblings, twitching every now and again as he dreams about running free in a huge, open space. While his mother and father awaken, the boy stays firmly in dreamland, where he finds a rather delicious looking piece of meat. Just as he begins to nibble on the mouth-watering piece of food, the pup is gentle nuzzled awake by his mother. White eyes slowly blink open and, with sleep clouding them and clinging stubbornly to his mind, he finds, to his great surprise that he has been nibbling on one of his siblings.

While Jericho’s puppy teeth are sharp, they have (luckily) not broken skin and he quickly spits out the fur that was in mouth so he can offer his victim a sheepish grin. Mumbling an quick apology to them, he then quickly pushes away from the pile so he can roll onto his back and stretch for all he worth. A yawn splits his maw wide open, causing tears to form in the corner of his eyes as his legs stretch out in every direction, undoubtedly coming into contact with other members of his family. It is the good kind of stretch that leaves one feeling satisfied and limber all at the same time. However, mid-stretch, the boy stills as his mom begins to talk.

At the mention of going outside, Jericho quickly rolls to his belly and springs up to his paws while excitement shines brightly in his eyes. Eagerness and joy have his small paws tippy-tapping impatiently on the ground as he finally gets to find out what makes that low rumble that fills the family’s den. Once his mother begins to move toward the outside world, the black and white boy falls in line behind his sisters. He positions himself close to his smallest brother, offering the winged boy a gentle nudge and huge grin as they move. He might not be much of a talker but his emotions are written plainly on his features.

The rumbling steadily grows louder as the family winds their way through the tunnels that connect their den to the outside world. It builds into an almost deafening roar by the time they exit the cave network and Jericho pauses near the exit to lift a leg and shield his eyes. While the tunnels and cave had been lit with the soft glow of candles and torches, nothing could have prepared the boy for the sudden brightness of the world. It takes him a moment to blink away the spots that distort the world and, even though it is overcast and snowing, the sudden difference from the dimmer light in the den to the light of the outside world takes a moment for him to get used to.

Ears slick back as the roar of the falls overwhelms him for a moment but, as the world resolves, Jericho finds himself completely and utterly awestruck. Leg drops back to the ground as his pale gaze takes in the sheer scale of everything. Water falls from somewhere above them and the pup scampers around the curtain of falling water to crane his neck back and try to spy the top of the falls. Back, back, back he leans until he topples over backward and lets out a small, “Oof.” Scrambling back up onto his paws, his attention is caught by the white bits of snow that slowly drift down from the gray sky. Eyes widen as tracks one on its course down to the ground and the boy moves quickly to keep track of it.

While Sou is over by their mother and safe, the pup isn’t watching where he is going (with his neck craned back and eyes trained on the snowflake) so he ends up slamming straight into his sister, Nova. She is bigger than him already so his small body doesn’t really do much to her as he hits and slides down to ground. Another, “Oof.” Fills the air and, he shakes his head before quickly trying to find where his snowflake went. Realizing he has lost it, Jericho huffs out a sad sigh and stands. Looking to sister, the boy apologetically says, “Sorry Nova! I didn’t see you there. Was trying to follow one of those white things.” A paw waves absently at the air around them before asking, “Whatca think?!” The boy does not know that Nova has actually come from the outside world and that this isn’t the first time she has been out here. This is new for all them!... Right?

"Jericho Agatsuma-Kedieo"

code by Cloudy



Intermediate Healer (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
Dire wolf
06-23-2023, 08:03 PM
She'd been up early this morning. Her mother had promised she would take them outside, and ever the adventurer Tani had just gotten more and more excited about it. Dad had to almost constantly redirect her from the den entrance to this point, and now she was finally going to be allowed out of it. She had hated the no outside rule, as soon as she could walk she had been everywhere inside the den. She had even started licking the walls of the cave and exploring what it all tasted like. Several times mom had had to drag her away from the herbs she kept in the den, or ink would be scruffing her and stopping her.

She was adventurous after all. Plus being blind meant she needed to learn everything by using her other senses.

As soon as her mom was awake and she knew it, Tani started bouncing in place from one foot to the other. Her face alight with a massive grin, little sabers on display as she grinned. "FINALLY!!!!" She was all to happy to burst from the den as soon as Lucette gave them the okay. Her blindness only sending her tumbling as she ran face first into something solid but soft, sending her butt first over the obstacle. Said obstacle was a less than enthused Ikuchi who sort of seemed to just flop under her.  She didn't waste any time getting back up and shaking off the cold snow that clung to her. "Hurry up Iki! C'mon Gav!" Her excitement couldn't be contained.

She went running again only to jump so she could flop with her belly up into the soft snow. She might not be able to see but that wouldn't stop her. As she sat up though her next thing would only cause a sigh to sound from their father, but she did it anyway. Tongue extended and she licked the very ground next to her. Okay so this really was cold, numbed her tongue a little but otherwise no taste, she had that.

Her grin was massive as she perked her little ears and listened for what her mom had said would be loud.

"Vitani" - "Jack"
code by Cloudy

Vitani is completely blind, and as such will compulsively taste and feel anything or anyone new. This is your warning.

As her parents Lucette and Bae-Syl are allowed in any of her threads regardless of how they are marked. As her Alpha and grandmother, Bellamy is also allowed to intervene in her threads where she sees the need.

She has a jackalope companion named Jack, assume he is nearby even if not mentioned.


08-10-2023, 08:55 PM
"Talk", 'Think.'

Baecette had been content to rest in the comfort of their den, curled up in the furs their father had brought in for them all to lay on. With so many bodies, even though it could be cold closer to the exit of their particular den into the tunnels, inside it was nice and cozy. He had been drifting in and out of sleep, an ear giving the occasional flick as his siblings did this or that. As much as he wanted to go outside as well, he knew they would not be allowed until their mother and father said they could go. All he could do was wait, an eye popping over every so often to make sure his siblings were still in the den. He was mostly worried about Vitani; she couldn’t see, and that made her prone to wandering well, pretty much anywhere. Then she’d put her maw around whatever she could, including mother’s herbs. Ink always got huffy when she did that, scruffing his sister, though their mother was far more forgiving as she redirected her child.

Then, at last, their mother was giving them instructions. You wouldn’t have guessed that the boy had been dosing as he jumped to his paws, an eager grin forming on his lips. “Yes! Let's go! Gav get up you’re gonna miss it!” If it wasn’t for the fact they were about to see something new Baecette would have been more gentle with his little brother. Instead he somewhat roughly yanked the winged boy up, a whine of complaint and a quick, sheepish smile given to apologize before Baecette was following after their mother and other siblings. It was hard not to try and rush ahead… thankfully the bodies before him prevented Baecette from doing anything too reckless.

The noise their mama talked about grew louder and louder, thunderous as the large amount of water cascaded from somewhere high above. He had thought the roof of the cave was massive, but as Baecette stepped out into the wider world he could see it was actually just as tiny as Gav, if not smaller. He draws in a breath and exhales excitedly in a puff of white smoke. “Woah!” He isn’t sure what is the best part; the water, his breath, or the cold, soft stuff at his paws. He rushes past Nova, Jericho, Sou, and their mother to race toward Vitani before flopping bodily beside her in the snow. The crunch was satisfying, and with zero hesitation Baecette buried his face in it, wiggling as the cold made his flesh tingle. It is then, and only then that he glances toward Tani, grinning.

“Does it taste good?” Knowing her she’d already tried to eat some.

"Talk", 'Think.'