
Embrace your fears




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

1 Year
Extra large
06-29-2023, 07:12 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2023, 07:13 PM by Karaka. Edited 1 time in total.)
Raka’s curiosity seemed almost endless. It sent her to the edge of the Red Forest, time and time again. She loved the friendly giants they shared this space with. Their reach to the stars seemed so vast it was beyond comparison. More than once, she wished she could fly like a bird, or climb like a squirrel. To travel to the tops of these incredible, towering trees. She wondered what the world would look like from up there. If she would even be able to see the forest floor far below.

She shook her head, racing through the trees, careful not to catch her horns on low tree branches. She raced until she hit the large body of water at the edge of the territory. The water came from further North, and often looked terribly cold. She had drunk from the water, and dipped her toes in the shallow end before. But she had never been brave enough to get it.

It was late morning, on a warm summer's day. In fact, it was one of the warmest days she had felt so far. She was really feeling the heat in her thick Northern coat. She dipped a toe in the water, and was surprised to find it was almost warm. Well, perhaps not warm, but not exactly cold, either. She sucked in a soft breath and wondered what it would be like to hop in. She looked about herself, but neither her dad nor her siblings were about. If things went badly, there was no one here to catch her. But, she had spent so much of her life so far solo that it was almost business as usual. She took a cautious step into the shallows. Wondering if she was brave enough to go just a little further….

WC: 302

[Image: PZuet8y.png]

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
06-29-2023, 08:18 PM

There is something so calming about the water for young Calico Jack. His life had begun on a black, sandy beach and from there, the ocean sang him lullabies each night. It was the one constant thing that the boy could always count on. Even as his mother had descended into a deep despair, drinking until she was barely coherent, the water had been the only place he had felt safe. Underneath the rolling surface waited a whole another, unknown world just for him. It was in that land that he had learned to swim, from the first moment he had left his den. Now, wherever he found water, you can bet the boy would be in it.

In fact, that is exactly where he is now, underneath the cool surface of a crystal-clear river up in the northern territories. It was a hot and humid day which made for ideal swimming conditions and, since the river is fed by northern snows, it means it is perfect for fighting the heat. Down in the underwater kingdom, Calico Jack simply floats, head tilted back so he can keep his icy blue eyes on the sunlight that filters through the liquid. It is difficult to describe the beauty of the refracted rays and how they seem to make the water sparkle with their light.

The current is not strong and Jack finds that this place is ideal for swimming. His lungs begin to make their protest known as the boy has been underneath the water for a while. Slowly, he exhales, allowing a stream of bubbles to float upward as he kicks out and follows after them. His head breaks the surface with barely a sound and the boy inhales some fresh air. Legs push out against the water keeping the boy afloat and head above the water. Slowly he rotates his body as his eyes scan for someplace new to dive down and check out.

However, he finds something far more interesting in the shallow end of the water in the form of a tall pup. The girl looks uncertain of going out any further, her steps cautious and halting which makes Calico Jack smile knowingly. Happily, the boy calls out, “Hey! Great day for a swim!” Without waiting for an invite, he swims over to her and stands in the shallows close by. Water drips from his form in fat, heavy drops and the soggy wolf smiles warmly at the pup. He does not shake out his coat because he knows he will just be diving back in soon.

Looking to the pup, he curiously asks, “You ever been swimmin’ before?” Head cocks as he waits for an answer, ready and willing to teach another pup how to swim. For a moment, his mind turns to when he taught Rivin the very same thing. A friendly smile is on his lips as he looks to the pup.

WC: 488
Total WC: 790 / 1500

"Calico Jack"



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

1 Year
Extra large
06-30-2023, 07:12 PM
Kariko jumped in surprise, her paws landing back in the water with a splash that soaked her underbelly. She looked about herself for the source of the voice that had suddenly surprised her. There, in the water, she could see a face sticking up over the surface. How she had missed him when she had first entered the water, she didn’t know. Surely he hadn’t been underwater for that long. How long could someone actually hold their breath? It wasn’t something she had ever thought of before. The curious part of her mind was tempted to start holding her breath then and there… but time and place, right?

As she watched, the stranger swam over, and she wagged her tail in greeting at him. “Hello” She said when he was close enough to speak without shouting. He was almost like a fish in the water, his swimming strokes looked effortless. she felt a pang of jealousy, she wished she knew how to swim like that! “Is it?” She asked, with genuine curiosity in her voice. She supposed the heat was what had brought her to the edge in the first place. But she wasn’t sure what the parameters were for a ‘great’ day for a swim. Just the heat? Or were there other elements she wasn’t aware of.

The stranger was close enough now that the water was no longer covering him. He was stepping into the shallows, and she could see his form more clearly. He had lovely dark and light brown spots. More subtle than her own vibrant orange tones. “I haven’t, is it that obvious?” She asked, her voice warm and welcoming. Was he going to offer to teach her to swim? “You look like you’ve been swimming for a while. I’m Karaka, by the way”

WC: 309
Total: 1099

[Image: PZuet8y.png]

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
06-30-2023, 11:35 PM

The day is lovely and the heat has driven not only Calico Jack to the water with the promise of escaping the heat but also a fiery orange pup that eyes the water with uncertainty. He calls out a greeting and she replies in kind as he slowly swims over, the smile on his lips never faltering as he deftly cuts through the water. Her reply to his statement about it being a great day for a swim has the boy pausing a moment to hum softly before he replies, “Hot day, cool water, good company… why, yes. I think it is a grand day to go swimming!”

A laugh fills the air he continues on, eventually coming to stand close to the pup while giving her plenty of personal space. Calico’s posture is inviting, his words light and calm as he encourages her to talk with him while his body is remains relaxed. His tail wags slowly behind him and it sends fat droplets of water every which way. His question is met with another and he laughs softly, the water and wonderful day only adding to his enjoyment of life. The pup offers her name and Jack dips into a bow, saying, “Calico Jack, at your service. It is a pleasure to meet you Karaka.”

Straightening up from his flourish of a greeting, the boy beams a smile and shrugs his calico painted shoulders as he says, “Maybe not obvious but, when I see someone staring at the water the way you were, I can tell something is up.” A wink is tossed to the pup and he casually steps out further until his paws no longer tough the bottom. Slowly, he spins his body to face the pup, long legs effortlessly sweeping through the water in wide arches back and forth, as he keeps his head above the water.

It is effortless for him because he has spent so much time swimming. But, Calico Jack remembers what it was like, standing on the beach of his home and trying to work up the courage to take that first step out into the crashing waves. Now, as he looks at Karaka, the uncertainty that paints her features, the boy knows that he will be spending the day teaching her how to swim. Smoothly he glides back over to the girl, wading into the shallows until he is standing in front of her.

“I have spent my whole on a beach and I learned to swim in the ocean the moment I left my den. If you wish, I can teach you the basics of swimming.” His smile is gentle and when, she voices her agreement, the boy quickly settles into teaching mode. Keeping his voice light, Jack says, “Okay, first things first. You cannot be afraid of the water. Yes, it is big and seems scary but, if you respect it, it will show you wondrous things.” It is true and Calico Jack loves to explore the kingdoms that reside underneath the surface.

Tilting his head slightly, he hums a moment before saying, “Now, let’s walk out a little way until the water is up to your chest. When you feel comfortable, I will have you dunk your head underneath so you can get a feel of what that is like when you swim. Don’t worry. I will be right beside you and I promise not to let anything bad happen.” True he is a former Pirate, now turned Raider, but Calico Jack does not have a mean bone in his body. Plus, he is teaching her which means she is kind of… in his care.

He doesn’t know her parents but he silently promises them nothing bad is going to happen as the girl puts her trust in him. Slowly, they wade out further, the pair halting at certain points to allow the girl time to adjust to feel before going out further. Finally, the water reaches her chest and Jack calls a halt, turning his icy blue gaze to peer down at her, he happily says, “Great job, Karaka! Okay, now, when you are ready, I want you to put your head underneath the surface. I am right here. Remember, you do not have to stay down there long.”

Karaka is extremely brave and plunges underneath the crystalline surface of the river, holding her breath for several seconds before reemerging. The boy praises her, suggesting she wait a few moments before trying to stay down a little longer. They repeat this process three more times, with Jack encouraging her to hold her breath a little longer each time. On the final round, he instructs her to open her eyes, informing her that it will sting but help when she starts to swim. When she reemerges, the boy praises her again, pointing out how brave she is.

After that, they rest at the edge of the water and he regales her with stories of the things he has found underwater. When Karaka is ready, the boy leads her further out, this time standing in front of her and walking backward so she can see his face as they go. He had shown her the strokes to make with her arms and instructed her on when to begin paddling but now it is time to put talk into action. The further out they go, the deeper the water gets and Jack continues to encourage the pup until, suddenly, she is treading water. With Calico Jack’s paws still touching the bottom, the boy grins warmly and offers happy exclamations.

He continues to coach her, gently guiding with legs and paws, offering pointers where needed and praise everywhere else. They go ashore and rest before returning to try out the moves again and Calico Jack is happy to be there with Karaka. The sun traces its path across the sky and the pair stay in the water for a long time. Only when the girl’s stomach growls and the happy fog of exhaustion begins to tug at her mind does Calico Jack call it a day. He escorts the new swimmer back to her parents before bidding them all farewell and happily leaving to go back to his new home.

WC: 1040
Total WC: 2139 / 1500

*Permission to PP Karaka given by Sea

"Calico Jack"