
Mortis and Halo Litter!

More Fatalis



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
06-13-2023, 11:14 PM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2023, 11:38 PM by Mortis. Edited 2 times in total.)
Mortis and Halo are having a litter!
[Image: 9DYjTrN.png]

At this stage we are considering only one child up for adoption. They will have two siblings, Warden, and Wylan. Pups are born July 6th, and we will be closing apps July 3rd

- Activity: We are going to be pretty relaxed on activity for this litter, however if you lose interest in the pup and don’t post them for six weeks we reserve the right to reclaim them.

- Alignment: Mortis and Halo are both very soft type characters and this will likely reflect in their children. While you don’t have to be defined by that, they are going to be raised in a healers den.

- Colors: For the Fatalis line colors are pretty much a free-for-all, so there's no limits for this litter. However, in this litter predominantly whites and blues are most likely.

- Relations: The entire Fatalis line

- Designs:
Or feel free to bring your own

- Mutations: Mutations available through inheritance are fangs and claws. Also height would be discounted 25% up to 42”


<b>Out-of-Character Name</b>:
<b>Character's Name</b>:
<b>Adult Height</b>: (25% discount on height up to 42”)
<b>Appearance Description</b>: 100 words
<b>Personality</b>: 150 words
<b>Mutations</b>: (Do you intend to buy a mutation, if so, state it here)(Optional)
<b>Intended plots / other</b>: (Optional)


13+ Years

Pride - GayPride - AromanticPride - TransgenderEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Silver
06-14-2023, 02:02 AM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2023, 02:03 AM by Virgil. Edited 5 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Virgil!
Character's Name: Wallflower Bishop Fatalis
Adult Height: 25"
Size: Small
Gender: Male
Build: Light
Appearance Description: (I made a tiny change to the eye colour, but I can change it back if needed!)

A painter's mistake. Haphazardly rolled in muted tones of slate blue and steel grey, but not enough to cover up all of that pale porcelain. The majority of his slender physique is shimmering alabaster, each pale strand catching the light like crystal. As though he flopped over in a puddle, his darker markings are relegated to the left half of his body. Wallflower's left hind leg is slate, stretching from the top of his hip to the tips of his toes. The hues bleed from the downy fluff at the back of his thigh and down his tail, leaving a lopsided band around the lower half of his tail and an ivory furred taltip. The faintest hint of a grey-black stocking climbs up the lower portion of his darkened hind limb, but peters out at the ankle. Scattered across his left flank are a few streaks of muted slate, they dance over his ribs and shoulder and neck in a half-assed attempt at feathery stripes fanning out from the slate blue that swallows his forelegs. His chest and throat are thoroughly saturated, all the way down to the toes of his front paws. Around his elbows, there's a hint of ivory that could be explained away as a trick of the light, unless it's already dark out. Yet again, Wallflower's paws are dipped in steel grey, but only the paws this time.

The real artistry of his markings lies in his face, where the edges of his markings start to soften up as they reach his brow. His whole left cheek is stained blue-grey, all the way down to his whiskers, where the fabled painter seems to have lost interest and left the end of his muzzle bone white. From cheek fluff to brow-point to the very end of his left ear, his face is distinctly Fatalis-coded- right down to the thin slashes of white that cross over his eye. Those eyes are striking all on their own, a soft periwinkle hue that seems to shift its shade with the changing of the light.

Wallflower befits his name, he's a delicate little thing. A fine featured and elegant creature, meant to be admired. Everything about him is dainty, down to the elegant swoop of his cheekbones and the curve of his ribs through his plush coat. If he were a far-weather wolf, he might be called angular. However, an inheritance in the form of a thick coat has softened the harshest of his edges and leaves him looking positively cuddly. Wallflower looks like he would fit nicely in someone's pocket, kept safe against their heart like a precious stone.

Soft-Hearted: at his core, he can't bear the cruelty of the world. Wallflower is brimming with love that he wants to share, and he wants only to see those around him find happiness. The waif finds a great deal of his own joys in helping others, and ensuring everyone is well cared for. It's a trait that lends itself well to a life as a healer, though it is equally easy to take advantage of. With such a gentle soul set within his chest, Wallflower is easily hurt. Senseless violence and intentional harm to others render him weepy and inconsolable, so he must guard himself well against the sight of them. He avoids the battlefield, instead tending to everyday injuries and garden maintenance.
Affectionate: he wants to be loved. End of sentence. Wallflower craves love in its many forms, and from whoever might give it to him. For the most part, it comes from his family. His siblings, his myriad cousins. Time shared, gifts given, lessons taught, and falling asleep in a great big pile. They're all expressions of love that he treasures, for both their uniqueness and for the reassurance they give him. To be loved is to have a place in this world, and Wallflower knows that he is where he needs to be when he can find those little moments and gestures all around him.
Intelligent: whip-smart, this one. He wields his intellect the way a warrior might wield his sword, because it is usually the only thing that lies between himself and a terrible fate. Wallflower cultivates his knowledge base from his very first moments, and he doesn't stop for anything. There's a great wide world out there, and it's full of strange things to admire and understand. This interest in learning, and his grim fate as one of the smarter creatures out there, leads him to be a bit of a wiseass. Mostly unintentionally, as an offhanded remark here or there that he says without thinking about it first. Sometimes, though, he's a little upset about something, and he's going to leave someone with an emotional scar to remember him by.
Kind: there's no two ways about it, Wallflower doesn't have a mean bone in his body. Or, if he does, it's a very small one. A pinky toe bone, or one of those little ear bones, maybe. The type to right an overturned turtle, or apologize to a butterfly for disturbing it. It's one of the many things that tends to net him a lot of friends, since he doesn't turn anyone away if they ask to sit with him. Perhaps he's too soft, and he certainly doesn't fit in with the rest of his immense family, but he has no shortage of love from those closest to him. That's all that matters, at the end of the day.

Alignment: Neutral Good
Skills: Intellect & Healing OR Hunting & Healing
Mutations: None! Nakey boy
Intended plots / other: Aiming for a quiet life of book learning and picking up the herbalist's trade, probably gonna become more of a gardener than an outright healer. Going to take a huge interest in flowering plants and herbs, probably gonna ferociously hoard dried and pressed plants for the love of the game as opposed to usefulness. Will not be a warrior type, and will almost certainly cry if someone tries to fight him. Pacifist introvert who just wants to enjoy the vibes with his little garden.

Most of his interests will be dependent on what skills he gets, he's either gonna be a history nerd and a gardener, or a fisher and a gardener. Happy to take suggestions if my app gets picked!


The Chaotic One

13+ Years
Extra small

Coder - RainbowArtist - RainbowContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowToys for Tots
06-14-2023, 09:37 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Bunni
Character's Name: Ursa Fatalis
Adult Height: 42" or larger - can't decide
Size: X-Large
Gender: Female
Build: Medium
Appearance Description:
click here
Similar to her mother, Ursa's base coat will be a pale white. Though on some days it may appear a dusty grey, when she is the cleanest and on the brightest days, it will be easy to tell that it is indeed white. The only thing she will take from her father will be the green color of her painted coat. Not quite teal, not really green or blue, enough to make you squint and question what shade it really is. If you ask her, she will tell you it is the same shade of green as the murky waters off of Soul Sand Cove or the same shade as the trees on a rainy day in the Mile-High Woods. While her markings will be standard splotches that coat her face, chest, spine, and half of her tail, there will be an area that stands out. On her left hip, five splotches (one large and the others smaller) will be arranged in the shape of a bear's paw. Over her left eye will be the signature of the Fatalis that matches the color of her mother's eyes - three lines with the middle one being slightly longer. Ursa will be long-legged, average in build but often on the slimmer side, with large paws and a fluffier-than-usual coat. Lastly, her eyes will be a dark, dark forest green that will appear nearly black except when she is in the sun.
Overall, Ursa does not have a mean bone in her body. She could never see herself hurting a fly. Rather, she sees herself spending her time fixing others. Listening, helping, healing, whatever they need to feel better. Her heart is bigger than her brain and ultimately it will be her downfall. Always having the benefit of the doubt and wanting to see the best in others, she will probably get taken advantage of and walked all over. It really isn't her fault - she's only trying her best. Preferring to keep her mouth shut, she will drink in the words of others and learn all there is to learn about the world. Hiding in the shadow of her brothers, she will hate the spotlight. Hyperaware of her surroundings and others' feelings, Ursa is a delicate soul that will care for even the meanest creature out there. To her, everyone is born good and can be turned good because they are only mean due to past traumas. Constantly worried that she will mess up or offend someone, it will be hard for Ursa to make friends as she will be withdrawn and an introvert. Though she can be social, she will wait for someone else to say something first or make the first move. Ursa will also adore her mother and father and the rest of the Fatalis family. Always wanting to do good by them and look up to them, she will be very loyal and stay close to home.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Skills: Intellect / Healing or Navigation
Mutations: I would love if she had dextrous paws, but not sure if I'll have the funds for that so maybe.
Intended plots / other: be the sweet baby angel of the siblings who is pure of heart. probably trauma at some point because that's who i am but otherwise nothing in particular (:

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
06-23-2023, 11:00 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2023, 12:15 AM by Dragon Mod. Edited 2 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Dragon
Character's Name: Rainier (probably a middle name) Fatalis
Adult Height: probably 42"
Size: prooobbabbly xl?
Gender: Male
Build: light - medium
Appearance Description: 100 words
Personality: Rainier is what you'd call the white knight sort. Even as a pup, he fantasizes about fighting off bad guys and saving the damsel in distress. He's a good-natured guy with a strong will and a good heart, often putting others before himself. Don't underestimate him though, he has a good head on his shoulders and is keenly observant. Sometimes he can be judgmental though, especially if you look like the type that gets into a lot of trouble. He's not easily least, not until he's a little older and has learned that not everyone can be trusted. Until then, he's a bit of a naive boy who is still feeling out the world around him, and though he does his best to stay out of trouble, that's not to say it might not accidentally happen. Especially if he's out and about trying to help someone else. He also likes to spend a lot of time with family, learning from their experiences and wisdom, he looks up to those worth looking up to in the Fatalis family and is fiercely protective of family honor.

Hard-working, loyal, brave, and often found pushing himself to his limits, Falcon wants to be someone others can turn to in their time of need. Falcon's ambition burns bright and strong as does the fire in his heart. He aims to be the best knight in the four corners of the world and will work his butt off to achieve it. He can often be found training his battle skills and honing his to speak. A wolf's greatest weapon is his teeth, after all, so he uses everything in his arsenal to make sure his blows deal some serious damage. Asides from saving damsels in distress, Rainier's hobby is blacksmithing. He can often be found working on something be it weaponry, armor, or jewelry, right down to small things he has the muse for, like crafting accessories or even building things to make life just a little bit easier for the wolves around him. Simple or intricate, Rainier does his best to ensure that everything he creates is of the best quality.

The male, of course, plans on marrying someday. Like his family before him, he knows his duties to the Fatalis line and what is expected of him. Those he courts, he wishes to find love. His forever-to-be. The one that holds his heart, while he holds hers. He wishes for kids, and plenty of them, not just to extend the branches of the Fatalis line, but to pass down the knowledge of his craft and life lessons he has learned along the way. Unfortunately, the man has the tendency to wear his heart on his sleeve, though every heartbreak may hurt, he uses them as a learning experience and does his best to not grow bitter about them.

Despite his above qualities, Rainier does have a flaw or two. Although he does work hard, he often feels like he might be inadequate. Always with the thought of he needs to do better. Be better. Work harder. Don't slack off. Insecurity is something he may struggle with, and of course, if he's feeling sad or hurting over something, he plays it off with jokes and puts on a face that shows nothing is wrong. He wants his parents to be proud of him, so he hides the parts of himself that he thinks might show weakness.
Alignment: True neutral - neutral good
Skills: Fighting x Intellect
Mutations: yes, but not sure what yet
Intended plots / other: I don't know but I'm open for ideas! <3



Easter Egg Hunt 2023
06-24-2023, 07:12 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2023, 12:08 AM by Kingpedle. Edited 1 time in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: kingpedle
Character's Name: Vaneck
Adult Height: 28"
Size: small
Gender: male
Build: light
Appearance Description:

Vaneck will always be a little bit small. He lacks strong muscles instead even as a babe his fur and body is soft. Giving off soft fragrances of flowers and rain. It’s not really known why but he was born with a short tail, which makes it harder for him to balance. His eyes a icy blue seemingly swimming with wonder for the world around around him.

The wolf is mainly a scale of grays and blacks. The black stretching across his shoulders and chest, his back legs and top of his tail. Light gray spattering his underbelly, sitting underneath the black like a blanket over his rump. This same gray makes a mark on the base of his shoulders, sprouting like a patch broken by his black shoulders and legs. The most finer point are his stripes scattered over his face and body. The twist from black to ashen gray spots scattering over his pelt. Vaneck mask of gray sits on his face a bridge stripe of a lighter color completing it with dark shadows to isolate his icy eyes.

Quiet, observant, honorable, kind hearted, herbal enthusiast friend to animals.

Seeker of stars and wonders hell always be a dreamy headed wolf. Woven from tendrils of earth and nature things as such should be protected in kind. The boy is no stranger to a soft heart. He aches for others pain and hell always long to keep a tight bond among his loved obes. A love for his siblings, his parents and home. Blindly following the sun to warm his soft pelt.

In his dreamage is the knowing of honor among his betters. From the strong protector to the smallest insect they all have a part to play in the world and Vaneck is here to observe that. Taking in whatever details he can staring starry eyed and seemingly passive but retaining every word. His memory serves him well despite the veil that falls over him. The soft spoken male will feel guilty for his.... lack of nature. Not knowing bravery sits inside of him to bloom over his parents care.

It leads him to often idolize others within his social group. Everyone outside of his bubble is met with suspiscious feelings of anxiety. Vaneck will lose himself in old stories of gods and witches. An interest not only in the art of healing, but the sense that their family is being watched over by their loved ones before. He yearns for a connection with the stars around him leading him to his love of observation of the natural world.

Vaneck will weave through terrain to find the rarest of herbs. Reach for achievements he think will progress him further. A symphon for knowledge, a heart ready to give soft hearted love and advice to those around him. That will be how Vaneck begins and who knows where he will end.

Alignment: lawful good

Skills: healing, navigation
Mutations: n/a
Intended plots / other:
Im hoping for alot of heart warming moments and emotiobally tough ones with his family. Possibly a spiritual aspect to him depending on his upbringing! But definitely a bundle of fuffy joy.



ContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - Silver
06-25-2023, 06:30 AM
Out-of-Character Name: NachoMumma
Character's Name: Whisper Fatalis
Adult Height: 22"
Size: extra small
Gender: female
Build: medium
Appearance Description:

Her mother's daughter, Whisper is as easy to miss as her namesake, never quite growing to reach the height of her mother, the girl will fall a few inches short when she comes of age. You would be forgiven for thinking the child had been up to some mischief, her sooty socks reaching up her legs only reveal her true innocence when you reach her snowy white toes. The only onther look her father got in are a few stray streaks of azure that band her forelegs and a familiar facial marking in the same. When her eyes are open, her mother's lavender eyes are reflected out. Proportionate and balanced for her height, the girl cares for her appearance little, often streaked with dirt from her mothers garden, seasonal florals her signature scent.
Looks can be deceiving, and while Whisper will always do her best to embody sugar and spice and all things nice, when push comes to shove, she might get a little heavy handed with the spice. That's not to say she isn't as delicate as one of her mother's flowers, but even some of the most delicate flowers have thorns.
She will dedicate herself to helping others and will quickly develop a habit of carrying a first aid kit on hand. She won't shirk from other duties, but her heart will lay in the healing. A caring and nurturing soul at her core, she will not be as prone as her parents are to being taken advantage of. This is not to say she will be a bitter or argumentative child, just that she will put more worth in actions than spoken words.
Among family and her pack mates, she will try to sprinkle a little sunshine wherever she goes.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Skills: Healing/Intel
Other: depending on how I go I might like to get her some dexterous paws if i can swing it.


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Toys for TotsEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
06-25-2023, 03:10 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2023, 09:50 PM by Hermes. Edited 4 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Hermes

Character's Name: Zion Azure Fatalis
Gender: Female

Adult Height:29”
Size: Medium
Build: Light

Appearance Description:

**Might tweak it a bit but haven’t decided. Writing the description based on the ref provided.**

Zion’s base coat is the same gentle cream color that her mother, Halo, wears. The girl’s legs will gentle fade to a light, dusty gray and the tips of her ears will be painted in the same hue. Starting at the back of her head and running down her back, encompassing her shoulders, tracing her sides, swooping her haunches and coloring the top part of her tail is deep, purple-gray. It might have been lavender, at one point, but the gray of her father saturates it until they mingle deepen.

At the base of her neck, painting the line between the deep purple and cream, dappling her back feet, and ticking her tail is a bright, wonderful teal. Both her father and his brother, Azure, bare the same color, and this is one of Mortis’s gifts to her. Another is the Fatalis eyes markings that slash through the cream of her face, across her left eye, in the same dusty lavender as her back.

Finally, Zion has a pair of bright lavender eyes that are very clearly a present from her mother. They look out at the world with happiness and love.

Empathic ~ Friendly ~ Joyful ~ Nervous ~ Trusting

Zion will take after her parents and have a gentle, loving view of the world. Friends will be easy to make and the girl will always be happy to lend a sympathetic ear to anyone’s troubles. She will follow her mother in the healing arts and, becoming a healer, will give the girl a strong sense of empathy. With her mother’s guidance, and the help of her pack mates, the girl will grow and develop a wonderful bedside manner.

Because of Zion’s natural friendliness and empathy for others, she will find it easy to be trusting of others. However, this does not mean she is stupid to way the world works and she will quickly develop a keen sense of who has good intentions and who does not. While the girl’s views may be soft, she will not be. She will train hard to be fighter and will not be afraid to defend herself, or others, should the need arise.

The world will a joyful place but Zion will often meet new experiences with… anxiety. Any change, big or small, will be difficult for the girl to handle and, while she will attempt to hide it, there will be a deep-rooted sense of nervousness that she just cannot seem to shake.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Skills: Fighting/Healing
Mutations: Maybe? I would love to give her saber fangs but need to check on some things first. I wish I could but I do not have the funds for one. <3
Intended plots / other: Lots of healing training with Halo and fighting training with Mortis. I would like her to have tons of family threads in general.



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowToys for Tots
07-03-2023, 12:08 AM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2023, 12:10 AM by Shelby. Edited 1 time in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Shelby
Character's Name: Wynter ? Fatalis (Wyn for short) (Open to suggestions on a middle name!)
Adult Height: 36"
Size: Large
Gender: Female
Build: Light
Appearance Description:
Coat: The base color of a cool, medium toned gray makes for the perfect background for the rest of Wynter's fairly subtle markings to shine. Various shades of gray shift and twist around her form, darkening to nearly black around her legs, the back of her tail, and around her scruff while the hues lighten in the spaces in-between. The lightest gray markings are more distinct with the striped, slash-like marking of her family line marking her face under her left eye and crossing around her hips with a few soft, tapered bands. What breaks up these shades of gray and adds to her subtle beauty is blended swatches of a deep, sapphire blue. In dim light it could be difficult to tell the blue and black apart in her fur, but in the bright sunlight this dark blue stands brilliantly.
Eyes: Taking after the blue in her coat and the eye color of her grandfather, Wyn's eyes are a rich, jewel toned sapphire.
Physique: Her frame is lithe and athletic with a fairly light, but toned build. While not nearly as tall as her father or some of the other wolves in her family, she is still taller than some with her long limbs bringing her up to thirty six inches in height. She is certainly built with agility and speed in mind rather than brute force.
Quietly Bold: While Wynter is typically more quiet and subdued than most, it's not because she is shy or nervous. She has a certain presence to her that says that she could light up a room and be the host of the party, quietly moving from guest to guest and greeting them all by name, but she also knows when it's best to stand back and let others stand in the spot light. She can take command and lead the troops when it's necessary, but she is also just as capable at being a soldier and a follower when the need arrises. She's adaptable and uses the balance of strength and softness to her advantage.
Unusually Intellectual: Wynter is incredibly bright with what could almost be described as a photographic memory, but what she is motivated to learn can sometimes be unexpected or unusual. There are some things that she'll study and train for because she sees the benefit of knowing them–like the ability to fight and defend or knowing basic triage healing–but she also loves discovering random bits of knowledge and learning less common skills. Crafting, art, astrology, geology, music... Anything and everything could be her interest of the moment. However, she tends to give up interests and hobbies as quick as she picks them up unless she finds something in particular that is either very helpful to her or someone she cares about. Still, she retains all of those experiences and knowledge and can pull them out if the need ever arrises.
Flawlessly Devoted: While her dedication to her interests might he fickle, her dedication to her family is anything but. Her driving inspiration will always be her family and she often choses where to focus her attention based on what her family's needs might be. If she sees that there is something that her loved one needs or particularly enjoys, she'll make sure to incorporate that thing into her studies. She wants to be useful to her family which can sometimes lead her away from her own personal interests in favor of fulfilling that need. This doesn't feel like a loss or slight toward her in her eyes. It only feels like a worthy sacrifice to be what her family needs her to be.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Skills: Fighting, Intellect
Mutations: I don't think I have any to spare unfortunately :c But if I ever snag a post acceptance mut I'd probably toss it her way!
Intended plots / other: I see her possibly going in a couple of different ways depending on how things pan out or how the Armada evolves over the next few IC years! I could see her as some kind of ambassador/spy/liaison sort of situation, very observant and quiet, but personable when needed OR I could see her leaning more toward her fighting skill and striving toward some sort of higher/leadership role with that, maybe with a focus on training or something of that sort. She would want to make herself useful so wherever she sees a need she could fill is what she would work toward!



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
07-03-2023, 01:07 AM
First of all, you guys made this very hard for us!!! The plan was one. one App! -shakes fist- but because of the lovely apps and how difficult the choices were, we have decided to use an extra pup slot, and pick four! Even then the choice was a hard one. After making a very hard choice we have decided on Bunni with Ursa, Nacho with Whisper, Hermes with Zion, and Shelby with Wynter. Congrats guys!