
Cold North Winds

PACK MEETING deadline 14th July



Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
07-15-2023, 12:08 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2023, 02:41 PM by Charlton. Edited 2 times in total.)

Others would arrive, including Andy and Crux, though Vanta’s absence was felt. As large as their litter was, it was hard not to miss his other sister. Charlie would glance around with a small frown. He could see that there was a lack of bodies compared to the number of scents in the Armada. Where were the others? He would frown, head tilting slightly with a look of concern. He did not consider those present weak, but surely those not here had a reason to be absent? Or… His gaze flickered back to his father as he sighed. Azure and Vanta had both been missing… maybe some of them had gone too. He hoped that they were safe, but that just hammered in how important prioritizing his growth was now. He wasn’t a puppy anymore, and if he wanted this responsibility, he would need to put forth the effort to show it.

The first thing his father addressed was Azure’s absence, and the possibility of opening the rank of Champion to those in the pack. Immediately Charlie’s gaze flickered toward Andy. He didn’t know if she had the ambitions for leadership, but he knew how hard his sister worked. He was sure she would be a wolf he could follow. But it also opened his eyes to just how little he knew about some of his packmates. Perhaps some of them could be a worthy contender too. After letting his gaze sweep the crowd it would return to Sirius.

There was talk about the Pirates changing names… Well, regardless of what they called themselves now, they were nothing but trouble. “My fangs and claws are yours, wherever you feel they are needed most.” He knew there were others with more experience that could go with the raiding party, but if his father needed volunteers, he would go. And if not now, he would surely step in the rotations for another time. Even if he didn’t attend the raid he could ensure the borders of the pack were kept safe while a group of their wolves were away. He could, and would, do his part.

"Speech," 'Thought.'



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
07-17-2023, 07:25 PM
Silent had been sniffing around the pack’s borders, remaining close enough to be summoned if needed. Her nose had led her towards a small patch of wood that contained a certain type of herb she was without. Before she could begin to collect them, however, the summon of the alpha rang in her ears. Paws quickly turned and she trotted towards the meeting that would take place.

Her presence was not made a big deal, something she appreciated as she settled into a quiet part of her surroundings. Her dark pelt helped her blend in with the more shadowy section, green eyes looking around as she tried to guess how many more would appear. Bronze was not there, but she did not assume the worst. She would catch up with him when the time was right.

When everyone had shown up, Sirius began to speak. She listened with rapt attention, knowing that his words would not be wasted. The fact that important members were missing did not go unnoticed. He spoke of a pack’s new leadership and name, as well as taking any volunteers for the upcoming raid. Business carried on and with the pups’ numbers growing, mentorship was also encouraged. Silent thoughtfully considered it, wondering if her presence could, indeed, make a difference.


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
07-18-2023, 05:30 PM

Andy smiles at her siblings as they appear, noticing that Dread almost arrives late and decides to sit away from the rest of them. Brows furrow slightly as she looks to him, offering him a small frown before her father’s voice brings the meeting to order and her gaze moves back to him. At the news of Azure’s absence, the girl nods her head absently already having noticed the absence for some time. Ears perk up at the news that he is opening up the Champion position and she cannot help but feel Charlie’s gaze on her. Back straightens slightly as she wonders, for a moment, what it would be like to stand beside her father.

Thankfully, the meeting moves on and Andy does not have to dwell on that news for too long. Next came the information that the Pirates had changed her name and that they would be giving them a warm welcome. A smile splits her maw and the girl enthusiastically raises her paw, wanting to be part of that raid. She allows her paw to fall back to the earth as a raid rotation is announced and her eyes snap over to where Hazel sits, knowing that she will be one of the first ones on that list. Next came talk of mentors and the girl blinks in surprise, her pale blue gaze sliding over to land on the red Gladiator.

Finally, her father mentions that Mortis and Halo are expecting their first litter of pups. A smile appears on her lips and, as Charlie speaks up, Andy slips free from her siblings. Quickly and carefully, she winds her way to where the couple sit and she moves to nuzzle the pregnant wolf affectionally. Voice soft, she offers, “Congratulations, Halo.” Next, she turns her winged sibling, offering him a bright smile and affectionate nuzzle as well, if he leans down for it, while saying, “Congratulations, Mortis. If either of you need anything let me know. I can babysit whenever you need.”

With that done, Andy excuses herself and makes her way to where Hazel is, coming to stand close to her as she says, “I would like to be put in the raid rotation, please.” Her tail wags behind her as she waits for Hazel to respond before thanking her and moving off to where Keahi sits. Another wag is offered to the red woman as Andy comes to a stop near her, saying, “I would like to be a mentor, please.” A smile is given and Keahi thanks her before releasing the girl to and mingle with the others that still linger in the meeting area.

As she moves to rejoin her siblings, her pale blue eyes look to where Sirius stands and lock on him for a moment. Maybe she will try to go for the Champion position after all.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
07-19-2023, 11:06 PM

Azure's absence hadn't gone unnoticed. Halo's feelings toward the champion were largely bitterness-- he hadn't been there to defend Hanako. He hadn't been there to keep her safe. He hadn't even come to check on her after she'd gotten hurt. Why had he strayed so far that he'd gone missing in the process? How could he leave his family, his children, without so much as a word? The explanation would need to be a good one when he came back... but it's also not lost on her that the Warlord is missing his son, that her fiance is missing his brother. Though her feelings toward the man were sour, she knows that he's important to them. His absence is a worrying one.

Sirius announcing that they were expecting was a bit unexpected, and Halo found herself tucked sheepishly against Mortis's side. A soft nod, a mouthed thank you at the well wishers. The support of a pack, of the family, it was something that she hadn't known until the Armada. It's for the Armada, and the Warlord, that Halo is grateful. At the mention of mentors, Halo's soft gaze dances. Though she's busy, and she will continue to be busy, in her eyes there was always room for more students. She loves to teach, she loves to share what she knows. It was perfect.

"Thank you, Andy. I'm sure we'll take you up on that offer." She smiled softly at the girl, returning the affection. She was a good kid, and Halo could only find herself hoping that hers turned out something like that. As the meeting began to draw to a close, and wolves began splitting off, Halo was quick to stop and speak with Keahi. "Once the pups are, ah, pups, I'd be happy to serve as a mentor." Halo offered a soft smile and a nod before departing to find Mortis once more. Her back was starting to ache.


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