
Love conquers all

Saracyn <3



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-02-2023, 10:33 PM

The weeks that passed after she found out that she was carrying Saracyn's pups were both the shortest and longest of her life. She desperately wanted their pups to be here now so that she could see the beautiful children they made and see for herself that they were perfectly fine, but she also didn't want to rush anything. She would wait forever for their perfect pups if that's what it took. The initial morning sickness from the beginning of her pregnancy had subsided some, but she still found it quite difficult to keep most foods down even now nearly half way through her pregnancy. It had kept her energy fairly low over the last few weeks, but there were good days and bad days. The good days were usually spent trying to catch up on all of the things around the pack that had ultimately fallen to the wayside as their growing family forced itself into the highest point of importance in her life. Luckily, she had Saracyn to help fill in where she couldn't rise to the task, her wonderful mate making sure that Elysium was cared for while she focused on their pups.

Today was one of her better days, but at Irilyth's insistence she had remained near their den today. She certainly hadn't planned or expected to be put on bed rest so early in her pregnancy, but her former caretaker seemed a bit concerned about how little she had been able to eat so after giving her some medicine to settle her stomach and making sure she was able to keep down a good meal she ordered her to stay in and rest today. Not one to argue with the seasoned healer, Avacyn moved one of the furs that was spread out in their common area out to the front of the den so that she could lay just outside of the cave's entrance in the sun. She settled down onto the soft fur with a contented sigh as the sun began to warm her fur. She laid on her side to accommodate her round, swollen belly, but laid with her head between her front paws as she got comfortable. It was very unlike her to be spending so much time resting and not wrapped up in her work, but she knew that being able to make their dreams a reality was going to be more than worth it in the end.

Her ears perked as she felt a shift and movement from her large belly, bringing a smile to her lips as she lifted her head to turn and look at her side. Her belly was fairly large at this point, but perhaps looked even larger than it really was on her usually light, lithe frame. She hadn't felt any of the hard kicks or movement that she had often heard about from her mother while she was carrying her siblings, but any movement from the pair of pups she was growing warmed her heart and comforted her. Curling in on herself just enough to press her nose to her belly, she gave her side a nuzzle where she felt them moving, pressing her nose against the spot till she felt that movement again and a smile pulled across her lips. "I'm so excited to meet you, my lovelies," she told them quietly, her tail wagging gently and making a soft thump against the ground.

"Avacyn & Saracyn"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-02-2023, 11:54 PM

It was the times like this that reminded Saracyn was he was so glad he was born a male and not a female in the Mendacium family. Sure, he would never be able to rule Elysium or lead their family, but the upside of that was that he would never rule Elysium or lead their family. Ruling was hard work and required constant attention! How his mother and Avacyn managed to keep everything orderly and functioning properly was beyond him when just these past few weeks had felt like the longest of his life. Of course, he would never complain a bit. He was pitching in to help Avacyn while she was busy resting and growing their family. What sort of father wouldn't be willing to sacrifice a bit of comfort and energy for the wellbeing of his children and wife? Still, as the days drew on into weeks, Sara couldn't wait for the birth of their children. He couldn't wait to meet these amazing little lives he and Ava had managed to create together!

Returning from a very successful hunt, Saracyn left the cleaning and trussing of the kills to the other hunters while he cleaned himself up and returned home to check on the heavily pregnant Matriarch. Making his way up the familiar mountain path to their scenic home, Saracyn rounded the path and saw Avacyn laying out in the mouth of their den, curled up on herself and nuzzling her round belly. A smile pulled at Sara's usually austere expression the moment he saw her, cerulean eyes alight with a life she effortlessly drew out of him. Ava was so adorable when she was being all motherly to their unborn pups. He knew a little of the concerns Irilyth had around the health of their pups, mostly concerned about Avacyn's state at the moment since her health was directly tied to their children's. All he could do for now was provide for her and trust their fates to the Ancients that their souls were strong and would persevere.

Approaching his mate, Sara maneuvered himself to settle his giant body down beside Ava's, curling around her and wrapping her up in a loving embrace that pulled her body tight to his own. "How are the prince and princess doing today?" he asked, leaning his muzzle over to nuzzle at the side of her rotund tummy. Of course he had no way of knowing the genders of the pair of pups growing inside Avacyn's womb, but it had been his little inside joke with his mate that they were repeating history with another set of male/female twins like themselves. One giant paw lifted to rest on her belly, rubbing gently over her side—until he felt a little bump of movement under his paw pads that made his attention perk and ears prick up. "They're active today!" he said with barely contained mirth, a wide smile flashing his sharp teeth as bushy tail began to waggle from his rump.

"Avacyn & Saracyn"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-03-2023, 12:23 AM

The sound of paws moving across the stone path that lead to their den tipped her off to her husband's presence, pulling her gaze away from her belly to lift her obsidian gaze to look at him as he approached. A grin pulled at her lips as her white tipped tail wagged as he immediately settled down onto the fur with her. She was especially glad and surprised to see him since she had expected him to be gone on his hunt longer than he was, but she would never complain about him getting done with his tasks early. As he pulled her into his larger frame, she snuggled into him as well with her paws lightly resting on his chest and her head tucking into the crook of his neck, nuzzling him lovingly as she settled into him.

At his question of how the prince and princess were doing, she chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to his jaw. "They're doing well today," she said with an obvious relief. This was the best she had felt in a couple of weeks and it certainly showed. Not only was her nausea held at bay, but any time their pups were active and moving it brought her the best reassurance and calm that she could possibly ask for right now. As his paw rubbed along her round belly, she felt them move again and press into her side where his paw was resting and her grin widened, her tail wagging along with his as she giggled at his own happiness at getting to feel them squirm inside of her. "They are!" she agreed, her own joy obvious in the loving gaze she gave him. "I think they like the warmth when I'm sunbathing," she added and admittedly she did as well. She had felt oddly cold more often than not lately and when she was in their bedroom that was naturally kept cool in the deepest parts of the cave she was almost always wrapped up in warm furs. They had reached the peak of fall now so it was chilly outside even at mid day, but even the warmest furs didn't quite compare to being out in the bright sunlight.

With a content sigh, she slipped her forelegs around his neck, resting her head on his chest and nuzzling into the side of his neck happily. These were the kind of moments that kept her going through all of the nausea, aches, chills, and discomfort that she had felt through the first half of her pregnancy–well, that and the promise of their prince and princess that were well on their way to joining them one day soon. Laying here in the home that she shared with mate, her brother who she loved more than life itself, with their promised children on the way... This was what made it all worth it. Combing her claws through his scruff, a little smirk tugged at her lips as she nuzzled into his neck again and let her muzzle start to trail up to his jaw, leaving a little scattering of tender kisses in her wake. She had hardly felt up to giving Saracyn the affection he deserved through all of this so now that she was actually feeling more like herself it didn't take much for her mind to shift in that direction.

"Avacyn & Saracyn"


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-04-2023, 03:02 PM

Saracyn gave a delighted hum as Avacyn shifted about in his hold and rolled to press herself closer to him with her paws gripping at the fur on his chest. She remarked on how active their pups were today as well, attributing their energy to the warmth of the autumn sun. Sara knew about Ava’s cold spells since she had gotten pregnant and had done all he could to help combat them, adding more furs to their bed, even putting up a massive one over their bedroom door to help keep the heat in and the draft out, but even that hadn’t seemed to be enough. He was growing a little concerned over his mate’s wellbeing, but Irilyth had reassured them that these symptoms were not uncommon in some pregnancies and simply put Avacyn on a herbal supplement regiment to keep her vitamin levels up. Saracyn trusted their former nanny’s expertise, as well as the will of the Ancients that this was their destiny. Nothing bad could happen to them or their children.

While the twins snuggled out in the warm sunshine, Saracyn closed his eyes and paused to reflect on how perfect everything in his life was. He was lying here with the love of his life, his soul mate, his twin spirit, their pups growing steadily in her belly, the futures of their family and their pack. He was the Commander of Elysian, the second in command, only behind Avacyn in power and influence. How lucky could one wolf get? Smiling to himself while he enjoyed the little affections Ava bestowed upon him, Sara let his giant paws roam leisurely up and down her sides and back, flexing his paws to knead at her muscles and relax her body.

At some point amidst their quiet cuddling, Sara felt Ava’s muzzle glide its way up his throat until her soft lips were pressing kisses to the underside of his jaw. A surprised murr slipped from the crimson brute, cerulean eyes opening to peer down at his twin, just catching the sultry smirk playing on her lips. Sara raised one curious brow, his paws stopping wrapped around her waist. "What are you up to, my beautiful alphess?" he teased her with a knowing look, smirking back at her. He did nothing to stop her little teases and affections though.

"Avacyn & Saracyn"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-05-2023, 07:58 PM

Avacyn chuckled softly at the surprised reaction from her mate as she gave him subtle affections and teasing that hinted toward where her mind was leading them. The look he gave her said that he knew exactly what she was doing even when he asked what she was up to, but considering the multiple weeks that had gone by without feeling up to doing much in the way of the lustful activities they usually partook in it was still a valid question. She didn't know if she was truly feeling that much better or if the mix of supplements and herbs that Irilyth had brought her today had been exactly what she needed, but regardless she wasn't going to miss out on the opportunity to thank Saracyn for all of his support through this pregnancy in the only way she really knew how. "Just having some fun with my handsome Commander," she replied with a playful grin before she brought her lips back to his jaw, leaving a light trail of nibbles down along the curve of his jaw and continuing on down his throat.

In her current heavily pregnant state she wasn't nearly as limber as she typically was so she felt a bit awkward as she nibbled to the top of his chest and then began to maneuver to position herself how she wanted to please him further. Maybe by the time this pregnancy was over or maybe with their second litter she would figure out how to feel and act sexy for him, but something told her he wouldn't mind regardless. She sat up enough to turn and lay back down so that they were facing opposite directions, giving him a slightly shy grin as she got settled once more. Once she was where she wanted to be though nothing else felt different as she fell into familiar rhythms and teasing affections that she had shared with him more times than she could count. She wasn't sure how much longer they had until they would be welcoming their pups into their family, but until then she was going to take full advantage of these moments of solitude with her love.

- fade -

"Avacyn & Saracyn"