
Don't boar me



Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-23-2023, 10:07 PM

It was the first time that Charlie had dared to leave the lands of the Armada alone, wasn’t it? He couldn’t remember another time anyway, always accompanied by some family member or another… usually Andy. But was that part of the problem why he felt it was taking him so long to grow? Was he relying on the guidance of others too much, and not trusting in his own skills? Surely he was just as capable? His father had seen promise in him, had seen Charlie’s resolve when he fought for Silveris and for the right to be a warrior. Charlie had felt happy at that, but he realized that he wasn’t completely satisfied with where he was. But why? His father had mentioned a higher rank, if he sought it… but that was the trouble he supposed. The tawny wolf’s brow was furrowed in thought, tail flicking slowly back and forth as he tried to clear his head.

Being a warrior was a good start, but it wasn’t good enough. He was a Fatalis… he should strive for more. Charlie drew in a breath. He knew he wanted to do more, and take on more responsibility for the Armada, but choosing that next step was hard. He had enjoyed crafting, working with his father to craft the mace that he would, in time, carry into battle… but did he really want to go the route of a Master of Arms… or would he want to rise to the rank of Lieutenant and strive to be a leader in battle? Would others even follow him? Charlie shook his head. Not with that attitude they wouldn’t. He was soft hearted, gentle around his family and pack. But… could he shift into a different mindset when faced with a threat? Could he be the one rallying his friends and family in battle, leading them into the fray?

It felt like a distant thought at the moment, the yearling caught before the crossroads of the path he wanted to take. At one point he had considered the rank of diplomat, running back and forth between packs, socializing and building more of a reputation for the Armada… but the idea of being gone from his home for an extended period of time alone made him feel sick to his stomach. What if something happened while he was gone? He would be unable to fight for those he cared about. That… that wouldn’t do. He came to a stop, digging his earth into the soil as a huff left his lips. He might not know what path he wanted to finalize his skills and duties in, but he knew he wanted to protect those he loved with every fiber of being.

The sound of some creature running helter skelter through the woods caught Charlie’s attention immediately. A whistle sounded for Silveris, the bird the only companion he had brought with him on this trip out. He was dressed in his brace, wearing the cuffs that had been gifted to him on his first birthday. The yearling’s eyes narrowed as he pinpointed the source of a noise. For an animal that could be considered prey, the beast that charged him now was also a predator, particularly of nesting birds, small mammals, and the occasional newborn fawn. It was breathing hard as it raced towards Charlie, spittle flying from its mouth as it attempted to ram him head on. Silveris’ call would sound above him, the yearling slipping into a defensive stance yet one that he could easily rely on for mobility. This thing, being shorter than him, would be fast. It would hit hard too, but if he relied on the terrain he was sure he could outsmart it and end up taking it down.

The bristle backed creature did not slow, did not hesitate, and at the last possible moment of safety Charlie would leap to the side. He could hear the boar keep going, crashing into the undergrowth that he had been traveling through moments before. The tawny wolf spun on his heels, seeing the hoofed creature stumble as its legs got caught in some of the vines and roots that were at his paws. Charlie wouldn’t waste time. As the boar sought to regain his footing he lunged for the back leg closest to him, slightly elevated thanks to the slip. Fangs tore into flesh, sabers shredding through muscle and crunching into bone as he clamped his jaw down. Squeals filled the air as blood rushed in his mouth. The boar started to thrash beneath him and Charlie released the limb, backing off as Silveris flew through the air above him. A call from her had the boy dodge back a bit further as the boar tried to do a tight turn and swing its head, and therefore its tusks, at his body. That was a close one. But he couldn’t get cocky now!

Minutes passed, a series of dodging and attacking, whittling at the boar’s stamina and crippling mobility. Ever since his fight with the bear alongside Andy he had seen the usefulness of crippling one’s opponent. If they could not get up their range of attacks was smaller, and as they bled their stamina would drain. After a time Charlie would back off, watching the crippled beast as it continued to snort and thrash on the ground, two legs crippled to the point it could no longer stand. Charlie had sustained a small injury, a cut to the muzzle in his effort to cripple a front limb, but he had been successful in the end. He licked at the blood, trying to clean the wound to the best of his abilities without the aid of a healer. Within the hour the boar would pass, and feeling proud of his efforts, Charlie approached it once more.

He would eat his fill and then bring back what he could carry to the Armada. No use letting this meat go to waste!


Word Count: 1,000 Words
Solo Seasonal - Fall, Year 19

"Speech," 'Thought.'