
What we've lost, what we can gain




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
06-04-2023, 10:02 PM

The days passed one after another. Bellamy found herself at the shoreline one night, curled in the sand with her head on her paws as she looked out across the water. The color of the water was pretty, and the moon above her was full, shining its soft light down on the waves. But Bellamy felt no joy in seeing such beauty. She issued a soft sigh. Tomorrow was the day that they hunted down Gavroche’s murderer. She closed her eyes. She didn’t know how that hunt was going to go. If those she brought with her would agree with her decision to bring the bastard back to Ethne to face judgment from the whole pack. Bellamy shivered a little. She had never thought such a day would come. She felt a hole in her heart. This should have never happened to Gav. Even if he got a second chance, born again in Lucette and Bae-Syl’s litter, this was… this should have never happened. Bellamy shifted, soon drifting off into slumber. Only… this wasn’t the normal sort of sleep she had. Instead of her nightmares, she opened her gaze to a familiar landscape, and yet not at the same time. It reminded her of the Sparse Pines… why was she here, of all places…?

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
09-02-2023, 11:47 PM

The Winter King walked quietly across the landscape. He had grown used to the ways of Somnium. Others, he knew, saw different things. Ignis, for example, when he visited, often found a place that could only be described as Hellish. But someone else had drawn him here today. Acere felt a different energy nearby. An energy that felt...familiar. Chaos. So much chaos...though not quite as much as Ignis' energy. So he knew it was not his nephew.

Snow littered the ground beneath his feet, but no trails were to be found. He nearly blended in with the snowy white landscape, and even the trees themselves seemed almost stark white against the snow. It was almost as if the area was void of color...but what was the reason for that? Perhaps none. Somnium was the world of dreams. Of the dead. Of nightmares. He existed now in an entirely different space. And it seemed that those that ended up here either permanently or temporarily, also existed to an extent. Just like the figure he saw now. "Bellamy..." He breathed. He had not seen her in what felt like ages. Though in truth, he did not know how much time had passed. He had stopped aging. His damaged eye was now whole again. Every wound and ailment he ever had, was gone. Though he allowed the scars to remain.

He approached her, though he could tell something wasn't quite right. Even on this plane, she looked...different. Something had...happened...or maybe it just seemed that way because he hadn't seen her in so long. But he wasn't oblivious. He had gotten quite good at reading others in life. " has been a long time, my friend..."

speech action



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
09-03-2023, 12:13 AM

The world around her was cold. It felt real, yet there was no possible way that she could be at the pines. She had known her mind to lose itself, to run with her and leave lands behind, but to traverse all the way from Auster to Northern Boreas. And yet, seeing the pines, feeling the cold, Bellamy would step forward and welcome the chill in the air. This was not a place of nightmares, nor was it a place she never hoped to return to. When she had been looking for places to bring her family, she had considered the pines. But no, this had been the home of Winterfell. Of the pack Acere had held. It had been the first place she had been shown kindness, made to feel like she wasn’t the beast that the Empire made her believe she was. Her rage faltered in the face of it, her fur resting flat against her body as she drank in its familiarity.

…and then, there was a voice.

Bellamy turned to him. He looked younger, healthy and whole again. Well, as whole as he had been when she had met him. The scars were part of him. Bellamy stepped forward, helping to close the distance between them. Her ears perked toward him. Divinities above… How long had it been since she encountered him last? A year? Longer? It had been too long, a blessing to meet him even if he bore the form of something else. He had gone before they could finish speaking. And now… Bellamy managed a sad smile. It was comforting to see him at such a dark time in her life.

“Acere… It truly has been too long.” Her words were gentle, the fire that had been burning with her dying down before him. As angry as she was, she could not hold that fire in the presence of her friend. He had shown her so much, and she regretted ever stepping away from Winterfell. But what good would looking back at those days do now? Winterfell was gone. And yet… Bellamy gave a small chuckle. “It is fitting to show up here, when my anger burns with such rage that it could turn me to ashes.” She sits, content to spend time with him. To be able to talk again, for however long they had.

“This place holds the likeness of Winterfell. Of better days.” Her gaze swept the landscape and she drew in a breath. “A shame that all good things come to an end…” Her green gaze flicked back to him. “...were you able to reach Ignis at all?” There is so much to tell him, things to catch up on, and yet despite the weights on her, Bellamy can not focus solely on that. She wanted the normality that came with talking to her friend. Just like all those years ago.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
09-03-2023, 10:19 PM

She closed the rest of the distance between them, and he couldn't contain his excitement and happiness at seeing her. She was such a dear friend, even if he hadn't been able to show it as much as he would have liked when he was alive, he knew that she knew. “Acere… It truly has been too long.” It was good to hear her voice. It was good to see her again. Her voice was gentle, and he knew gentleness didn't always come easy for her at times. She was always a spitfire. She struggled with many things in life, and he hoped that things had calmed down for her and that she was able to find peace. The last time they had spoken, he had been unable to stay for long. The night he had appeared at Samhain had been too short, and his spirit had faded well before he was ready. “It is fitting to show up here when my anger burns with such rage that it could turn me to ashes.”

He gazed at her with curiosity. A brow point was raised in question. So, her emotions were getting the better of her again? He supposed it was something that couldn't be helped. He didn't blame seemed fate liked to throw her on a rollercoaster, testing her fortitude time and time again. He was curious about what had been happening in her world. Her life. She didn't seem like the weight of the world was finally off her shoulders...

He grinned, "Yes, I often think of my home. It brings me comfort, so this is often what my world looks like," He said gently. He loved his Northern home. Winterfell, despite its demise, would always be his true home. He did not allow Ignis' past actions to taint it. But then the question of his nephew came up. He sighed heavily, a sad smile showing. "No. He shies away from me. He feels my presence...I know it. But anytime I get close, he turns away. I fear for him still, but I'm afraid there is nothing more I can do for him." It was sad to say, and he hated to admit it. But he could not help Ignis when Ignis refused it. "What of you? Last we met, you mentioned he had taken one of yours. Did he return her without harm?"



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
09-03-2023, 11:06 PM

The woman saw how her words caused Acere to raise a brow. She knew she had been vague, but she was doing her best to reign in her anger. Her emotions had controlled her when she lived in Winterfell, and they threatened to overwhelm her again. She focused on his voice, speaking of the pines. Bellamy gave a small nod. “When I was walking through Boreas and Auster, looking for a place for my family to call home, I briefly considered them. But… It didn’t feel right. Even if my family settled there, the pines will always be home to Winterfell in my heart.” Her expression softened. “The first place in Boreas I’d truly been shown kindness… and learned what a true leader was like.” Words of kindness and gratitude. Those days when she first met Acere and lived in Winterfell had shaped her, deviating her path from what it had been. Without him, would she still be alive today? Or would her recklessness have driven her into the ground?

A sigh passed Acere’s lips and Bellamy’s ears would fall. So Ignis wouldn’t let Acere reach him either. If the red man would not allow a relative who had only shown him kindness speak with him, what hope would she have of changing him? Bellamy’s own smile faded. “I’m sorry…” She reaches for his paw and places her own on top of it. “I can say that he has not fallen to the point of harming a child. Saga was safe… and she returned… happy.” Bellamy’s gaze fell. “I judge him harshly, Acere. I know that you hold no hatred for your nephew, but I struggle to find a way to approach him and not be guarded… ready to fight… I fear the darkness in his heart… It is almost as if a Dreamend lives within him.” Little did she know that the Praetor demon was practically akin to what she had mentioned.

Now it was her turn to sigh. Her gaze turned to the landscape and for several long, painful seconds Bellamy was silent. When she spoke her voice had hardened. The edge to her tone betrays the anger and hurt she felt. “I wish I could tell you things have gotten better, Acere. But there are wolves out there that are even sicker than your nephew.” The snow beneath her paws crunch as she digs her claws toward the earth below it.

“...Gavroche was brutally murdered. He called for us, but by the time any of us made it to the lands outside Ethne it was too late. The bastard tore his wings from his body, his head… he cracked his ribs… stole his heart.” Tears pricked her eyes, the last three words spoken in a snarl. “He took the life of a healer, of a man who never dared raise a paw to anyone and only wanted to take away their pain. What right did he have!?” Bellamy got to her paws. She was shaking, but she tried to steady herself with a couple breaths. She looked back at Ace, a sea of emotions churning within her eyes.

“The Goddess had mercy on Gavroche. For his selflessness in life, he was granted a new beginning. A life without pain and the memories of suffering he’d endured. He was reborn in our daughter’s litter.” She looked away again, voice growing quiet once more. “...and he will never remember us as we were… the Gavroche I knew is gone… and I will never meet with him again.” A heavy sigh passed her lips. Life seemed to like throwing challenges at her. It felt like everyone she loved was stolen away from her at one point or another. Would her children suffer the same fate…?

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
09-04-2023, 01:08 AM

“When I was walking through Boreas and Auster, looking for a place for my family to call home, I briefly considered them. But… It didn’t feel right. Even if my family settled there, the pines will always be home to Winterfell in my heart.” He mirrored her softened expression, a light chuckle slipping from his lips. "You know, I would be honored if you and yours decided to live there. I would have it no other way. While Winterfell no longer exists physically, it will always be in your heart as a memory. You do not need my permission to live there should you choose, but just in case..." His smile grew a little more, "Your family is welcome to claim them. In fact, I don't think I'd prefer it any other way," There were many memories there, both good and bad. But the good far outweighed the bad ones. It was both the same place he claimed to forge a new beginning for himself and others and also the place where misfortune had befallen his kin. But he preferred to think of it as the place of new beginnings. Despite what Ignis had done, despite the trials and tribulations the pack had faced. That he himself had faced...

Though the conversation would shift to his nephew. Bellamy apologized, and Acere simply shook his head. She explained that he had in fact, returned her dear Saga unharmed and that the child was happy. And the fact she didn't know how to approach Ignis anymore without certain feelings was something he could understand. "Despite the darkness in his mind, I feel he is still in there...somewhere. He likely struggles daily with his demons...the fact he didn't harm Saga and that she was returned to you with happiness tells me that he is still in there, somewhere. I have hope still...and as long as I exist in some form, I will continue to try to reach him." He sighed again as he looked at her, "It is ultimately up to you should you choose to continue trying as well, but I will not fault you for leaving him be...or ending it completely." Would Ignis meet the same fate as Elias? He wasn't sure. But from the sounds of it, he hadn't done nearly half the things that Elias had done. There was hope still...or perhaps it was just him being hopeful. Whatever the case, Bellamy didn't need to subject herself to Ignis' darkness unless he threatened her or her family. "I fear that he may feel similarly to you. He guards himself. A constant need to protect himself from whatever threatens him." He lowered his head, a frown on his lips, "He loved someone dearly...but...I think the rejection is what changed him. He was truly heartbroken...he hasn't been the same since." Was that his business to tell? Probably not. But he understood Ignis in some form. He had lost his first love to death...and that had caused a significant change in himself that took a long time to get past. Whether or not Ignis would surpass that was beyond him, but...he could hope.

Their time together quickly shifted into a more serious tone. He remained quiet as her tone shifted. Something bad had happened, he was sure. But he'd wait for her to speak first. “I wish I could tell you things have gotten better, Acere. But there are wolves out there that are even sicker than your nephew.” His head tilted slightly, the frown further creasing his lips as he noticed the anger further taking hold. She explained what had happened to her dear Gavroche. A sad sigh passed his lips as he looked up toward the white sky. Gavroche, while he had known him a short time, had been an impressionable man. The little winged wolf had left a mark on Acere. He was the first and the last winged wolf he'd ever seen, and the little male was kind of heart and an innocent soul. There was nothing but love in Gavroche, and he was saddened to hear of his fate. He caught her eye as she looked at him, the pain in her voice was loud and clear. But where Gavroche met a horrendous end, he had apparently also found a new beginning in the form of his grandson.

He was quiet for a long moment before gently pressing his shoulder into Bellamy's, an attempt at offering some form of comfort. Though it wouldn't quite feel the same as the physical touch he once had prior to becoming a part of Somnium, the sentiment was still there. "I'm...sorry...Gavroche was a good man. A good friend. His heart was pure and his soul even more so. It is a shame he met such a terrible end...but in some way, he has not completely gone from your world." He looked at her then, a sad smile on his lips. "Should I see him here, rest assured he will be well taken care of, and honored. He won't be alone, and hopefully, the next time you visit...we'll both be waiting for you." It was certainly hard when you lost the one you loved. But Bellamy would find a way to push on. She always did.




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
09-16-2023, 12:33 PM

Just as he had tried to help her years ago when her anger took hold, Acere tried to aid Bellamy now. She felt him move close, and despite the angelic form he had now she could feel the sensation of his shoulder touching hers. It was not the same as it would have been were he living, but there was still sustenance to it in this place. Bellamy shivered, partly from the cool touch, but she welcomed the comfort her friend gave her. He would speak, and Bellamy’s ears would fall. “Even if his spirit one day comes here, Acere, he will not remember me. Not as we were. His memories, his past life, were wiped clean to give him a second chance.” Her words were quiet, surprisingly so. “...but… he won’t remember that harsh end, nor any of the suffering he dealt with in that life either. So… I’m glad he won’t be hurting anymore, even if I haven’t really come to grips with his passing yet. It… It doesn’t feel real.” The woman turned her gaze to Acere.

“But there is comfort, knowing you are still here. Meeting you gave me new hope for what comes after. I’ve never been one to consider death an option, but it is no longer daunting when you have loved ones waiting for you.” She lowered her gaze. “...and, as for Ignis… I pray it never comes to one of us taking the life of the other. I’m guarded around him, and distrustful, but perhaps because I see so much of my younger self in him. Struggle, on the hellbent path of a monster I felt I’d been turned into.” Bellamy closed her eyes. “I think that’s why we clash so much. Fire and ice, two harsh elements… We don't mix well, but we understand the path the other has walked. I know taking his life would pain you, especially if he didn’t come here.” Bellamy lifted her gaze back to the Northern king.

“I won’t deny I am grateful he had not harmed Saga… but I do worry if that will change now that they are aging. I want to protect my family, but…” Bellamy’s shook her head. “We intend to go after the murderer tomorrow, to bring Gavroche justice and ensure the safety of those who remain.” She would sigh, leaning into him. “...I… I’m sure I’ll come back here before long, Ace… please promise me you’ll be here when I do.” She moved a paw over his own. “...It’s hard, being the oldest one now… I have my children, but they are all so young compared to me.” And time was cruel. The next time she came here, would she even be alive…?

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
10-07-2023, 10:46 PM

He nodded solemnly as she explained that Gavroche would not remember anything. He would not remember his past. Who he was. Who they were. Nothing. Honestly, it think about. He wouldn't know what to do if that ever happened to him, but then again, had it happened to him...he supposed he wouldn't have known it. If everything had been wiped clean, there would be nothing to miss, he supposed. But at least Gavroche wouldn't remember his violent end. "It is okay to grieve for as long as you need. There is no time limit for such things." He looked to his feet, a sad smile on his lips. "I still grieve for the first one I ever loved. Though our time together was short, the memories are something I will never forget. Time does heal the heart, and we are allowed to still love and remember fondly those we cared and loved deeply for, while also continuing to live our lives." Granted, he wasn't alive anymore, but that was beside the point.

"And I will always be here for you, your kin, my kin...whoever needs me. It is the least I can do after failing you." There was so much more he felt he could've done. So much more that needed doing still. But he had grown tired in life, and had decided to let go. His children were grown and would be fine without him. Ignis would someday hopefully find his way...and so too, would Bellamy. He hoped, anyway.

"Hopefully, it will not come down to that between you and Ignis. But should it ever happen, promise you will fight with everything you have. He fights hard, but he will abandon the fight if you do not give it your all. That much I can say...I felt him falter during our own battle...some part of him was unwilling. His demon was losing control. But he wasn't yet strong enough to fight against it. I too, faltered for a moment. Of course, I didn't want to fight my nephew, I love him. But we both understood and fought with everything we had. Even though I lost the fight, we both lost something that day." His voiced was tainted with sadness, but he didn't want to linger on that. It was done and past. He just hoped Ignis hadn't completely lost himself...but the fact he had given Saga back without a fight and without harming her gave him some hope.

"I will always wait for you here, Bellamy. Should you ever need me, simply ask, and I will come. Always." He leaned over to nuzzle her cheek, offering reassurance and comfort before smiling. He got up then, motioning for her to follow. "Come, I want to show you something."




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
10-14-2023, 05:04 PM

Acere’s words offered reassurance, reminding her that it was okay to grieve, and that she should be able to grieve as long as she needed. One didn’t simply get over losing a mate, and, hearing that he still grieved for his first love she blinked with surprise, letting her gaze linger on him. So his love was not here… she would have thought that by now they would have been reunited with her. But he had not. Had… had Acere suffered a similar fate to the one she was now burdened with? While her heart ached for her pain, there was some comfort in knowing that he understood… and there was more comfort in knowing he would be here. That he would always be here. For her, for her kin, for his kin. But he mentioned failing them and Bellamy shook her head before giving him a quick, squeezing hug. “We are the ones that failed you, Ace, not the other way around…” She released him.

The information about Ignis surprised her, but Bellamy gave a nod. The demon Ignis fought… was it so different from her own? He was losing it too, just as she was slipping. Bellamy understood that, if they met, the only option was to give everything they had, less those other sides do it for them. A losing battle… but a fight they would lose together… a loss they could both understand. Maybe there was no saving either of them, but… Bellamy knew what needed to be done. “You have my word, Acere.” Her voice had become quieter, and she leaned into the gentle nuzzle he gave. Such a simple touch, but it meant so much. She felt some of that weight ease back.

He rose, and Bellamy arched a brow as he said that he wanted to show her something. What could he want to show her? Bellamy rose, trailing after him without question. “What is it?” She asked, her green gaze fixed on the winter king.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. What we've lost, what we can gain Somnium 10:02 PM, 06-04-2023 03:39 AM, 02-13-2024