
Together by Choice

Varu seeking to join Khranbari in Valta



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
09-05-2023, 07:21 PM
Winter’s first snow crunched beneath her ebony paw pads as she made her way through the otherwise quiet woods. The golden oranges and browns that once hid her pelt so well in the autumn were now only a distant memory. Deciduous trees scattered around this land were devoid of leaves now and covered in a white blanket. The only cover came from old thickets of dead vines or small rocky areas that were far and few between. Her dark coat did little to mask her presence in this environment, but she didn’t have any intention of trying to hide.

A little way back she had noticed a strange tang to the air as she passed what was was assumed to be a border marker. Never had she been here before, so she knew not of the land’s lush beauty in the warmer months. Varushka paused to sniff at a scrawny leafless bush which carried more of the strange scent. Lifting her head, she scanned her surroundings. In the distance her sensitive ears picked up on the trickle of water flowing from the sunset falls. She was almost there.

Huge rocky pools loomed on ahead of her, the fact that they were still flowing even in this bone chilling cold was beyond her. The water trickling between them reflecting the pale morning light was breathtaking. Varushka had never even met a pack in these lands before now as she had avoided them like the plague. Curiosity had gotten the better of her, and she was tired of being alone. She was here because she knew this was where Khranbari was.


09-05-2023, 07:40 PM

Earth's colored canvas became nothing more but a seasoned memory. The arrival of winter came with looming clouds that carried a sheet of white. Snow littering the grounds after every flake found refuge on frozen land. Chills nipped at any and all caught out in such a storm that night. Much like always, when morning arrived, Khranbari found himself wandering the borders on patrol. Asla's urine heavily refreshed amongst a few others he did not know as of yet. They made his job a bit easier. Only having to ensure that all corners of their territory remained marked and free of unknown danger.

Paws crunching through freshly laid snow. Layers broken and flattened under each step. He pressed on through the familiar grounds. Khran still felt a bit weak from the encounter with the bear. A thought to check in on Athena coming to mind since that day was the first and last they'd spoken to one another. Ears strained in direction of the sunset falls. The season doing nothing to stop the flow. Liquid golds checking the surrounding area with a usual look of indifference.

So quick they were that Khran almost missed the earthen tones so close to their borders. Most of the falls were over the markings and the other rest just beyond it. A snarl bubbled up. Breaking free as he rushed to see who dared wander so close to Valta's clear signs of claim. Hackles raised, a howl fell into the sky from his lips. Calling forth Asla or anyone. If he had to deal with the matter himself, he would surely do so and suffer the consequences later. "Who are.... Varushka?"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
09-05-2023, 08:50 PM

"Aslatiel Indarra"

So far, Khranbari was doing exceptionally well. He patrolled just as regularly as she did, his scent markers strong along the border of Valta. Not to say that others didn't patrol as well, but it wasn't often that someone did so with the same gusto as Aslatiel herself. The blonde woman appreciated his efforts and was already considering a change in rank for the man.

Asla had been considering the man when his call rang out. Another intruder? The fae's retractable claws flexed for a moment and then she was off, a comfortable lope eating up the distance between herself and Khran. In time, the large monochromatic brute came into view and Asla's pace slowed. Padding up beside the man, she noted the fae standing on the opposite side of the border.

Amaranthine eyes shifted upwards, scanning Khran's face. There was a slight look of surprise on his usual stoic features. Interesting. Asla turned her attention back to the earthen fae. "Aslatiel Indarra, alpha of Valta. How can I help you?" One brow rose, pulling at the scars that ruined what would have been an otherwise beautiful face. Grey ears shifted as she waited for either Khran or the woman to speak.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
09-05-2023, 09:46 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2023, 10:53 PM by Varushka. Edited 1 time in total.)
Varushka’s paws froze where she stood as she heard a howl ring off the stones of sunset falls. Then she heard the snapping of frozen branches and something large barreling through the snow in her direction. Fear would have gripped her, had it not been for the familiar sound of a voice she had gone so long without hearing. ”Khranbari..” she huffed, hardly a whisper.

His ruffled grey and white fur on end especially at the hackles. She had surprised him? She didn’t think the indifferent brute would really care if he ever saw her again. Yet, this was definitely the most emotion she had remembered ever seeing in those handsome golden eyes. ”Khranbari, I..” she stopped mid thought as the sound of another, smaller creature came bounding up and slowed its pace. It was another wolf. Khran dwarfed the creamy tan she-wolf who now stood beside him. Varushka’s yellow pools lingered on her for a moment, her stunning purple eyes were hard to avoid. And the scars strewn across her cream and white face were a clear indication to Varu of the female’s strength.

”The Alpha..” she echoed in her mind. The resolve and steadiness of her voice only further cemented her claim of title. Khran had already spoken her name aloud, but she re stated it for the leader of the pack. ”My name is Varushka. I came here look-..” she paused and her eyes briefly wandered over to the large silvery male. The last time she had seen him was sometime in late Autumn. He seemed to have gained a few more injuries since last she had seen him. What had happened? Clearly he was a part of this pack as Aslatiel stood confidently beside him. But why would he be covered in so many new scratches and bite marks? She shook her head. This wasn’t the time for thinking. She had to properly address the alpha’s question to her. She just, didn’t really know how to answer.

The night she left Khranbari she never told him where she was going or why. She left him thinking he wouldn’t care if she left or not. But the way he responded to seeing her, she felt guilt gnaw at her belly. Yet, it mingled with another feeling. Was she glad he seemed to have wondered about her, the same way she had of him? That is why she tried to find him out here wasn’t it?

A cardinal chirped from the dead branch of a nearby tree, seemingly unfazed by the three carnivores conversing below. Her internal conflict was only a few heartbeats though it felt like an eternity. She seemed to be pulled back to consciousness by the sound of it as she felt the weight of them waiting for her answer. ”I came to join Valta.” she stated with a solid wuff.


09-05-2023, 10:06 PM
Winter's breath chilled the aches of bruised muscles. Nipping at the restraint of use being made to them. Daring not to do much besides the usual screaming to be rested some place warm. Ignored and dismissed by the large male, Khranbari stared at Varushka in silence. His tongue frozen in the confinements of his mouth upon the arrival of Asla. He said nothing to answer the small tan and cream woman. Feeling the brief moment those sharp oceans of purple landed on the expression molded to his face. The last he'd seen her... Shock quickly slipped into a frown. She'd left him. Awoken shortly after, if not hours, before her scent began to fade. He would not have admitted missing her aloud. Surely he felt the pained emotion of abandonment. Quite odd being so foreign to so many things racing through his mind and heart. Bari said nothing more.

Turning his attention fully to Asla as she searched for either of them to speak. Varushka taking that in turn to express her wanting to join. Why? One question with a million and one responses. Khran shook his head in anguish. A battle to leave her there as she'd done him that late autumn day. Being petty wasn't in his personality. However, being an asshole is. Expelling a low rumble form his chest towards the earthen woman. He once more looked to his leader. "She is a friend." The last of his sentence spoken with an icy clip to it. He hadn't forgiven her and would give her a chance to explain herself later. If allowed to join amongst their ranks. "I do not care if she joins or not. The decision is yours anyway." Bari knew his words were harsh. Their tone cold and empty like the snow beneath their paws.

He couldn't wrap his head around any of it. His feelings. The emotions. Her popping up from the ground like the earth she was and he nothing but a mere shadow. Monochromic like the stainless steel made to produce weaponry and shields. He did not know love. His mother never gave or even shown him the meaning of it. Only turned backs and severe beatings. When they'd first met, the urge to protect her happened to be strong. Tugging at something leading to an obsessive path. Nose followed the scent to which she left behind that night. The path leading him to absolutely nowhere and here she was. Asking to join Valta.

Tail slapping against his thighs, he stood proudly by Asla's side. Leaving his attention to turn away from looking further at the earthen toned woman. Bari needed to figure this out. With or without Varushka.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
09-05-2023, 11:20 PM

"Aslatiel Indarra"

Asla's galactic gaze cut back and forth between the pair of wolves. There was something going on there and she had to admit that she was a little curious. It wasn't her business, however. What these two were to one another meant little from the standpoint of an alpha. What did matter was the woman's skills and in what way she could add to Valta's safety and prosperity.

Striped haunches folded and Aslatiel seated herself in the snow, the fae's white tipped tail curling around one shapely hip. She was significantly smaller than the other two wolves, but that never crossed her mind. Asla was a giant where it counted. Grey ears swiveled, catching the woman's words. Varushka, the earthen fae called herself. And she came to join Valta, no less. Once more Asla's gaze shifted to Khran. His words met her ears and a soft chuckle pulled from the blonde and white fae. He didn't care, did he? Funny way of showing it.

"Well, Varushka, Valta is primarily a family pack. We value honor and hard work." A grin flashed on the fae's maw. "This fine gentleman is a testament to that." Yeah, she teased him a bit. Eventually he would lighten up some, she hoped. It had to be tiresome being so stiff all the time. Teasing or no, it was also a compliment. He had been working hard and his efforts had been noticed. They wouldn't go unrewarded either.

"It is expected that you continue to work on your skills so that you're the absolute best that you can be at whatever your particular skill set is. We have wolves of many talents here, so there will always be someone that can help teach or train." The tawny fae's brow lifted and she flashed the larger woman a grin. "Do, if you still wish to join Valta, then I will leave you with Khranbari. He can take you on a tour, show you the food stores and the storage den where you'll find furs and whatnot. He can also show you the empty dens. You're free to stay there or use them temporarily until you craft your own." She'd told Khran much the same when he'd joined. Asla looked to the black and grey brute once more. "Once you have Varushka acclimated to your liking, pay me a visit. We have things to discuss."

Aslatiel rose and gave her thick winter coat a little shake, ridding herself of clinging snow. With a flashing smile at Varushka, one galactic eye winked. "Welcome to Valta." With that, she turned and made her way back towards the common area of the pack, her pace leisurely. Another addition to the fold.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
09-13-2023, 10:10 PM
Cold snow glittered around the trio and the morning light danced off their pelts. As Khranbari spoke, it was difficult for Varushka to see the meaning of the words he spoke in his golden eyes. “Didn’t care if she joins or not,” his words echoed in her mind did sting a bit. Varushka thought that perhaps he would have been excited to see her again and that he might have wanted her to be there with him. Unlike Khran, the disappointment was plain on her tan and brown face. He spoke no more and gave his attention to his leader, as did Varu. She looked to the smaller she-wolf respectfully with soft yellow eyes. Honor and hard work, the pack’s two core values according to Aslatiel. She didn’t seem like a wolf that would make up stories or exaggerate, so perhaps she did see those qualities in Khran. It was only more proof of how much they didn’t know about each other. The alpha went on to explain some of what the pack had to offer to her. Training in different skill sets was fairly interesting to her. However, Varu felt her mind wander off about what she could offer the pack. Surely she would have time to figure it out later. Asla then mentioned that Khran would be taking care of introducing her to the territory, to which she intentionally made no outward expression of reaction. A simple bow of her head was her response, but internally she winced. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to be alone with him again already, his reaction this far told her he wasn’t happy that she was there.

Before Varushka could respond Asla rose to her paws, shaking off any snowflakes that clung to her fur. She smiled and welcomed Varushka to the pack. The brown female bowed, leaning her head down to the ground and splaying one paw out before her. ”Thankyou Aslatiel. I am grateful for your hospitality. I hope to be of use to you and your pack.” With that said, she rose from her bow. Her nose had been dipped in the cold snow, and some still stuck there. Quickly, she wiped it off with a raised brown paw. Her eyes finally coming to rest on the large grey male again. Varu wondered how he must feel about having to show her around. She half expected him to leave her the second Asla was out of sight.

Varushka peered farther into the woods in the direction of where Asla had gone. She didn’t make any move from where she stood, she simply waited a few moments. Now that they were alone, she let the memories of the last time she had seen him flood her mind. She had left him all alone, sneaking away from him like an owl gliding silently through the night. She didn’t mean to upset him, his cold nature had made her feel like he wouldn’t have cared. They had hardly even shared more than a few words between themselves after being with each other for almost an entire day. She had originally just wanted to get away for a little bit to clear her head and make a decision. But a few hours turned to a day, and a day turned to a week. Before she knew it, it was winter. Varushka knew she couldn’t go another winter all alone. So she decided at last to find Khran, and try to make it where he was. Then at least she would have one wolf she was familiar with. She turned her head to look at him, yellow pools burned into his fur. ”I wasn’t ready.” she admitted. ”I left to think about it. I know it took me a while but I had to, that was the first time I think I’ve even spoken to another for I don’t know how long.. but, I came back because I didn’t think you’d mind.” She searched his golden eyes for the answer. She just wanted to know what he really thought.


09-14-2023, 05:02 PM
The way Khranbari's head snapped to send a glare at Asla would have nearly ended his life or maybe even gave him whiplash. Her words ringing like bells loudly into his ears. His mouth opened to rebudal what was said he'd do; but he quickly shut his trap and gave a curt nod. A look of I'll speak to you later shot directly at his leader's head.

Varushka continued to talk. His mind waging a war to scream out his frustations and anger. Frankly, Bari did not understand what he was going through. He couldn't understand the emotions and foreign feelings raging through him. If anything, he wanted to rip something open. Throat soon becoming dry with the urge to yell out everything he felt. Liquid golds watching as Asla ventured away from them. Going back to wherever he had called her from. His expression still the same as it burned a hole into her retreating form.

He turned to walk in direction of the dens he knew stored the necessities she would need to make Valta home. Her words stopping him short. Still not turning around to give her his undivided attention. Khranbari's ear shifted to show he was in fact listening. "This place does something to me." His voice was low. Deep. "I do not know what. It messed with everything I was taught.... that was beat into me and I do not know how to handle it." A sigh escaped his lungs. Why was he opening open to her? Who did she think she even was to make him do such thing?

"You do something to me." He looked at her then. His face expressionless as always. His eyes, however, they spoke so many things. "I will show you around. You will choose a den or you can use mine for the time being. It is up to you." The monochromatic male said nothing more. Trekking on the path to where everything lay deep inside their territory.



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
09-17-2023, 04:17 PM
Apparently Khranbari had already planned to do as his leader had asked of him. Varushka’s words had stopped him in his tracks, and she instantly regretted trying to explain herself. He didn’t even look her way as he responded. However, his words were not what she had expected. This male was far more complicated than she could have imagined. His quiet and unemotional demeanor had a rather melancholy explanation. Khranbari was not just mysterious, now it was clear to her that he hid everything from the world just to cover his hurt.

Unsure of what to say, she remained silent. The brown she-wolf expected to just continue on with him toward their destination, but instead he turned to her and made his confession to her. She met his golden pools only momentarily before ripping her gaze away from his. Khran seemed to cover up his statement with words about showing her around and sleeping arrangements. She still said nothing. Varu hesitated and a chocolate brown forepaw hovered undecidedly above the snowy forrest floor. Did he also slip in that she could stay with him in his den?

Hadn’t she come back to find him because that was what she wanted? Didn’t she want to be here with him? Hearing him speak his feelings so upfront and unapologetically was simultaneously terrifying and alluring to her. It was obvious that it was hard for him to admit any feelings out loud. She let her paw make contact with the soft snow. ”Okay.” she woofed quietly as she began to follow. Her yellow eyes staring at nothing in particular as she kept pace behind him.


09-21-2023, 10:40 AM
They traveled through the dense forestry. Grass soon becoming smoother from years of being worn down from Valta’s inhabitants. His steps not once faltering and he chose not to speak anymore for the time being.

Varushka’s presence made him unknowingly shudder. He’d missed her. Truly. Honestly. He was never a man to believe in love at first sight. Thought the mere idea of it was a shroud of bullshit. Yet here he was pondering on if this was it. Khranbari couldn’t quite understand why her of all females. In his time of living, he had come across a few. Some even willing to throw themselves at him without hesitation. All of them easily turned away or dismissed. Their advances annoying him to the tenth degree beyond his patience.

A low, inaudible growl at the memory slipped his lips. Not wanting Varushka to think he was doing so towards her.

Khran pulled away from his thoughts. Taking note that they now neared the center of Valta. "This area contains our storages. From meat to furs." He nodded in their general direction. Both dens fully stocked for the moment. Though he knew there would be time to hunt again. The wolves here ate a lot. Him being one of them.

He didn’t wait long for her to see them fully. Khran was tired and needed to go see Asla before the day came to a complete end. That wretched small woman did this on purpose and he surely would say his fill. Not caring of the consequences to come. He was finding his voice more and more between Varushka and Asla. Which didn’t feel like a bad thing to him. If anything it just. Felt. Weird.

"Here are the dens. This one is mine." Khran wandered the short distance until they came across a large opened mouth. The entrance littered with the coat of the bear he and Athena killed. It’s black pigment lead towards another grizzly whose fur was a tiny bit lighter. "You can make yourself comfortable. I have some business to attend to." The word spoken through clenched teeth as he made his way around her. Lightly brushing against her, Khranbari stopped. Nose intruding on the furs of Varushka’s side to inhale her scent. Before running off in direction of Asla. Leaving the earthen woman to do what she may please.



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
10-04-2023, 08:13 PM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2023, 08:14 PM by Varushka. Edited 2 times in total.)
Following behind the large grey male Varushka joined him on his way to the camp in his silence. Snow crunching beneath their paws was the only sound around them. Winter seemed to muffle the world in cold, silent somberness. Had it not been for Khran’s sudden slip up of a growl she almost wouldn’t have noticed they had arrived at the main area. Her gaze snapped to him, bewildered by the sound of his seemingly reasonless aggression. But then he spoke normally without a trace of annoyance or anger, which confused her but she dismissed it. It would take some time for her to get used to him, but surely the feeling flowed both ways. She casually looked around at the stores of furs and dried meats, it was all rather organized and well kept compared with what she was used to. The smells of the food even smelt spiced, though she couldn’t tell with what, but the pack was obviously clever to store their meat in such a way so it lasted longer. However, she made no comment about the storage area and continued to follow him around. It wasn’t long before they made it to the sleeping arrangements. Some dens were empty and smelled stale as if no one had laid claim to them, only a few had some small belonging or soft pelts strewn about. As the pair walked on they approached a den adorned with bear skins that smelled strongly of Khranbari and musky bear scent. “This is his den then.. Interesting decoration choices.” she thought to herself. Khranbari mentioned that he would be leaving her here now and brushed up against her on his way out. She sighed. It had been an eventful morning, there would be more time later to further explore. Some alone time could do her good, it would give her more time to think. ”I’ll wait here.” she quietly woofed to him as he ran off. Varushka lowered herself to the floor, brushing the soft dark bear fur with her forepaw before laying her head down and watching him quickly vanish into the territory. ”Welcome home Varu.” she said quietly to herself.

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1. Together by Choice Sunset Falls 07:21 PM, 09-05-2023 05:17 AM, 11-13-2023