
Thoughts, Decisions




Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
09-06-2023, 10:28 AM
Beau had been doing some thinking. After the pack meeting, and his talks with Henry and Mika, the male had been deep in thought. He needed to help Tanelan, though the man had expressed he didn't want him to bring it up to a healer. Beau wasn't sure a healer could do anything anyway. His difference wasn't really a disease… but Beau naturally worried for him. And, the longer he lay there, the more Beau thought about what he should do. In the end he would rise from where he rested and head out into Ethne lands in search of the Leader. Speaking to Haydee was important right now… and speaking to his mates after would be necessary. He could feel certainty within his steps and decision. This was a path that he hoped would benefit not just himself and his mates but Ethne as well. He was grateful for the pack. But maybe he could provide assistance in another way on a new path…
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
09-06-2023, 04:02 PM
The day is young and Haydée is out running a patrol of the Falls. Walking always helps her to think and the girl has been doing a lot of that lately. Being a Leader is difficult and having a pack rely on her is more than a little daunting but that doesn’t stop Hay from trying her best. As she meanders through the trees that surround the little oasis of her home, a familiar figure appears ahead of her and moves down the path toward her.

Haydée’s tail slowly wags as watches Beauregard, offering the man a warm smile as he draws closer. While she not officially met him, the girl is aware of his and his mate’s plight and has been meaning to check in with them. Thankfully, this seems like a good time to do it since he seems to looking for her! With joyful tones, she greets the man with kindness, “Beauregard! How are you doing? Are you looking for me?”

Hay pauses her patrol in favor of listening to what Beau has to say since that is far more important at this moment.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
09-06-2023, 05:19 PM

As Beauregard wandered the lands of the Falls, he could feel a sense of security that brought a smile to his lips. This pack had given security, helped him and his mates settle… And it was in this pack, as members, that Tanelan and the others had confessed their feelings to him and he had agreed to be their mate. His smile wavered. Tan… he was worried about why the others couldn’t feel him, and the accompanying conditions alongside his absence. He knew so little of their situation… but he had been grateful that Bellamy had accepted them without pressing the need of a healer. They were different, but they were happy. They had learned to live in harmony. And now with one of them gone, Beau worried. His thoughts churned. He had no idea how long he fought with them before hearing the voice of Haydée.

Turning toward the young Leader as she greets him he helps close the distance. She is joyful, kind, and he offers her a small smile. It seemed he had caught her in the midst of a patrol. “Leader Haydée, I’m glad to see you up and about.” He dipped his head toward her. “I am. I need to ask… a bit of a lot, actually. There is something I must do and, additionally, something I’d like to do with your blessing. I’m not quite sure where to begin though… Will you lend me your ears before you make your decision?” He could feel his heartbeat quicken as he spoke. Would she understand his goals? Or would it feel as if he was betraying Ethne…?

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
09-06-2023, 05:57 PM
Beau seems distracted, as if he has a lot on his mind, and the girl looks at him curiously. As he begins, she giggles and nods in agreement but allows him to continue to talk without interrupting him since it seems that he is having difficulty voicing what he needs to say. Green eyes blink as Beau chooses his words carefully and Haydée offers him a warm, heart-felt smile.
Realizing that what Beauregard has to say is important and that he is in need her full attention, so the girl decides to seat herself.

With a pat on the ground next to her, Hay says, “Come, sit with Beauregard. Tell me everything and I promise to listen and consider what you have to say before a decision is made. And please, call me Hay.” Her presence is welcoming as she invites the older male to join her, as an equal, and share everything that is troubling him. Being young may have some disadvantages as a Leader but, one thing it does give her, is kind heart.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
09-06-2023, 06:25 PM

The young Leader offers for him to sit and Beauregard lowers his rear to the earth. There is no need for formalities between them, and his expression softens as he makes himself comfy. Though he is an adult, he’s really not too much older than her all things considered. Closer in age to her older sister. Beauregard thinks about what to say, drawing in a breath. “There are layers to this, Hay. I’m not sure how much your mother might have told you about Tanelan and the others who live inside him. She was kind enough to understand it was not an issue that needed to be cured, but something that they all accepted and lived with.” Bringing up Tanelan first made the most sense. Beauregard frowned, his brow furrowing as he continued to speak.

“I had promised them that I wouldn’t have a healer intervene, but something is different. Wrong.” Beau sighed. “I love all of them, Hay… and Tan, the one who is meant to be the host of sorts, they can’t feel him at all. It's like he is gone completely. It has come with dizzy spells, as well as them struggling internally.” He thought of Bellamy and his ears fell. “I know that Ethne did not have the care necessary to treat your mother, but my first request is that you guys look after them for me. There may not be a cure here, but Ethne has been good to us from the moment we joined. He would be kept comfortable here.” And that leads into his next thing he wanted to discuss.

“I am grateful for the chance Ethne has given us, but I need to do some searching out there. Looking for something that might be able to recover Tan and, additionally… I would like your blessing to leave Ethne.” He offered her a sad smile. “A farewell, but not a goodbye. I know that with the loss of your father, the pack has been hurting. I do not want my leaving to be taken as a bad thing. I… Intend to find a way to raise a pack to support Ethne in trade and comradery. If the Hallows is a place of healing, and Ethne a home, I would like to create a pack to centralize on trade and crafting, as well as increase the ability for more members to work together to aid each other. That is, if you support the idea. I may not have known your father, but I’d like to make sure that there are more safe havens in Auster, to ensure that no wolf is ever lost again.”

"Speech" 'Thought.'
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
09-06-2023, 07:08 PM
Beauregard accepts her invitation and sits and Hay looks up at him with kindness shinning in her emerald gaze. The girl does as she promises and listens, nodding in understanding at important points but never once interrupting him. Finally, Beau finishes talking and the young leader allows a comfortable silence to fall between them as she processes all the information that she has been given. This is important to him and his mates, so the girl really wants to consider everything before she speaks.

Haydée’s eyes have drifted downward as she thinks but she finally lifts them to meet the man’s blue gaze. A caring smile is on her lips as she begins to speak, “I didn’t know everything about what your mate is going through but I understand. If you wish for them stay here in Ethne, I promise that they will be watched over and cared for with the utmost love. If they do not wish for a healer, I will respect that but, if at any time that changes, please just let me know. I will go to the ends of the earth to make sure that they receive whatever care they wish for.”

Taking a breath, her smile warms as she continues, “Beauregard, I am sad that I have not had the chance to get to know you better but I respect your wish. This will not be goodbye. You will leave Ethne as our friend and, if you ever need our help, we will answer. When you get your pack, I would be grateful to call you our alley. May the Divinities smile on all your undertakings.” The small girl stands and steps toward the man, offering him a hug as she says, “I promise that your mate will comfortable and safe. If they wish to follow you, I will not stand in their way.”

The hug finally ends and the girl steps back, beaming a smile up at the Beau, “Beauregard, you are free to follow the desires of your heart with the blessing of Ethne. Be well, my friend.” With that, Haydée releases the man from his rank, offering her heartfelt wishes for good fortune and a promise that Ethne will be there for him.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
09-06-2023, 07:34 PM

Leaving Ethne, after the good the pack had done, would make him a bit sad, but he was relieved to see that Hay understood. “I would appreciate you taking care of them for now, Hay. The pack has been a home for us, a stable and safe one. It hurts my heart to know one of the wolves here had been stolen away. I may want to create a new pack, but I’m hoping its creation will be a boon for us both, and for the safety of all wolves who live within Auster.” Beau’s expression softened. “I’d like our packs to be allies, when it happens. I want to repay the kindness Ethne has shown us. If you’ll have us, of course.” And knowing that his partners would be safe and cared for should anything worsen would give him peace. He truly couldn’t ask for more.

“Once I have claimed the lands we call home I will return for them, should they choose to follow me. While we are mates, and I love them, it is not a choice I could make for them or assume.” The man smiled. “You know, you should call me Beau. I’d like to see us as equals, neither one of us above or below the other.” Beauregard rose, but as he looked at the young leader of Ethne there was kindness within his blue gaze.

“I will speak to the others. Chances are, if you interact with them, Mika or Henry will be the ones you speak with. Benson is much more shy, but I think you might get along. Henry is a gentleman, and one he keeps things orderly and clean. Mika is a bit rougher around the edges, but he will not bring harm to your members. His anger is not towards the wolves of Ethne.” An explanation, in hopes she might understand his mates and who she might come across. “...Thank you, Hay, for everything. For the blessings you and your mother have given us. I wish her a speedy recovery so that she can come home to you soon.” The man dipped his head. “I will return when the other falls in Auster are ours. You have my word.”

Unless the Leader stopped him, Beauregard would head in the direction of the Creek. He needed to let his partners know what was going on.

--Exit Beau unless stopped.--

"Speech" 'Thought.'
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.

Thread Move Log
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1. Thoughts, Decisions Lazuli Falls 10:28 AM, 09-06-2023 06:01 AM, 11-05-2023