
Hello There



8 Years
Athena I
10-20-2013, 02:59 PM

"What an interesting land this 'Alacritis' is," the brute thought as he padded through the brown, dying grasses of this field he had stumbled upon. His large paws left pressed down places in the grass behind him and the cool autumn air blew through his thick, multi-hued fur. "I wonder if any wolves live near here..." He had yet to come across another soul since he arrived here, but here and there he had caught their scents so he was sure there were plenty of wolves, he just had to find them. Of course, the only ones he really cared to find was his brother, sister, and father, but none of the less any sign of life would be a nice change.

He lifted his nose, drawing in the air and catching the scent of a pack near by. It was still a good distance away, so he felt no fear of stepping into their territory on accident. He did, however, catch the scent of another wolf very close to him. Blinking with surprise he glanced around, his skyblue gaze searching the valley for whoever else could be out here.




7 Years
10-21-2013, 12:45 PM

Surreal was taking her endurance run again, long legs having fully grown into her body. She was almost her full adult size now. She was strong, she was fast. And she?d only get stronger as she aged. And she needed to be strong for Valhalla. When he uncle stepped down, She would take his place as Valhallan Beta. Already she was a Gamma. Ranked by Chrysie herself! She didn?t allow that to go to her head, however. One of the first and foremost lessons her mother and Uncle had drilled into her skull was that too much pride could get one killed. Or at the least, in deep trouble. She could be proud to serve her pack, but if it went to her head, she was useless to the pack, and could be a danger to them. That was the last thing she wanted.

She reached the boulder that was her new finish line in her runs, and slowed to a stop, turning her head to look over her shoulder, back towards home. Apart from training in Valhalla, it seemed relatively quiet after the lost second challenge for Liberty. Too quiet. She could feel the tension growing. Either Syrinx would lead the warriors in a raid on Glaciem?s borders, or Glaciem was going to make the move first. Something told her it would be the latter, and it would be soon. How many would die in this war? Would she herself be there at the end, when it was over? Would it ever be over? The only way it would ever be over, she surmised, was if Isardis were killed, removing the head from the serpent. He wouldn?t stop, until he was dead, dead, dead.

His Son, Taurig. Now her adopted brother. She wanted to meet him badly, but she hadn?t had time to travel across the Field to Tortuga and meet her new brother. Her mother had a wonderful, almost ethereal sense of characters. Surreal was almost convinced her mother could see into a wolf?s soul just by looking into their eyes. Of course? Magic wasn?t real, but one could always have their imaginings.

Silver legs started her forward again, and she padded to the river, lowering her head for a drink. Obsidian always said that horses should never drink after a hard run, because it did bad things to their stomachs. She said she knew a horse that had died from it. Luckily, wolves didn?t suffer from this problem, so Surreal drank her fill, then paused as the air currents above the water flowed to cross her muzzle, bringing with it a stranger?s scent. She analyzed it, inky nose quivering as she remembered her well taught Forest Craft. Uncle Cormalin, Cousin Cael, and her mother, as well as Cousin Alsander, all said that a wolf?s scent could tell a lot about the wolf. Whether the wolf was ill or well, how old the wolf was, and gender, as well as the subtler tinges of emotions. Anger had a sharper, muskier smell, and fear was a rank odor. Love was a wonderful smell. And sadness was? well, sad.

This wolf was male, and young. Like her. Not yet holding the full muskiness of an adult male, but not far from it. There was also a familiar tinge? Her eyes narrowed, but she didn?t let her head raise to tell the wolf she knew him to be there. Subtly, she let her paws fall into a balanced set, in case the stranger was a danger to her and her pack. He smelled faintly like the pale Ice King, Isardis. Any wolf from that family was not to be trusted until they proved themselves trustworthy. So she waited for the male to approach.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



8 Years
Athena I
10-24-2013, 10:03 PM

His bright blue gaze finally landed on the silvery form of the fea that stood over by the near by river. She was quite eye catching, he wasn't sure how he had missed seeing her when he had first approached. Perhaps she had just appeared? She had the build of a runner so perhaps that was what she had been up to. None of the less, he had been too distracted by his own thoughts before to notice either way.

Her scent showed obvious traces of the near by pack so he wanted to be sure not to offend her or threaten her in any way. The last thing he wanted was a pack of wolves to hunt him down. Really, the safest, and most comfortable, idea for him would be to just turn around and leave, but he really need to ask if his brother was here... Oh well. Might as well introduce himself.

Falk padded forward, moving toward the smaller fea in even, relaxed strides. He was sure to hold himself in a nonthreatening way and had a soft, friendly smile on his muzzle as well. He always felt confident when he was walking up to wolves, but as soon as he opened his muzzle to speak that shyness crept over him. "Hello, miss," he greeted simply, his voice a deep rumble. He noticed her two-toned gaze then, making him feel even more shy than normal. "She had to be pretty, didn't she?"

Falk gathered himself once again and continued, "Um, I'm hoping you can help me. I'm looking for my older brother. He's a big gray hued wolf with blue eyes. I'm assuming he still goes by Taurig. You wouldn't happen to know him, would you?" He felt like it was a long shot, but maybe he had been around this area before.




7 Years
10-25-2013, 02:26 PM

The stranger approached, relaxed in his movements, and no threatening. She watched from her peripheral, until he was a closer distance, before lifting her head and turning it to study the male, mismatched gold and sapphire orbs studying him, taking in build and looks, ears relaxed and forward. He had a friendly enough smile, and she read no malice or hidden intent, and her gut was saying he wasn?t as much of a danger as she originally thought. He opened his muzzle, then seemed to be undertaken by a fit of nerves, as he came out with a greeting. He had a nice voice, she had to admit. She turned to face the stranger, head dipping in a return of the greeting. ?Good day, stranger.? Her own voice was lighter, feminine, accented by a Russian, Scottish mixture, the Scots being prevalent over the Russian. It gave her words a lovely lilting quality, unique in her pack.

Head lifted from the dipping motion, two tones landing on the fellow yearling, taking him in. After a moment, he seemed to take a mental deep breath, and spoke. She listened curiously, ears pricking with interest. ?My mother adopted him when his sire disowned and marred him after he took over Tortuga?s lands. I?ve yet to meet him personally. The last time I saw him, he was still under Glaciem rule. I am Surreal, a Gamma of Valhalla.? Gems swept over him again. ?Tortuga is to the East.? She offered, muscles relaxing slightly. This male was just looking for his sibling. She could understand the want to find a sibling wandered off. Gabriel crossed her mind, as well as Castiel and Lyric. And Papa. They were all gone; she hadn?t seen them for ages. Gabriel was the longest gone. So all she had left was her mother, Arella, and Chrysanthe, in Valhalla.

Haunches lowered to the autumnal ground, tail curling about her haunches as she studied him again. ?So what do you intend on doing once you find him??

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



8 Years
Athena I
10-28-2013, 08:26 PM

Falk's ears perked with interest as he took in the interesting, accented voice of the fea before him. It was a mix of accents that he had never heard before, a completely new trait for him to enjoy.

She completely surprised him by not only knowing his long lost older brother, but knowing exactly where he could find him. And her mother had adopted Taurig? He blinked with surprise as he took in all of this new information. So he had taken over a pack called Tortuga... And his father had disowned him? Their father was here as well? That made sense, he supposed. It was just so much information to take in all at once.

He lifted his eyes back to his new akwantence's when she spoke again, questioning him this time. He considered the question carefully before he finally spoke. "I'm not sure, really. Before I left home my mother mentioned Taurig so when I came here I decided to find him. You said he took over a pack, right? Maybe I'll join him there... Of course I don't really know him yet."

It dawned on him that if this fea's mother adopted his older brother then in some way they were technically adoptive step siblings. It brought up that shy, awkward feeling in him again. She was really pretty and her voice was so interesting, but she was his sister? The thought made him feel so very awkward. He pushed it away, however, not wanting to seem strange. Besides, its not like she was his real sister. And her mother hadn't adopted him, just his older brother. The whole situation was very confusing.

He had been so caught up in his thoughts that he just realized he had never introduced himself. "I'm so sorry, miss. My name is Falk. It's very nice to meet you." His low, rumbling voice was soft, almost to the point of being gentle. He sometimes wondered if the contrast between his size and the kindness of his personality was off-putting to other wolves.




7 Years
10-29-2013, 01:39 PM

Surreal didn?t miss the perking of his ears as she started to speak, and the surprised blink as she talked about his brother and so on. Well, she did imagine that it was a lot to take in. Perhaps he?d expected to have to search for a long time before finding someone who knew Taurig and could point him in the right path. What did he think of her mother adopting his brother, she wondered.

He thought over her question, and then spoke. She rather liked the answer. He didn?t even mention his brother?s sire, who was possibly his own sire. He was all about finding his brother and maybe joining him. And Taurig wouldn?t be pointing this fellow toward Glaciem. She noticed that shy look coming into his eyes again, before abruptly, he seemed to recall his manners, and introduced himself. Falk. It was a nice name, and his voice was pleasant, rather gentle for his large size. But then again, size was not what made a wolf?s temperament. Her father had been massive, the largest wolf in the pack at forty-three inches. And he?d been the gentlest male you could imagine. But why had he vanished?

She brushed off the thoughts and dipped her head. ?A pleasure, Falk.? Had he caught her name when she was speaking earlier? ?My name is Surreal Ellen Adravendi. Though, I?m not an Adravendi by blood. Our Alpha?s father, who was the best Alpha Valhalla has ever known, gave my mother his surname before he died. And through her, to myself and my siblings.? Should she have introduced herself as an Adravendi?

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



8 Years
Athena I
10-29-2013, 09:50 PM

The russet-hued brute listened to Surreal with polite interest as she introduced herself and explained the heritage of her last name. He smiled and nodded in understanding as she finished her story. He quite liked her name. Surreal Adravendi. It seemed to flow easily together. Whether or not it was her blood name or not, he felt like it suited her well. "It's a lovely name. And you speak very eloquently, miss Surreal." He meant it. Every word she said felt very well put together.

He eased his haunches onto the ground and eased his nerves. It felt easier than usual to talk with her than it usually did to speak with strangers and for that he was grateful. He didn't know why it was so difficult to have a conversation with someone, he just knew that every time he tried he got nervous and ended up leaving before he could really get to know them. Surreal seemed like a very kind fea though and it was easy to feel at ease around her.

"Your former alpha must have cared a lot about your mother to give her his last name like that," he mentioned with a smile. The thought made him think about his own last name. Armada. From the father he had never known. He had never really liked the name, but its what he was given. He wondered sometimes where his father was, or who even was.




7 Years
10-29-2013, 10:27 PM

He was quite polite, this Falk; he listened without interrupting, and seemed quite interested in what she had to say. Her girly side like it. Her warrior side liked the respect, and gave respect in return. Both sides were taken off guard by his compliment to her name. Her ears twitched slightly, and it was her turn for a surprised blink. ?Oh? Well, my mother taught myself and my siblings how to speak. You speak quite well, too.? She recovered some of her composure, giving him a light smile while she wondered about the fluttery sensations in her chest.

Meanwhile, Falk slowly sat, seeming to relax, and her mismatched gaze watched him quietly. He wasn?t bad for someone who was possibly related to Isardis. Still, she supposed Isardis himself actually had a good side, one that only those he liked saw. However, it was hard to see the other side, when the wolf was threatening her home with war, and stealing her Pack?s members against their wills. She hoped this fellow never met the albino tyrant. Falk spoke up, and she studied on his comment, tongue swiping the edge of one jowl as she thought. The day before Cairo had died, Erani had come home. Looking a mixture of confused and peaceful, and happy around the edges. She?d gone looking for Gabriel, but hadn?t found him, instead running into Cairo.

The day Cairo died? Her mother had been sad, and father had never come back. With the sadness, Surreal had tasted the longing in her mother?s eyes, and known the continual visits to Cairo?s resting place. It was almost like her mother was searching for something. ?I suppose he did. He was nice, but I was a pup during his last year. I only really met him once. I think he did care for her, a lot.? Two-toned eyes dropped to the ground between her paws. ?My own father hasn?t been seen since last winter or so.? One ear flicked and she lifted her eyes again. ?So what do you want, in life? I want to be the best Beta Valhalla has ever had, like my Uncle Cormalin.? Her head raised a bit, proud of the statement, but her smile was humble, modest.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



8 Years
Athena I
10-29-2013, 10:54 PM

Each layer that Surreal added to the story of her mother and the former alpha made Falk more interested. It was an interesting story and he had always quite enjoyed listening to tales like this one, especially if they were true. Of course, he thought that he would listen to Surreal talk about trees for hours if he got to listen to the interesting accent of hers.

The statement about her father struck a chord with him. He knew what it was like to not have a father, though he was happy to know that she at least knew who he was. His mother had never really spoken of his father nor had he really asked. He had never really wanted to know the father that had never bothered to meet his children.

Surreal's question threw him off completely. What did he want to do with his life? He had never had a goal like Surreal did with her wanting to be the best beta she could be. Falk had always merely taken things one day at a time and when he did have goals they were short-term at best. Like his current goal: find Taurig and Sibelle. Very straight forward, very simple. Did he want more for his life? He supposed so. But what?

He took several moments to think it over, looking down at his large forepaws as he did. He finally lifted his eyes back to hers as he spoke, his voice slow and careful with his words as he picked them out. "I'm not entirely sure what I would like to do with my life. I suppose... if I do join Taurig's pack I would want to protect it since I fight well. I would like to have a family at some point, I'm sure... Other than that I really don't know. I haven't thought about it too much before now." It was something very interesting to think about. He hoped that one day he would have a goal like Surreal's, something he could strive for and achieve.




7 Years
10-29-2013, 11:32 PM

The unwavering interest he showed in her words was flattering, and it brought a smile to her muzzle. The consideration he gave to her question was pleasing. And after a good moment of him thinking it over, she listened with the same unwavering interest as he?d given her. He had more simple goals. Protect and Fight for his pack, have a family. ?I?d like a family too, someday. With a mate who will never disappear and always be there for myself and whatever children that come. But first, I have to survive this war.? Her ears flattened. ?Your daddy is being quite the thorn in Valhalla?s side. A while back, he ran across one of our members, Liberty, and took an obsession with her, and challenged for her He lost the first time. And won?t leave us be. And it?s escalating to a war. If we don?t hit first, he will. Either way, I hope we come out on top.? Strong determination glittered in gems suddenly hardened by quiet anger.

?And if I die in the fighting, I intend to bring a few down with me.? She met his gaze then, pinning them with a hawk-like fierceness, before the gems softened to liquid colors again, anger flowing away to be stored aside for use in battle. Tail tapped lightly in thought, before curling about her paws. ?I suppose that if I do get through this war alive, I?ll become the next Beta as soon as Uncle Cormalin steps down? I intend to make him proud, and lead my pack well, if I end up filling in for my Alphas. I do love pups, though.? Soleil?s children, especially, were adorable, but growing so fast. Syrinx?s children, she hadn?t gotten to know. From afar, however, they seemed rather? Dark? Short tempered. The resemblance to their father was uncanny, except they were all female.

My children will never treat anyone with unkindness. If I survive to have children? ?So, how are your fighting moves?? An abrupt change in topic, but she awaited his answer with intent interest. Perhaps he?d give her the honor of a spar. Maybe he had moves she didn?t know yet. And the idea of sparring with him was an attractive one.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



8 Years
Athena I
10-30-2013, 08:27 PM

Falk wholeheartedly agreed with her statement about wanting a mate who would never disappear. After growing up without a father he never wanted his children to feel the way he did. But what she said after that confused him to no end. War? His dad? What was she talking about? His brow creased with thought as he tried to comprehended what Surreal was telling him. And to top it off, she mentioned possibly dying in this war she was speaking of and his eyes darkened with worry. Anything that would put a kind fea like Surreal in danger should not exist.

His gaze softened ever so slightly and a bit of a smile touched his muzzle when she mentioned wanting to make her uncle proud and her love of pups. She was such a good hearted fea. Why would anyone want to bring war to the doorstep of such a fea?

Her sudden change in subject made him blink with surprise. His thoughts were so muddled down by her mentioning his father that it was hard to think about anything else. His fighting? "Oh, um... I like to think I am a good fighter. I was trained to be a warrior so I've had some experience in it," he replied distractedly. Fighting was the last thing on his mind. Well, besides the fighting that they were apparently doing with his dad. "You... you mentioned something about my father? You know him? He lives here? I've never... I mean, I don't know him."




7 Years
10-30-2013, 08:42 PM

Surreal kind of regretted telling Falk about the oncoming war. He looked so confused, and quite upset at her mention of herself possibly not making it through this war. Some of that worry in his eyes faded as she spoke on about her hopes in life, and pups. And his surprise at her change in subject brought a tiny smile to her silver face. His reply was a bit distracted, and his next words made her head tilt. ?Your father, if Isardis is him, is ?King? of Glaciem, the Pack to the North. Big, Albino. Yellow things around his elbows. I don?t care to get to know the fellow. Taurig can tell you more, I think, than I could. But Valhalla has a dim view on him.?

She turned her head, listening for any calls from Valhalla. None came, so she returned her attention to the young male. ?So what was it like where you came from? All I?ve ever known is Valhalla, and a few unclaimed areas, mainly this place.? Her head cocked slightly, eyes taking on a curious glint that said she?d love to hear any stories he had to tell. She loved stories. Her mother had some amazing ones from when she herself had been just a pup. A lot of them were true tales.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



8 Years
Athena I
10-30-2013, 09:34 PM

Isardis. So that was his father's name, assuming Surreal knew what she was talking about and he had no reason to think that she didn't. As far as Falk knew he and Taurig had the same father and if this Isardis character was Taurig's father then he must be his as well. So much information to take in, so little time. With everything that Surreal had told him he felt very inclined to agree with Valhalla's view on the Glaciem king. He was glad that he had not met the albino yet, though he was sure he would at some point.

Her next question pulled him out of his thoughts, his blue gaze fixing on her intently once more. Thinking about his home was a good distraction from the troubling thoughts of his tyrant of a father. "Well, it was a good place to live, I suppose. All of the feas were protected and cherished and all of the males had to be trained as warriors. I enjoyed the training and the fighting, but I think some wolves had a problem with our ways. It didn't give much chance for the feas to be warriors if they wanted to be or for males to be things like healers. It also gave some feas, like my sister, a bit of an inflated ego, always getting to be the princess." The last sentence he said with a joking grin, chuckling softly as well.

Falk looked at Surreal curiously as his thoughts wandered back to the silver fea's part in the war she told him about. "What about you, Surreal? How are your fighting moves?" he asked, turning her own question from a few moments ago back on her.




7 Years
10-30-2013, 09:57 PM

As Falk told her of his home, Surreal listened with intent interest, grinning at the mention of his sister. ?None of my siblings have much of an ego?, At least? Not the ones still around. My mother raised the children of Cairo Adravendi after his mate died, back in the old land, before a Volcano erupted and sent all the wolves who could flee flooding into this land. She had six? Seven? Pups to watch over. One of them, Chrysanthe, is our current Alpha. And mother says she?s as good as her father was. Her brother, Syrinx is standing as second Alpha. And her sister, Epiphron, is the Queen of Seracia. I?ve pretty much always seen them as sisters. I didn?t even know they weren?t of my own blood until I was old enough to understand. My blood siblings are? Well. My sister Arella?s the only one who?s even remotely stuck around. My brothers and other sister have all? Vanished.? Her ears drooped slightly.

It was probably the most she?d spoken at one go to someone outside her family. She hadn?t really met that many wolves outside of Valhalla. Cross, Orica, Creed, and Rune, were pretty much all that she?d really met and spoken to. Falk brought her out of her musings with a question, returning to the subject of fighting moves. Surreal grinned slightly. ?Well, I?d like to say I?m really good, but that would be boasting, and I still have a long way to go, before I have any right to boast. And even then, I won?t boast. No point in it. Why let an enemy know how good you are at fighting and give them the advantage of knowing your level? And besides, an ego can get you hurt or killed.? Her head cocked, the smile still on her muzzle, eyes twinkling. ?I?ve been working on endurance, which is what brought me out here. That boulder is my end mark.? Her head lifted, muzzle pointing to the boulder in question.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



8 Years
Athena I
10-30-2013, 11:11 PM

The russet brute enjoyed Surreal's story about her siblings, both about her blood siblings and adopted siblings. It seemed like even though Surreal was no older than he was she had such a rich history to tell already. Falk was almost envious of the great stories she had to tell. He was sad to hear that her blood siblings had disappeared and it made him wonder where his own sisters were.

He couldn't remember the last time he had ever spoken with someone this much. But, he was enjoying their talk. It was a strange feeling for him, wanting to speak with someone like this, but he wouldn't trade it for anything.

Falk nodded in understanding when Surreal explained her skills and why she was modest about it. She was very wise for her age and spoke the truth about keeping ones ego in check. He glanced over his shoulder to look at the boulder that she had pointed out and looked back with an appreciative look in his eye. Endurance was a good skill to have in a fight and running was a great way to build it. He was curious about her skills and kind of wanted to make sure that she could handle herself in the war. He trusted her word, but even though they had only just met to was concerned for her safety. When she had mentioned possibly not making it out alive it really struck a chord with him. "Surreal, how about we have a spar? Just a friendly practice? I'm sure we could both use a little exercise, right?"




7 Years
10-31-2013, 04:30 PM

Falk seemed to be enjoying Surreal?s chatter, and that pleased the Valhallan Gamma. It made her tail want to tap a rhythm of pleasure on the ground, the way he didn?t miss a thing she said. He would love mother?s storytelling. She thought, a smile pulling at her muzzle. It was nice talking to this fellow. And even better, he?d just asked to spar. ?Oh, yes! I?ve sparred a few times, but only with my family, and a wolf our age named Creed. I haven?t seen him since then, though.?

Surreal rose smoothly to her paws, legs squaring neatly, weight lightly rocked onto her hind legs. Her chin tucked, ears folding backward, while her tail dropped to curl lightly under her belly. Shoulders rolled forward into a scrunched neck, hackles lifting as subcutaneous fat and thick scruff skin rolled up, providing a good layer of protection over the vertebrae. Mismatched eyes twinkled at him as her toes splayed, nails digging into the ground. ?Shall we play??

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



8 Years
Athena I
10-31-2013, 11:10 PM

Falk grinned excitedly when Surreal accepted his offer and rose to her paws, setting her defenses like any trained fighter would. He watched her appreciatively before rising to his own paws. This would be an interesting spar, he was sure of that.

He followed Surreal's lead and set his own defenses before they began. His ears folded back against his skull and his blue gaze narrowed to protective slits. He was sure for a friendly spar she would make as serious of a move as to go for his eyes, but it was a good habit to keep none of the less. His large paws settled into a comfortable, widened stance while his tail curled under him to keep it from being a target. His chin also tucked down toward his throat and his shoulders rolled up to scrunch up his scruff protectively. He did all of this in the matter of moments and he gave her a smirk, replying simply, "We shall."

He lunged forward in one large step, making the first move of their spar. In a single move he was inches from her. Using his momentum and larger size to his advantage, he aimed his left shoulder for her chest, hoping to throw off the balance she had created for herself even a little bit. With his neck now toward her left side, he turned his head toward her scruff. His jaws opened wide, aiming a bite squarely for her bunched scruff. Should he succeed, he wouldn't want to break the skin, at least not on purpose. No, he would merely put pressure on the fea, wanting to pin her down with his weight.


Falk VS Surreal FOR Practice Spar

ROUND: One of Three

DEFENSES: Pinned ears, slitted eyes, widened stance for balance, tail tucked under him, chin tucked against his throat, shoulders rolled forward and scruff bunched up.

ATTACK: Lunging forward to knock into her chest with his left shoulder, turning his head toward her scruff to bite it, putting pressure on the bite to try and push her to the ground.





7 Years
11-01-2013, 09:19 PM

Surreal returned the grin as she watched Falk settle into his defenses. And then he lunged. Surreal executed a quick sideways hop to the left, (her right, Falk?s left) avoiding his shoulder, though she lost a bit of scruff fur to his scruff bite attempt, and spun on her hocks and drove forward, aiming her mass at Falk?s left side, rearing up on her hind legs and attempting to wrap her legs around his neck, or at least get a leg over his back, while her jaws strove for a hold on his scruff. Hind paws squared beneath her, driving her weight at him, while her tail waved behind her, a rudder for balance.

Her shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunching slightly, while her eyes slitted and she gave a mock snarl. Should her legs manage to get a hold on his neck, she would press into him, attempting to sway his balance. Meanwhile, if her attempt to grasp his scruff, she would attempt to keep that hold. Unlike when her uncle had sparred with Rune, she couldn?t attempt quite the same move he?d done, as Falk was larger than herself, and would be impossible to lift.

Fight Stats

Round: 1 of 3

Defenses: Jumping to the side to avoid the shoulder. Squared hind paws, tail waving to keep balance.

Attacks: Charging Falk's left side, rearing up and attempting to wrap her legs around his neck and bite down on his scruff, and should the attacks succeed, press her weight into him to sway his balance.

Injuries: none

Out Of Character Notes:

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



8 Years
Athena I
11-03-2013, 06:30 PM

The smaller form of his opponent easily dodged out of his path, his shoulder missing her entirely and his teeth only catching some of her gray-hued fur from her scruff. He wasn't all that surprised. She was quite a bit smaller than he was and therefore faster. A minor setback.

He kept his defenses set as Surreal came back at him to give her attack. He squared his feet to have a stable, balanced stance, his claws digging into the dirt under his paws. His tail remained tucked under him, his eyes stayed slitted, and he kept his ears folded back against his skull. He also kept his head level with his spine and his shoulders rolled forward to scrunch up his scruff protectively.

His opponent threw her weight toward his left side and he felt her legs wrap around his neck. He let her lean into him, his large size and widened stance made her attempt to knock him off balance not as effective as if he had been her size. He didn't mind though. He quite liked having her hugging him. Of course, now wasn't the time to get distracted by things like that, and her bite to his scruff brought his thoughts back to their spar. His bunched scruff kept her from biting anything vital, but he wouldn't be surprised if he had a few bite marks in his skin now.

Falk leaned his weight toward her to counteract the weight she pressed into him. While he did that, he twisted his head around toward her, bending his head toward the leg that was wrapped around the front of his neck. He attempted to land a bite on the upper part of her left leg and as he lunged for her leg he would throw his weight toward her to throw her off balance a bit more. If his bite landed he would try to pull her off of him by her leg or at least upset her balance enough to push her off of him.


Falk VS Surreal FOR Practice Spar

ROUND: Two of Three

DEFENSES: Pinned ears, slitted eyes, widened, squared stance for balance, tail tucked under him, shoulders rolled forward and scruff bunched up, leaning his weight into her attack.

ATTACK: Turning his head to bite and grab the upper part of her left leg, wanting to pull her off of him by her leg. Also throwing his weight into her to help push her off and knock her off balance.

INJURIES: Bite to his scruff.




7 Years
11-06-2013, 12:42 AM

Surreal?s attack landed, and she let herself rest there for just a blink, hind paws setting into a squared, balanced position as her tail flicked out behind her for added balance. She grinned mentally as she felt him leaning toward her. It looked like she could do something after all, even with her ?opponent?s? larger size. So she let her hind legs bend with his weight, but kept them squared to take it, until his lunge for her leg along with his weight thrust gave her what she needed for what she was thinking of.

She gave Falk?s scruff a tug as her hind legs jumped back a few steps, and used the leg that was draped over the top of Falk?s neck/back to attempt to pull him further off of his center of balance, and maybe bring him down, before she allowed herself to go down with him if he indeed fell. Her hold on his scruff would be released, and she instead would go for a hold on his left ear. While most pups usually went for one another?s ears in play, in a fight, an ear was a good hold to have, as an adult wolf?s jaws could damage the ears. She wasn?t aiming for damage however. Just a good grip. Tail tucked, ears flattened, and her eyes squinted, though they still twinkled playfully.

Other defenses were only to come if she was laying down, hind legs tucking, free front leg curling over her chest.

Fight Stats

Round: 2 of 3

Defenses: Squared hind paws, taking her weight as her attempt to pull him over hopefully becomes successful. tail flicking out to balance her. Hopping her hind paws back a few steps if it works; dropping with Falk if he falls, to avoid accidental injury to the leg.

Attacks: Attempting to pull Falk down. Attempting to grab his ear in her jaws (Not hard enough to break the skin, though if it lands, he could have a bit of bruising from it.

Injuries: Bite on her leg (Tiny bruising.)

Out Of Character Notes: We'll probably not have this judged, since all the judges are a little... Busy.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.