
Heart of Glass



09-02-2013, 03:16 PM

A walk was what she needed. A grey form moved through the lands, leaving the safety of Seracia just to clear her head. A lot had been going on, some of it she could handle but the rest she was all screwed up about. So many emotions, what should she do? Loccian sighed heavily as she entered the land of willows, slowly lifting her head, gazing up at the sagging trees. Some of them had begun to change colors, not most of the tree, just a patch here and there with the changing season. She approached slowly, tail sweeping behind her body. The moon was out today, not obstructed by any clouds, shining its errie glow on the land below.


Awesome table by Andy <3


09-03-2013, 12:09 AM

Clear blue gaze would stare blankly ahead. Sighing, he began to feel hopeless in his search for the girl he had shared such a tender and emotional moment with nearly a month before. He hadn't realized how long it had been since he'd seen her, but he never stopped thinking about her. He hoped that she didn't think he abandoned her, because he promised that he never would. He just simply had no clue where the Seracian borders were, and among that reason he wanted to see a little more before putting himself on the border lines. But alas, his heart tugged him back into Seracian lands, a hollow ache always constant within him. He needed to be with Loccian, and so he found himself breaking out in all but a run. His heart pounded, hoping that he wasn't too late to see her. Hoping that another man hadn't come in and taken the place he promised her.

He weaved his way past ferns and bushes. His legs carrying him swiftly to a place he wasn't even sure he was going. This part of the land was unknown to him, yet with each passing step he would feel something tugging ever more faster. Willow branches would hang down, blocking and limiting his field of vision as he leaped over a moss covered log. Upon touching down neatly on the other side, he stopped in his tracks. Eyes widened at the sight, his breath catching and his heart stopping. Slowly as if in a slow motion trance, his paws moved one by one towards what he saw. Finally, his body came to a standstill. And standing just a few yards away was none other then the one he had been searching so long for. "Loccian...?

Shock had seeped into his voice. His throat tightened as he attempted to swallow, unsure of whether it was real...or an illusion. His mind quickly raced to the time when they had last been together, lying so close and keeping each other company and comfort. Her last words to him had been muffled, but he had been able to make them out. She had told him to find her in Seracia, just before slipping away without another word. That day, he had felt sad...sad that she left so soon. But here she was again, and his heart would begin to pound wildly.




09-03-2013, 12:21 AM

Wandering a few more yards the woman would come to a stop at a stream, head low, staring at her distorted reflection. It had been awhile since she actually looked at herself, the last time was when she had come back to Seracia after vanishing for some time, when Bronze had found her in such poor condition. Eyelids would pull together, a heavy sigh slipping from her lips. She pushed those thoughts aside as quickly as possible, not wanting to think about him. Instead she would move on, going over things that had been going on in her life. Reficul's death, Squall, finding Gerhardt, denning with him...

A stab of pain pierced her thought, thinking about the man who saved her from being trampled, the tender moment they had together. Why was she feeling upset for not seeing him since? Why was she even feeling anything for him when their first meeting she wanted to rip his throat out for attacking her brother. And better yet, why was she feeling a little guilty because she was sharing a den with her ex-King?

"Loccian...?" Ears twitched and swiveled to the side at the sound of somebody's voice, eyelids opening and head turning. Slowly her body grew stiff, eyes widening the slightest as she realized who was standing just a few yards away. "Squall..." Was it really him, the man who promised to help her? Or was this one of her hallucinations, her mind starting to crumble again like when Octavian passed. She quickly shook her head, blinking her eyes a few times to look at him more clearly. "Are you real...?" Her voice was soft, almost a whisper, a cool breeze ruffling her fur and carrying both her voice and scent towards the man, sweet, fresh, yet also musky from the man she had been sleeping near for a week or two now.


Awesome table by Andy <3


09-03-2013, 02:04 AM

Blue orbs watched intently as the one who stood before him slowly turned. Time around him seemed to stop as his eyes watched the scene before him. The only sound he could hear was the pounding of his own heart, until..."Squall...?" He swallowed, so it wasn't an illusion...hid mind raced along with his heart. He had been searching for so long and here she was; standing before him clear as the moon. He watched with increasing nervousness as she slowly moved herself. First shaking her head as if this were a dream, then blinking several times to make sure he wasn't an illusion himself. The next words struck him like a chord, "Are you real...?"

A lump would begin to form in his throat as her words fell from her tongue. Her soft, like the wind that barely ruffled their fur. If the world around him hadn't been so quiet, he would have almost missed the unreal question that she asked. He stepped forward, each movement making his chest swell along with the catch in his throat. He had been looking for her, and now here she was. Standing in the moonlight, looking as beautiful as ever. He stopped just in front of her, his limbs feeling shaky as if he were standing before a ghost. Had it really been so long since they'd seen each other that she thought he was an illusion? He supposed so...after all, he couldn't believe that she was there, here and now. Slowly, the shock began to ebb away as he began to find his voice.

"I am...real Loccian. I am here, like I promised." He whispered to her. He had attempted to speak louder, but his voice just wouldn't respond to his will. The breeze would carry past him, sending in his direction her sweet scent with that of herbs and...something else. I too late...? Has someone else fulfilled the promise that I made? Have I lost the one that I promised to protect and heal...? Many questions began to race through his mind. And each one brought a wave of sadness over him. His eyes began to water, but he fought back. He didn't want to cry in front of her, and if he was too late...then he would wish her well and go on his way. To where he was not sure, but the heartbreak would be too much for him to handle. He waited for a response of any kind, hoping that she had waited for him...but he suspected that he had taken too long to find her. Did she think that he just said those things? That they were empty promises? He hoped not...




09-03-2013, 12:36 PM

She watched in silence as the being approached, her heart racing, the blood rushing through her body sounding like a roar in her ears. Loccian wasn't sure if she should believe this wolf was real or just part of her imagination, should she get her hopes up? So many questions and feelings ran through her body, ears folding back. Within moments he was standing before her, his low voice telling her he was indeed real, he was here like he promised.

Ears slowly rose on her head, eyes widening. "Your..." Less audible, she would take a step forward, head lowering. Slowly yet carefully she would lower her head, taking her face off his. With a deep breath she moved closer, gently pressing her nose into his neck, having to feel him to confirm he really was real. She closed her eyes when she felt his fur, his warmth, a heavy sigh of relief escaping her lips. "You really are here... Finally. She said softly, pressing her face into his neck. "Where have you been?"


Awesome table by Andy <3


09-04-2013, 09:16 PM

He watched her with intent care, as if she might fade and disappear from his sights. Though his legs would not move due to sheer shock, he didn't have to. He noted when Loccian's mouth moved almost without him noticing. Though what she had said was silent to him. He watched her move closer to him as the slow realization began to sink in that he was really here. He watched with calm blues as she gently pressed herself into his neck. His eyes closed slowly, his body suddenly feeling whole again after the hollow emptiness that had been inside him for so long. He looked down at her without moving as her sweet voice spoke, quietly and with gentle precision within his mind. He would feel herself press into his fur more, making his heart jolt once more as the question of where he had been tugged at him. He didn't know exactly how to explain, but decided he would tell her the truth. He wasn't even sure himself, but any answer was better then none right? Even if he didn't understand it himself.

"Loccian...I swear to you, I am real. And I am here...I'm sorry for taking so long. It sounds kinda stupid but...I guess you can say I was lost." He knew his reply was feeble and probably stupid, but in more ways than one he was lost. He was lost within himself, his heart and his mind a mixed up sea of thoughts and feelings. But in the end, he couldn't deny his feelings for Loccian, and so his heart and subconscious had brought him to her. He leaned down to tenderly touch the top of her head, now pressing his self into her and filling the gaps. He would pull her closer to him, his head resting gently yet firm on her back as he sat. His heart pounded, but he didn't care of she heard. He missed her, and that was all he could think. This moment, this day, no. His life was beginning to turn around in many ways. He needed her, and she needed him. He had promised to protect her from harm both physical and emotional as well as mentally. And here he would remain, opening his heart to her. "I won't leave your side again. I promise you."




09-06-2013, 08:40 PM

She listened to his voice, taking in his cent. He told her he was for sure real, that he was finally here, apologized for taking s long and explained that he had been lost. That was fine, she believed him. Squall's smell told her he was lost, containing the scent of different areas in the land, some she had been to before and others unknown to the woman. At least now she knew he had in fact been looking for her, she had thought he wouldn't come to Seracia, that he was second guessing their night together, not wanting to approach the packlands in case he ran into her brother. Pontifex, how would he react to finding out she had become friends, maybe something else with the man she had snapped at when seeing him attacking her brother.

Loccian would take in a long deep breath, tail slowly wagging behind her form. She let his touch come over her, to pull her into him. It was nice to feel his solid body, to know he was real, not an illusion. He promised he wouldn't leave her side again which only made her smirk. He didn't, she was the one who left him that early morning, returning to her pack with the hope that he would come there. "Thank you Squall... it means so much..." She pulled her head away to speak clearly, lifting her head to look up at him with those grey eyes.


Awesome table by Andy <3


09-12-2013, 01:26 AM

The warmth of her fur was all he needed to confirm the reality. Her voice, the warming touch his mind and heart needed. "Thank you Squall... it means so much..." The man would feel a shift in her position, lifting his head to gaze down into her beautiful grey orbs. He noted the half smile she made, a chuckle rumbling in his chest at noting that it was a smirk rather then a smile. Wondering what it was that she was thinking, he didn't want to pry but figured he knew what it was already. His own tail would begin to wag at the sight of hers, filling him with a hopeful and happy emotion. It had been quite a long time since feeling such things, but he was glad that this woman was the one who made him feel that way.

"Well Loccian, it would seem that you can't get rid of me so easily. Strange how our encounter look at us. A strong shift in the winds I would say.'s not one that I mind. I'm glad actually, to have met you and speak to you. There's honestly nowhere else I'd rather be then right here with you." His words came out clean but hinted with humor as he gazed softly at her. It was true, there really was nowhere he wanted to be. He promised the promise of a lifetime, and it was something he would never break. And then another question would rise in his mind. He would ask to join Seracia.

The man would lean down, touching the side of her muzzle with his in affection. Then lifting it away just barely away from her beautiful face, icy blue orbs keeping a rather calm and affectionate filled warmth in them. Much different then the usual cold daggers he held within them. "Say, you wouldn't happen to know someone who could...accept me into the pack, do you?" A smile would begin to spread across his features, knowing full well that she was capable of such a thing.




09-17-2013, 12:22 AM

She would smile at the man as he spoke, saying how she couldn't get rid of him so easily then going on about how they first met and how they were now. Oh yes, she remembered that day. It was the first time in a long time she showed such anger towards somebody, had a look that could kill. It really was strange, how things managed to turn out. He went on to say how he was glad that he met her and was able to talk to her, that there was nowhere else he'd rather be, than here with her. Ears folded back at this, unsure of what to say or do. What could she possibly do at a moment like this? Her mind was all jumbled up.

Then there was a touch, eyes would close as he brushed the side of her muzzle with his. Eyes reopened as he pulled away, looking into the icy blue orbs, warm, caring. So different from the previous times they met, changing. Then he asked something that would surprise Loccian and also worry her, he was asking if she knew of a someone who could accept him into a pack...

?I can accept wolves now...? A look of confusion immediately filled her face as soon as the words left her lips. She didn't mean to say that, it just slipped, Loccian wasn't even thinking. Should she have told him?


Awesome table by Andy <3


09-20-2013, 03:59 AM

The man watched the shifting emotions and looks on her face as she seemed to think. He then realized that perhaps he had been too bold, perhaps he had been putting his heart out on his sleeve too soon. Who was to say she was even feeling what he did? He could see there was something, but whether as to it was the same he felt well, of that he wasn't sure. He just wanted to help her, make her feel better, end her pain and loneliness. But even he himself felt insecure. No, more like...afraid. Last time he got close to someone, he lost her. Torn away from each other at a young age. Sure they were young, and probably were too young to have feelings but still. He got too close to the sun, and burned. Would that happen with Loccian? Would she be with someone else? He had scented the other man on her, and thought that maybe that was the reason she looked so hesitant now. Despite the way her eyes had looked before, when he appeared shortly before.

?I can accept wolves now...? One ear cocked back slightly, unsure now as to what he should say. She seemed...hesitant. Did she not want him to join Seracia? Did she decide she didn't want him around...? Was it...because there was someone else? Thoughts flew through his head, confusing him more and more. Did I...take too long? He couldn't leave her with no response. He had to say something right? "Well...I mean, I just...came to see were doing. I thought maybe it would be time I find a pack but..." He trailed off, unsure of what else to say. He couldn't tell her that he was afraid she didn't want him there. His feeble words hung in the air, his confidence wavering. Though he hid it, and hid it well behind a mask of practiced calm.




09-20-2013, 05:25 PM
ooc: Table change :3

Loccian stared at Squall, listening to his voice. Did it seem like she wasn't sure she wanted him in Seracia? The woman inwardly groaned, her emotions all crazy. She didn't mean for it to sound like that, she just, didn't understand why she just blurted out that she could accept wolves, it wasn't really like her. The woman was happy to see the man again, was happy that he was looking for a pack to join. Perhaps that's why he said she could accept wolves, so that he would ask if he could join her pack. But the way he spoke, it seemed like he thought she didn't really want him there...

She took a step forward, not taking her eyes off of him. ?I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like I don't want you to join...? She began softly, lowering her head and finally peeling her eyes away to look down at the ground. "I just confused myself is all, just blurting out that I can accept wolves into the kingdom now." Her paw would brush against a patch of grass.

Oh yeah, Squall didn't know about her promotion. How would he feel if she told him, would it lighten the mood? With a smile forming Loccian lifted her head, the confusion and worry fading away and being replaced with a somewhat happy expression. ?I was promoted not long after... the little incident... when you helped me.? She wouldn't linger on that long, didn't want him to start asking questions about why she was there that day. ?I was a respected member of Seracia, Infanta at the time. But now, I am an Ambassador, a rank below the betas, able to accept wolves into the Kingdom and a few other things.? It was obvious from her tone that she was proud of herself, that this new change would possibly help. It was also obvious that she didn't think herself higher than others, still treating everyone as if they were equal with her.


Awesome image by Yumpy <3


10-06-2013, 05:03 PM

The tri-colored warrior shook his head steadily, a small smile playing on his lips as he gazed warmly at her. "Don't apologize, I've just gotten things mixed up is all." He inclined his head apologetically, chocolate audits peering forward as she spoke, taking on a lighter tone then before. Perhaps he could join after all. His smile would grow wider, his tail beginning to wag as she told him about her recent promotion. She seemed happy and proud about it, then again he would feel the same way too if he were promoted to such a rank. He was happy for her, and so he would lean forward and lick the top of her head as gentle as he could in a show of congratulations.

"Congratulations on your promotion, it must feel nice to hold such a high position among your pack. So if you can accept wolves now, then I suppose I should ask properly eh?" He would look at her with a newfound respect, though he always respected her since that day they first met on the battlefield. Just the way she held herself that day, a fiery spirit encased within a grey shell. He knew there was more in there, and he hoped that one day he could help her emerge. With a respectful dip of his head, he would speak once more. "Loccian, I have come to the borders to seek acceptance into Seracia. I promise to do what is needed of me, to protect the pack and those within, and I will do my best to uphold the values and morals as well as bring honor to Seracia." All note of seriousness went into his words, a searching look in his eyes as he wondered how she would respond. Of course, he would leave out the part where he wanted to be there and protect her...but she already knew that.




10-08-2013, 04:32 PM

Squall apologized to her, saying she didn't have to and he just mixed things up. That made Loccian feel good, he just mistook what she told him, he wasn't worried that she didn't want him to join. He even licked the top of her head when she gave him the news about her promotion. The woman was so embarrassed by this, or more so shy. If it was possible for others to see there would be a redness to her cheeks.

The smile would remain upon her face as Squall spoke up, congratulating her and saying how it much feel good to have such a high rank in her pack. She would give a nod of her head, it was a very good feeling, to feel like such an important figure within the kingdom. But then he mentioned asking properly since she could accept wolves now. A brow would raise, head tilting the slightest and before she could say anything he would dip his head before asking for permission to join her pack, promised he would do what was needed of him, protect those within, and do his best to uphold the values and morals as well as bring honor to Seracia.

Loccian would grin at the man before her, dipping her own head to him before lifting it and holding it with pride. ?You will be a fine addition to Seracia, Squall.? She would take a step close to him, gently touching her nose to his. ?Before you can come into your new home though, I need to go over some things with you o how we run. Come.? She would move past him, her tail brushing against his shoulder.


Awesome image by Yumpy <3


10-19-2013, 12:59 PM
ooc//sorry for crappy posts, I seem to be doing horribly this morning T^T

A warm smile radiated from the once cold male as Loccian's touch felt comforting. She had accepted him into Seracia, and he now had a renewed sense of purpose in life. With a nod, he would follow the grey dame and the touch of her tail would send an involuntary shiver down his spine. He sensed a growing connection, though he wasn't entirely sure if it was just him. After all, he knew of her depressions...but then again, he knew that she had reasons of her past that made her so. One he knew of was about her brother, Augustus' father. That he had stumbled upon by accident, and even though she was pissed with him at the time, he understood all too well what it was like. The only difference? He had no family. No relatives, nobody that he could turn to or talk to. He was an orphan, and had always remained and such...but now he hoped that with Seracia, he could grow into it and that it would feel like family.
Blue gaze rested on Loccian as he followed her into the territory, a flare of hope in his chest. Perhaps if fate willed it, maybe one day they would have a family together...




10-19-2013, 01:47 PM

?Unlike some packs, Seracia does not have many laws that keep you tied down. Most are of common sense.? She began, making her way over to the stream running through the small willow forest. She would give a wave of her tail, grey gaze looking to the man briefly then straight ahead with a small smile still on her lips. ?Our King Maverick and Queen Epiphron are to be obeyed, and failure to listen to them will result in punishment by either physical nature or by demotion. The Kingdom comes first. We are built upon respect and rank, and you will be moved up based on your commitment and hard work. You don't need permission to take a mate, but you need to inform the King and Queen of coming children. Challenging for ranks is allowed but a high ranking member needs to oversee the challenge, and lastly, mating outside the Kingdom is frowned upon and will result in the children being brought here to be raised and the offender to be possibly demoted.?

She would come to a stop beside a rock halfway in the water, turning her attention onto Squall. The laws were simple, easy to follow, he would have a very easy time understanding.


Awesome image by Yumpy <3


10-19-2013, 03:59 PM

The tri-colored man followed after the woman as he remained close to hear what he needed to know about the pack he was soon to be a part of. Of course, most of it seemed like common sense...only a fool could be dumb enough to break the simplest of rules. Stopping alongside Loccian, he looked out over the water before turning his gaze to her. "Seems easy enough, I promise I won't let you or the pack down." he responded. He hoped that one day, he could ask for Loccian's paw in marriage...but until then, he would have to wait for his chance and see if she felt the same way he did. Whether she did or not, he would keep to his sworn promises of protecting her. At least until his last breath and the last beat of his heart faded from his body..




10-22-2013, 03:44 PM

His voice was good, pleasant thing to ear after the few things that had been going on. He would be welcomed into Seracia, part of the Kingdom, she just hoped nothing bad would happen... "You are part of Seracia then, and as a new member you shall start off as a Clergy. With some loyalty and hard work you will have no problem rising in ranks." With that she would lean over and touch her nose to his in a manner much more than just a friend. It seemed like the two were growing closer, something unusual for the woman. She did not expect such a thing, especially after their first meeting. But then again, she didn't think many things would happen but they have.

Should she dare share some things with him now? What if something happened and he ended up leaving, like the others... More of her would become lost in the world. Loccian would lower her head with a sigh before looking to a nearby willow, a cool breeze running over her body, sending a small shiver down her spine. "I must thank you for saving me, even though I already have." She spoke softly, turning to look at the man. "Risking your limbs and life to get me way from that stampede..." She trailed off, her gaze moving away to focus on her own paws. "Even though I was there to die." She whispered.


Awesome image by Yumpy <3


10-27-2013, 04:18 AM

The warrior waited for Loccian to detail him on what his place would be within the pack he strived to be in. If it wasn't for Loccian, and the promise he made her, then he probably wouldn't be here. His chest would swell as she told him at last, of his rank and place within Seracia. He would do the best he could, not caring if he ranked up but to do what he could to protect and defend his pack. He would remain loyal to it, and he would remain loyal to Loccian. She was someone he valued, not as a prized posession like some wolves thought because she was not seen as a posession no. Squall saw value in her soul, the way she carried herself had pulled him towards her. Pulled him in a way that he wanted to try and heal her, even if he wasn't the one to be at her side in life.

He dipped his head to her in thanks, about to utter the phrase when her nose touched his. A tingling sensation would tell him that her touch was meant to be more then what he assumed they were. Though their first encounter had been unpleasant, Squall had somehow grown closer to the woman...especially after that day when he rescued her from the buffalo. He assumed since then, it was safe to say that they were friends, and he hoped that one day it would be something more. Though whatever she chose, he would be there for support whether she wanted it or not. The male would see the ever changing thoughts within the grey orbs, containing questions as they battled back and forth. He knew that look, it was the one he often saw himself in when he stared at his reflected self in a pool of water.

He glanced at her, worried that somehow he had offended her. He frowned when he heard the sigh escape her inky lips, the way her body seemed to move in a conflicting shudder. Concerned, he was about to ask what was wrong when her gaze turned away into the distance; her words intercepting his own. "I must thank you for saving me, even though I already have." Her voice would come out soft, and Squall would listen intently as it would seem their meeting would take on a more serious note. He swallowed when she returned her gaze to him, Squall's own blue orbs searching hers for a hint, a question, an answer. Then her next set of words reached him, and his brows furrowed as he tried to understand. He still wondered what she had been doing in the path of the buffalo herd...why she hadn't moved when they were nearly upon her. She looked down at her paws then, his own stance turning somewhat tense as he wondered why she was so hesitant now. He wanted to ask her why she was thinking this again, not wanting to pry for answers or bombard her delicate soul with questions. But it would seem she would have an answer the question that plagued his mind. "Even though I was there to die."

Shock rippled through his body, Squall's eyes widening as the words came at him like a wave crashing over his head. Did he hear her right? He couldn't comprehend what she had just said...and within several short moments, he didn't know what to say. He looked down at his paws, angry at himself for not seeing the signs that the girl posessed. It had been clear as day, since the day he saw her in the cavern telling her nephew about his father; her brother. The thoughts battled within his own head now, but he would not allow them to win. Now was not the time for him to get lost in the raging ocean that swirled within his mind. Instead, he would quell the tides as his icy blue pools sought her form. He moved forward, touching his nose to her forehead and his eyes looking upon her with an attempt in understanding. He would listen, to gain an understanding of her life. What she had been throught, what would cause her to try to end her life in a brutal stampede. That would not have been a quick death, she would have suffered broken bones, and if the herd didn't kill her then she would have probably lied there while death would slowly claim her as she would probably cry in pain and hurt and suffering. The thoughts of it sent a shudder within his own body, his tail sweeping in a curl behind his hind legs and his ears flattening to his skull. "Loccian...why?"




11-01-2013, 12:18 AM

She didn't ant to look at him, see the disappointment in his eyes at finding out this information. Loccian wanted to be strong, didn't want to fall into the depression she had when Octavian had died. She was weak though, she had almost given in, let the stampede run over her small body. Eyes would close tightly, waiting for the words, to call her out on the weakness, hear the angry growls to toughen up. Those would not come though, instead she would receive a gentle touch on the forehead from his wet nose and his low voice asking why.

Slowly she would reopen her eyes, lift her head to gaze at the man. "I'm weak..." She would whisper, her legs trembling slightly, clenching her jaws. "I had adopted a child, raised her for a short amount of time when she... when she..." Her voice was shaking, throat getting tight as she tried to say it, what had happened to her poor little Reficul. "My baby... was ripped... to pieces..." Eyes had closed tightly, small pools of salt and water lining the edges, a single tear running down her cheek. "Another gone... the pain, Squall..." It all began to come back, the immense pain, the voices whispering in her ears.


Awesome image by Yumpy <3