
There'll be No Otherwise


10-21-2013, 09:19 PM

The auburn darling had been seeking the pack with intent, and upon the unexpected yet welcomed perfume of a leader the babe would move to a resolute trot; appreciative of the woman?s unknown guidance. Thick tail would remain low to tapered hocks as the ivory etched sweetheart cautiously made her way to where it seemed the borers would rest, following the tell-tale scent of gathered bodies. Particularly wary of trespassing she would cease a safe distance from the area which seemed to boast of pack territory, and initiating her submissive behaviours the youthful splendour would cautiously allow her jaws to let-free a sweetened summoning for attendance. She wished to join, and rumours had told her Ludicael was smaller in number, and ruled by a queen whose morals were comparable. She could only hope as much.



10-26-2013, 11:05 PM

Pale form would wisk daintily through the cold mangroves. Though winter had yet to hit there was a rather cold breeze streaking through the trees. Song would do her best to pay it no heed, but she was in a hurry to be back in her den with Cherokee. She wished to feel his warm side press against her own, she enjoyed the protected feeling he gave her when he was near, but while he was away she would quickly find herself thinking of him. Her walk brought her around the borders, though her husband disliked that she took the responsibility he had a hard time keeping her away from it. So when she heard the she wolf's light call she could not help but to answer.
Bicolored gaze would fall upon the dame, her soft features bringing a smile to Song's tired looking maw. She would do her best to conceal the weakness, but she had to admit that she could feel a pull of emotional and physical fatigue. Hello, dear. What brings you to the borders of Ludicael this day?
She would inquire sweetly.


Jupiter I


7 Years
11-01-2013, 07:23 PM

A call was cast out from the borders and she swept towards the sound with idle movements that were sharp but lacking attention. On this day, Jupiter's mind was mostly elsewhere. If anything, she was almost a little... bored. The sensation was difficult to escape here in the lands of Ludicael nowadays and she made a mental note to go somewhere interesting after dealing with the business of the strange call. She spotted the familiar alabaster pelt of Song first as she approached, smiling as the woman's voice touched her audits and sweeping forward beside her to lay her own gaze upon the new figure.

The lass was beautiful, with snowy markings that streaked down her pelt. Jupiter could not mask the appreciation in her optics as she scrutinized the woman, her attention captured sufficiently by another with an appearance considered as exotic as her own. She nodded towards Song. "My dear, what may we do for you today?" she inquired, her voice smooth and tone friendly with the slightest undertones of lechery tinging the mix.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


11-02-2013, 02:01 AM

Not long would the crimson sweetheart wait before being greeted by the sights of a pale woman, wandering sombrely amidst the winding groves of wetland-dwelling trees; her features that of exhaustion, however her tone was one of charm and invitation. She carried herself with a recognizable royalty, however her scent didn?t match that which littered borderlands, and so the small empress would conclude that she was not in fact the queen. Regardless, her elbows would drop to hold her chest low to the ground, neck craning to expose her scruff as emerald gaze would lower; she was submissive, and although she didn?t expect the pallid banshee to want to harm her, she very well knew her place regardless.

It seemed that before the russet dove could answer, her call would draw from the vegetation another form; her pelt that of brilliance, vibrance, as the drab vegetation cradled her fiery bodice as if she were their sunlight, their life-giver. A sovereign she was, and carefully, however soothed by the vixens calming tones, her tail would tuck as she continued her bow of meekness. ?I am ever so apologetic to impose, however I hope you are willing to spare me a moment of the day,? her words were directed to both, as hesitantly her striking attentions would climb up the forepaws of her company and tranquilly shift between both of their eyes; serenity no less than a reflection of the gape she cast, ?My calling is Paradise, and I come in search of a leader to follow, a home.?

Jupiter I


7 Years
11-02-2013, 12:36 PM

The woman would offer a charming bow, elbows bending to bring her upper body stooping low. A small smile upturning the corners of her inky lips, Jupiter would briefly drop her head nearly to the level of the other woman's to softly tip her head in a dismissive nod, inviting the lass to raise her form and thanking her for her humbleness. Straightening, Jupiter's celestial eyes remained trained on the exotic beauty, earth-tipped audits pressing further forward as she attentively hearkened the lady's dialogue. Hinds settled upon the earth as Jupiter mused over the introduction presented.

"Take as long as you need," she responded softly. "It's a pleasure." She paused, glancing at Song momentarily. "My name is Jupiter, and this is Song, my beta. You tread upon the borders of Ludicael, Paradise." The name rolled from her tongue with the slightest of jars--the slightest of bites that created a pleasing effect for the Sol. It seemed as if the other sensed Jupiter's rank so she saw no need to introduce it directly as of now.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


11-02-2013, 10:04 PM

So regally the fiery woman would return her greetings, tranquil and calm in her natures; the kindling of trust already gathering beneath the pits of Paradise?s lungs, threatening to spark with the confirmation of dependence. Her brilliant gaze of amethyst would suggest kindly for her to rise, and thankfully, however warily, the young babe would comply; so tender within her actions, the innocent seed of a once-pup having just left home. She stood now, a good three inches meagre compared to the woman before her, and her spider-like build of elegance that of contrast also.

Pale emeralds would find a home nestling against The Queens gaze, feeding from the confidence ?Jupiter? so exuded. ?As I had hoped,? she paused, offering Song a darling glance of acknowledgement before sugar-sweet vision would return to the sweltering leader, ?I have been told of the quality of your leadership in my short travels, Madam Jupiter, and hope only to aide you within your conquests. I have only just left home, you see, and require also the stability and assistance of the more experienced.? She paused, lashes batting atop sweetheart gaze, wondering lightly if she had spoke too much, ?If you will have me, of course??

Jupiter I


7 Years
11-25-2013, 01:14 AM

After a closer look, there was something in those lovely eyes and the youth shining in from every fiber of the lass that urged Jupiter to protect the woman--to hold her away from the dangers in the world and to fill her life with comforting warmth. Maternal instinct was something that the Sol, admittedly, didn't have a lot of, but here and now whatever ounce of it that was left within her seemed to stir. The beauty's words came forth to grace the Sol's ears and allowed a warm chuckle to roll from her chest.

"A pup hides from their weaknesses; a woman acknowledges them and seeks help when she cannot cover them on her own. That being said, I'd be pleased to welcome another woman into the pack." She paused long enough to allow for her words to settle before moving on. "Have you hunting experience? Healing?" Though Jupiter was never one to underestimate someone for their looks, it was difficult to imagine this sweet lass as a fighter. Should she turn out to be the ultimate assassin, though, Jupiter would not begrudge her the title or the respect for it. She'd merely be... surprised. Shifting her weight upon her haunches, she offered an affable smile and pushed her ears erect, waiting patiently.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


11-26-2013, 11:56 PM

She would gaze with a humbled awe upon the feminine features of the superior, proud to be before her and appreciative for the woman?s gift of time. A faint sense of nervousness would continue to coil beneath her stomach, to tickle the pits of her emotions, however the queen?s words of wisdom would inject the russet babe with a reassurance of approval. It had never been her worry to ?fit in?, or to be accepted, but the warmth of a genuine welcoming was more than inviting to a youth who had only known such kindness from her mother. ?I will ensure you do not regret such a decision, Sol,? She wanted to see the world, and now she was one step closer. Gently her elbows would square, standing to her full height despite her still lowered crown, ?I am a competent Huntress,? she smiled softly, lips flickering with the harmless flames of a tranquil spirit. She was no woman of violence, however she had been taught the basic means of self defence, ?I?m afraid I know very little of Healing, it had never been my forte; however I am capable of physical defence, as little experience as I have had in the areas of? aggression.? Perhaps if Jupiter knew she didn?t need to be shadowed to ensure protection, it would peak her appeal just that little bit more.