
Let's do it!




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
09-26-2023, 04:03 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2023, 05:10 PM by Elowen. Edited 2 times in total.)
The days had grown long and warm, and Elowen had found herself distracted from life at the Hallows. Not that she didn't love her home of course! That was why as she woke up that morning she was determined to start changing that! She had gone on a trip with both her mother and Callie but she had other family members she could interact with, and pack mates. She had so many things she could be doing right now. Tending to chores around the Hallows… but she also knew she had neglected her training in favor of play.

With Ginger and Hot Mama following her, the girl would make her way out into the courtyard of the Hallows. Though they had the training dojo, El wanted to make the most of the nice weather and spar with the grass of the Hallows under paw. The yearling tilted her head back and called for a sparring partner. She wasn't picky about who came, and maybe they'd even want to hang out after! Elowen's tail wagged behind her. Better late to the party of seriousness than never, right?
Elowen has two companions - a Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever and a cardinal. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
09-28-2023, 02:44 PM

As the summer days grew longer in the midsummer season, so too did the once tiny pup. Ember was still small and young, but at two seasons old she was beginning to look more like a little wolf than a chubby puppy nugget. Her legs were growing out, adding a little bit of height to the juvenile fae, and her claws on her forepaws had developed a unique trait similar to her mother's—retractible and feline in nature. All of her days were spent exploring and playing wherever her tiny paws could take her, often venturing out through the tall grass fields outside the castle walls and losing herself amongst the rolling plains while the wind blew through her coat and she watched the rolling white-capped waves of the nearby sea. Who knew what adventures she could get up to today!

After eating breakfast with her family, Ember went scurrying out of Hearthstone and into the bright sunny gardens of the courtyard, giggling as she bounded between the different flowerbeds and charging through the draping violet canopies of the blooming wisteria trees. The gardens were a medley of fragrances from all the flowers and plants that grew here, and although she couldn't really name many of them the way her aunt could, Ember quite liked it out here in the spring and summer months. Trotting briskly around the cobblestone paths and across the lush lawns, the girl heard a call very close by, the fae's voice echoing around the stone walls from another part of the courtyard. Ears perked, Ember swiftly diverted her course and practically bounced over to find her older cousin waiting for her.

"Hiya El!" she greeted with a bright smile and chipper demeanor, coming to a stop to proudly present herself at the paws of her cousin. "I'm here for... whatever you needed me for!"


Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
10-06-2023, 11:58 PM

Elowen did not have to wait long for a member of the Hallows to answer her call. Catching sight of her younger cousin Ember coming toward her, Elowen offered the other femme a smile. “Ember!” The greeting that fell from her lips was warm. She hadn’t spent much time with her cousins, but her love for her family and packmates was as strong as ever. And knowing her uncle Artorias, Ember would be the perfect partner for what Elowen needed. The yearling grinned as her cousin said she was here for whatever she needed.

“I appreciate it. I could really use your help.” She slipped into a fighting stance, nodding to her cousin. “I’ve slacked in my fight training… and I want to be able to help protect the Hallows from bears or anyone foolish enough to want to harm our members. I’m sure you’ve been training with your dad. Will you spar with me and give me some pointers on what I can do better?” Younger than her or not, Elowen trusted Ember to have the knowledge she needed.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Elowen has two companions - a Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever and a cardinal. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
10-09-2023, 04:13 PM

When Ember had arrived to answer her cousin's call, the last thing she thought she'd be asked for was a spar. Yet when Elowen asked her to train with her, a juvenile excitement immediately flashed over the pup's face, blue eyes shining bright as she sprung up into a playful bow, her tail waggling off the end of her rump. "Boy would I! I love sparring!" she declared with enthusiasm in her young voice and a beaming grin on her face. "My dad's been showing me and my siblings some things, but we're still pretty new. Dad says I'm a progeny or prodigy or something. I dunno what that means, but it makes him really happy!" Although Elowen was notably larger and older than she was, the clear disadvantages she faced didn't faze her in the least. Such was the infinite optimism of a puppy.

Shifting out of her play bow, Ember took a more limber fighting stance, paws spread shoulder-width apart and muscles tensed and ready to react at a moment's notice. "Okay, I'm ready!" she said, letting El get set as well and decide the rules for their engagement. "I don't think I can pin you like I can my siblings though. Can I just try to tickle you instead?" At their current heights, Ember could feasibly fit beneath Elowen, meaning she had no chance of taking the older fae off her paws, but she might stand a chance trying to tickle her into submission.


Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
10-15-2023, 11:19 PM

The excitement her cousin had was infectious. Elowen beamed, her tail wagging back and forth behind her as her cousin said that her uncle had been showing Ember and her siblings some things. It was new, but that was okay. Apparently Ember was doing really well. “Prodigy. It means you have natural skill in fighting. That’s so awesome!” And beneficial for the help that El sought. Her cousin wouldn’t make things easy for her and that was just what Elowen had hoped for. Mimicking her cousin, she slipped into a fighting pose, widening her stance and splaying her digits as the rest of her defenses fell into place. El was pretty confident in her starting pose, it was just everything that followed that seemed… weird. But a protector needed to know how to fight, just in case!

Ah, but her cousin brought up a good point. Pinning her with their size difference would be harder. Thankfully Ember had a suggestion that worked, and Elowen gave a nod. “That works! First to pin or tickle their opponent into submission will be the winner!” That meant their approach was going to be different, and that Ember would need to try and get close to her belly. El tipped her chin toward her chest. Alright, then she just had to make sure Ember couldn’t get under her!

“Go!” Elown barked, kicking against the ground in an attempt to close the distance between them. Her path was direct, and once closer to her cousin she lifted her right foreleg and hopped against the ground as she tried to wrap it around her cousin’s back at her shoulders so she could work on bringing her to the ground. Couldn’t pin someone if you weren’t over them!


Elowen vs Ember for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Large
Build: Light
Companion 1: Nova scotia duck tolling retriever, Female - Battle
Companion 2: Cardinal, Female - Flying
Mutation 1: Serrated Fangs - Offensive
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Intermediate Intellectual

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Elowen has two companions - a Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever and a cardinal. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
01-12-2024, 03:13 PM

Elowen saw the wisdom in Ember’s words and readily agreed to her compromise for their spar. Ember grinned and wagged her tail excitedly as her cousin joined her in a fighting stance. The game was on! El gave the direction to start and then her older cousin was coming right for her. Ember yipped in excitement and rushed forward to meet her opponent head on, refusing to back down from a challenge. Just like her father had taught her, Ember used her smaller stature to get up close to Elowen, and then darted to the side with a swift sidestep, diving beneath El’s paw as it was raised above her. Nope, not gonna let her win that easily! Giggling to herself, Ember braced her paws on the ground and diverted her path back at Elowen, approaching from her right side aimed to dive under her so she could reach her vulnerable underbelly with eager paws ready to deliver tickles.

Ember vs Elowen for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Under 6 months
Size: Large
Build: Light
Companion 1: Raven, Male - Perception
Mutation 1: Stronger bones (Defensive)
Mutation 2: Retractable feline claws (Offensive)
Mutation 3: Enhanced eyesight (Perception)
Skills: Expert Fighter & Advanced Intellectual


Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.

The Judge


03-06-2024, 07:19 PM

And the winner is...


Due to not posting within the time limit, ELOWEN loses by default.

They must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.

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1. Let's do it! Amron's Castle 04:03 PM, 09-26-2023 06:29 AM, 03-13-2024