
Can you feel the love tonight?

Ikigai <3



Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
05-31-2023, 01:59 PM
If someone had told him a couple of years ago that he would have been preparing a picnic to surprise his mate he would have called them a liar and probably would have beaten them up for good measure. Even when he was out searching the world for someone that suited him well enough to take them as his mate, he had never pictured himself as the type to go out of his way for romantic gestures or to care for someone the way he cared about. He had just wanted to fulfill the only real obligation and direction he had been given for his life-to find his soul mate and continue on the Mendacium line without a real interest in the "love" that Manea had always been so set on. He had thought his sister was ridiculous and frivolous in her pursuits at the time, but then Ikigai appeared in his life and turned it completely upside down. Now here he was, packing a basket of carefully prepared foods to take her out on a little date. He couldn't say they were as well prepared or well done as when Ikigai made their meals, but he hoped that maybe the thought and intention behind it would cover up some of his mistakes in that regard.

Once everything was packed and he had a nice fur folded up on top to lay on once they got there, the only thing left was to collect his beautiful wife. The sun was just beginning to set so he knew she would likely be coming back to the den from her daily tasks soon so he collected his basket and moved to the front of the cave to wait for her. Luckily he knew his mate's routines well and he wasn't kept waiting long, her ink-marked form rounding the path that led up to their home from the rest of the various caves that dotted Elysium's territory. A small smile touched his lips and he rose to meet her, dipping his head to press a tender kiss to her lips. "I know you just got home, but I have a little surprise for you. If you'd like to freshen up or anything first you can and then we can go." He waited until Ikigai was ready and with a little grin he picked up his basket of supplies and began to lead her out of their den and down across the island as he took her to the nearby lake.

It only took a few moments once they had arrived at a clearing on the shore of the lake to spread out the fur he had brought for her and he gestured for her to lay down while he laid out the rest. A bottle of water, a bottle of sweet wine, fresh strawberries, a few different kinds of thinly sliced, tender meats, and an assortment of cut up carrots and sweet potatoes to pick from were all laid out on a plater. He lacked the skills she had to cook and roast things so it was all very simple and in their raw forms, but he hoped she wouldn't mind. He laid down beside her just as the sun was dipping under the horizon and the fireflies were beginning to come into full view, giving them the romantic setting he had been hoping for. Being a good husband and mate was something he was still learning and adjusting to, but maybe this was a decent start.

"Deimos & Ikigai"



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
09-04-2023, 08:35 AM

It had been a very long day. Iki had worked on tending a few injuries, but she'd been out scouting for herbs most of the day. When the woman deemed that it was time to go home... she was more than ready. Upon entering the den that she shared with her mate, the purple brute stood there as though waiting for her. The grin on his maw was infectious and Iki couldn't help but smile in return. Moving towards him, her neck extended so that she could place a soft kiss upon his chin, after which he kissed her lips. The smile grew. Deimos spoke. A surprise? Iki was intrigued. "I'm ready." She'd washed up before coming back to the den.

The pair walked towards the lake in comfortable silence. Once they arrived, Deimos laid out a large, plush fur and Iki wasted no time in putting it to good use. Marbled eyes watched as the big man laid out a spread of food and drink for them. Iki was... touched. She said nothing as Deimos moved about, placing things here and there, she simply watched the man that she loved so much. Only when he came to join her on the fur did she speak.

Ikigai leaned against her love, sliding her head carefully beneath his chin. "Thank you for this. I really needed this today." Not only had she been out working, but the thought of their lost children had been weighing on her mind. She knew that they could and would try again, but the loss was still a heavy thing.

"Deimos & Ikigai"
[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]



Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
09-05-2023, 06:09 PM
After he got the picnic set up for them and he was able to see all of the miscellaneous pieces he had gathered together as a whole he really began to realize just how much better his mate was at things like this and he wondered how she managed to make such amazing meals. He nearly apologized for how underwhelming of a dinner it was, but before he could he felt Ikigai lean into his side with her head tucked under his chin and when he thanked her for this impromptu date night he couldn't help but smile. He was certain that he had never smiled as much as he did now living his life with Ikigai at his side. "You're welcome, my love," he rumbled, turning and tipping his head down to press tender licks across her dark ears. These smaller gestures and shows of his love like this basic picnic never really felt like they were enough with his tendency to want to give her lavish, grand gestures, but her appreciation reminded him that he didn't always have to go so far to show that he was thinking of her.

Deimos slipped a foreleg around her shoulders, pulling her into him for a moment and giving her a gentle squeeze. He knew she always worked hard and that she deserved some time to relax at the end of the day, but even more than that the loss of their children still felt like it was looming just on the periphery. It never really went away and he knew that if he was still feeling that grief than she most certainly was regardless of how they had managed to continue on with their daily lives. "I love you," he told her quietly as he placed another kiss between her ears. "I know this isn't much, but I hope I can take your mind off of things for a little while." As he lifted his foreleg from around her he and began to pull some of the food closer to divide it among her, he gave her an amused grin, adding, "Congratulations. You've turned this brute of a man into someone who packs picnics. Not great picnics, mind you, but picnics none of the less."

He poured out some of the wine into cups for them before he reached for the platter of food, leaving it within their reach so that they could eat what they wanted from it. With his tail curled around Ikigai's hips, he settled into a comfortable silence with her, occasionally leaving little kisses and affections across her ears and cheek as he went. He did of course have a glass of wine with her, but he was very conservative in how much he drank and after one cup he reached for the water to refill his glass. It was hardly enough to have any effect on him, but that was the point. He hardly trusted himself when he was drunk ever since the night he had mistreated Ikigai and had ended up punished and scarred by Manea's husband. He did not fear Alastor's continued wrath–he only feared hurting Ikigai again.

"Deimos & Ikigai"



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
09-27-2023, 10:08 AM

Deimos downplayed his efforts and Iki gave her head a soft shake, leaning into him. "It's perfect." Turning her face up to his, Iki's lips brushed those of her husband. "You're perfect." She had needed this and he had noticed it. Anyone could have just brushed it aside, but Deimos had decided to do something about her current mental state. She was glad that he had.

They ate the meal laid out for them and Iki noted that Deimos wasn't indulging too much in the wine, which she appreciated. She indulged, however. The bottle was already open and it would be a shame to let it go to waste, right? Besides... he wanted her to relax. Relax, she would. The pale woman didn't slug the whole bottle, but she wasn't ashamed to have gone through a few dishes of the brew. By the time that she felt full, there was warmth in her cheeks and her eyes were a little glassy.

Turning to the giant purple man, Iki brought her gaze up to meet his. "I want to try again," Her voice was soft and sweet but the look in her eye was anything but. "I want to build a family with you, Deimos." Paws pushed the woman upwards as she stood beside him as he lay there. Her lips met his with a ferocious need and she gently gave his shoulder a push, trying to get him on his side, then his back. Iki had ideas and she was drunk enough to be this bold. It would be easy for him to pick her up and put her in whatever position he wanted, she was simply getting her point across in the only way that her drunken mind knew how.

"Deimos & Ikigai"
[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]



Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
11-03-2023, 03:51 PM (This post was last modified: 11-21-2023, 12:07 AM by Deimos. Edited 1 time in total.)
Deimos scoffed softly as Ikigai complemented both his attempt at a picnic and himself, calling them both perfect. He couldn't disagree more, but her kind words still made a little grin pull at his lips. He caught her lips with an affectionate kiss as she leaned in to brush her lips to his nose, marveling at how far they had come and wondering how he had managed to get to this point. "You're perfect," he said in a low rumble, leaning down to nuzzle behind her dark ear. He was far from perfect, but as long as he was doing right by his mate then he supposed he was doing alright. Their meal was quiet and comfortable as they ate and enjoyed each other's company. He noticed Ikigai freely drinking from the bottle of wine that he had lightly sipped from and it was nice to see her fully relaxing and letting herself be a bit more free than she usually tended to be. He enjoyed the way she carried herself and the natural grace she had about her, but it was also lovely to see that she felt safe enough with him to let herself relax. He couldn't have asked for a better evening.

Well, at least that's what he thought until Ikigai's slightly glassy and very suggestive gaze was brought up to his. He had never had a doubt that they would try again to start their family, he had just known that it was a matter of time. Still, to hear her declare her desire to do just that and her want to build their family together sent a shiver of his own desire down his spine. He had never seen Ikigai so bold and as she stood, kissed him with an obvious passion, and nudged him onto his back he couldn't help but grin with a lecherous amusement. Perhaps he needed to bring her wine more often. There was no resistance as he let her guide him to whatever position she wanted him in and willingly rolled onto his back for her–but not before slipping his strong foreleg around her waist and pulling her up onto his frame in the same motion. Looking up at her expectantly, he rumbled quietly, "I've never wanted anything more in my life, my love..." He reached up to cup her cheek with his massive paw, pulling her lips down to his with a gentleness that should be uncharacteristic for someone like him. After a heated kiss of his own he left her to her own devices, letting her take the lead with her wine-fueled desire.

"Deimos & Ikigai"



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
11-20-2023, 05:58 PM

Ikigai's body thrummed with the beat of her own heart. It sounded rather loud in her ears and her skin was so very warm, especially in her cheeks. Marbled eyes were slightly glazed as she looked down upon the man that she loved. The man that she adored. The man that had raped her, hurt her, then repaired every bit of damage after. The man that had stuck to her side and had made sure that she was okay after their children were lost.

Nimble toes gently caressed the purple man's face as Ikigai looked down upon him. "I love you, Deimos. Well and truly love you," She couldn't imagine ever feeling for anyone else what she felt for the giant beneath resting on his back before her. She aimed to show him with actions as well as words.

One hind leg lifted, sliding over Deimos so that Ikigai's long, svelte frame draped down the length of him. Her long tail swayed gently back and forth, brushing against the most tender parts of the man. With one paw on his chest, the other moved to cup his cheek. She joined their mouths, kissing him deeply, her tongue dancing along his own. A breathy moan of pleasure pulled from Iki at the taste of him. That moan gave way to a soft gasp as she felt his excitement against her tail.

Drawing back, Iki looked down upon Deimos from her perch atop him. Never breaking eye contact, the pallid woman gently lowered herself down upon him, joining their bodies. Digits wound in the thicker fur of his chest as her hips began to roll, her pace easy at first as she acclimated to the length and size of him. Iki wanted him to watch her. She wanted him to just lay back and not lift a finger. She wanted him to let her love him. Whether he would be able to take this slow loving or he would flip her over and take control was yet to be seen. Iki wouldn't mind if he did. She quite enjoyed being pressed beneath him. For now though, she would continue to ride.

"Deimos & Ikigai"
[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]

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1. Can you feel the love tonight? Firefly Lake 01:59 PM, 05-31-2023 11:10 AM, 03-19-2024