
The most unassuming trespass to ever happen

Wicked + company


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
09-17-2023, 04:26 PM

Unfortunately, Tenshi was not getting any younger. Due to this, she was on the search for something that would help with the inevitable aches and pains of their joint. Accepting this fact hurt, but it was something she couldn’t keep avoiding. Hope filled her heart as she looked forward to the future. To the chance at having pups one more time. The thought drove her toward the northeast where the scent borders between Heidinn and Elysium lie.

Tenshi knew damn well that another pack lived in this garden full of rocks. Vidarr had mentioned them. How he enjoyed the company of their leaders. How their newest leader was a bright and impressive youth that honestly, Tenshi would be delighted to meet. Which is probably why she felt no trepidation crossing the border. She knew it was trespassing, knew she would have consequences, but she was … mature and responsible enough that perhaps they would allow her to collect some Boneset and then be on her way.

Glancing over her shoulder as she crossed the border, she gave a smile to her companion before continuing farther into Elysium pack lands.


The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (60)

2 Years
Extra large

Pride - Bisexual1K
09-17-2023, 05:24 PM

He'd trailed Tenshi down the mountain and out across the Steppe mostly because he wanted to dodge whatever chore his father would assign next. Erik was sick of the sheep. He was sick of them, and it should be that Thrall boy who fed them and raked their pen. It should be him, or one of those strange, lurking yearlings. Any of them. It should be them, not Erik. All of this, with the wound that was still fighting to heal? No, it certainly wasn't Erik's fault. It wasn't Erik, who'd been roughhousing with his siblings. Certainly he didn't know who'd popped so many stitches.

Though Erik walks around with a chip on his shoulder, he feels entitled to it. That, and he never actually complained. He doesn't bitch or moan, though the look on his face and the way he goes about the work is telling. Anyway, it's in an effort to avoid tending to the sheep that Erik follows Tenshi down the mountain and across the Steppe. They seem to be crossing... hm. His brow furrowed, though he trotted along after her. A bit of a grumble formed in his throat, though the sound was ragged around the edges. What were they doing, anyway? Erik's gaze lands squarely on Tenshi's face, expression rather serious. She was smiling, but... oh. Okay, that's what they're doing.

His gaze turns to the land around him, scanning it. Marking the shape of the stones nearest to the border, mapping an exit as they ventured farther. If they needed to turn back at any point, Erik was confident he'd be able to lead the way. That was his job, self-assigned as it was. Hell, whatever made him feel important.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-17-2023, 10:18 PM

Now that she was back on her paws and working at full capacity once more, it felt like she was honed in and focused on the pack now more than ever. In reality it was probably her way of coping and ignoring all of the things that she had yet to fully accept or process, but it kept her from wallowing or being holed up in her den so figured that was as good of a reason to double up her patrols and projects as any. She was also more than eager to be off of the island more often than not for the time being. The slight change of scenery was good for her and with the onslaught of winter it was nice to get away from the stronger, colder winds that tended to sweep through the island's mountain range. She stepped lightly along the border of the Rock Garden as she continued on her patrol. She had been particularly vigilant of this border since their new neighbors came to settle next door.

Up until now her extra patrols had been uneventful and she had begun to believe that Vidarr's pack was truly respectful of the boundaries that had been made along her border–at least until she caught a pair of unfamiliar scents that had passed over the border. She immediately stopped with a frown, her dark gaze sweeping across the landscape for the trespassers. She glanced back at her raven that had been perched on the shoulder of her armor and instructed him to go back to the island to let Saracyn know that they had visitors just in case she needed assistance. Hopefully whoever it was would be friendly and she wouldn't need the backup, but it was always better to be safe than sorry. Turning and following the trail, it didn't take her long to find an older gray and gold marked woman with antlers in a similar hue along with a young boy that was far more dark in coloration with hints of flame-like markings around his torso. She cleared her throat to get their attention as she approached them from behind, giving them both a wary glance. "Excuse me, who are you and what are you doing here?"

"Avacyn Medacium"


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
09-18-2023, 01:15 PM

Tenshi was not accustomed to Erik following her around, but she supposed it would be good for the boy. He needed to have a firm motherly presence in his life and if Sedna wouldn't provide, then she would. Plus if the boy stayed close to her, she could monitor the gaping wound on his neck that refused to heal. Or the boy prevented it from healing, either way. She was happy to have the boy tag along with this rather... minor trespassing adventure. Not far into the land, Tenshi can see the cluster of Boneset that she had seen on previous walks while patrolling the border. As she began to head in its direction, her nose caught the scent of someone who smelled strongly of Elysium's scent.

Stopping as soon as she heard the voice, Tenshi turned and presented Avacyn with a gentle smile and a bow of her head. She also leaned over to nudge Erik with her paw, motioning with her muzzle to follow her lead. It would be good for him to learn some manners when around other leaders. As her gaze moves from the boy to Avacyn, she notices that the girl is young and beautiful, but something... lingers that Tenshi can't quite put her finger on. "Greetings, Matriarch, I am Tenshi Trygg," not officially, but Vidarr had proposed and that was good enough for her, "The boy has an injury to his neck that I believe Boneset would do some good on. I apologize for not requesting someone at the border. I noticed a cluster of Boneset not far into your territory and was hoping to grab some and then be on our way," Her smile never wavers as she speaks as fluidly as she can with her thickly accented voice.


The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (60)

2 Years
Extra large

Pride - Bisexual1K
09-18-2023, 02:28 PM

A stranger seemed to melt from the rocks behind them. Erik's ears began to flatten, gaze flickering from Tenshi to the carefully curated escape route that he'd been mapping in his head. Did they need to run? While he was a fighter, Erik knows his limits. There also... well, it didn't look like there was need to fight yet. His instincts settle for a long moment, realizing that the woman before them doesn't look aggressive... yet. The healer's nudge to his shoulder, her expression... Erik would follow her lead for now.

Tenshi's use of his father's surname leads the boy to bristle some. What had his father done? It was news to Erik, though there were bigger things at hand. He would do his best to conceal the stiffness at the admission, and instead let his gaze rest on the woman before them. She's beautiful, refined in a way that Erik was unfamiliar with. Right, he should focus. At the mention of his injury, Erik tilted his head to show the wound. It was angry, likely too close to one of the crystals. Clean, but the scabbing has clearly been disturbed. A cursed child, trying to repair his wounds would always come with trial and error. He's still bleeding.

He doesn't speak, though his expression remains neutral. For now, he doesn't need to.




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
10-01-2023, 06:01 PM

The older of the two very quickly took the lead as she approached, catching her attention as she greeted her as Matriarch without her needing to introduce herself. It made her wonder how much Vidarr had shared about her and Elysium with the rest of his wolves. Enough for Tenshi to correctly identify her without an introduction at the very least. She glanced toward the boy as the yellow-marked woman mentioned his wound and her intention to gather the bundle of boneset that was within Elysium's borders to use as part of the treatment for it. With a turn of his head he revealed that he did indeed have the wound mentioned and it also inevitably showed the crystals that were poking from his neck in places. The unusual growths peeked Avacyn's interest, but she didn't speak on them. Instead she kept her attention on the fact that they were still trespassers despite their good intentions behind doing so.

Still, Tenshi at least spoke respectfully and stated her intentions clearly without becoming defensive when she was questioned. There could have been far worse responses and Avacyn didn't exactly wish to test the still fledgling relationship between Elysium and Heidinn. "I would have been more than happy to share our pack's herbs for such a purpose if you had simply asked," she replied sternly with a bit of a frown, making it clear that she still did not approve of their actions even if, in the end, she was going to allow them to gather what they needed. She began to relax a bit then, nodding her head toward the direction that Tenshi had been walking in before she interrupted. "Go ahead, I'll accompany you while you collect your herbs." She began to walk with them and then continued, "I'm Avacyn Mendacium-though it seems you've at least heard of me already. What's your name?" she questioned, focusing her dark gaze on the younger boy accompanying Tenshi. "Are you both members of Heidinn?"

"Avacyn Medacium"


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
10-17-2023, 07:52 AM

Tenshi is not surprised at the disappointed expression on the young woman's face. Trespassers shouldn't be taken lightly and though Tenshi had some gumption thinking she could get away with it, she would not be upset if told to leave immediately as well. Her mouth opens slightly, ready to apologize. Truthfully, if she had known that they would be willing to share supplies, she perhaps would have requested some. Yet, she wasn't sure Erik or Vidarr wanted just anyone to know about the boy's condition. The nature of the crystals was unknown even to her and deep down, it worried her. Was the boy to live a full and wonderful life even if covered in painful crystals?

She waits patiently as Avacyn speaks and nods both in apology and agreement. Turning back toward the direction of the Boneset, Tenshi begins to move at a companionable pace. "I do apologize again, Avacyn. We have been keeping the boy's condition hushed for now as we do not know the cause," the woman pauses, her gaze moving to Erik, wondering if the boy will say anything, but assumes he won't. "I am Vidarr's fiance and this is his son, Erik. The boy only lives with us in Heidinn for part of the year and the other part with his mother in Auster," she moves to look at Avacyn, her expression changing from apologetic to warm and motherly - it really was her neutral expression most of the time.

Soon, they come upon the Boneset. Tenshi was no liar and truly had seen the withering bunch of Boneset from the border. "It is believed that Boneset can help sicknesses, fevers, infections, and some types of pain. I'm not sure if his condition can be helped with it, but I've exhausted what I have in my stores until summer comes," her expression pinches as she approaches the Boneset. "I don't like to make assumptions about one's knowledge, but perhaps you have some ideas?" Tenshi glances from Erik to Avacyn, relaxing and returning back to its motherly state before she begins to pick some of the Boneset and place it in the pouch she's brought.


Thread Move Log
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1. The most unassuming trespass to ever happen The Rock Garden 04:26 PM, 09-17-2023 11:49 PM, 11-07-2023