i had a title and then i forgot it
Now that Delphi had two companions to help her with her... hobby, she was unstoppable. Binti easily carried the flint and steel that Vidarr had given her so that they didn't have to waste time creating friction fires or attempting to carry live fires down the mountain. On her other side, Manny, the Tasmanian devil she had recently captured, carried a small bundle of dried wood. In Delphi's own jaws, she carried a small kettle found in the mines, a canteen of water, and her trusty satchel full of different dried herbs and berries.
Unfortunately for her recent endeavors, with winter coming in at full force, she would not be practicing any poisons until her other pieces of bark and leaves had dried fully. For now, she would get better at crafting tisanes and ointments. After waiting for the morning's storm to pass, Delphi made tracks through the mountainside down to the steppe. There, she had found a small place that had three large pieces of stone that made a 'U' shape with a fourth piece that was leaned over the open side as a sort of lean-to entrance. The square-shaped room was rather large, well large enough to fit the three of them plus maybe one or two other wolves of decent size plus their fire and materials.
While she would have preferred the warmth and safety of her hidey hole, there wasn't enough ventilation within it to keep her or her companions safe from whatever fumes she created in her teas and concoctions. Instead, she would compromise for this. Still cold, but the small crackling fire that they made quickly warmed them up enough that their toes and noses were no longer frozen. As Delphi waited for the water to begin to boil in her kettle, she tried to teach Binti and Manny how to count their toes.
Master Fighter (240)
Master Hunter (250)
2 Years
He did so, and found himself heading to the ruins in the Stone Steppe. He sniffed around, and sure enough he found her scent. He glanced up at the owl and scowled instead of thanking it.
He trotted into her little area, a package swaying in his jaws. Wrapped in the coat of the cat they had taken down together, and dripping blood. He placed it on the ground, letting the sides of the coat go, revealing the bear head underneath. "There you are." He said, before crinkling his nose. "What's that smell?'
Both Binti and Manny let out hissing sounds of warning as Strai approached with his bundle. The companions, mostly Binti (Manny could care less), were not quite fond of the boy. Or at least what he had done to poor Binti. Why was he always in the damn crossfire of things? Delphi looks up, raises a paw to shush her companions, and waits curiously to see what Strai has for her. His words leave her head tilting and looking at him in confusion as he drops the bundle and a bear head appears all blood and gore right in front of her.
"You've been looking for me?" She questions with a raise of her brow before remembering she needs to add her herbs into the pot. The water was just beginning to boil! Pulling from her satchel a mixture of dried elderberry, mint, and lavender, she drops it into the pot and motions for Binti to give it a good swirl with the stick they'd found and carved into a spoon-looking thing of sorts. Once that is settled, Delphi addresses Strai's question. "Winter tea for when we don't feel good," she answers simply, not caring to go into all the details. As if he would even care anyway. Wanting to get back to the... bear head in the room, Delphi looks from Strai to the bear head and then back up to him.
"Why is there a bear head in here?" She says, wrinkling her own nose at him.
Master Fighter (240)
Master Hunter (250)
2 Years
Its teeth had been knocked out and reused. He'd turned them into a tie she could wrap into the rest of her tail. Hidden in her fur, sharp and deadly. If anyone else ever tried to take what was left of it, they'd be in for a nasty surprise. He'd never made a gift for another wolf before. He felt himself oddly shy as he waited for her to see it.
Her fur bristles and ears fall backward. Not at the tea comment. She agreed to that. The tea usually did smell weird, but with the right combinations, never tasted too awful. Tenshi was surprisingly good at making the tea taste nice. No, it was his... other comment. About her tail. At first, her heart rate spikes, and her lips tremble with a growl in her throat. She wants to lash out, to respond to the emotion. Grinding her paw into the hard stone, she inhales a deep breath and closes her eyes for a moment. Nope, she wouldn't bite. Ha. She was better than that. He didn't deserve to get a rise out of her. Instead, Delphi drapes a delicate and somewhat menacing smile across her lips.
"Too bad I ain't got much left for you to pull, Thrall," the pup seethes through her teeth as her eyes open and she stares daggers back at him. If he wanted to play that game, she could play it right back. No longer would she allow herself to be volatile and eruptive. She would be bold, dangerous, and serious. Eh okay, no promises to that last statement, but she would try her best. Small, but mighty. It would be her tagline someday!
Strai wouldn't be leaving her snarky for long. Instead of pushing the insult further, he motions to the bear's head. Something about something being in its mouth for her. For her? Was he right in the head? Had he fallen and gotten a concussion on the way down? Strai didn't give gifts. Especially not to her. Delphi's brow furrows as she looks to him suspiciously. Her gaze darts back and forth as she watches him look at her expectantly with his tail wagging. Could she trust him?
"If this is a prank..." Delphi starts as she reaches forward with her paws. Slowly, she peels back the bear's jaw to reveal the sharpened teeth tied into the tie that he had made just for her. Her mouth opens in surprise as her own tail sweeps the dusty ground. "Strai," Delphi's voice is a mere breathy whisper as she reaches forward to pick up the gift. "It's perfect!" She smiles brightly, her body beginning to wiggle with happiness and forcing herself not to jump on him for a big hug.
Master Fighter (240)
Master Hunter (250)
2 Years
"I can still tweak the edges" he assured her, as if she would be concerned that he couldn't. She finally looked at the bear, and her next words amused him. He half wished he'd left a snake in its mouth. Alas. Instead, she opened it to reveal the teeth wrapping. He moved forward then, though he didn't take it from her. "It'll tie into your tail fur, and if you lay it right it'll be hidden" he explained. He didn't bother telling her why.
“Strai,” Delphi whispers. No, no crying. She didn’t cry anymore. There was no point to crying. Though she was elated and excited and oh man. Nope, no crying. “Thank you so much,” her voice is choked against her tightened throat. She picks up the tied teeth in her paws to look at them closer. All for her? This bear wasn’t the bear they’d taken down though so she looks up at him suddenly. Her eyes move over him quickly.
“Are you okay? You’re not injured are you? This bear isn’t the one we took down,” her voice is quick as she scoots closer to him. Delphi can’t see any obvious injuries but that didn’t mean he wasn’t in pain.
Master Fighter (240)
Master Hunter (250)
2 Years
He rolled his eyes when she scooted closer, concern in her voice. "Please, like I can't take down a grizzly…" he teased. Okay, so the head was almost bigger than he was. He grinned again and playfully swiped at her new teeth tie, so that it swung in her mouth. "Want help putting it on?' He asked, neatly dodging any admittance of help with the grizzly. He was still flush with victory, and in a better mood then usual.