
I Really Can't Stay-


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
10-08-2023, 12:48 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2023, 12:53 PM by Aresenn. Edited 1 time in total.)

There was something surprisingly threatening about the near-silent hiss of snowfall. The sterling haze painted by the descent of countless white specs was certainly beautiful to say the least. It almost made the world feel dream-like. Even to the point,  it made forgetting about the rapid accumulation a dangerously easy feat to accomplish. Though, of course, if his life came to a screeching halt every time it rained or snowed, he would never get anything accomplished. Hesitating outside the boundary clearly illustrating Armada’s territory, Aresenn called out an announcement to his presence. To the Warlord, to Andy, he wasn’t necessarily sure. This was the first time he was taking up the open invitation after the part he played in the sudden flood- part of him didn’t want to see the aftermath.

The last time he had seen Andromeda, the fatigue of her near drowning had worn heavy on her. A visceral sickness overwhelmed her already weakened immune system. Of course, he had been getting sick as well, though his just a head cold. The memory of the girl pursuing him and her father away from prying eyes flashed to the forefront of his mind. That’s why he had left- not because he wanted to, but because he had hoped that removing himself it would give her one less reason to fight bed rest. And as he had felt his own throat tightening with the threat of illness up on the mountainside speaking to Sirius, he hadn’t wanted her to absorb the blame for that as well. He was certain she would have tried.

His encounter with Sephiran had demanded his attention for several days upon having recovered from his sickness. Though, now that he had other toys to play with, it had afforded Aresenn the opportunity to sneak away for a bit. He just hoped that Andy also had time to regain her strength- in the event she hadn’t, he’d find her in the col. Though until then, he’d maintain his casual pace through the gnarled forest- at least it was dense enough to break the otherwise unrelenting breeze.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Code by Sea


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
10-08-2023, 05:43 PM

It is strange how easily life continues on. The days following the flood had been hectic, sad, and, if Andy is being completely honest, more than a little scary. Many had been hurt from the initial surge of flood waters and, those that were lucky to survive unscathed, soon had another threat to contend with; illness. The purple girl had made it out of the main incident alive purely because of reason; her friend, Aresenn, had been nearby. Their relationship has always been complicated and with this newest twist of fate, she cannot help but feel like another layer has been added.

As Andy had grown sick, the infection settling into her lungs, Aresenn had disappeared from Armada lands. Even as the fever had developed and she had felt like she was drowning in her own lungs, the girl couldn’t help but worry that she had done or said something wrong. True, he had turned down the invitation to join the Armada and her father had given him the ability to come and go as the fire-kissed boy pleased but still she felt… responsible. Emotions swell with the memory of her friend, confusion mixing with gratitude, hope, and something… more.

Andy is resting in her den when the call from Aresenn finds her. Shooting upright, the lavender girl hurriedly gets to her paws and makes her way out into the Col. The reminder of the flood can be found everywhere you look, from supplies being sorted to the grim-faced members of the pack. But she doesn’t pay attention to any of that because he is here. Tracing the pathway down to the floor of the Col, the girl is immediately joined by her two snow leopards. While she is mostly healed from her bout of pneumonia, she can still get winded if she attempts to move too fast or go too far and her leopards are there to reminded her to take it slow.

Fat snowflakes lazily drift from the dark clouds above, blanketing the land in an almost ethereal silence. The sun is hidden from sight and a chilly breeze slices through the lands as Andy crosses into the woods. Silently she follows his scent until her pale blue eyes find the fiery form of Aresenn. Hidden by a large gnarled root, the girl pauses to observe him as he walks. There is purpose in his steps and that easy, throw-caution-to-the-wind attitude she has come to love about him. Her leopards blend perfectly into the snow as she detaches from them and saunters toward the boy.

With a wide smile on her lips and maybe just a tiny bit out of breath, Andy calls joyfully, “Hey Hero! Thought you were done with me.” Eyes sparkle with mirth as she approaches him, her words heralding back to their talk about heroes and villains from one of their first meetings. In her eyes, the boy truly is her hero and he has yet to prove her wrong.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
10-10-2023, 07:39 PM

As he casually worked his way to the mountains in the distance, his call out didn’t leave him alone for very long. He heard her snow crunching steps before he saw her- his attention flashing in the direction he anticipated finding her just as she revealed herself from the cover of a particularly large tree. Seeing her upright and in better condition brought warmth to his expression. He was glad to see that she felt better. However, it was Andy that broke the silence. Hey Hero! His ears flicked at the term of endearment she chose. Quite the opposite of what he wanted her to believe- though he had been the one to fish her out of the flood. “I’m afraid not.” He answered in mock empathy, as he angled his approach in her direction as well. “I’m far too selfish to be done with you.” He echoed a little more lowly, though it wasn’t necessarily something he had hoped that she heard.

Only once her words had a moment to sink in, did he feel the sudden pang of guilt. He should have come back sooner. While she had not yet asked for an explanation to his prolonged absence, he felt obligated to give her one. “I didn’t think either of us would have gotten much rest had I stuck around.” He answered with that dveil-may-care half-smirk of his. Though, it was a sentiment of affection that he meant genuinely. She would have fussed- she did anyways. He would have had to try and restrain her. At least now they could pick up without the stress of conflict brought on by illness. How much longer will you be able to fool her? Aresenn flinched at the thought- it didn’t belong to him. He took a second to try to shake away the monotoned grumbling that never seemed to go away anymore. But then made an effort to pass it off as if it had been nothing at all.

In an effort to redirect his own attention, he cleared his throat to continue. “You sound like you feel better.” Aresenn commented, trying to soften the concern from his amber gaze. She looked really nice as well, though he wasn’t certain how it would be interpreted if commented on her appearance- and he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. “What happened after the water drained?” He immediately followed up. He couldn’t imagine the amount of damage that kind of flood could cause. Or even the amount of work it would take to restore things, if things could ever be the same again.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Code by Sea


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
10-16-2023, 08:43 PM

The joy of seeing Aresenn alive, well, and actually here in the snow-covered forest far outweighs the sadness Andy had felt at not having him around while she was sick. True, she would have fussed over him even while the fever had settled in but, more than anything, when she was at her worst, she had wanted him there.  Andromeda remembers vividly the fear she had felt as she laid on the thick pile of furs, each breath a rattling reminder of the water she inhaled and how certain she been that she was going to drown on dry land. In those moments, delirious from the illness and truly afraid that she was dying, all the purple girl had wanted, was to be held… by him.

Still, even though Andy had been sad that he was not there, the girl does not fault him for leaving and her grin broadens as his voice greets her. A soft laugh fills the air, disguising the words that he softly adds after his greeting and keeping them hidden from her ears. Pale blue eyes burn bright with happiness as she moves to join him, easily falling into step beside the fire-kissed boy as her brow lifts at his confession that neither of them would have gotten much sleep. Shoulders lift as she gives him a small shrug and offers, “Maybe.” The grin falters and falls, leaving in its wake a gentle sadness as she softly admits, “I was worried about you, Hero. I thought… that something bad had happened to you.”

A short pause as her gaze lifts to captures his ember-hued eyes before her voice, even softer than before adds, “Or that I had done something to upset you.” Even in her fever addled state, the girl had spent time wondering why Aresenn had left so abruptly and if something horrible had happened to cause him to leave. Okay, so maybe him leaving to allow her time and space to heal had been a good idea but it had hurt and confused her at the time. Emotions flicker across her features quickly, overtaking one another before she offers a soft sigh and says, “Next time you want to do something for my health, can you at least let me know?”

There is a gentle humor in these words as she looks over at him, brow lifting as her lips begin to wiggle in an attempt to hold back the laughter that lingers behind them. The convestion moves on and Aresenn talks about looking like she feels better and the girl dips her head in agreement, her smile softening as she says, “Oh yeah, I feel a lot better. Unfortunately, I caught pneumonia from inhaling some water but I am no longer trying to cough up my lungs. So, I call that a win.” The laughter she had tried to hide bubbles out and fills the air around the pair.

The sound of their paws crunching through the snowy landscape are the only sounds that greets their ears for a few moments before Aresenn asks about what happened after. Her steps falter and the joyful expression that has been on her face fades. Steam fills the area around her face as she breathes, obscuring her expression for a moment as pain fills her eyes. Pale gaze slides out to the area in front them as Andy tries to form the words to express everything that has happened since the flood waters had retreated.

Finally, she clears her throat and begins, “It took several days for the water to soak into the ground and for us to realize that one of our members was missing. We… found her in a blocked den, clutching her mate. The pair had been unable to escape and…” her voice falls off, a shake of skull showing that they had not survived the water’s cold embrace. Abruptly, she halts, head swimming with the possibility it could have been her body they had found after the retreat of the water. Yet, that had not been the case because of him; because of Aresenn. A shudder races down along her spine, tickling the nerves and causing her form to shake slightly.

In an attempt to play off it off, she allows her gaze to wander around the area as she says, “Most of our supplies were ruined but a pack from Auster traded with us. We are slowly rebuilding our stores but there are still some things that cannot be replaced.” A shrug rolls her shoulders as she suddenly seems to remember that she had pulled to a stop and looks back to Aresenn sheepishly. Moving slowly, she rejoins the boy and softly asks, “How about you? How has life been treating you since I last saw you?” Curiosity fills the words along with unvoiced concern since she still worries that something had kept him from returning sooner.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
10-23-2023, 11:08 PM

If she heard his admission of selfish intention, she didn’t act like it. Or perhaps she liked it. He simply wasn’t sure it was acceptable to be that blatantly forward, and in deciding to air on the side of caution, felt that maybe it would be best to be more careful about his choice of words in the future. Or at least, as much as it could be helped. But when she answered him, he had difficulty with his own sudden rush of emotion. Though rather than sadness, his seemed to be more akin to regret. “I don’t think anything bad is ever supposed to happen to the hero.” Aresenn answered gently in a poorly timed attempt at humor. He wished that she wouldn’t call him that. He didn’t want to give her the wrong idea. But at the same time, something inside him didn’t want to be the reason for her disappointment. He never wanted to be the reason that grin of hers fell ever again. He longed to be her hero. Realistically, he knew he couldn’t make that promise to himself, let alone her. Yet, somehow her next words cut him even deeper. Slowing to a stop and turning to face her, he pressed himself near. Not quite remorse in his amber gaze, but as close as he could get. “No, Drama. Don’t ever think that my distance is because of you. I mean that. He answered near breathlessly, suddenly desperate to eliminate that train of thought in its tracks. It was an attempt to offer whatever comfort he could provide- not that he was good at being the comforting type. He lingered as close as he could for as long as he dared- a few moments before offering her a disheartened grin and surrendering her space back to her. But before he could guide them back to their walk, he stopped once again.

The girl’s follow-up request was a reasonable one, but he wasn’t sure it was something that could be negotiated. As much as he wanted to prevent her self-doubt and worrying, he was certainly going to maintain the path with their best interest in mind. With a thoughtful look, he finally answered. “I’ll consider it. But I need you to reassure me that if I do something for your health, you’re not gonna fight me over it if I do let you know in advance.” He said, with something that sounded like a serious edge to his tone- though it would only hold for a moment longer before cracking. “At least not too much.” He added, knowing full well of what he was asking of her, and how impossible of a task it might truly be. You would think self-preservation wouldn't be asking too much, but the thing that made Andromeda occasionally think with her heart instead of her head seemed to be his greatest opposition. It also just so happened to be what drew him to her. Though, he wasn't certain what that said about himself.

She was certainly well enough off to maintain a sense of humor, he would give her that. Aresenn offered a soft chuckle in amusement, casting her a sideways glance as they walked. “Sounds like a win to me.” He echoed in good humor. Though as soon as he asked about what had happened after the flood, he almost regretted doing so. It was like a physical weight had slammed into the girl at his side. He could see the shockwave as it rippled through her- the expression on her face worst of all. Andromeda described the length of time it took for the water to recede, only to find two wolves that belonged to the Armadan ranks had perished. “That is unfortunate.” He responded lowly in an effort to show his respect. Whether it was noticed or not, he was uncertain. As the girl fought to compose herself, he looked away- in an attempt to offer her the privacy of her own emotions. It also gave him the opportunity to reflect a moment. Would he have done anything differently knowing the outcome as it ended? He didn't think so. “Some things may not be able to be replaced, but in the end, you and your pack mates escaped largely with your lives- I’m sorry for the friends that you lost. But everything else will come in time.” Aresenn murmured softly. Of course, it was easy for him to say. He didn’t have to think for the livelihood of an entire pack. But at the end of the day, he still had his Drama and the rest of the chips could fall where they may.

The question that she offered him was a bit more difficult to take in stride. “I had cold as well for awhile …” Aresenn began, but that was the easy part. Allowing his gaze to linger on hers for a moment, he deliberated in the back of his mind before finally deciding to be upfront- at least for the most part. “Sephiran has been slowly pulling a group together … He’s going to use it as an opportunity to build each other up before moving on to bigger and better things.” There was truth to his words, but it was a vague one. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her with the information, he just didn’t know how she would take it, and it was kind of like ripping a bandage off. “I’ve been helping with that …” He finished- trailing off as if he needed to condemn himself further. It was a subtle attempt to try and introduce his real self. The individual who he was on track to become. If whatever they were forging had a chance of working, she had to know. Really know. Not just the distant jokes and half-truths hidden in fairytales. But on top of their truth, there needed to be some semblance of acceptance … or as the alternative, perhaps he was about to ruin it all.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Code by Sea


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
11-04-2023, 06:50 PM

As the lavender girl voices her worry that something bad might have happened to him, the boy is quick to talk about how he thought nothing bad ever happens to the hero. With a laugh, she casts him a sideways look that is filled with humor as drawls, “What stories have you been reading lately? Bad things always happen to the hero and usually when they are young. It gives them a tragic backstory so, that way, when the time comes for them raise up and save someone, it helps them put to rest the demons of their past. You, know, character building and all that.” In the lavender wolf’s mind, a complex hero is always the best kind.

But the talk of fictional characters and things best left in fairy tales is quickly forgotten as her smile slips away with the gentle gust of wind that ruffles her coat and she softly admits that she worried about him and why. His words have her eyes snapping up to his and she lifts a brow in a silent question of ‘why shouldn’t I think that’ but offers him a small nod. There is something that keeps pulling her toward Aresenn, much like when an asteroid is pulled into a planet’s orbit. While it may brighten the heavens above the ground every night eventually, the smaller body will collide with the larger world destroying the small rock while only leaving a small wound the planet’s surface. This is the course that Andromeda finds herself on… even if she does not realize it.

His words pull her pale gaze to his golden eyes and her breath catches in her throat as she sees herself reflected in them for moment and suddenly understands how selfish she is for wanting to keep him close by so that she will never have to suffer through another fever alone, again. While her father had been there to hold her, tell her stories, and ease her suffering as much as possible, the girl had always wished to be curled against his fiery form. Oh, how she had longed for his voice to fill the air as he would recount fairy tales of beautiful princess in far off kingdoms, winning the heart of some white knight so that they may live happily ever after while she had drifted in between slumber and hallucinations.

Yet, it had not happened and she wonders, for one terrible moment, if that dream will ever come to pass. They both have their own lives, their own responsibilities to uphold and the lavender girl suddenly realizes how truly greedy her innocent wish is. At Andy’s request to warn her next time, the boy’s features morph into a thoughtful expression as she waits for him to finally speak. His response has her barking a joyful laugh, eyes dancing with mirth as she dips her head and says, “Alright. I do my best not to fight you too much. But that means that you will have to stick around to make certain that I keep my word.” There it is again, that selfishness that longs to keep him here, with her.

They continue to talk, the light banter shared between the boy and girl, effortless… until they begin to talk about the flood. It had been the second worst event in her young life and Andy has idly wondered how much more will be taken from her before the fates decide she deserves happiness. Suddenly, she wonders if is doomed to never to find love and, instead, will spend her life chasing fairy tales and half-truths. The thought causes her to shiver just as Aresenn begins to explain he had a cold and her lips tug down into a frown as she glances at him, wishing yet again that he stayed here, with her. But he is alive and well so cannot fault him too much for getting sick without her.

Then she inquires about what he has been doing and his answer truly surprises her. Eyes widen slightly as her pale gaze flicks over to Aresenn and she says, “Oh?” A heart passes, then two before she says, “Well, I am happy for you, Hero. Truly.” A warm, soft smile fills her face as her words ring with genuine and heartfelt happiness for him. While she may not like Sephiran from the one meeting she had with him, the girl is thankful that the boy has found something worthwhile to put his efforts towards. Plus, she trusts the fire-colored boy and if he doesn’t think Sephiran is dangerous than she will believe it too.

Cocking her head to the side in a show of curiosity she gently says, “So tell me about these plans, Aresenn. What is your group’s aim? Have you made a lot of friends?” ‘Is there still a place in your life for me?’ Andy leaves the last question unvoiced because she does not wish to pressure the boy any more than she already has. Everyone eventually grows up and they often outgrow things that no longer suit their interests. Quietly, worriedly she wonders if he has outgrown her.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
11-05-2023, 01:04 PM

Theres that laughter again, that is so addictive. And while doesn't so readily pair it with his own, he does offer her a gentle grin. Though as her grin fades, as does his own. What if the hero can't be a hero? Then what? He wanted to ask, but could supersede the confines of the bottle that he kept his fears tightly bound in. He wouldn't unload that on her- he couldn’t. Besides, he was certain that the kind of conversation unpacking that would lead to would in the end be an endeavor for a solution. And he didn't want that. He just wanted to be- to be with her and this moment and forget about all the other complexities life had to offer him.

They continue their conversation, both of them lost in their thoughts. Aresenn couldn't help but come to the haunting realization of just the amount of his life that he had to hide from her. But he had to. In fear of what she would think of him if only she knew. But as she answered his subtle demand that she not resist the decisions he might make with a brightened round of laughter, he could feel the tension immediately begin to crack. Allowing his half-sided grin to return with the glimmer of amusement in his amber gaze, he offered her a gentle nod. "If I have to baby sit you on a manner, then I certainly will. And don't think for a minute I'm not above holding you down." His tone sank ever so slightly as his words trailed off while he held her eye contact for a few more moments. Allowing his grin to spread a bit further, he narrowed his eyes a bit before continuing. "But I would prefer it if it didn't succumb to that.” Aresenn finished- while he was most certainly serious in his playful threat, the sound of levity was still present in his voice.

When he answered her casual interest in the happenings of his life, it was clear that whatever she had been expecting, hadn't been the reality of the matter. He could see the surprise flash across her expression. It took her several moments to process, before something more accepting spread across her features. He couldn't tell if it was forced or genuine, but he would certainly take whatever he could for now. As she expressed her happiness for him, he nodded, allowing a half-sided smirk to return once again. However, when she pressed for more, it was he who became surprised. Taking a moment to collect himself, he cleared his throat before answering her. "Well. We haven't exactly sat down and figured out the mission statement yet. It's mostly just Sephiran and his family. A few stragglers like myself here and there.” Aresenn explained all at once. But he couldn't help but think about what was going through her head. How could he possibly have taken up with that monster? Because he's a monster too.

Shanking away the thought, he felt compelled to continue. More about himself rather than Sephiran's soon-to-be band. Maybe she could understand. "You know, I'm not really close to my family.” Aresenn started, looking away from her then as he steered their conversation to something a little more personal. "Not that I don't care for them, or wish them ill. I just didn't feel much investment from them, and in return, I didn't invest much in them myself.” His attention fell to the ground before him, as if he had taken interest in something that was there. Though, truthfully, there was nothing there. In a flash, he looked back up to her then. Offering her a tired grin as he went on. "I know you probably think him to be a monster, and to be fair- I certainly wouldn't want to get on his bad side-“ He cut himself off on a couple of occasions, trying to orient the words as they rolled off his tongue, but doing so unsuccessfully. "Seph is more of a brother to me than my own, I guess I'm trying to say.” He finally concluded, looking her over for any semblance of recognition. After a few moments of silence, he continued. "So when I say that I'm loyal to my family, it's not necessarily blood that I'm talking about.” When they had met each other in Auster, Andromeda had spoken about her distance from her family a bit then ... he wondered if that had changed at all. Maybe she would understand better than he had thought. After lingering in another extended pause, he moved to complete his thought, but a bit more slowly. "When it comes to the question of my commitment to him and the life he wants to live, I hope that comes to mind as well.” Aresenn finished, allowing his to trail off once again. He knew there would come a time- if not already- that she would ask herself why. Perhaps that might ease some of it.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Code by Sea


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
11-24-2023, 02:13 AM

The gentle grin that Aresenn offers at her laughter has Andy’s eyes twinkling with joy for a brief moment before her own smile fades. By then, the fire-kissed boy’s grin has fallen away and she spies, in that quiet moment, that there is some unvoiced question lingering behind his devil-may-care attitude. As much as she yearns to probe deeper and find out what is bothering him, because she can tell that something is really bothering him, the girl’s attention is instead diverted as the conversation naturally moves on. However, the lavender girl files away that little fact to bring up at some later point.

As she tells him to stick around, she finds amusement shimmering in those wonderful amber eyes and she cannot stop the cheeky grin that suddenly curls her lips upward. Eyes narrow playfully as he talks about holding her down and, as his tones sinks down slightly, Andy’s lips tick upwards even further and she leans in toward him. Voice drops down into a conspiratorial whisper as she asks, “Is that a threat or a promise?” While everything about her is playful, the girl secretly hopes that he will be around the next time she is ill. Not because she wants him to hold her down, but because she wants Aresenn to be there to help soother her fears and hold her close to him when she cries.

The conversation moves on as she inquiries about what has been happening in his life and she asks more about the group that he is with. Pale blue eyes watch Aresenn carefully, noting the way his features shift as he speaks about Sephiran and the other boy’s family and mentions how he is not really close to his own. A small, understanding smile appears as she dips her head in acknowledgement, getting a small glimpse at the truth behind that carefree mask. As his attention falls to the ground in front of him and he stares intently at the empty space there, Andy steps forward and one of her gentle paws lift to capture his chin. Carefully, she tilts his head up until his gaze once more is locked onto her.

Warmth, understanding, and yes, even love, radiates from the girl as she meets his amber eyes and a caring smile lifts her features as she softly says, “It is okay Aresenn. Families are… complicated. While I have not been through what you have, I can empathize with how you feel.” Memories of her talk with him underneath the cedar trees down in Auster comes to mind and she remembers how she had expressed the fact that she had felt like a stranger within her family. While she loves them all to pieces, the lavender wolf often feels like she is cut from a different cloth than all her towering siblings. It is something that is not apparent on the surface but something that she feels it on a soul level. Pale blue eyes search him as she softly adds, “I see you Aresenn.”

Tender paw falls away and she allows his gaze to drift once more while she takes a step back, hoping that he understands that he is not alone in this world. Aresenn offers a tired grin as he moves on, talking about Sephiran and how she must think him a monster and Andy gives her horned head a gentle shake, saying, “I don’t think that. Truthfully, I think he is kind of an asshole but I don’t think he is monster. I hardly know the guy.” Shoulders raise and slump in a shrug. It is the truth since she has only laid eyes on him once and, while the purple boy had been rude, that is the only interaction she has had with him. So, she really can’t form a real opinion on Sephiran… one way or the other.

Understanding dawns across her soft features as Aresenn speaks of being to family and how he doesn’t necessarily mean they are his blood. Again, she cannot say that she completely understands what that feels like since she has been surrounded by family her whole life. A slow dip of her head is given as Andy mulls over his words, her eyes never leaving his face. There is a conflict in him, something that he has not put into words but that simmers just below the surface. With a gentle smile, she asks him one simple question, “Are you happy, Aresenn?” If being with Sephiran and his family is what makes the fire-clad boy happy, then she will not stand in his way and she will do her best to encourage him in every endeavor he undertakes.

In the end, Andy knows that they both have their own lives to led and, while she hopes that one day Aresenn will come join her in the Armada, the lavender girl knows that she could never hold him back from his dreams… even if she isn’t a part of them.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
11-24-2023, 11:22 PM

Aresenn chuckled at her playful response, feeling the corners of his mouth lift in response to her mischievous grin. The tension that had been hanging between them before seemed to lighten ever so slightly, and he felt himself relax a bit more into her company. Despite the tone of light-heartedness that threatened to occupy their conversation, he couldn’t ignore the perceptive gleam to her eye. She seemed to deliberate on if she should call out what she picked up on. Thankfully she didn’t. “Perhaps a threatening promise, to cover all of our bases.” he answered with a wink, the earlier heaviness in his voice replaced by a teasing lilt. He leaned in closer to her as well, meeting her in a slightly more intimate space. They were close enough now that he could feel the warmth emanating from her body, and the scent of her mingling with his own in the closer proximity. 

While her expression was soft- understanding almost, it was still difficult for him to meet knowing full well what truth he was attempting to lead her to. But it all changed when he felt the sudden touch against his chin as she lightly steered his line of sight back to her. While he didn't resist her guidance, he did remain frozen. Her touch was electric, and he found that he couldn't look away from her. The world around them faded into the background, and all he could focus on was the warmth of her hand on his skin and the intensity of her gaze. For a moment, they just stayed like that, frozen in time, before Aresenn finally found his voice to continue on about what family meant to him. As a natural break came in their conversation, she assured him that while they had very different experiences, she did meet him with understanding on some sort of level. The memories of meeting her at the edge of the Hallows territory came to mind. A flash of quiet recognition crossed his features as their exchange continued on. At least until she spoke again. I see you Aresenn. How could she? Didn’t she see only what he had allowed her to? What about the terrible things he had done?

Aresenn felt a sudden shift in his chest as he looked into her eyes, the intensity of her gaze making him feel … vulnerable? Or perhaps it was simply the introspective nature of their conversation that contributed to the sensation of exposure. The confusion he was left with made him uncomfortable. But the one thing that he recognized very clearly was that he was drawn to her in that moment. Right or wrong left to the wayside, he couldn’t help but feel the sudden urge to close the distance between them. She admitted something about not knowing Sephiran, but he had moved way beyond that now. He leaned in even closer, his eyes locked onto hers, and he could feel her breath on his skin. Aresenn's heart was racing, his mind consumed with a sudden desire for closeness. It was a reckless and dangerous impulse, but he couldn't resist it. He leaned in, but hesitated just long enough to answer her question. Are you happy, Aresenn? "I don't know ..." His voice a breathy rumble that resonated in the space between them. "But I think I could be." Without another word, Aresenn closed the distance between them and pressed his lips against hers. An action that was slow, and hesitant at first. Riddled with the uncertainty of the situation. He wouldn't push her too hard too quickly, but if allowed to continue, he would subconsciously move to hook a forepaw behind her back in an attempt to draw her in closer. But for now, all he needed was her.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Code by Sea


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
12-03-2023, 11:09 PM

There is something about Aresenn that keeps Andy in his orbit. While he is selective with the information that he gives her, the girl has come to think of it is part of his charm. With every meeting, she is given a little more, another small glimpse into a world that she truly knows nothing about. The choice not to question what is wrong with him is a measured calculation but also a selfish one; what if what is was really bothering him, is her? As he speaks of a threatening promise, the lavender girl knows that she cannot bring herself to ask because she does not wish to lose him.

They talk about his family and she tries to understand, really, truly, the girl attempts to figure out how to help and does her best. The soft touch of her paw against his chin is like a lightning bolt, sending tingles along her nerves as her heart suddenly flutters. Andy knows that there is something about this boy that she cannot escape, some strange force that keeps throwing them together over and over again. Her voice falls away, leaving the space between electrified as her pale blue eyes look deep into his. Something shifts between them as a wall or some part of the mask that Aresenn has been hiding behind slips and falls away in front of her.

Their warm breathes steam the air, each exhalation creating small clouds in front of their faces. Maybe it is a trick of the light or something that Andy simply wishes to find it but she swears, in the space of a heartbeat, she sees a vulnerable pup who is uncertain of his place in the world. But, with a blink of her eyes, the illusion is gone, replaced with the smug, confident boy that she has grown attached to. At some point the pair had gotten close to each other, their breathes now gently ruffling each other’s fur. Her breath hitches as their eyes met, the electric air now fully enveloping them as her heart races and skips along.

It is there, in the intimate moment that she questions his happiness and his golden eyes burn bright with desire. Andy’s pale gaze flashes with excitement and uncertainty as he leans toward her… only to pause. Sucking in a breath as Aresenn is mere inches from her, she listens to his breathy rumble of an answer. Then the distance is closed and the fiery male presses his lips against hers and Andy accepts it. Eyes widen slightly as, for one heartbreaking moment, she believies that this is actually not happening. But the way her heart jitters and stomach somersaults tells the girl the truth and her eyelids flutter closed. A smile curls her lips as she leans in, deepening the kiss.

The uncertainty that both parties may have felt dissolves in that moment and his forepaw hooks around her back to pull her in closer. Andy doesn’t need much encouragement as she presses in toward him, lips smashing against his in her first clumsy attempt to make out. Aresenn is the first wolf she has kissed that isn’t a family member and her inexperience shows but, what she lacks with skills, she certainly makes up for with enthusiasm. A paw lifts to come to rest on his chest as she breaks the kiss and gently pulls away for a moment. Panting slightly, she searches his golden gaze with her pale eyes as she breathily whispers, “Stay with me tonight.”

An invitation to stay with her, in her den, in pack lands is given to the boy who seems lost and she allows her hope to take flight. Maybe, just maybe, if he stays with her tonight, he will never leave.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
12-04-2023, 09:23 PM

Upon initial contact, he had been gentle- uncertain. Not wanting to pressure her into something that she didn’t want … but also the victim of his own selfish desire. However, as seconds went on and he felt her answer, his control threatened to slip. His grip tightened where he held her, pulling her in as the encounter slipped toward becoming a more passionate one. He was only vaguely aware of the paw that had come to rest against his chest- or at least until she used it to press distance between them. As they broke, panting heavily, he fought the urge to pull her back in. His initial reflex was a possessive one that wanted to claim her in a sort of ravenous hunger, and it was only due to his waning rational thought that he was granted hesitance. In the short distance between them, he didn’t pull away himself, but he lingered in her space blinking between a look of concern and wanting. Stay with me tonight. Something akin to excited suspense turned in his stomach as the hackles along his spine began to subtly rise with anticipation. It was hard to process thoughts, caught up in the heat of the moment. Aresenn wanted to forget talking altogether and answer her by pressing on. But he knew this was an important moment for them both, but especially for her. “… Are you sure?” Aresenn answered in a breathlessly heavy tone. He certainly was, and the selfish part of him didn’t want to allow her the opportunity to reconsider. But as they crossed a threshold, he didn’t want to leave any room for doubt or any further second-guessing.

As the seconds passed and he managed a more adequate amount of oxygen, the world around him came back into focus. He looked up and noticed that the snow had stopped falling, and the thick clouds that had loomed overhead were now starting to break apart, giving way to streaks of evening sky. He realized that amidst their intense conversation, he had been completely unaware of the transition. Perhaps it might be a clear night after all as time went on. Wouldn’t that be nice? “How do you feel about sleeping under an open sky?” He asked, with a smirk that threatened to turn his lip. e didn't need to turn his head to survey the surroundings - he knew instinctively that he could set up a campsite in the nearby woods with ease. A small part of him secretly hoped that she would agree, as there was an undeniable pull to avoid the bustling heart of Armada's territory. For privacy if nothing else.

"Andy" & "Aresenn"

Code by Sea

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