
city of gold

mojito <3



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Hunter (60)

6 Years

Pride - HomoromanticPride - Bisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-03-2023, 12:25 AM

Settling into a routine was difficult, and every few days the wraith couldn't help but wander off to hunt. Confinement had become so familiar that once he'd gotten a taste of freedom, it was difficult to stick close to his new home. It was having an effect on Mojito, that much was obvious. There was underlying tension there, a subtle tightness of shoulders and furrowing of brows that he dared not let linger any longer.

It'd taken the better part of the day to construct the love next of bent fern fronds and leafless branches. All of it overlaid with the raggedy hide of an elderly stag he'd caught in a snare in the previous weeks. More than enough cover in the event of a downpour or snowfall. The ground was covered by sheepskin, the space beneath the overhanging foliage was so minimal that the two men would have no choice but to cuddle up. That, of course, was the whole point of the thing. Physical intimacy and closeness. While there was a firepit dug into the dirt only a foot or two away, it wouldn't be necessary to keep the lovers warm during the night. No, Nao intended to make that his personal mission for the time being. Soon he'd be finished with the den site, and unveil it to his lover (mate? Was that what they were now? How did that work?). For now the little shelter by the falls was more than enough to suit the needs of date night.

Fishing was still his speciality, it always would be. So Nao hadn't needed to spend long gathering some seafood for their supper. The cracked shells of molluscs and crustaceans lay empty in a pile to the side of the woven basket near the fire. Their meat had been extracted and collected in the basket, which was then dipped in the clear springwater of the falls to fill. Nao hadn't been here long enough to have any herbs to add to the broth, and he dared not raid his lover's supplies without permission. No, the meat would have to be enough for now. He set the basket over the embers of the fire, its lid settled akimbo over the rim to keep it from boiling over.

The sun would be setting soon, the preparations were made, and it was time to make up for his continual absences over the past weeks. Tipping back his slender skull, the svelte warrior called out for his lover with a low, keening howl.

Nao & Mojito

Art by MarkLix



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
10-03-2023, 03:21 AM

Mojito was doing his best not to be too overbearing. But he worried, it wasn't something he could control. He tried his best not to let it show too much, the last thing he wanted was to make Nao feel like he shouldn't exercise the freedom he'd been denied for so many years. But still he worried. About Nao, the man's health hadn't exactly been the best when he'd arrived and there was some part of Mojito that couldn't help imagining Azure lurking around every corner ready to snap up the man again. And he worried, deep down, that one day Nao wouldn't return. Not because he couldn't but simply because he didn't want to. He'd said he wanted to stay, to be with Mojito but the little wolf dog still wasn't used to trusting words like that... He'd seen too many times how quickly his position changed the moment it was more convenient for others to see him as lesser. He didn't want that to be true about Nao but old insecurities died hard and lingered subconsciously even when he'd rather they didn't. But he didn't dare share those deeper, more engrained worries with Nao. They were his problems to deal with, not the freckled man and the last thing he wanted to do was burden Nao with them; especially since he'd never done anything to earn even an ounce of distrust.

Still there was a relieved elation that shot through Mojito at the call that rang out for him. The sound was a beckoning and it made his heart hammer against his ribs. Hoa lifted his head to blink at Mojito, a conical ear twitching. A question. Mojito shook his head and that was all his friend needed to go back to lazily grazing on what little grass could be found. Mojito loved Hoa for his concern, and loved him for his willingness to trust Mojito when he knew he could handle things alone, and his respect for Mojito's privacy. The latter being the case this time as there was something in the call that tugged at Mojito's soul in a way he hadn't felt in many years. He would linger no longer, desire and giddy anticipation pulling his limbs into an excited lope off to answer his lover's summons.

Light blues spotted Nao first, the structure second. Or maybe that was simply the order he processed them in. Mojito slowed his pace into an easy saunter as he approached, a naked grin upon his face. "Nao." The freckled man's given name still felt light upon his lips, a secret that just the two of them got to share. Mojito approached the man, seeking to gently brush himself against the bigger man's chest before moving to get a better view of the set up. A cozy space, big enough for two and yet confined enough those two would need to be quite comfortable with each other. The smell of prepared foods wafting tantalizingly on the air. Just what had his lover planned?

"What occasion are we observing?" He asked teasingly, gently brushing his tail along the other man's side as he moved to settle himself comfortably in the shelter of the small structure. He knew Nao was often out hunting, bringing back prey for the two of them and the pack with some frequency and Mojito could place many parts of the little nest as byproducts of those hunts. How long had it taken the man to make this?

Mojito & Nao

Art by MarkLix
[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Hunter (60)

6 Years

Pride - HomoromanticPride - Bisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-15-2023, 07:45 PM

He was not left waiting for long, anticipation did not turn from a light flutter in his chest to the thready needling of anxiety along his ribs. No, there was Mojito emerging from the undergrowth with a brilliant smile. To look at the man was to experience his joy, and so Nao could not help but match his glee with a grin of his own. To hear his name spoken from those dark lips brought a rush of heat to his cheeks, he hadn't heard his own name in so long. Hadn't trusted a soul with its safe care... until now. "Mojito," he returned in a gentle croon, dark banner brushing against his heels with anticipation. When the pallid wolfdog brushed against him, flank to chest and tail aloft, the dark wraith dipped his muzzle so he could gently nip and tug at silken strands along his spine. Already he felt the shivers of excitement tripping up his limbs and into his belly, teeth flashing in his smile oh so wickedly. And just like that Mojito was off, wandering towards the small alcove that he'd constructed. Asked after the occasion that merited their secreting away to this corner of the falls for the night.

Slender limbs pulled him forth, sliding his flank along that of his lover with all of the subtlety of a train wreck. "No occasion, save that I have not given you the attention that you deserve lately." he admitted softly, ducking his head so he could press a few chaste kisses against the side of Mojito's neck. There was no need for mystery, no double entendre or stolen caresses warranted in these moments. They were alone, free to express desires as they so chose. And so Nao had abandoned the familiar rhythm of the slow seduction that the nobles had demanded, in favour of laying it all out in front of his lover. "You are here so I may rectify my mistakes, and treat you to a few nights of.. attention." he murmured, pressing his cheek against Mo's. The short, soft fur of their cheeks mingled as he leaned his weight against the other man. A low rumble emanated from deep in his chest, a pleased kind of hum that trembled through the skeleton from start to finish.

"If you have the time to spare," he began quietly, tipping slender skull so he might tease the soft skin of Mojito's throat with his teeth as the sentence trailed off. A soft breath exhaled against pale skin, and he moved his tender ministrations to the gentle laving of his tongue beneath that flopped-over ear. The fur there was downy soft, like a cloud. He hadn't expected clouds to taste like salt and the faintest hint of rosemary, but he wouldn't complain if that was the last thing to ever touch his tongue. "I've started a mussel and crab stew simmering, but it will need a little while longer before it is ready." The offer was left hanging in the air, which had grown warm in the space between his maw and the kiss-bitten flesh of Mojito's cheek. He was sure he could sneak a quickie into their evening before dinner was finished, just to give his lover a preview of the rest of his plans for the night...

"There's a fresh sheepskin laid out in the tent- you're far too precious to be sullied with dirt and muck." he added with a low chuckle, tearing his attention from Mojito's skin to the rough tent he'd made for them. A few slow paces to create some distance between them, give the man a chance to catch his breath. Perhaps he needed more time, something to eat, before they could preoccupy their time with one another for the night. At the heart of it, Nao was a tease and a whore, and he relished the chance to make someone beg- to want nothing more than his touch. It was cruel, perhaps, but it was as much a part of him as the beating heart in his chest. He cast a sidelong look over his shoulder, beckoning for Mojito to properly examine the bedding to ensure it was to his liking. Perhaps the wicked glint in his eyes was a trick of the light, but the gleam of his fangs in the firelight as he grinned wolfishly at his lover was perfectly obvious.

Nao & Mojito

Art by MarkLix



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
10-15-2023, 08:39 PM

Frankly Mojito wasn't used to getting this much attention but he couldn't say he disliked it. He leaned slightly into the gentle kisses Nao was placing along his neck, a small shiver running up his body. "Well, I'm certainly not complaining." Mojito replied softly, he had fought down his instinct to rebuff the notion Nao hadn't been giving him much attention. While Mojito was certainly just happy to have the man around he wasn't really looking to ruin the feeling that was clearly brewing between them by being self-deprecating. Mojito was definitely letting himself get led along by the other man, responding to their closeness, sneaking kisses whenever he felt he could and just embracing the pull Nao seemed to have over him.

And what a pull it was, the words Nao had said only moments prior hardly processing in Mojito's mind as he felt the other man's teeth nipping at his throat and another shiver moved through his body, stronger this time and he had to close his eyes or they'd have visibly rolled in his head for a moment. A low sound escaping his lips, half musing, half desire. In truth the last thing Mojito was thinking about right now was food, but he also didn't want to rush anything either. Not because he was worried or unsure, no he'd had a night or two with the other man now and was starting to learn more about him in much more intimate ways but because well... There was something nice about the lead up, in the feeling of desire, in feeling desired! "I'm sure we can squeeze something in." Mojito finally responded, failing to keep his voice from dropping into a husky whisper. He had to bite down the whine that rose in his throat as Nao stepped away and Mojito practically rocked on his toes as if to immediately chase after him and close the growing gap.

There was something in Nao's grin, in the way he spoke and moved and acted that spoke of experiences Mojito could not begin to relate to. The small wolf-dog finally sliding up beside the other man again to peer into the tent. "I'm not adverse to a little mess." He tossed a wink, gave a nip along the base of Nao's jawline and then slipped into the tent. "Looks lovely." He said as he lowered himself onto the sheepskin, stretching himself out to sprawl across as much of it as possible. He cast a glance up at the other man, practically daring him to come and try to fit himself next to Mojito somehow. "But is it comfortable enough?" It wasn't a real question, it was a taunt. Come prove to me it is.

Mojito & Nao

Art by MarkLix
[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Hunter (60)

6 Years

Pride - HomoromanticPride - Bisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-15-2023, 11:25 PM

It was a reward in itself to hear the small, soft sounds that he was able to illicit in his lover with just his tongue and teeth. The way he melted into his touch only made Nao want to touch Mojito more, to see if he could render the dainty male to mere putty beneath his practiced attention. No time like the present. The thoughtful, breathy hum as the pallid waif considered the merits of waiting until after dinner to devour one another, well that was the nail in the coffin. The stew could burn for all he cared in that moment, the whole forest could be alight from an untended cooking fire and it would not stop him from what he was about to do. Truly terrible things sprang to mind, but he needed to stay his paw for a moment longer. Just a few moments more..

He was all too glad to hear that his lover agreed, that they could most definitely fit something into their incredibly busy schedule. Perfect. Mojito elected to inspect their humble abode for the night by prostrating himself upon the sheepskin bedding, limbs akimbo as he made a point to occupy the entire space. Though it would seem his lover was content to lay on the ground, to make a mess of himself, well... "I'm sure I can make a mess of you all on my own, dear." he assured the man, voice oh so soft as he stood over Mojito to speak the words into his ear. Sea foam gaze locked with glacier blue, pupils wide as saucers. He accepted the daring, teasing tone of his lovers remarks. Met them with a smile, caging the smaller man between his limbs as he stood over him. Delicate cranium dropped between his shoulders, he traced a path up Mojito's chest with careful fangs.

Dark forepaw lifted from the soft bedding to press against alabaster chest, digits splayed out across the birdlike ribcage of his prone and wanton lover as he leaned in for a kiss. A drawn out affair, languishing in the taste of the other man. As he pulled away, he flashed another wolfish grin at Mojito, seeing the ruddy glow cast upon every inch of him by the firelight beyond the tent. He couldn't help but to revel in the moment, to take his time following the path of where thigh met hip, the curve of his ribs and the angle at which his forelegs were held towards his body while the wraith let the tension of the moment build. "Don't fret, I will make your comfort my highest priority." he all but sighed the words into Mojito's mouth as he set about completing his mission with the utmost fervour and delight.

- fade -

Nao & Mojito

Art by MarkLix



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
10-15-2023, 11:59 PM

"Promise?" Mojito replied to Nao's declaration that he could make a mess of him all on his own. His whole body seemed to flood with heat, but especially his face as Nao stepped forward to cage him in. He met the freckled man's gaze and despite himself, despite all he'd been though his stomach fluttered, he felt suddenly much younger than he was. Thrown back to when he'd been a new adult and still hopeful about the young woman he'd adored. But now he was looking at Nao, seeing Nao. Mojito surrendered control over to his instincts, tipping his head back and letting loose a soft noise of enjoyment as Nao's teeth moved up his chest. He opened eyes to look up at Nao again as a paw pressed into his ribs, but his eyes quickly closed again as he met the kiss, a forelimb being flung haphazardly over Nao's neck to pull the man closer. There was a hunger in Mojito's movements, a deep desire.

Nao pulled away, and flashed him another grin. "Tease." Mojito growled, voice low. While Nao stood there, Mojito's own fore paw reached up and out to trace lightly along the other man's chest, tracing the frame of Nao in much the same way Nao was doing to him but as he hit the extent of his reach Mojito let his paw drop almost dramatically. Then Nao was coming back in and Mojito melted.


Mojito & Nao

Art by MarkLix
[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

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1. city of gold Sunset Falls 12:25 AM, 10-03-2023 12:39 AM, 07-03-2024