
Will you stand with us?

Norad Recruitment



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-11-2023, 09:25 PM

Beauregard had been successful in claiming a pack and so Norad had risen. He had brought his lovers home and had begun to mark their borders. Payday had been helping his partners recover from their wounds. The fact someone had attacked them had worried Beau greatly. Norad would need fighters to help protect the members who didn’t have such natures, and it was something that he would need to consider. Packs would raid each other, and he had already chased off a bear from Cedar Falls… rival predators could be a problem as well. Beauregard didn’t want to force any of their members to fight. The goal of the pack was creation and invention, not war.

But they would need protection. A dilemma that Beauregard knew he couldn’t handle on his own. There was also the matter of gathering new members for the pack. He chose to head to the grassy area of Aspen Dam, a neighboring land, and lifted his muzzle to the heavens, calling for those seeking a home. Norad would welcome them, regardless of what they were interested in. He felt hopeful that wolves would come, or even other creatures. Those who found him today would be the first members of Norad. But what sort of creatures would come join him?

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.



Beginner Navigator (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

2 Years

10-12-2023, 03:35 AM
Wrecker drifted. At first, their drifting had been rather aimless; they had traveled down from Boreas to Auster, wondering what the newer continent had to offer them. They were new to the land in general, of course, and they sought to ...



The call that Beauregard sent up caught their attention, and Wrecker's spattered head raised up sharply. Their ears swivelled forward, and the sleek creature began to trot slowly towards the source of the sound, gaze sharp. They were not the most... trusting of beings, of course, but this seemed promising. If a wolf was offering a home freely, Wrecker supposed, that meant they were desperate for company.

Not that Wrecker begrudged them that, of course. The odd-toned wolf understood enough the desperation of loneliness.

They advanced towards Beauregard with keen ears, with a sharp gaze, with a curious tilt of the head. Their lip twitched into a smile, the sort that flashed just a hint of canine, a roguish greeting. They knew that it was a roguish greeting, at least. Wrecker wasted no time: "So-" And they scuffed the ground with a paw, curious, if not hesitant. "... what's your pitch?"

It wasn't as if Wrecker couldn't survive on their own.



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-14-2023, 03:24 PM

Waiting was a challenge. Not knowing who would show, or if any wolves might be interested in the home that Beauregard sought to build. The man was hoping that by considering wolves who might have a rougher background, but could still be civil and help their packmates. He didn't expect perfection… Beauregard’s own mates showed how flawed this world could be and how it could break you. Maybe that was why Beau was willing to be more lenient with those he would allow to join Norad. In the end, there was always strength in numbers.

He wasn't waiting too long before a wolf approached. They bore a grin, their greeting appearing to have more of an edge, a roguishness, than those in Ethne. Beau gave them a welcoming nod. They sought a home, or else they would not be here. But if they were to join Norad, he needed to present it in a way that appealed to them.

"Greetings, stranger. I am Beauregard Ravenwood, one of the founders of Norad." He gestured toward the lands of the falls. His home. "The mission behind the pack is simple enough. I want to gather individuals with creative minds, the inventors, the doers, and those who may be seeking a stationary place to return to when their paws tire of wandering Boreas and Auster." His gaze flickered back to them. "Regardless of the activities a wolf enjoys, there is something to be made that can better it. Fighters make weapons and armor, medics make medicine, messengers can make bags to carry supplies while they relay messages. The limit is your imagination, is it not?"

He chuckled, lifting his own lips in a grin. "I don't expect every wolf to be buddy buddy with everyone. Just to be civil with their packmates and avoid internal conflict. We all have our stories." What was their story, he wondered? "Ideally, I would prefer not to start shit with other packs either, but I would never tell any pack member not to defend themselves by any means necessary… and should anyone to attempt to invade our home, I would invite them to defend it regardless of the damage they may bring to the invader. I seek inventors, but I do not shy away from anyone seeking a home." There, that was about Norad. Beau tilted his head to the side.

"But… a pack is nothing without members to fill it. Would you be so kind as to give me your name, and tell me about yourself? About what sort of home you might want or need?” Would Norad meet their expectations?

"Speech" 'Thought.'
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.



Beginner Navigator (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

2 Years

10-14-2023, 07:12 PM

Now was the time that Wrecker needed to wait. To be told what the pack was about. In truth, they were more than eager for one; the harrowing encounter with the sea storm that had stolen the she wolf's life left Wrecker feeling a bit nervous about their survival prospects. Beauregard Ravenwood introduced himself, and Wrecker stood quietly, letting him speak. He had quite a bit to say, and that made sense, and Wrecker didn't want to disrupt him at all. Let him say his piece, and let Wrecker consider it in equal measure.

The thin-coated wolf leans to one side.

Inventors. Doers. Those who return from wandering. Wrecker's ears flick in interest. They can't hide that. "I don't want to start shit either," they drawl, because it's true. From what they've gathered, several of these packs have numbers that Wrecker finds, frankly, intimidating; they seem worn, well established.

But this whole... thing--

-- it sounds good.

Wrecker thinks about themselves with a craft, or refining one of the things they'd dabbled in in youth, and nods at the image. Yes. They could... yes. "Me? Chh. Well--" Because it wouldn't be fair to say nothing, they supposed. "I'm Wrecker. Wrecker Khau'un. Fifth-born of some nobles somewhere that isn't here. Taught in diplomacy, in wandering and reading the land." Their life before had been rather... boring, really. Constrained. "The usual-- far enough down the line where I wasn't important, really. Lots of freedom, lots of rules." A half-tooth smile. "By the end of it, I wound up being... nobody. Suited me better, I think."

They paused, for a moment.

"I used to be good with leatherworking. Could pick that up again. Could do some running between lands, too. Keep an eye down, on the news." A half-way offer, gauging Beauregard's interest in that sort of packmate.




Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-15-2023, 10:16 PM

Their personality is different, but that is what Beauregard finds nice about Wrecker. While the wolves of Ethne were kind, their mindset was mostly that of a family, and perhaps that is another reason why Beauregard longed for this pack. To continue to build on their vision of different ideals. Dagrun, for example, had been interesting in that regard… and perhaps, if he had gotten to know Fenix more, he’d have found something different as well. With ears perked forward he listened to Wrecker speak, giving a small nod. Someone born outside of Boreas, just as he had been. But they were of a noble lineage, one with more rules. At their pause, Beau chimed in softly. “I like to think a wolf makes more of themselves than a title they have, or don't have, at birth anyway.” He certainly hadn’t held any fancy rank. At best his grandfather was known as one of the best fighters in their pack, but that was about it.

As Wrecker continued, Beauregard took interest and noticed their mention of running between lands. “Eyes and ears away from the pack when I need to take care of things at home would be greatly appreciated. Being among the Vax would likely suit you. A Vaxallius is a combination rank for our scouts and messengers, with a lot of freedom to explore the lands of Boreas and Auster. Taking note of places with certain resources, getting news through the grapevine of important events, such things are key to a pack’s survival.” Beauregard’s eyes sparkled as he spoke, revealing his passion for such things. “Leatherworking is also a phenomenal skill, something you would be welcome to work on at your leisure. We… we would be honored to have you among us as our first Vaxallius, Wrecker.” The man felt his heart fluttering in his chest with excitement.

Norad was, and would remain a small pack for some time. But the future looked bright.

"Speech" 'Thought.'
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.



Beginner Navigator (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

2 Years

10-15-2023, 11:54 PM
Beauregard watches them, and Wrecker watches him in turn while they speak. It doesn't take long for them to start warming up even more, that casual near-oily tone of their voice becoming more confident as they continued.

They had expected some pushback. Instead, Beauregard met them on their own level, and that made their ears swivel sharply forward in interest. They couldn't hide the intrigue in their face, or the sharp attentiveness of their features. "... a Vax. Sounds like a rough job, but sounds like the kind of job someone like me can handle." Their ears twitch.

"I'd like that. Honor and all. Sounds like a good plan, man. Plus... between you and me, I already did some crazy shit out there with that storm the other day. Was out on the little... island with the land bridge. Storm came in. I made it back." They're not exactly looking for praise. Its an attempt to show Beauregard what they're capable of.

Wrecker breathes in.

"And hey. Maybe us Vaxes could make our own uniforms, yeah?" Their eyes spark with their little joke.



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-17-2023, 10:07 PM

Wrecker didn’t balk at the challenges that a Vax might have, rising instead to meet them with confidence. They would accept his proposal, and Beauregard gave a firm nod. It would be official then: Wrecker was not only their first adult member outside of himself and his mates, but they had claimed their place as the first Vaxallius as well. Beau would turn to the direction of the Falls, motioning with his muzzle for Wrecker to join him in walking back to their home. He was curious about the storm that the other wolf had been in. “No kidding. That had been one hell of a storm. Glad to know you’ll have your wits about you out there.” He gave a chuckle. “I’m not great at swimming Wrecker, so if you can avoid getting dragged out to sea that’d be great!” He was somewhat joking, keeping the tone between them light as his gaze shifted toward the cedar trees.

“But if you want to design something for yourself, or even those in the rank, go for it. I’d be happy to assist you too, if you’d like.” He had missed the joke part of Wrecker’s statement but was supportive of their newest member. “For now, we’ll get you back into the heart of our territory. We claimed Cedar Falls, and the pack we came from, friends of ours, has a pack at the other waterfall in Auster. A pack called Ethne.” Beauregard explained. “There isn’t much to our territory yet. We’re still really new. Just me, my mates, and uh… I guess she’s my daughter now?” Beauregard let his gaze flick back to Wrecker.

“...and my mates, well, the Artisan… they share one body. You’ll get used to their different personalities as each one comes out though.” Hopefully that wouldn’t be too odd for them. “Anyway, we’ve got a densite in the works for the pack. You’ve got your pick of dens.”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.



Beginner Navigator (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

2 Years

10-20-2023, 01:24 AM

At least Beauregard seems to understand that things... happen. "It was a bad time, I can say that for sure. But, I'm here, eh?"

Sure, sure, the lady-wolf had died, but Wrecker's pragmatic and self-centered worldview moved past that fairly quickly. As far as they were concerned, the true danger had been to themselves, anyways. "Awh, what? It's alright, if I get swept out I'll grow fins and swim back." There, a joke, accompanied by a daring wink, a twitch of the tail. Wrecker wasn't afraid of danger, see? They were confident, self-aware, self assured.

These things mattered.

"Oh, you broke off from another pack, huh?" Ears swiveled. Wrecker took keen interest in that. Ethne. Alright. They added that, quietly, to a list-- Ethne was good, so Wrecker was going to zoom on over there and check them out as soon as possible. Better to get a lay of the land that way. They wanted to make sure they smelled properly of Norad, first, though. Wouldn't do to rush over and be mistaken for a liar, after all. "I'll pay a visit to Ethne-- just to see them, let them know I'll probably be a frequent visitor, what with the Vax job and all..." But Beauregard spoke of his mates, and Wrecker's head tilted. Not in confusion, but in curiosity.

They nodded. "Well, alright! I guess I'll just have to get to know each one, eh?" Not a problem for them. Wrecker was social enough, amicable enough, that they didn't mind the task at all... and at least they had their pick of the dens! That was promising.


( exit wrecker !! )

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1. Will you stand with us? Aspen Dam 09:25 PM, 10-11-2023 05:59 AM, 11-05-2023