
Another Life



Intermediate Healer (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

6 Years
Extra small
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-15-2023, 10:37 PM

Valhalla had disbanded. A shame, really. It was the only real home she had known, and though she tried her best to stick it out in lands that were now considered rogue lands, she figured it best to move on. She was saddened to leave behind her crops and gardens, most of the things she had collected over time...but they were material things. Things that could be replaced. Regrown. Without a pack to help watch her back, she was afraid that she was too vulnerable staying there on her own. Luckily, Amorielle had stuck around long enough to help her get ready to leave. The partially blind woman had rarely left Valhalla's lands since she joined, finding comfort, safety, and familiar paths here. When she did venture out, it was with Amorielle as a guide so she could safely collect the herbs and other things she needed.

After a few weeks...she was finally ready to leave. Boreas' winter was harsh. Day after day, the winds blew cold and the snow threatened to overtake her. But once they had reached Auster, it seemed to be the complete opposite. She had never been to this continent before, and the pair would settle down here and there as Amorielle scouted the packs that were on this side of The Bifrost. As dawn approached, her rust-marked guide showed up as the sun began to break over the horizon. "Noelle, I think I've found a place. Pretty sure they're new...there don't seem to be many scents there, and the markers appear to be new. I think it's safe enough to go check it out."

She nodded as she got up, shaking the dust off her fur and grabbing the small satchel she had brought with her. "Lead the way," Together, they made their way to the borders of this new pack that Amory had found. She liked this time of was peaceful. Quiet. Though it was pretty early still, she hoped it wasn't too early to disturb those who lived in the pack. She hoped it was a suitable place...while Valhalla would always have a place in her heart, it was time to start something new.

When Amory stopped at the border and looked back at her, Noelle stopped right behind her, half hiding behind her taller comrade. She nodded quietly, showing her that she was ready. And with that, Amory howled into the air, calling for the leader.




Advanced Fighter (80)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-15-2023, 10:43 PM
Amorielle Adravendi

She sorely missed Valhalla. And although it had a good run, not everything lasted forever. It was unfortunate, but she was old enough to understand. Her family still lingered around the lands, but Amory had always had a penchant for wanderlust. When she returned, she found that Noelle still clung to her old life, but she wasn't faring so well without a pack to protect her. She stayed with the other woman, helping her by hunting and guiding her for the things she needed. But in the end, eventually, they left Valhalla's old lands in search of a new life.

She was loyal to her family of course. But Amory wasn't afraid of trying something new. A new life. A new start. Of course, if her brother or mother ever raised Valhalla's flag again, she'd return to them. But for now, she had a new destiny. Sticking with Noelle and ensuring she was safe. The partially blind wolf struggled to fend for herself before Valhalla, and Amory wouldn't let it happen a second time.

They made their way to Auster at some point and settled here and there as she scouted the packs that were this way. One in particular had her attention...a pack that appeared to be pretty new. No more than a handful of scents lingering around the borders. Perhaps this would be a decent place to check out. She promptly returned to Noelle as dawn broke, informing her little charge of what she'd found. Within minutes, they were heading to the borders of this mystery pack, and it wasn't long before they were at the border.

Noelle was hesitant, that much she knew. She glanced back at her comrade who stood behind her, but once she was given the okay, Amory tilted her head back and called for the leader of the pack.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-15-2023, 11:13 PM

Beauregard had taken it upon himself that morning to get busy preparing for the colder months that were to come. That meant preparing a fire pit, a place the pack could use to not only prep food but warm their bodies. He had chosen an area close to the main dens, but far enough away from the collection of trees that he felt safe enough to prepare it. The first matter of business was to prep the land, and Beau had spent the better half of the morning digging, resting just enough to get a new wind, and back at it. His paws were aching, but he was making progress. He wanted the pit deep, in part as a safety measure in case they ever needed to put the fire out instead of letting it burn down. That left him to mound the dirt nearby as well. But he was getting there! With a few more days of work, if he worked along, it could surely be done. Especially since he was keen on making sure his partners rested right now.

A call at the borders caused his ears to perk and Beauregard lifted his head. A newcomer, a potential member for their kingdom. He turned away from the pit. He wasn’t exactly presentable, but in his opinion a leader needed to put in just as much work, if not more, as their members did in keeping things running. He set off for the border at once.

As he drew close his tail rose behind him… but the gentle sway of it back and forth was in greeting and happiness. His blue gaze looked over not one, but two women who were waiting for him, taking in their states. The albino woman seemed to be having trouble focusing, which was a touch worrying, but the man brought no judgment with him. If they sought a home, he would freely give it to them. “Good morning, ladies.” He tipped his head to the women. There was the faint, familiar scent on their coat… one that caused Beau to arch his brows in surprise as he realized that it was from the very land he stood in to claim.

“You were part of the pack that fell…” His voice dips in understanding, the Artifex’s demeanor shifting. “I am sorry for the loss. I am Beauregard Ravenwood, the Artifex of the Kingdom of Norad.” If they had lost their pack then they needed a home, right? His expression softened. “You are both welcome to stay with us as long as you would like. Please, what are your names?” His normal spiel about the pack was pushed aside in favor of offering hospitality this time. That felt more important… and maybe revealed just how new he was to the whole alpha business.

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.



Advanced Fighter (80)

Beginner Healer (0)

5 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-15-2023, 11:34 PM
Amorielle Adravendi

They waited a bit. Not too long, luckily, before a larger figure appeared on the other side of the border and approached them. He was a handsome male, though Amory didn't look for too long before he greeted them. "Good morning, sir," She greeted in return, glancing back at Noelle as she too offered a soft, hesitant greeting of her own. Returning her attention to the man, she was caught by surprise when he made mention of them being in the pack that had fallen. Her ears fell back in sadness as she nodded. Accepting his apology even, as he was quick to introduce himself and the name of the pack and even offered them a place to stay before she could say anything else. "Oh, er, I am Amorielle Adravendi. And this is my companion, Noelle Destruction."

She offered a soft smile before continuing, "It is very kind of you to offer two strangers a place with you so quickly. But, yes...we are of the former pack of Valhalla. My brother was the alpha..." She didn't dare mention that she didn't know where he'd gone off to. She heard a whisper of his reasoning, but the pack had found the misfortune of falling in his absence. It was a shame, really. But she was sure he'd return in due time after whatever mission had called him, was done. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Beauregard. And we do appreciate your invitation. In fact, that is why we have come to your borders...we are curious of Norad, and were looking for a place to stay for a time...especially since...well..." She turned to look at Noelle who had shyly stepped up to her shoulder. She quieted, unsure if she should mention her friend's disability. Really, it wasn't her business to tell. She'd leave that to Noelle.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Intermediate Healer (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

6 Years
Extra small
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-15-2023, 11:46 PM

She was nervous. That much was a given. The last time she had felt this nervous, was when she joined Valhalla. Now she was forced to do it all over again, but it was a necessary evil that she had to get past. Things came and went. Fate changed all the time. But at least she was going through it with a friend this time, and not alone like she had the first time around. Her ears pricked when she heard the approach of larger paw steps. And then she smelled him before she saw him. She tilted her head to the side as he approached and addressed them, "Good morning," She replied softly, a hint of hesitation and nervousness in her voice. As Amorielle and Beauregard spoke, Noelle became a little more interested. This man knew they were recently displaced....and he was quick to offer them hospitality. That gave her some hope. Maybe this was a good choice, after all!

Amorielle introduced the both of them and explained the reason why they were there. But then when Amory turned her attention to her, Noelle frowned. She hadn't really spoken about her disability in quite some time, mostly in part because everyone in Valhalla knew after spending so much time there. But these were strangers, and though she was not ashamed of her shortcomings, she didn't know if others would see it as a weakness and treat her differently...Still, she was an honest soul. And they'd find out sooner or later.

She tilted her head to the side to get a better look at him before speaking. "Yes, thank you for your offer, is certainly a relief...especially for me..." She cleared her throat as she continued, "I am...partially blind...that is...I can see to some degree...but not what is directly in front of me. I struggle without a pack...I'm not a fighter by any means, though I know enough of the basics to protect myself should I need to. I'm more of a healer by nature...but...I must admit, the life of a rogue is very difficult for me. I've hardly left Valhalla's lands, and it's only thanks to Amorielle's help and guidance that I've made it this far after its fall."

"Noelle Destruction"



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-17-2023, 10:24 PM

Amorielle and Noelle. They were names that Beauregard would commit to memory. The man would stay quiet, giving each woman a chance to speak in turn. They had indeed been part of the fallen pack, Valhalla by name. It wasn’t one that Beauregard knew of, but Amoirelle stated her brother had been the alpha. Beauregard gave a small nod, his expression softening. The man would have had his reasons for losing his pack. Given her ties to the leader, Beauregard had to wonder if her stay would be temporary. If they both might be. Regardless of that, however, he would give them a home in their budding kingdom. For no matter what size Norad grew to, it would become their paradise. The two before him were curious of the pack, but it seemed that Noelle had her own piece to share and Beauregard let his blue gaze slide to her as she spoke.

The information shared explained why he thought she looked spaced out a moment ago. The man gave another nod. She wasn’t a fighter, but with such a disadvantage he wouldn’t expect her to be. It would be dangerous for her to go against anyone, and the man knew that she was the type of wolf he wanted to protect. “I am sorry to hear of your hardships, Noelle, and the loss of your home.” His gaze flicked to Amoirelle. “I thank you for aiding her. Though you have known her longer than I, I can tell that your friend has a gentle and honest spirit.” Beauregard offered them a smile.

“I wish to make Norad a kingdom, but not by traditional definition. A place we can be proud of for thriving, a place where creative minds, inventors, can work together to craft anything they can possibly think of. Working together to make life easier, to support one another. Walks of all lives to be able to coexist for a united purpose.” Beau explained. “We are not war seeking, though we will protect our own, those we deem friends, and the innocent. Should any wolf need a home in their time of need, Norad will give it.” His gaze flicked back to Noelle.

“When I was a boy, my grandmother told me that just because a wolf has something others would view as a disability does not mean they do not have their worth. Where your sight fails, I am sure your other senses are heightened. It would be an honor to count you among The Augs, an Augmentus… or, in simple terms, a healer. The only one in our pack with that skill currently is Payday, a quokka who has taken to my mates and has been treating his injuries. I’m sure she would welcome your assistance… as would I.” He offered, giving her the opportunity to claim a rank within Norad. His gaze would also slide to Amoirelle.

“...and you, Amoirelle, what do you enjoy doing? Where do your skills and heart lie?”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. Another Life Cedar Falls 10:37 PM, 10-15-2023 07:32 AM, 03-05-2024
2. Another Life IC Archives 07:32 AM, 03-05-2024 04:21 AM, 01-10-2024
3. Another Life Cedar Falls 04:21 AM, 01-10-2024 01:53 AM, 12-29-2023