
maybe I'll land, maybe I'll crash



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Expert Hunter (160)

3 Years
Toy size
09-29-2023, 10:31 PM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2023, 10:56 PM by Cricket. Edited 1 time in total.)

The green Cricket's coat would have blended a little better in spring. Now that winter was on them, the yellowed grass rustled loudly with every movement from the girl that rarely managed to stay still. She would have to say that sneaking wasn't her speciality, but she had to at least try and pull her tiny weight, right? Bigger wolves wouldn't have to work as hard as she would to make up the same portion of food, but she wanted to contribute in this way. Maybe she was just a glutton for punishment.

The lizard sunning itself out on the rock at the very edge of the basin wouldn't have been much of a challenge for a larger wolf, apart from it's speed, but if it stood on it's rear legs it would tower over her by at least an inch. She was determined to get close enough to pounce, so she wouldn't be returning home with nothing but bugs in her teeth. She might have missed it all together with the reticulated pattern down it's back blending so well, but the bright pink of it's tongue coming out to lick an eyeball (so cool!) caught her attention. If she wasn't so hungry, she'd probably try and talk the iguana into joining her as a companion, but as it stood... well.

Her back end gave a wiggle before she pounced, giving the lizard a decent head start. Paws scrambled and nails clattered against stone, causing the girl to lose more ground. But she wasn't going to give up so easily!

”Speech”  ’Thought’

It's time to raise the curtain



3 Years
10-15-2023, 06:28 AM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2023, 11:56 AM by Calyrex. Edited 3 times in total.)
A Ray of Light

Calyrex could not believe his eyes, he had got so accustomed to the sight of sand that it was a shock to the system to see so much green foliage since he had left the waters behind at Wolfpaw Lake. The male now paused in his stride and took a moment to admire the stunning scenery before him.

After a long, deep breath in, all the fresh scents began to flood the male's nostrils. Stomach rumbling with the constant ache to remind the pale canine of why he had taken this route in the first place and he had finally made it! Sharp teeth and lips now drooling with the thought of a kill and this time he would let the thought consume him.

The lone wolf shook his head vigorously snapping him out of his hunger trance, he needed full concentration if he wanted to succeed and not waste his last valuable ounce of energy. Orbs now scanned the greenery ahead, finding the prey he locked in and lowered his stance. Hackles raised, mouth ajar, he inched forward in a creeping motion.

Before the white rogue knew it, the space between him and the prey had vanished and he was almost upon the creature. Suddenly dropping low, he pushed up off the ground and pounced into the air to land upon his prize. A flash of green, another wolf? The hunter had been beaten by another! Anger and confusion crossed this failure's face and all too quickly the ground met a shoulder, with the rest of his body following suit.


Still laid upon the ground, dust settling, Rex lifted his head. Knowing it was too late to escape, making an introduction was surely the polite way to act and was hoping to somehow explain the reason for his embarrassing entrance.



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Expert Hunter (160)

3 Years
Toy size
10-21-2023, 11:54 PM

Like a startled cat the girl bristled and bounced back as a much larger wolf came after her lizard. Bottlebrush tail curled high over her back and ears flat against her skull she tried to strike a fearsome pose. It wasn't terror making her tremble! It was rage! Or at least she was hoping that was how it came across to the stranger. Cricket had spent much of her life being chased off from her dinner by larger predators, so she was acting on instinct.

Well, she was acting on instinct until he said Hello. Her expression softened to one of curiosity, her still puffed tail waving nervously over her back minutely as she took in the sprawled out wolf in front of her. She jerked forward, hesitant but insect like in her movements. She got so close nose to nose with the stranger that she practically went cross-eyed. And then the idea hit her. She bowed down suddenly, her paws slapping the yellow crunchy grass either side of the new wolf, manic smile painted on her face. "Wanna help me hunt? Y'can have half! I'm Cricket!" The girl sprung back to give the stranger some room, but she couldn't keep her paws in place on the ground. This would be perfect, right? She'd be able to hunt something bigger with help!




3 Years
10-23-2023, 11:50 AM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2023, 11:55 AM by Calyrex. Edited 5 times in total.)
A Ray of Light

The pale wolf had no intentions on spooking the canine, in fact he had not even realised she was there, until it was too late! Cautiously he righted himself onto all four paws and begun to notice how he easily towered over this peculiarly small wolf. Calyrex cocked his cranium to the right, noting how the restless female's demeanour had changed from fierce and transformed into a somewhat more softer expression.

The male's eyes flicked from the dying lizard to the hound's fluffy appendage, wagging with the sign of approval that this was a friendly encounter. Swallowing away the fear, that rattled down into his core and which had made him nervous, ready for the spat over the prey before them.

It had been so long since this rogue had seen another and he heartily hoped that the mannerisms had been correct and polite. Feeling that somehow after all this time he had lost touch with reality and canine customs. Slowly he leant forward, bowing his head and tucking a paw under his body into a wolfen bow in respect to the other.

"It is a pleasure in meeting another Canine kind and I duely apologise for my rudeness in attempting to steal another's food.
My name is Calyrex.
Please, if you would. I have travelled so far. I have yet to find a meal to quench this hunger and I do not think I require the strength to take on a larger quarry alone."

Hearing the sweet words that fell from the she-wolf's lips, had the lone wolf been dreaming? Was this even real? The snow white wolf's pelt begun to ruffle from side to side as he shook his head, hoping to vigorously wake himself out of this amazing fantasy. Nothing, nothing happened, he blinked once, twice, three times and still zilch!

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1. maybe I'll land, maybe I'll crash Sweetgrass Basin 10:31 PM, 09-29-2023 07:22 PM, 12-16-2023