
delirium tremendous


Syndicate Band

Intermediate Hunter (55)

Beginner Healer (10)

2 Years

10-12-2023, 01:37 AM

Auriga's voice wasn't the first to reach the cursed-smelling space. Instead, the first was a sharp, scared voice: a young man's voice, shrill with panic. "Wait! Wait-" he yelled, and the fear in his voice was so sharp that you could almost smell it in the air.

Soon after, of course, came Auriga's voice-- though she didn't say anything. She laughed, though. Deep, amused. Entertained. The sound of a scuffle came next, and Auriga could be glimpsed first, as she had to turn around halfway to grab the scruff of her prey.

They crossed into proper view, illuminated by the magma. Auriga stood tall as always, her head cranes down, wicked teeth in the neck of a scraggly, patchy-furred young man near her own age. He was beside himself with panic, two and a half year at the oldest. It was clear looking at him that his fur was not patchy due to the way weather treated him. Blood smeared his skin. Auriga had torn out chunks of his fur. Of his skin. He struggled still as she began to bodily drag him towards one of the magma-river's more accessible banks.

She raised her voice as she threw the wolf to the ground. He tried to get up; Auriga stepped idly on his neck.

"Uncle, are you home? I brought a young man who insisted on disrespect--" and here the man took to panicked chattering and screeching. "And I thought... why not have a bit of a family bonding experience? After all, he's rather weak." Auriga sneered down at the man under her paws.



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
10-16-2023, 07:59 PM

While Uncle Rhazien so happened to not be home, Cifarella was. Since arriving in these new lands of Boreas, he'd chosen to stay quite close to the heated ocean of lava. The sooted air was no longer a bother to him the more he stayed around. Even now as he slept unbothered. Legs spread wide to allow his lower region to be on full display. Uncaring to whom would dare see them. Cifa knew exactly how manly he was and never hesitated to let it be known.

"Why must you be so loud, dear sister?" Slipping from the hole that once belonged to the coyotes he mutilated, having dug it out to fit his size for all purposes, scarlet red gaze landed on the very figure which so happened to be Auriga. The sadistic bitch herself stood there with a very bloody and weakened male just at her paws. "Looks like I'm not the only one to have begun their fun." Taking another glance at the whimpering wolf, he couldn't help himself. Mouth opening to allow teeth to clutch down one of the available legs. Jerking it sharply to the left until a sickening snap rang loud and clear. "Tell me more about this... disrespect. H'm?"


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
10-17-2023, 08:03 PM

Propped up against the grotto wall, Rhazien was enjoying the warmth that resonated from the subterrane’s volcanic activity. Eyes closed and head on his paws, he had dozed off for a bit, after having expended a lot of energy a few hours prior. That girl had so much fight in her. He may have slept for another hour or so, belly full and desires satiated. But his niece and nephew had other plans for him, it seemed.

A single ear flicked upon his skull, twisting towards one of the passageways in which a young man’s voice was echoing. With each moment that passed, it became louder and more fearful - followed by Auriga’s deep, throaty laughter. Although he didn’t open his eyes or lift his head, a smirk pulled at the corners of his lips. Bringing a boy home already? Auriga called out for him, and soon after, Cifarelli’s voice intertwined with hers. Something about the intruder being disrespectful, and having some family bonding time. My, he was intrigued now.

Pulling himself onto his paws, Rhazien stretched out his limbs and rolled his shoulders forward, before sauntering through the volcanic corridors. Entering a cavern where magma pools were easily accessible, Rhazien was met with an impressive scene- Auriga, holding down a stranger by his neck, while Cifarelli was breaking one of his legs in two. “My, Auriga, whatever will your Father say.” Rhazien strode forward, a devilish, flashy smirk on his face. “Bringing boys home already… we will have to hide the evidence! Thankfully Cifarelli is here to help.” Teasing while encircling the duo, Rhazien was there to do one thing- enjoy the show.

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.


Syndicate Band

Intermediate Hunter (55)

Beginner Healer (10)

2 Years

10-18-2023, 12:24 AM
This was a safe place for her and hers, even though the man who had mocked her was far from safe. The large dark-furred wolf glared down at him, pushing claws against his throat and making him gag. "Maybe they'll rip your fucking dick off, boy." She snapped her jaws in his face, and then her demeanor changed as Cifarelli approached.

"I just wanted everyone to know I had a toy, if they wanted a go. Men aren't my thing, but... I don't know, maybe someone around would want a piece. If not, we can just tear him apart." Saliva pooled in her mouth, though, because Auriga thought of more things to do-- like tear the flesh, devour it. She leaned down as Cifarelli broke the man's leg and pierced the captive's ear with her teeth. She then dragged down, slowly peeling the ear in half.

The man was already screaming.

Auriga nodded to her uncle and laughed at his teasing; she would never accept this from anyone else, but from the family? She knew they didn't mean it in the same way. The Saxes she ran with now accepted her.

"He kept following me, and when I told him I wasn't interested in his prick, he got... particularly... insistent." Her lips curled back from her teeth in a sneering, mocking smile. "As you can see, this didn't go as he planned."

She bent again, snagging a sharp stone in her jaws and using it to carve a ragged scar into the man's rib. He was trying to beg and plead, of course, but Auriga traced the gorey line down the arc of his screaming side.

"Please, please, I didn't know, I didn't-"

Auriga raised the stone up and brought it down in a quick, savage stab, driving it into the flesh of his nose, piercing through his nostril and up the other side, out the top of his nose.


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
10-21-2023, 10:43 PM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2023, 10:43 PM by Cifarelli. Edited 1 time in total.)

"Is that right??" Now Cifarelli became completely intrigued after the situation was described in great detail. His tongue gliding across sharp canines. A smirk pulling at his lips in a sickening sweet way. "Did you know…" He’d risen to his paws then. Watching the actions of Auriga with a short chuckle. This Uncle Rhazien’s words turning the sound into a quick burst of laughter. Though, the noise itself came out haunting and dark. "Females don’t like to be pressured. Besides…" A single paw rose before coming to down hard on one of the coward’s paws. Snapping the ligament easily. His breath fanning the bastard’s still working ear as he whisper. "My sister’s dick is bigger than yours."

He took no time in gripping onto the wolf’s other ear. Tugging and shaking his head to rip the appendage half way off. He didn’t want the poor bastard to die just yet. While his sister was getting all the fun, Cifa wanted to join as well. Turning to the nether regions where the male’s presence jewels resides. "You don’t need these." There was no remorse for what he did in that moment. The lava below roared with a need to be fed and oh! Would the Saxe male answer soon.

Nails dragged along the fleshy surface of his testicles. Piercing through until blood decorated his right paw. So many options to choose from. Cifarelli couldn’t just pick one. However, what chose did he have when teeth ripped away the swaying ball sack and tossed it into the heated pool below. "Whoops."


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
10-23-2023, 06:35 PM

My, these two were just like their father. While Auriga went to work on spitting an ear in half, Cifarelli broke one of the male’s paws. Both spewed taunts, taking their sweet time in the torture- leaving behind markings with jagged stones, tearing off the remaining ear, castrating him and throwing the mutilated body part into the lava. The bubbling morphed into a rapid hiss, steam rising from the pool as the chunk of flesh disintegrated into nothing. Rhazien couldn’t help himself- another bout of laughter spilled from his jaws, as he watched the younger wolves enjoy every minute of their torture.

“Auriga,” He beckoned, trying to get her attention, if only for a moment. “Perhaps your stone can be used to carve out an eye?” Morphing this into an anatomy lesson they could use for future tasks, Rhazien continued. “It will dangle if you don’t sever the nerve connecting it to the brain.” If she wanted to add more gore to the scene, that was one way to do it. “And Cifarelli,” He turned to the boy now, who was basking in the glow of the lava he had just fed a treat. “The liver is a vascular organ- stabbing it would lead to great blood loss… if you’re up for a bath?” Suggestions were merely that- suggestions. If they decided to take them, Rhazien would be more than thrilled to watch the torture continue. If not, well, at least he left them both with some knowledge for the future.  

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.


Syndicate Band

Intermediate Hunter (55)

Beginner Healer (10)

2 Years

11-02-2023, 07:29 PM

There was a bitter, amusing irony in the fact that her uncle and brother were reacting this way. None of the Saxes were strangers to seizing and pillaging a woman they desired; they were creatures of want, after all. But there was a difference that came with it being one of them. The man on the ground was begging for his life, but Auriga knew it was useless. He probably did too, in truth.

But he was desperate, and the Saxes were hungry for his pain.

As Cifarelli got to work, Auriga laughed. "Maybe he has family, eh? A sister for us to visit. Teach her a lesson about family." The way the man moans in horror and struggles makes Auriga think he does have family somewhere, and she looks at her brother with a twitching smile, her tail wagging briefly. Then, before she can visit more horror, her uncle steps in; his teaching is always appreciated, so she listens. The dark head turns towards her uncle.

"It'll dangle, eh?" The man is whimpering, sobbing. He's bleeding-- between his legs-- and Auriga tsks at him before catching his face in her hands. Her heart races. She wants to perform... surgery. She wants to cut him. So she does; she takes the blade, and she drives it into the man's right eye socket, breathing softly. Auriga moves delicately, as if she's handling something very fragile, as she peels the eye out of its socket. The organ is intact when she eases it free, and as her uncle says, it dangles from its socket.

"Fascinating," she murmurs. "Uncle Rhazien, what else?" Her voice is taut with excitement. She wants to learn.



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
11-08-2023, 02:53 AM

He’d tuned them out for a second. Attention solely on what his uncle had spoke of. The liver. One of Cifarelli’s favorite organs when dining. Its purpose solely to give a healthy amount of richness to the body. Used in various forms to provide different amounts of vitamins. Or, for ritual related purposes. A simple nail carved into the area he knew where it would be. Slowly taking mind to not go too deep or else he would fuck up this moment. One layer peeled away as he continued on.


Blood was beginning to spill free. Not at an alarming rate; however, more so enough to be of concern. He didn’t care. The moment he reached the inside of this male wolf, he could hear the labored breathing. "Don’t die yet." Cifa’s voice was low. Taunting. Reaching in with his muzzle to dig around before teeth gentle clamps onto what he had been seeking. "H’m. You’re quite a healthy wolf, aren’t you?"


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
11-16-2023, 11:30 AM

Both Auriga and Cifarelli were receptive to his teachings, incorporating it into their torture, and using it to expand their anatomical knowledge. They worked in sync, Auriga harvesting the eye, while Cifarelli opened up the boy’s abdominal cavity. Rhazien’s gaze swept between the two, thoroughly enjoying the show they were putting on.

Auriga’s paws moved with surgeon-like precision, carving the organ from the socket, but leaving the nerve intact so it could dangle. “That nerve is connected to a big portion of his brain; if you pull with too much force, it will snap. But if you go slow and gentle, you can make his brain shift, and fluid might leak from the socket. It's really sour tasting... but a delicacy. Oh, but of course, too much of that will kill him!” He warned, wanting her to be aware that there was the potential of ending their game early. Though, With Cifarelli buried in the boy’s abdomen, he figured death would befall their victim much sooner than the duo anticipated.

Rhazien could hear the squishing, sloshy sound of teeth penetrating the fleshy organ. It was a nauseating symphony, unnatural and vile in nature, and yet it sent a chill of pleasure up his spine. Cifarelli had found the liver, and was working on harvesting it. And that brought another sadistic smirk to his lips.  

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.

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1. delirium tremendous Hell's River 01:37 AM, 10-12-2023 03:17 AM, 02-13-2024