
Just a little song and dance




Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
09-13-2023, 08:21 PM (This post was last modified: 09-13-2023, 08:21 PM by Wynter. Edited 1 time in total.)
With all of the doom, gloom, and mess that had followed the awful flood, Wynter of course went looking for any way to help. She obviously did what she could to clean up around all of the messed up dens and common areas in the Col and picked up stuff that had washed out into the trees, but there was only so much clean up she could stand. It was dirty and gross and stinky and boring! She went along with it without complaint, of course, because that's what needed to be done, but today she wanted to find some way to help that wasn't just cleaning and collecting ruined things. There was lots of hunting going on to replenish their messed up food stores and furs, but she was hardly big enough to catch anything beyond a rabbit if she was really, really lucky and that wouldn't help much. She wasn't interested enough in the healing her mom did to remember how to help there very well. So what could she do that would help and still be supportive to everyone?

Well, everyone seemed really upset and grumpy these days so maybe she could be a distraction! At least that's what her intent was as she started looking around for things to craft with started dreaming up a little show for everyone. She liked to sing little tunes to herself whenever she was working on something and what was a performance if not just singing those songs louder so everyone could hear them? She started with some long strips of bark that had peeled off of some of the trees near the entrance of the Col during the initial rush of flood water and she pulled them over to the clearing near her family's home to start constructing a little backdrop for her performance. She broke it into pieces that she could stand up in a row behind her like a screen. Luckily with the snow that was on the ground it was easy enough to stick them down into the snow and make them stand upright. Then she rushed inside and gathered up the paints she had begged her father for when she had been interested in making art. She had since abandoned her drawings and paintings, but they would certainly come in handy now!

Bringing them out to her make shift backdrop, she started using her paws to paint all kinds of flowers, plants, a rainbow and other happy looking things across it. She even snuck in a little rabbit behind one of the bushes. This took her a while, but she used that time to start working out what kind of song she wanted to sing. She wanted it to be happy and encouraging, but not obnoxious and silly. By the time she had her pieces of bark painted with a spring time scene–which did admittedly look a little silly among all the snow–she did at least have the general idea of a song. After cleaning up her paws, she started practicing her song in earnest and even coming up with a few little dance steps to go along with it. In the middle of her practicing she heard the heavier foot falls of her father approaching and she grinned as she ran over to catch him, beaming up at him as she bounced in place a bit with her excitement. "Dad! Come watch my show and tell me what you think, okay?" she requested in a way that made it pretty clear that she wasn't really asking and instead just expected him to follow along.

WC: 600

"Wynter Fatalis"



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
10-20-2023, 03:50 PM

He caught the scent of Wynter, and detoured from his patrol to check up on her and say hello. Interactions with his kids were definitely one of the greatest highlights of his day. When he heard the little crunches of her steps, he spread his wings wide to catch her if she decided to jump into an embrace. “Hello, little Wynter!” He said with earnest affection.

He didn’t expect what she said next, but who was he to say no to such a request? “Of course, little love. Just give me a moment” He said, catching her with a wing so he could reach over and kiss the top of her little head. He then released her and called over his snow leopard. He looked down at Osiris when the cat trotted over. “Can you finish the patrol please? Fetch Basilisk if you need to.” He suggested, smiling at his companion. When he nodded his head and trotted off into the woods, he turned his attention back to Wynter.

“You said I have a show to watch?” He asked, intrigued at whatever she had put together. He loved her ingenuity. “I’m eager to see it!” He added, as he moved to trott after her.

Total: 814




Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
11-06-2023, 12:10 AM
Not that she had expected him to deny her request, she still gave him a pleased grin and wagged as he agreed and told her to give him a moment. She giggled as his soft wing caught her long enough to kiss the top of her head. "Okaaaaay, but hurry!" she insisted as she hopped away again, bouncing back over to where she had set up her painted backdrop of sorts. By the time she turned back toward her father she saw Osiris turn and walk away to do whatever it was her dad had told him to do and she was glad to see him heading toward her. She eagerly waited for him to come close enough to join her "audience" of one and she nodded eagerly as he questioned the show she had told him she had to show him. "Yeah! Everyone's been so sad and stuff so I wanted to do something to cheer everyone up! So you gotta tell me how I do, okay?" With her dad's job as her audience and reviewer assigned, she got into position in front of her background of sunshine and flowers and turned back to face him again.

She jumped into her performance for him then, going back and forth in front of her backdrop with prancing, dancing steps and singing her slightly off key song that really just became a list of a bunch of pretty, happy things that she liked. The sun, flowers, rainbows, soft furs, tasty food, big hugs, fun games... A couple of times she forgot what she had planned on singing next or forgot a few steps to her little dance that she had made up to go with it, but she just made up something to fill the gap and never missed a beat even if it didn't really make sense in the over all song. With a leap and a spin for flourish, she ended her song and dance with a big grin up at her father, panting lightly from how all out she had gone throughout the show. She held still for what she imagined would be applause and then bowed like she had performed for a whole crowd of wolves instead of just her father and maybe some birds or something that were lurking in the trees.

"Wynter Fatalis"

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1. Just a little song and dance Mile-High Woods 08:21 PM, 09-13-2023 03:06 PM, 03-31-2024