
She is the sunshine

Myth I


6 Years
09-06-2013, 12:23 AM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2013, 01:00 PM by Myth I.)

Tiny mud paws carried her along the abandoned battle field. Dual toned eyes falling upon each new discovery with renewed interest. They were all possible play things, new adventures could be found with everyone. She of course did not know that they also put her in danger. She could not know of the potential of a live explosive still lurking just below her paws. Fortunately for the girl she had not happened across any, and more than likely would not. Something particularly shiny caught her eye and she pranced towards it. Lowering her bodice she pressed her right eye close to it, tilting her head she gazed at it. Rump high in the air, tail wagging and tongue lolling she looked rather silly. It was a discarded bullet, not that the girl could now that.



09-06-2013, 02:16 AM
Black tipped ears would turn to the direction of the wind. He had picked up an unfamiliar scent upon it, capturing his attention. The place it led to filled him with a sense of urgency. What was it about this place that made him feel edgy? As he stepped onto the lands towards the scent, he looked about with deep sapphire pools until finally, they came to fall upon another figure not too far away. Quickly he would make his way over, stockings sweeping across the ground on light paws like a ghost. The feeling within him would increase, further spurring him faster until he reached the creature.

Upon arriving in front of her, he noted it was a girl roughly the same age as him. Her curiosity at the things on the ground distracting her from his presence. He noticed something near her, brows creased at the sight and somehow he knew what kind of land they were treading. That's why the feeling had been increasing inside him. Even though he never saw such a thing, he knew it was dangerous...or at least, was dangerous. And the land they were on was equally as dangerous and had hidden secrets. Bad ones. He cleared his throat as he gazed calmly at the girl in front of him, wondering if she'd listen to him.

"We should not be here...we must leave quickly." He told her with a note of urgency in his voice.

Myth I


6 Years
09-07-2013, 11:25 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2015, 01:30 AM by Myth I.)

The early autumn sun glinted nicely off the metal shell, distracting her as only shiny objects could. She had always loved thing that shone in the sun, they were constantly catching her attention, suddenly and completely. The world would shut itself out as she marveled at the object. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew that it was human object and she wondered at how they had managed to capture the sunlight in such tiny objects. It wasn't until she heard someone clearing their throat that she became aware of another presence. Lifting her head she regarded the male.

His eyes were two beautiful sapphires, glowing in their snowy case. He was her age, at least he seemed to be. He was bigger than she was, but that was not hard to do. Her ears twitched at his words and a large goofy grin spread across her face. "Now that's just silly." She giggled lightly, grinning up at the youth. "Why shouldn't we be here?" Myth had a hard time taking anything seriously, least of all strange wolves she had just met.



09-08-2013, 12:53 AM
It was moments before the girl would turn her attention to him. And when she did, he drew his head back slightly. So she would ignore his warning? Not a smart move today...he had noticed some things as he treaded this land. But they were things he couldn't name. Shiny strips as thin as a spiders web were lying around, he wasn't sure what they were far as he could tell, spiders didn't live in the open like this. The placed reeked of untold dangers. And this pup was here playing with things that could hold a danger to them.

"Silly huh? Well I'd like to see you tell me that after the danger has caught you. He told her, holding patience on his tongue. He was not one to snap so suddenly at nothing, even at anothers ignorance. "I sense something dangerous about this place...we should leave immediately. Can you not smell the scent of foulness in the air?" The scent he had been referring to was un-named to many wolves. It was the scent of buried explosives, bullets both used and whole, the metallic tang of rusty weapons that lied buried or half buried among the ground. And even the haunting feeling of long lost souls of unknown creatures seemed to still linger...the hair along his spine indicated as much.

He waited for a response from her...hopefully a more serious note if she noticed his own urgency at all. Perhaps introducing himself or a game would get her to move...but introductions would probably not be the time for now. His senses grew, telling him to move. But...maybe he was over reacting. Then didn't seem that many wolves ever walked these parts of the land. The scent of wolves around here was nigh on impossible to detect, so there must be a reason they avoided this placed...

Myth I


6 Years
09-26-2013, 11:03 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2015, 01:29 AM by Myth I.)

He seemed taken aback by her response, she simply noted it and moved on, for that was how Myth worked. She would file things away and jump to the next most interesting thing. That thing was the male before her. Her gaze was immediately drawn to his eyes, a beautiful blue that seemed to shift as she attempted to get a better look at it. She stepped up closer to him though still keeping some distance between them. Her mismatched eyes wandered over the rest of him, with a little less interest. He was odd looking alright, ivory pelt marred by black markings, her gaze turning to the hour glass shape on his face.

Ears flicked back and she took a step back, at his words. His words hadn't been particularly threatening but it sounded that way just a bit on her end. At his question she lifted her muzzle and drew in a deep breath scenting the air. It smelled metallic but under it was the foul scent of death. Frowning she wondered if the male was right. She cast a glance back at the shell, before giving him a nod.

She skipped back to grab the shell in her mouth, it was her treasure and she would take it with her regardless of what the male said. Her tail beat slightly against the air as she approached him again. "Well? Les' go!" Her words were marred by the metallic treasure in her mouth, she bound off away from him a bit before turning back. "I'm Myff by the way!"



10-03-2013, 05:10 PM

Dark tipped ears flicked, brows creased slightly at the strange nature of this girl. He watched with mild curiosity, wondering if she would listen to what he had warned her. He figured he might've been a little harsher then he intended, but he wanted to get her out of the danger of these strange lands and somewhere safer. He let an inward sigh of relief go as she nodded, confirming that she would heed his warning. He turned, flicking his tail for her to follow. Though she made as if to follow, then would turn around and pick up the object she had been investigating in the first place. Sapphire eyes watched as she picked it up, ears tilting slightly as she spoke. Myff? What kind of a name was Myff? He would move before answering, taking off at a careful trot.

He would glance back at her every so often, making sure that she followed and then he would finally reply. "It's nice to meet you, my name is Byakuro Shimo. Watch your step, I sense dangerous things underfoot." he warned. Blackened paws would trail over the ground lightly, eyes peeled for any sign of dangerous things. A small glint would catch his eye not far off, though it simply looked like a thin thread of a spiders web...


Myth I


6 Years
10-03-2013, 05:58 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2015, 01:31 AM by Myth I.)

She allowed him to pass by her, leading her out, if he felt the place was dangerous then let him lead her out. She chewed at the bullet happily, if a little noisily. It took him a while but he finally did give her his name. She thought on it, stopping her chewing for a moment, before she smiled a nickname already forming in her mind. She didn't always give nicknames but sometimes they just came to her. She trotted up beside him. "Whateveh yah say Kura." she said, her words still muffled by the treasure she carried in her mouth.

Her eyes lit up suddenly and she bound forwards. "Race ya!" She called back as she sped off in front of him. She looked down just in time to see one of those silvery strands before her, but she wasn't fast enough to stop herself from running into it.



10-30-2013, 04:28 AM
The young boy would continue to watch the young girl, eyeing her with a strange look. She seemed to be very carefree, and it worried him for she didn't seem to take the situation seriously. She would pass him, seemingly giving him a nickname after he told her what his name was. Her comment brought a small grin to his face. He followed at a slow walk, the girl moving ahead of him by a few paces. His tail wagged slightly behind him, amused by her enthusiasm as he heard the faint taps of her teeth against the strange item she had picked up. His father had taught him a lot about the things that humans made, and how dangerous some of them could be. He learned about the dangerous traps, ones that could kill a creature with a single wound that would burn a hole through a body with a weighted and heated piece of metal...much like the one Myth had in her mouth. Not only that, but there were other more invisible types of traps, like the jagged tooth bear traps that would snap closed on unsuspecting creatures to hold them in place. He'd shudder slightly at the thought of it, hoping that none of those were in these lands. It was then during his thoughts, that a voice would break through.

"Race ya!". Those two single words pulled him from his mind, as he watched her race ahead. For some reason, a sense of dread would fall to the pit of his stomach as she headed towards the thing shining line. At first he had thought it was a spiders web...but on closer observation, it looked strange and the line never waved with the wind like a web did. Alarm spread through him as he realized his suspicions about this place was correct, and instantly he would race forward in an attempt to reach the girl. "No! Wait!" he cried out as she neared it. He feared that he would not be fast enough to catch her. His eyes widened with intense fear as he pushed himself to move faster, and just as her back paw tripped the thin thread, he had sped his body into her to push her as far away from it as he could. And just seconds later a tiny click followed by an immense blast followed suit. The sound was intense, the air around them growing hot as fire seemed to burst from the ground behind them. Both wolves flew forward, Byakuro's body shielding hers from most of the heat as he felt his fur singe and his skin burn on his haunches and tail from the heat. His ears pinned against the blast, and the pair would roll several yards across the ground as they landed behind a jutting rock. He would place a forepaw over her head, keeping her body low as he placed himself over her while rocks and debrus flew all around them. Some small rocks and bits of earth would rain on him, but as long as the girl was safe he didn't care.

Moments later, the explosion would die down into smaller wisps of flame, though smoke would rise into the air as black as black could get. His heart pounded as he lifted his head slightly to ensure that it was safe, and then he would rise into a sitting position and look the girl over before checking himself. "Are you alright?" he asked her, his voice panicked. They had nearly escaped death, thanks to his quick observation and reactions. Though he had suffered minor cuts and bruises along with singed fur and heated flesh, it was nothing that he couldn't survive. He looked at her, sapphire pools showing concern as he waited for her response and reaction.

Myth I


6 Years
11-06-2013, 12:59 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2015, 01:31 AM by Myth I.)

It all happened so suddenly a strange mechanical clicking noise and then her weight was being thrown forwards, she realized that the male had flung himself at her pushing her out of the way, of what though? A second later she knew, a roaring noise filled the air and everything became hot. She screwed her eyes shut and dropped the bullet, forgetting about it in the confusion. There was a fire blazing somewhere behind them and she realized the male was shielding her from the worst of it. They stumbled together, tumbling over each other for a moment before coming to rest behind a rock. A small whimper escaped her as he pushed her down shielding her from the flying debris.

Her ear were ringing, her tail felt a bit singed and she was more than a little shaken up. Panting heavily she forced herself to lift up, popping up from behind the rock she looked back the way they had come, a small blaze still going. The ringing had started to die down just as the boy spoke. She turned to look at him wide eyed, but her tongue felt too heavy, too big, she managed a shaky nod however before turning her attention back towards the flames. He had saved her; that much she knew for certain. He had known what was coming and rather than leaving to save himself he had risked his own safety to insure hers.

Finally the words seemed to return to her, still panting she turned to him again dual colored orbs brimming with admiration and thanks. "Thank- Thank you." She stumbled over her words. Without thinking she pressed up against him, just wanting to feel comforted.



11-24-2013, 04:42 AM
The flamed began to die, the sting of embers and ash fading slightly from the singed flesh on his body as the ringing in his ears disappeared. Though he was shaky from what had just happened, he tried not to show the fear that had gripped him when the blast threw them forward. If they had not been going as fast as they were, then they both would probably have been sent into oblivion, or injured beyond repair. Luckily, she had gotten away with nothing more then a few scratches from the tumble, and he with a singed tail and rump. The smell of burned fur caused his nostrils to wrinkle slightly, but he ignored it for now as there were more important matters to see to. As he gave a quick shake of his head to distract and clear his mind from the near death experience, the girl had spoken. "Thank- Thank you.?

He would then begin a response as his head shake finished, his head not yet lowered to look at her. "No need to thank m-" Before he could finish, he felt her press tightly against him, and he would glance down to see her pressed into his chest; clearly she had been terrified of what had just happened. But he didn't expect any less. He was just as scared, shaken up, as that could have been the last moment of his life.

Gently and for comfort towards her, as well as to himself he licked the top of her head and tucked his own head into her shoulder. He was grateful to be alive, and he was sure that she was too. It wasn't every day that someone risked their life to save another. He could have easily turned and ran the other way, but he was too good for that. Too different, a paladin by nature and it was simply not in his nature to leave one at deaths front door if he could help it. He soaked in the comfort that the pair gave to each other, she unknowingly giving the boy comfort in this unspoken touch. "You're alright, yes? Are you hurt?" He would ask her through a muffled voice, as he spoke into her fur. Although they were still somewhat strangers to each other, that did not matter in a situation such as this. Or at least, he thought so anyway.