
★ Random Event: Grumpy soggy bear!



11-11-2023, 10:31 AM (This post was last modified: 11-11-2023, 10:52 AM by NPC. Edited 4 times in total.)
Random Mini-Event: Grumpy soggy bear!!

Spring has arrived in Boreas but it certainly doesn’t look like it. Thick sheets of rain cascade from the sky, painting the world a miserable grey. And speaking of miserable, a bear has recently emerged from her den and she’s starving and cranky, the terrible weather isn’t doing her mood any favours. Through the rain she sets her sights on you, she’s lost a considerable amount of weight during her hibernation but still is a formidable foe. Watch out!

Skill Claim Form

If you complete this thread with at least 3 rounds each, you can claim 15 fighting skill points for participating in this random event. Only the first three participants are allowed to respond. Each player can only join one random event per season. Please be aware that the following event has a hard deadline of 25th of November

[b]Skill[/b]: Fighting
[b]Points claiming[/b]: 15
[b]For what?[/b]: Participated in a random mini-event: Grumpy soggy bear!
[b]Proof[/b]: <a href="!!!LINK!!!!">click!</a>

[*code]+15 - <a href="!!!!LINK!!!!">Participated in a random mini-event: Grumpy soggy bear!</a><br>[*/code]



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
11-11-2023, 11:08 AM

Bears. Valtiel fucking hated bears. The spiral marked woman vowed that she would destroy any bear that she came across for the rest of her days. Upon her shoulder and neck were the reminders of what these brown bastards had taken from her. They had taken her reason for living when they had murdered her children. And now here was a grizzly standing right before her. An offering from the gods, surely.

The fae's gold and orange eyes ran red with rage and she snarled, her midnight coat bristling in anger. Valtiel made a beeline for the ursine, jaws open wide. The hungry bear was making a beeline for the wolf as well. It would be the bears undoing, surely. Teeth ripped into the side of the bears face and she danced away before it could swipe out at her. Val had drawn first blood. She was determined to draw last blood as well.



11-11-2023, 11:30 AM

High above the man as he moved across the lands of Boreas were steely gray skies that brought with them warm spring rain. He had noticed the temperature shift when he left Auster, and as the man moved through this land of flowers and herbs he figured it may be a good idea to bring his sweet Dreamer up here. She deserved to be comfortable, and if cold weather was to take hold of Auster she needed to be here alongside him. But before he could bring her here he needed to find a land that would suit his beloved queen. Perhaps this one would do? If only… ahh… Alaois paused, a paw lifted in mid step as his nostrils flared. He could smell it, a sow grizzly. That wouldn’t do… but perhaps he could gather some fur from her pelt should he be able to wear her down. Spring was an interesting time for bears. They came out of their hibernation, hungry and weakened. Not weak though, still dangerous if you were careless…

Alaois wanted to catch her by surprise, stalking around the gulley as his blue-green eyes scanned through the rain. At least until he saw the flash of fur moving. The first was undoubtedly the brown fur of the grizzly, her strong scent hitting him like a slap to the face. The other, and more curiously, belonged to a wolf. He couldn’t quite make out their scent in the rain to determine male or female as the wind shifted, but that didn’t matter. If they were moving to take down the bear then it would benefit him to assist since he had the same goal in mind anyway. Alaois turned, narrowing his eyes as he drew his saber. His puma cape was soaked, close to his skin, and more of a burden than the helpful protection it was meant to be. But there was no time to remove it; the battle was on!

Ala broke into a run, blade held carefully within his jaws. The grizzly had its gaze focused on the black and gold wolf, and he planned to use that to his advantage as he bulrushes its side. There is no hesitation in his movements as the man lunges, aiming to drive the saber into the beast’s side.

"Speech," 'Thought.'



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Extra small

Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
11-11-2023, 12:47 PM

Delphi wandered as Delphi wandered. Spring was here and though the rain was dampening her own mood, she was on a mission to find the first blooming herbs of the season. She needed to restock her stockpile! As she moved about through the lush fields, repressing the memories that tormented her, she saw something off in the distance. A large form wrestling with two smaller forms, but larger than even her own self. Concern and hesitation cross her mind. Should she really be getting into trouble again?

What would her dad do? Help them, duh! Bundling up as much courage as she could muster, the tiny wolf charged forward. She was a year old now so that meant she had to be brave and courageous and all things a warrior had to be. When she got closer, she noticed the woman who had recently shown up to Heidinn with Vidarr and Tenshi. More worry crosses her for the safety of Val. The other one, she does not know, but she does not concern herself with this. Instead, Delphi goes for her tried and true method.

Circling around to the back end of the bear, Delphi launches herself at the bear's hindquarters. Sinking her teeth into the bear's haunches, Delphi begins to tear and claw away at the bear's muscles to try and hinder it from walking.

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1. ★ Random Event: Grumpy soggy bear! Fern Gulley 10:31 AM, 11-11-2023 04:00 PM, 12-22-2023