
Just a little wine




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
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1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
05-23-2023, 03:45 PM (This post was last modified: 11-01-2023, 03:41 AM by Avacyn. Edited 1 time in total.)

The sun was beginning to set as she snuck away from Elysium's main island and went out toward the mainland, making her way over to the Firefly Lake. The first couple of weeks of her reign had been a whirlwind of trips to various packs, a mildly tremulous pack meeting, and of course the continued anxiety over the fact that she still was unsure of whether or not the Klein family would be taking their leave. All of this on top of the already heavy pressure of a new level of responsibility... She needed some time for herself. As much as she loved her brother and her family, she couldn't deny that much of the pressure she was feeling stemmed from them and she needed a moment of fresh air and a bit of time to think through things without the Mendacium lens glaringly in front of her face. Or, at least, that's what she told herself as she walked out to the covered lounge area that sat on the shore of Firefly Lake with a bottle of wine nestled in the bag she carried.

She had never really been one for drinking, only ever having a small bit of wine with the dinner she shared with Saracyn from time to time, but as she was leaving their den something made her pick up the bottle and carry it with her all the same. She didn't know how to take the edge off of what she was feeling and perhaps alcohol wasn't the answer, but she didn't know that it wasn't either. At this point she was willing to try just about anything. However, as she neared the sheltered gazebo-like area, she quickly realized that she wasn't the only one that had this idea tonight. Ava stopped short at the edge of the platform that was covered in comfortable furs and pillows when she saw Scylla already resting there with intoxicating drinks of her own. Remembering the icy glare that Scylla had fixed her with at the meeting, Ava nearly abandoned her idea entirely to avoid the Klein woman, but she knew that at some point she would have to stop avoiding and tip toeing around Albion and his family–especially if she was serious about wanting them to stay. She moved forward after a moment of hesitation, setting down the bag at the edge of the wooden platform with a soft clink of the glass inside against the floor. "I've heard that drinking is better done with company," she mentioned, looking to Scylla with a questioning look. "Would you mind if I joined you?"

"Avacyn Medacium"



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
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The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-04-2023, 03:25 PM

There had yet to be a place where Scylla didn't find herself comfortable and at ease. She drifted along with ebb and flow of the world. If there was a situation that she didn't like, she changed it. The situation with Albion and Avacyn though... that was something that the Klein woman couldn't change. She was not Albion's mother, but she was very protective of him. He was part of her and Scylla wanted her brother to have everything that he wanted. And so, since she couldn't change it, Scylla sulked a bit. Brooded. She drank to take the edge off. If it wasn't for her siblings, she would have a lot more freedom to do what she wanted. Unfortunately, this was not the case.

Wine, a little more bitter and bitey than she preferred, slid along the blue and cream fae's tongue before she swallowed. The alcohol content was higher than one of the typical sweet wines that she chose and that was exactly what Scylla wanted. The woman's small body was a little tingly. A little floaty. Her current state definitely helped when a voice cut through her solitude and she turned to see that it belonged to none other than Avacyn herself.

It was difficult for Scylla to bite back the scathing words that she wanted to say, but she managed. Rather than telling the new leader of Elysium to go fuck herself, the intoxicated lady merely flashed a toothy grin and spread one paw wide, inviting the purple bitch into the sheltered space. "Be my guest," Scylla purred to the larger woman. She could be civil, but the more she drank, the looser her tongue was bound to get. Uh oh.

She took another drink.

"Scylla Klein"
Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
06-04-2023, 04:30 PM

Despite the grin that Scylla offered her and the welcoming gesture of her paw, Avacyn could feel the dislike toward her that seemed like it was barely masked by the alcohol that was already in the smaller woman's system. Ava could already tell that this was likely a poor choice, but she forged ahead anyway, stepping onto the fur-padded platform and settling down onto the opposite side from where Scylla was laying. "Thanks," she replied simply as she laid down on her stomach and settled in to get comfortable, slightly avoiding Scylla's gaze as she pulled the bottle of wine free from her bag and began to pull the cork loose from the neck of the bottle. It was most certainly a recipe for disaster, but it was also unavoidable. At least as long as they lived in the same pack–and under her leadership no less–they would eventually have to interact in one way or another so perhaps it was better if they get it over with sooner rather than later.

Avacyn took a long drink from her bottle, the slightly bitter, slightly sweet wine making her face scrunch a bit as she put the bottle back down. She drank so rarely that even a wine that wasn't incredibly strong still made her feel a little burn in her throat that took her a few moments to adjust to. Still, as they remained in silence and drank in the deepening darkness with the moon and firefly light around them, the wine slowly became easier to drink as the warmth and tingling she felt started to seep from her core and down her limbs. She relaxed a bit even though she still kept her attention mostly forward toward the water in front of them, the sound of the lake lapping against the rocky shore the only thing breaking the silence.

It wasn't until she was feeling fairly tipsy that the ever present looping anxiety of her thoughts finally worked their way past her lips and even then the words were fairly hesitant. It almost felt like she could hear herself saying them even though she immediately regretted it. "I didn't want to break up with him," she admitted, making a quick glance at Scylla before she looked forward again. "I did care about him a lot. I... I still do." Her ears flicked uncertainly, having no idea how this was going to go or really what she was even trying to say. But she desperately felt like she needed to get it off of her chest and she knew that she couldn't admit any of this to Saracyn and saying it to Albion was surely just going to make it worse. "But that's why I had to break off the engagement. I loved Albion and Saracyn in different ways and I wanted to be with them both, but it never would have worked. Albion deserves far better and much more than I can give him." Surely that was at least something that the two of them could agree on.

"Avacyn Medacium"



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-08-2023, 10:21 PM

Silence stretched between them. Scylla had nothing to say to the Mendacium woman. Nothing nice, anyway. She drank until the bottle was empty and pushed it away from her. The fae's tongue flicked out, sliding over her lips to make sure that there weren't any clinging droplets of the wine. It was then that Avacyn decided to speak. Scylla was still in control of her faculties, mostly. Sort of.

Blue and grey eyes cut to the side, narrowing slightly. Avacyn cared about Albion, did she? For a moment, Scylla saw red. It would be so easy to just end the purple woman beside her. So, so easy. The Mendacium claimed to love Albion but her actions showed otherwise. Finally, at the end of her speech, Ava said something that was very, very true. "You're right. He does deserve much better." With a growl, Scylla's dexterous digits snatched up a second bottle of alcohol. Sharp little teeth bit into the cork which she pulled out and promptly spat into the grass. She needed to drink a lot more if she was going to stomach this interaction. Lifting the bottle to her lips, Scylla drank and drank until she had no choice but to come up for air.

Minutes passed. Minutes? An hour? Time. Time passed. The slate and cream fae's vision swam and her body became tingly and somewhat numb. She couldn't really feel her lips and licked at them every now and again just to make sure that they were still there. It took a moment to remember that Avacyn was there, but motion at the corner of her eye reminded her. "Albion was furious when my father sent me here. Furious that I came and he wasn't asked how he felt about it. Then, when our parents made the deal, betrothing us to one another, Albion ignored his own fury and agreed. It took a lot for him to come here and be promised to someone that he barely knew." Scylla lifted the bottle again, but it was empty. She sent it clattering against the other empty and one of them shattered. Waste of a good bottle. "And you've just thrown him away like he was nothing. Not as good as your darling brother. Duty and honor is hammered into my family.
One paw pounded on the blue fae's own chest before she pointed at the purple woman. "My father believed that your family had similar morals and beliefs but he was wrong." He was so wrong...

Scylla rushed to her paws which was a big mistake. The world tipped on its side and took the striped fae with it. She rolled down the bank, the back half of her body landing in the water. "Ffffffffuck!" Scylla snarled, trying to force the world to still enough so that she could escape the cold clutches of the lake. And suddenly, she was crying.

Scylla didn't cry. She wasn't even sure if she had ever cried in her life. Yet here she was, tears streaming down her cheeks. The fae's voice wavered when she spoke again, one wet paw moving up to brush the tears from her cheek. It didn't work, considering how soaked her paw was, but she was drunk and didn't even notice. "He's so good," the woman whispered through her tears. "I would slay the world to keep him safe." Mismatched eyes stared towards Avacyn. All three of her. "And you hurt him, Avacyn. I don't know how to forgive that, or if I even can." Scylla stopped trying to get out of the water, instead mashing her face into the grass of the bank, willing these stupid, emotional tears to cease.

"Scylla Klein"
Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
10-09-2023, 11:16 PM

Avacyn wasn't sure what she had hoped to achieve when she began speaking to Scylla about her feelings for Albion and her regrets for having to break off their relationship. Unsurprisingly Scylla immediately agreed that Albion did in fact deserve better than her. Even with the growl and the bite behind her words, Avacyn didn't flinch away from the hostility or feel defensive in anyway. Albion did deserve better than what she would have been able to give him–she had said so herself to Scylla and to Albion himself. She glanced over as Scylla snatched up another bottle to continue her drinking and Avacyn let out a slow breath through her nose as she continued to sip on her own wine as well. The silence settled back between them and she wondered if that was all that was going to be said this evening. She was certainly a lightweight when it came to her liquor so even just the one bottle of wine she was steadily finishing was doing a good job of warming her from the inside out and making the world feel slightly tilted so maybe with enough time more words might free themselves from her lips with its influence.

Instead, Scylla was the first to break the silence, speaking about Albion's fury over their father first sending her to Elysium without him and without asking for his opinion on the matter. She turned her head a bit to look at Scylla as she spoke, listening as she spoke of how Albion had put aside his own feelings to agree to the arrangement their parents had made on their behalf. She had seen first hand just how selfless Albion had been in all of this when she went down to Auster herself to speak to Albion and admit her feelings for Saracyn before he moved to Elysium to be with her. She knew that his agreement to this betrothal had not been with his own interests at heart and that's one of the reasons why it had been so painfully difficult to end it how she had. Her ears flicked at the sound of one of the bottles Scylla had been drinking from breaking against the one she tossed aside, but that was nothing compared to the flinch she made as Scylla's anger continued to escalate and she jabbed at her apparent lack of duty, honor, and morals.

Before she could find a response, Scylla was suddenly on her feet–well, she was briefly, at least. The smaller woman began to tumble just as soon as she was on her paws, making Avacyn gasp softly as she staggered to her paws as well in an attempt to go help Scylla as she rolled down the short distance between them and the edge of the water. She hadn't consumed nearly as much alcohol as Scylla had, but her system was far from used to the influence of it so it still took her a solid moment to right herself and manage to step down the pebbled shore to where Scylla had landed with a drawn out curse. She began to reach out a paw to help Scylla out of the water, but hesitated and withdrew her paw once more, deciding that it was likely that the Klein woman might bite off her toes if she tried to touch her. "Scylla, are-" she began to ask, but stopped in stunned silence as Scylla began to cry.

Blinking with shock, her ears flicked back while she stood there at a complete loss of what she should do. Even though she didn't know Scylla all that well, she knew her well enough to know that this was very unusual for the slate woman. Slowly, Avacyn sank down onto her haunches as she listened to Scylla's quiet words that were spoken through her tears. There was nothing Scylla could have said that would hurt her more than she had already hurt herself over this whole situation, but it did just remind her that one decision still had further, rippling effects that she could never have really contained. "He is so, so good," she agreed quietly, solemnly. "Far better than any of us. But I would also slay the world to keep Saracyn safe. I saw how my love for Albion hurt him more deeply than anything else and if I hadn't broke off that engagement I would have lost him." Her voice broke a bit at that fact, her throat tight with emotion as frustrated tears of her own welled up in her eyes. "I can't live without Saracyn any more than you could live without Albion," she added with a shake of her head, gritting her teeth a bit as she looked down at the rocks between the. "I tried to be the daughter and the Matriarch that my mother wanted to be. I agreed to the engagement because I already felt too guilty about the love I had for Sara and thought that I had risked ruining our family line enough as it was, but the only thing Sara had ever asked for in his whole life was me. I had to give him that."

"Avacyn Medacium"



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-02-2023, 01:06 AM

It was the wine. It had to be the wine. Otherwise Scylla would have never showed such emotion, such weakness, in front of another. Especially Avacyn, whom she disliked. The emotional turmoil within the slate and cream fae brought a growl from her as her face remained mashed into the cold, wet grass of the bank. She was soaked but it didn't matter. Despite her current state, Scylla had to admit that speaking of her dislike for Ava out loud had made her feel a bit better. What else could she do to feel better? A moment of weakness should be followed by a moment of power to balance it out, right?

The purple woman continued to talk and, though it all made sense, Scylla didn't want it to make sense. She wanted to continue being angry because that was easier than admitting that she understood. A sardonic laugh tumbled from the waterlogged fae's lips. "The Kleins honor their word." If they didn't, Scylla wouldn't be here. Nor would Albion or Cerberus. None of them would have stuck around once the agreement was broken. Truthfully, she was disappointed in Manea as well for not pressing her will upon the issue. It just proved to Scylla that the word of a Mendacium meant little. She wouldn't make the mistake of trusting that word again.

When Ava move closer to see if she was alright, Scylla had already decided what she was going to do. The moment that the amaranthine leg was in view, a nimble paw zipped out to grab it. Though smaller, Scylla was strong and she was smart. Despite being drunk, she knew just how to use the larger wolf's weight against her. She sent Ava toppling to land in the water beside her. In an instant, Scylla had the larger woman's body straddled, their wet bellies pressed together. Balance weakness with power, and what made Scylla feel powerful? Sex.

With her smaller body laying atop Avacyn's larger, Scylla trapped the woman against the bank. Neither of them were even remotely at risk of drowning, but their lower portions and tails were indeed quite wet. "I've heard enough," the striped fae growled low, teeth bared and lips right above Ava's. "You love your brother. I love mine." That was what it all boiled down to. And that was enough. Enough talking for sure.

Scylla's lips crashed into Avacyn's in a rough kiss, the smaller fae's tongue sliding into the other woman's maw. She could taste the rich wine on her tongue and teeth. Knowing that Avacyn hadn't agreed to the kiss brought immense pleasure to the Klein femme. Nimble digits moved up to grasp either side of Ava's face, forcing the woman to look her straight in her glazed eyes. "This will be your only chance to run from me, little Mendacium," Scylla purred, her lips brushing Ava's as she spoke. "Stay and I'm going to fuck you like I did your brother." A generous wolf, she was. If Ava ran, then she would take any respect that Scylla may have felt for her along with her, but she did give her the option to do so.

Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
11-04-2023, 12:50 AM

Avacyn had her dark gaze turned down and away from Scylla as she finished bearing her guilt and inadequacies to the smaller Klein woman so she was oblivious to Scylla's paw reaching out to her foreleg until she had already been hooked in the other woman's grasp. She gasped as she was suddenly pulled off of her paws, the surprise and loss of balance making it impossible for her to catch herself before she went toppling to the ground, landing on her back with a thud that nearly nocked the air out of her lungs. Blinking up at the sky and panting lightly from the sudden rush of adrenaline after having the world spin around her in an instant, her vision was suddenly filled with Scylla's gray and blue gaze and her alcohol riddled mind finally caught up with the fact that Scylla had not only brought her to the ground but was now pinning her to the ground and straddling her waist. The realization made heat rush to her face, but whether it was from how Scylla's form was pressing into her own or the embarrassment from being downed by her so easily she wasn't sure.

At the growled words insisting that she had heard enough and summarized this whole issue down to the fact that they each loved their bothers, Ava gave a small nod in response, her breath caught in her chest as she waited to see if Scylla was about to further her attack and turn this into a full blown fight to get out their differences or if she was going to get off of her and send her away. What happened instead sent her reeling as Scylla's lips suddenly crushed to hers in a hard kiss, pulling a squeaking sound of surprise from her and making her obsidian eyes go wide in shock. She tasted Scylla on her tongue in among the lingering taste of wine on their tongues and felt her body laying across hers in a whole new way, intensifying the heat that burned across her cheeks. She was certainly no stranger to intimacy, but she had never been close to being like this with another woman before or even really considered it. Obviously the wine was doing far more than just making Scylla emotional, but she had still never expected this kind of turn of events.

Ava was sure the shock and confused desire was still written clearly across her face when Scylla's unusual paws held the sides of her face and forced their eyes to lock once more, still feeling breathless and off balance–physically and mentally. The option was given to her to leave now and what would happen if she didn't. For a moment she was pulled out of her own internal confusion and conflict as she was presented with another unexpected revelation. Scylla and Saracyn and been together. This was certainly news to her and made her wonder how that came to be, but luckily she didn't have much opportunity to really dwell on it given the position she was currently in. She felt like it was obvious that neither of them were in a particularly clear state of mind and likely shouldn't be jumping into something in such a turbulent state of emotions... but she didn't want to leave. There was a spark and a spreading heat that she probably would have denied and shied away from if Scylla hadn't brought it upon her so suddenly, but in her inebriated state it was easy to want it and to give into it. She caught Scylla's lower lip lightly between her teeth as her lips brushed against her own and she purred simply in response, "Fuck me then."

"Avacyn Medacium"



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-15-2023, 01:58 PM

"Fuck me then." That was all that Scylla needed to hear. A lascivious grin pulled the woman's lips back, exposing sharp little teeth. Fuck Ava, she would. And if she wanted it just how she'd fucked Saracyn...

As though she wasn't inebriated at all, Scylla moved off of Ava and climbed the bank. Padding back to the bottles of wine, the blue fae pushed them aside to reveal her small satchel that she almost always had with her. Sifting within, she pulled a small container and emptied it into the wine. Giving it a shake, she took it back to the purple fae and demanded that she drink, which Ava did.

While Scylla was waiting for the concoction to set in, she sat beside the larger woman and decided to tell her what the drug would do to her and what it had done to her brother. "As it takes control of your system, you won't be able to move. You'll be able to breathe just fine, but you won't be able to speak. All of your muscles will turn to water." Grey and blue eyes regarded the Mendacium alpha. "That being said, your body will be extremely sensitive to touch." As if proving this, one dexterous paw drug its way slowly down the length of Avacyn's stomach.

"When I raped your brother, he loved it," she purred, remembering the fun she'd had. "He pretended to hate it, but he came so hard. His eyes were begging me by the end." Leaning in, Scylla's tongue slid along Avacyn's lower lip. "He tasted so sweet... ah, but you know that, don't you?" Brother fuckers that they both were.

Enough time had passed that the herbal concoction should have done its work. Ava should have been feeling tingly, her lower bits begging to be touched, but unable to move to do anything about it. Just as she had done with Saracyn, the small woman draped herself down the length of Ava's belly, her face pointed towards her victim's sensitive bits and her own pointed towards Ava's face to give her a show. Slowly, almost lovingly, Scylla began to stroke and caress Ava's inner thighs, her lower belly, and more, taking advantage of the spots where the fur was thinnest. After teasing for a time, the fae's nimble digits stroked across the most sensitive part of the purple woman before sliding home into the well-used cavern of Ava's body. This wasn't Scylla's first lady rodeo and she knew how to use her special little paws to her advantage.

Being so small, Scylla could feel the breath of her lover beneath her and knew when Ava was getting close. Both paws were at play now, diving in, stroking, teasing. She could feel the woman's inner hand clenching around her and Scylla chose that moment to add her tongue to the mix. Long strokes from top to bottom, dragging a cross the sensitive nub hidden within. It wouldn't be long at all and she was ready for it. Having this power over another... it was a sort of orgasm all it's own.

Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
11-19-2023, 02:50 PM

Caught up in the heat of the moment and her own inebriated state, Avacyn fully expected Scylla to go about what she had threatened to do, but instead the smaller woman suddenly disappeared from her line of sight and left her at least for a moment laying on her back alone on the pebbly shore of the lake. Avacyn blinked with surprise as she turned her head to watch Scylla walk back toward the lounging area where their empty bottles of wine had been abandoned. It was a sobering moment and she realized for seemingly the first time what she had given in to. She had never been with a woman before and the fact that it was Scylla–the sister of her former fiancé and the woman her brother had at one point been engaged to–made her head spin even more. The only saving grace that kept her from rolling back to her paws and backing out of this entirely was the fact that Scylla returned quickly with a bit of wine that she had added some unknown substance to, insisting that she drink it. Avacyn glanced between Scylla and the bottle with a bit of uncertainty before giving in and draining the remaining wine from the bottle, deciding that she was already too far gone to back out now.

The warmth of the wine spread through her system once more from her gut as Scylla sat beside her while she was still sprawled out on the lake shore, her dark gaze turning up to meet the woman's gaze with curiosity and trepidation. She didn't know what Scylla had planned or what she was doing, but she wasn't left guessing for long as Scylla began to explain exactly what the substance she had been given would do to her just as that warmth she felt began to spread all the way to her toes and send slow tingles over her skin. She quickly picked up on the fact that it wasn't the wine at all as she tried to move one of her legs and the best she was able to do was a twitch of her paw before even that was lost to her. There was a momentary bit of panic as she tried to respond and found herself unable to, only making a shuddering breath and a quiet whine in response. Any semblance of the careful control she usually liked to have over herself was taken away and it made her heart start to pound with nervous energy as she was suddenly trapped within her own skin.

However, as Scylla's dexterous paw found its way onto her stomach out of her line of sight the sudden electrical sparks that even the most simple of touches sent through her disrupted her panic and made her gasp, her muscles trying to flex and twitch in response and failing to respond to the movement she willed them to make. It was almost enough for her to not fully catch what Scylla was telling her about her brother and the time she had spent with him, but the words seemed to register with a delay, as if she didn't really hear them until she played them back again in her mind. Saracyn hadn't slept with Scylla, Scylla had raped him with this exact same substance. Well, that certainly explained why she hadn't heard about that particular escapade until now, didn't it? She was shocked by the revelation and in the back of her mind knew that she should and wanted to do something in the defense of her mate, but in her current state that was quite literally an impossibility. Even if she could break away from Scylla's touch as she talked about how sweet Saracyn had tasted–sparking a jealousy and an anger low in her belly–she wasn't certain that she would.

The way her skin burned in the most amazing ways under Scylla's paws was both maddening and euphoric, making her be at odds with herself and making her want more and more despite the circumstances. She couldn't fully see what Scylla was doing to her without being able to lift her head to do so, but she could feel every movement and touch that made her breath quicken and heart pound wildly against her chest. The physical sensations themselves were already more than enough to put her out of control and very quickly get swept away by everything that Scylla was doing to her, but the fact that all of the power and control she was used to having was so effortlessly stripped away gave its own kind of high and freeing abandon that just sweetened the whole experience in a way she wasn't anticipating. All she could do was pant with heated sighs and quiet, barely audible whines while she was ravaged and taken advantage of, her body doing all of the talking for her and giving away how much she was enjoying every lecherous second of it.

"Avacyn Medacium"

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1. Just a little wine Firefly Lake 03:45 PM, 05-23-2023 11:10 AM, 03-19-2024