
There are stepping stones[joining]


09-17-2013, 10:12 PM

Go. Off on your own and follow your own path. Use your own deception, and your own head. No longer to be trained by those who had raised you since birth. This hardened girl was doing exactly that. She had picked Glaciem to turn to because of it's area in the north. Her heavy Russian coat protected her from the cold and she rather hated the heat. Her cyan eyes looked onward, ghostly and uncaring as a wicked smile crept onto her face. The odd colored girl was rather beautiful. A small section of her lower jaws the front had a darker gray coloring over her white body. Along with the gray body marking that stretched over her head, and over her back and legs. It nearly looked like she was wearing a coat, her paws were untouched by the gray. Along with her tail being a pure black color, she was the essence of beautiful. Russian in everything she could take from the cold place she had been born and raised in. This place seemed interesting enough after all.
After finding herself at the border, her tail tucked between her legs then out again as she sat again. Her head raised in a rather smooth howl. Unmistakable as a female. Once she lowered her head she gave a smile. Who would come to grant her access, she certainly hoped it was a male. The frisky girl after all, dearly hated taking care of herself even though she was fully capable of it. Level headed, and in all that, a good fighter who hated the scars that it gave. She decided things on her own and there wasn't much anyone could do about that. Her traps were unwavering and she was excellent with her poisons.



09-18-2013, 05:55 AM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2013, 06:13 AM by Isardis.)

The King would yield to the summon of a strange femora, her unfamiliarity immediately encouraging forth a sense of thrill, exhilaration. The welcoming of new women were one of the angels idyllic elements of the profession; apart from the unsullied arrival of offspring, there were little more occasions Isardis would rather devote his time. And so, silently, the ghoul would fall from his throne, gliding effortlessly to the snow-crisped earth beneath him, paws wading seamlessly over the carpets of his great temple. Wouldn?t it be rude to keep her waiting? Intentions immediately began to cloud his mind.

He would approach with a lust-sickened chuckle, cherry lips weaving into the cunningness of infamous smirk as he confidently approach the beauty. He was no stranger to perculiar markings, for his daughter were the embodiment of divine oddity herself, though there was certainly something notably appealing about the looming vixens somewhat-feline qualities. ?What could honestly bring such a perfectly delectable woman to the tip of a King?s tongue, and with such little effort, hm?? his voice would shudder as he chuckled, drawing his body dangerously close to her own as he so thirstily inhaled. She was his now.

ooc/ I have requested pretty Lova be added as a Brood under our Alpha board, however if you'd like her added sooner you may request it also in Maintenance. <3


09-18-2013, 07:54 AM

Oh the shiver that came down her spine when the man appeared. He seemed thrilled to see her. Lova was rather entertained and happy that he was such a man as well. His controlling voice as he came close to her. She decided then and there weather she'd like him or not. The king an albino at that. White with pink over his eyes and nose. With a trinket around one of his legs, interesting. A deep purr cooed in the back of her throat as her cyan eyes looked over him. How did such a beauty occur to him. He must have been lucky to be the owner of such cold lands. "Your territories position put you in such luck my liege. I am Lova, and have come to be under your protection as you please." The girl knew if she spoke her native language things would get confusing. She had gotten rather good at English, and her Russian accent was merely a tint to the words. As her tail flicked with a smiled.
Lova lowered her head in a deep bow to the one she'd be trusting to show at least a bit of interest in her. The frisky woman didn't like never getting attention like she did with her old family. Many males had their hearts broken by the woman who didn't want to love. This man was different though, a king none the less. She could learn to love to be here. Lova just honestly hated the vexing task of taking care of herself. She could already tell she was welcome inside this place though. Things had gone as she wanted.



09-19-2013, 08:16 PM

The woman?s tongue would boast of a foreignness, a delicate curl at the end of her syllables as she would speak. A mild curiosity arousing his mind as he would regard it, only to be distracted once again by her allure. He would sway to her touch, refusing to cease until a coral paw would aim to rest upon her own, chest reaching to press at her shoulder as the king would chuckle at her words. ?Well then, welcome to Glaciem my steel dove,? he would leer proudly, a sharp breath sent flurrying towards her face as his snout would crave to press her cheek, ?It is your home now, and promised protection you shall receive.? Yet another titter would rumble his throat, pale lashes fluttering as he would bask beneath his conceit.


09-20-2013, 02:48 PM

Oh wasn't he charming. She gave a smile and lowered her head. So now she was owned, it was a lot better than being on her own that was for sure. Lova thought it was rather easy, but she'd take it. Feeling him against her, it sent shivers down her spine as she smiled. Was she going to be his tool for breeding? Well she was fine with that. She didn't believe in love, and by the looks of it neither did he, to an extent anyway. Her black tail flicked as she pressed herself against him, her king. As she'd do whatever he pleased as long as she wasn't in any danger. She stepped away slightly and into the territory she just wanted to be in after all.
"So my king, what are my duties if I have any." She asked looking at him with her cyan eyes. Would she end up abusing her in the end? Though it wasn't like she was going to disobey, in the end, she didn't feel like it. She liked Isar, and had decided that already.