
Not what I Thought I’d wake up to

Pup discovery/birth, Beauregard



Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
11-23-2023, 12:05 PM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2023, 12:06 PM by Tanelan. Edited 1 time in total.)


Progress, that’s what they thought they were making. Near the falls their work was coming along it was sort of hard to hide ow. The wooden makeshift walls they and Kaiju set up made the bare bones of a hut kept together with various ropes and mud. It didn’t have a roof but Tanelan had managed to pull some leaves over the top to protect it from any weather. When it was done it’d be big enough to house at least Tan and a small family. Probably about five to six adult wolves if they’d done their measurements right. After propping up another support pice of wood however they thought they heard some scuffling on a side of the falls. Tensing Kaiju jumped onto Tanelan’s back the two moving to investigate this sound.

Carefully picking their way along the edge of the falls the shuffling got louder and the scent of…. Puppies? Filled their nose. Among a cluster of growing flowers and bushes the spring taking over their home Tan saw a tiny tail poking from underneath the brush. Panicked for a moment they rushed forward and gently began moving the brush to the side when they started to hear the puppies cry. What in gods heaven…. Before him sat five adorable little bundles their heart pounding against their chest. Another thing they looked almost… just like them! Perfectly striped cream and slate babies! If they didn’t know any better they’d say Beauregard had a hand in this too they didn’t remember bedding anyone. What if… oh Mika! He’d be the most likely to run off and do something like this. Tan narrowed their eyes, these were… their pups!

"Oh my, let’s get you guys inside…. I wonder what Beau is gonna think the Ravenwood family just exploded in ranks." Little rugrats, a sense of parental need took over and one by one Kaiju and Tan brought them into the unfinished hut. Once in they wriggles around each other. Oh boy maybe they should get some help these pups looked so young the mother must have dumped them unable to care for them. Well lucky for their daddy was here. "Kaiju go get Beau and Payday quickly." before they’d even finished the monkey was off in the search of them. A twinkle in their eyes, Tanelan thought, no need to worry anymore your dads are here to protect you.


Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
11-25-2023, 11:41 AM

Beauregard had been off working on his own project. He had become aware that his partners had been busy at work with something, but rather than ask the Artifex figured he’d give them time to finish whatever they were working on while he finished with the fire pit. He was getting the last stone in place when Kaiju, a companion that his partners had found, came racing up to him. Beau frowned, ears flicking forward as he turned his attention to the monkey. He was speaking so fast that Beau had a bit of a time following, but he had gotten the gist that Kaiju wanted him to go back to where his partners were. The urgency had Beauregard worried. Kicking off the ground, the ashen cream male raced back toward the falls.

The hut wasn’t exactly what he was expecting, but Beauregard didn’t pause long enough to really take a good look at it. He was moving inside, where the scent of his partners and… puppies came from? His ears flicked back with uncertainty, padding up beside whichever of his partners were out of the time. Nestled before them were five wriggling bodies… bodies of slate and cream… Beauregard blinked with surprise, his blue gaze sliding over to the others with a questioning look. Had… had one of them… were these… Beauregard felt question after question stir in his mind, but none seemed to make it to his maw. His gaze flicked back to the children.

They needed milk. Warmth. They didn’t have any nursing females in the pack… would it be possible to get a surrogate creature to keep them alive? Yet, with all the questions, he couldn’t help but just stare in awe at the children. They were perfect. Almost as if they had come from both himself and his partners, though that was impossible. But here they were. Children they would raise together. Beauregard moved without a word, curling around the pups and shifting his body around them to help provide warmth. The love in his eyes, able to tell that these pups definitely had the scent of their partners. His blue gaze shifted back to his partners, finally managing to speak.

“The mother wasn’t around?” He was more worried about the lack of milk. As young as they were, these puppies would not survive without milk. Even now he could feel them squirming to his belly for warmth. He would protect them… the newest Regium of Norad.




Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
11-25-2023, 02:01 PM


Of course they could depend on Beau being there no matter how the situation was. Tan was dumbfounded at the least trying to keep themselves from bursting out into tears. Payday shuffled in with a bundle of herbs in her paws gaping at the wriggling masses. Then taking a glance to Tan then to Beau, back to the puppies. Tan chuckled and shook their head. "Nowhere in sight, no scent of one either. But I don’t care where they came from they obviously look like our kids." they tilted their head in thought. Payday shook her head, "I’ve been with you this whole time so it isn’ a’ if you’ve been sneaking around. she squealed. Beginning to put a few twigs of the herbs towards the babies. It would calm them down safely until they could sort out the whole food situation.

"Bellatrix has some new siblings and good thing I’m almost done with our house ey! Maybe someone from ethne could give them milk?" he was aware ethne currently had some young members. They could turn to their allies for help. Tan exciditely jittered on his paws turning to Beau to muzzle him. "The gods blessed us this day Beau we have a duty not just as alpha’s now but to our family. I’ve never been so determined in my life, didn’t think I’d end up being a dad." oh boy what would Mika think of this.


Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
11-25-2023, 10:05 PM

Tanelan told him that there was no mother in sight, no scent of one, and his next comment earned a small nod from the Artifex, a soft correction leaving Beauregard’s lips. “They are our kids, Tan. No matter where they came from, they are here with us now.” Payday confirmed that his mates hadn’t been going around, not that Beauregard would have thought for a second that they would betray his trust and love. Their feelings were mutual, multiple parts of one whole. Payday was quick to bring calming herbs and start setting up a nest for the little ones at his belly. Beauregard knew he would have to find them a surrogate, but right now he didn’t want to leave the adorable wiggling masses. They were… they were perfect.

At the mention of Ethne Beau frowned deeply, his gaze flicking to Tan with worry. “The only nursing mother in Ethne had been Bellamy’s daughter Lucette, and her children would be weaned by now. I noticed the scent of a new mother near our borders, a lone canine I think, about a week ago… I don’t know if she might be willing to aid us, but it might be the best chance these little ones have.” Tan’s excitement filled him with hope though. He smiled as his mate nuzzled him. “I’ve often been told that if something is meant to be, it will find a way to happen. Us becoming parents of Bellatrix and these little ones is no accident.” He moved so that Tan could lay with the litter.

“...there’s five of them and five with you. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you each gave us a child.” His words were light, teasing. “Will you stay with them while I go check for the female?” His gaze flicked to Payday too. “...and if there is anything more we can do besides warmth, please, let us know.” Saving Bellatrix had been one thing, but these little ones were even younger than their sister.


Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.



Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
12-02-2023, 06:50 PM

Tanelan’s excitement brimmed and they couldn’t help it. Practically moving back and forth with their paws staring at the tiny bundles sitting in the almost finished den. When Beau explained they nodded their head. "It’ll be easy to finish up the roof while watching them, Kaiju and Payday can help. Come back quickly and we’ll start naming them." their kids, Beau and all of them. How lucky it seemed their lives would be to grow up with so many parents and Tan had been taking to being an aloha rather well. "We’ll be able to sleep in a nice cozy den, the first I’ve ever built." the wood structure was big enough for all of them luckily. They planned on covering the floors with various furs and what not. But it was good to protect them from weather. "I modeled it after some of those weird huts those creatures long ago had, like the castle." Tanelan then moved to the pups.

Carefully they curled around the tiny bodies avoiding the herbs Payday had in place. Kaiju chittered excitedly as he moved over to some of the spare wood. "Don’t worry little guys, daddy Tan is here to protect you." hopefully Mika didn’t pop out any time soon but Tan felt abnormally calm and so gods damn happy right now they didn’t really care. They couldn’t help thinking about how their life had changed since they arrived in Boreas. Once they found their brother everything would be complete.


Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
12-04-2023, 08:48 PM

He was so lucky to have his mates, Tanelan not only insisting that he watch over the bundles, but finish the large above ground den he had made for them. Beau had no idea how long it had taken them to do this, but he was impressed. He nuzzled up to Tan, licking his chek. “It is perfect for us. And bit by bit we’ll fit it with more soft furs to bed on.” He promised. He was so proud of Tan for coming up with the idea. It really seemed like it would help keep them warmer. Tan would lay down around them and Beauregard looked upon them lovingly. It was such a natural sight, one of his mates with their babies. “I’ll be back soon.”

He left, sprinting across the lands to the dog’s den. Precious minutes ticked by, and he was practically moving out of Norad’s territory by the time he reached the dog’s den.

Her scent was still there, but as he approached… he noticed it was strangely quiet. His ears flicked back as he came around the front, laying down on his belly as he called softly inside. “Miss? Excuse me…” A growl came from within. “I don’t want to hurt you. I… I need your help. My mates and I found some puppies and… they don’t have a mother.” She was the only one he could think of that would have milk. But… would she really help them? There was silence for several long moments before the American Staffordshire Terrier came out of her den.

She was young, smaller than himself and Tanelan but how she looked at him was what caught his attention. A mix of sadness and hope. “Take me to them. I… there are no puppies left here.” Her words are quiet, and with a pang in his heart Beauregard realizes that somehow she has lost her litter. He gives a nod, rising back to his paws as he sets off for the den he and his loves were to share with the woman in tow.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.



Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
12-06-2023, 07:32 PM

Things went smoothly. With the pups sleeping soundly inside, payday watching over them Tan had moved to finish the hut. The male was standing on a large boulder to the right of the den just placing the last plank as Kaiju hammered in a metal piece to connect it together. Made of wood, twine, and other materials it was finally complete and it’d only taken him about four days. Who would’ve thought such a beautiful gift would come with their new house. When Beau arrive Tanelan was just jumping down stretching their limbs as they looked over at the dog that had joined them.

"We welcome you with open arms miss, these little guys need you." maybe it was fate. As it seemed nature itself had blessed these wolf pups. The mourning dog had already carefully set herself to the task. She too was now part of their family and they would do everything in their power to protect each and every one of them. Tan sought to press their pelt against Beau’s with a simple. "Welcome home." and now they truly did feel, at home.


Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner

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1. Not what I Thought I’d wake up to Cedar Falls 12:05 PM, 11-23-2023 01:53 AM, 12-29-2023