
Spring cleaning




Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
12-04-2023, 12:37 AM
Mojito frowned as he looked at the shelf of meagre supplies he'd managed to gather during the winter. Most of the herbs he hadn't mixed into salves or poultices were dried and crumbling and... Mojito sniffed at one of his too few jars. Phew, yep, he must have failed to seal that one properly a ripe almost alcoholic smell was coming from it. Great. He'd have to not only dispose of that but the jar would need to be thoroughly washed so he didn't risk contaminating whatever he next put in there. He sighed and tried to think on the bright side a little, at least it was spring now which meant he could start properly building up a usable store and maybe even get started on that garden he wanted. Plus he wanted to figure out the nearest source of Yarrow, since Hanataro's accident he'd been focusing on finding what coagulants he could. He'd need to make sure his daughter knew her way around its application, usage and had access too a store of it. In the event she was ever being tended to by someone who didn't know about her condition she'd need to be able to advocate for herself... Maybe it was a good idea to rinse out a second jar in that case, it had been long enough that the mixture was probably losing its potency anyways. Okay well at least he had a vague plan.

Might as well get some of the kids in on it though right? Could be a good teaching moment, already a few of them had started to show an interest in his stores (which he made sure were well out of reach of a curious puppy likely to try and learn about things by eating them) and some of what he did. Mojito had no intentions of pushing expectations of who his children would be on them but he couldn't help but hope some of them would want to pursue healing as he had. Once they were a bit older they'd all be taught basic self-defence, he wasn't naive enough to believe would never need it, but he'd picked up his knowledge from his mother and couldn't be prouder of Satira for the healer she'd grown into. So it was pure selfish indulgence that made him hope. Mojito poked his head out of the den. Ah and there was one of them now!

Harumi had been one of his children whom he'd noticed had taken some interest. "Harumi." He called out to them, gesturing with a fore paw for them to come closer. "I could use some help cleaning out the shelves, I can show you how to dispose of some things and what they do if you want to lend a paw." Mojito lifted his voice as he said this, certain at least one more of his children was lurking about, maybe their curiosity would mean he got two helpers instead of one. And if not? Well then Mojito would be happy just getting to spend some time with Harumi all the same.

WC: 514 (514/1500)


Art by Rivaah
[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Intermediate Healer (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

1 Year

Pride - Asexual
12-04-2023, 06:00 AM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2023, 06:07 AM by Umeshu. Edited 2 times in total.)
Mo’s voice pulls the pup from where he’s been idly inspecting a leaf, curious at the way it seems to have rotted around the edges. there are yellowing specks that dot it’s surface and brown holes scattered throughout, and when Ume leans forward, it emits the sweet scent of decay. the discovery sends a barrage of questions swirling through his mind, each more outlandish then the last. what has caused such a reaction? can it be recreated? can wolves rot in such a manner?  perhaps Mo would know, since his father seems to know so much about herbs. Ume idolises him a little for that, wants to soak up all of his dad’s knowledge and make it his own. practically tripping over his overly large puppy paws, he trots over to the den and fixes Mo with a calm, levelled stare. “i’d like to learn, please.” overly polite, formal, vaguely detatched - but his too-bright gaze is so intense it could easily be taken for unnerving.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Navigator (0)

Cherry OOC
12-04-2023, 09:23 AM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2023, 11:39 PM by Harumi. Edited 1 time in total.)
our home is outer space
black skies and endless seas

Harumi had, despite themself, started to be genuinely interested in the ways of healing.

It had started off as a way to try to get closer to their Papa while he was working, and make sure they had at least some of his attention, but that had quickly- faster than they could even think about it- been taken by a genuine curiosity to know what he was doing. Now , at least, their questions were more driven by a need to actually know what was in the store.

So when their Papa poked his head out and called to them, their first thought was...that they had done something and were in trouble. Had their dad found out about the recent thing, after all...?

His follow up makes them realize, with nothing short of relief, that they're not actually in trouble yet. Relaxing, and ever the face of innocence, their tail wags in pure excitement as they push themselves to their paws, hurrying to their Papa as fast as they could. Umeshu beats them to it, and, standing in the entrance of the den, Harumi has to force down the overwhelming desire to put their head down and ram into their brother with their little stubby horns. It would serve him right, for trying to steal their opportunity.

Instead, they bat their eyes up at Papa and- "But Papa said for me to join him." It takes everything in them to keep their feelings of this isn't fair in place and not stomp their paws and throw a tantrum.

It also takes a lot to resist sticking their tongue out at Umeshu.

WC: 271 (952/1500)

this is not enough,
this is not enough
[Image: 74564142_6KHlZWh0qzDtahA.png?1702093961]



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
12-15-2023, 01:58 PM
Well, two is a pretty good start. His son was the first to respond, even before his sibling who was clearly not too happy that they'd have company. Mojito chuckled and reached out to ruffle Harumi's head. "Don't be so eager to turn away a helping paw Mimi. With three of us the work will go faster, which means more time to play afterwards." He gave his child a wink before flashing both of them a smile and nosing at their heads in turn. Without waiting for a spat to inevitably break out Mojito gestured for his children to follow him as he stepped back into the den and turned his attention towards the shelves. Something easy and safe for the kids, and he'd take the pungent jar. Mojito gently placed a few dried dandelions on the floor of the den and another pile of the few stalks of alfalfa he'd gotten before winter had set in. "This is dandelion." He gestured to the first pile. "It's good for a few things, if you eat the leaves they can help with stomach problems or not wanting to eat." That was it in the simplest terms, he'd expand on the exact properties once they were a bit older but for now a basic understanding wouldn't hurt. "Eating the roots can help if you eat something bad for you, and the flower can help your general health. If you make a mixture from it it can also help to protect against infection or treat swelling."

"This is alfalfa." Mojito continued, gesturing to the purple flowers. "If eaten regularly it can help someone gain weight, and in nursing mothers helps them make milk. It may also help with a bunch of other things but it's seeds can cause problems if eaten a lot." Mojito made sure both his children were listening carefully. "That's why we don't eat anything we don't know is safe." He let that linger for a moment before gesturing at the piles. "Each of you take one, and I'll take this." Mojito hefted the jar down. "I'll explain what this does after we handle your plants alright?" The dandelions could be offered to Hoa, and if he didn't want them then both plants would be buried in the small plot he'd started preparing for a garden, they'd make good fertilizer.

WC: 389 (1340/1500)


Art by Rivaah
[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Intermediate Healer (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

1 Year

Pride - Asexual
12-17-2023, 08:15 PM
Ume is transfixed as his father lays out the herbs, displaying an uncharacteristic focus as those too-bright eyes examine the yellow plant. it has so many properties! “health…appetite…swelling…” they repeat it to themselves, trying to commit it all to memory. just how does Mojito remember it all?

the second herb has a funny name - alfalfa - which they mouth silently to themselves just to enjoy the shape of it on their tongue. ”what kind of problems?” they ask suddenly, interrupting their father. their curious mind is turning, fascinated at the idea that eating too much of something can do…bad things to you. would it induce excessive vomiting? hallucinations? what might an overdose look like to an outside observer? they practically burn with questions!

Ume accepts a plant as Mo instructs them, turning it over and over with near-feverish interest. it’s…properly an unnerving sight for his father and sister to witness, but Ume doesn’t pay it any mind - can’t, in fact, when he’s so engrossed.

WC: 166 (1506/1500)



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Navigator (0)

Cherry OOC
12-24-2023, 11:39 AM
our home is outer space
black skies and endless seas
Harumi opens their jaws to protest more- they still don't think it's fair- but their father has a point, as much as they'd rather argue. He's herding them along before they can even think to say too much in complaint, but this time they do wheel around to stick their tongue out at their brother before they follow their father.

Mojito seems to be all business as he places a few dried plants down- one Harumi recognizes well enough,as common as it is, and the other something much less so. They furrow their brows at it, just for a second, before their Papa is speaking- and just as quickly, they snap back to attention.

They turn their attention to the first pilre again, staring at it as if it may help them to memorize everything. Leaves for appetite, roots for stomache, flower for health and mixture for swelling they repeat in their mind, like a mantra, falling uncharacteristicaly silent. A part of them wanted to voice another complaint- this was all so much- but their Papa was already continuing.

The purple flowers- the ones Harumi didn't see as often- were called alf-something. Alf...alfa? This time, they do break their concentrated silence with a little giggle "That's a weird name."  If their other sibling seems to think so, he doesn't voice it- instead, he only asks what the bad things the seeds do are. At the question, Harumi shifts their weight away, just slightly.

Maybe they shouldn't have stuck their tongue out at him.

Despite their misgivings, they take one of the plants, themselves. Although, from the corner of their eye, they can see the way Umeshu inspects the plant with a near-feverish interest.

They're absolutely going to avoid making him too mad after this, they decide in that moment.

WC: 300 (1806/1500)
this is not enough,
this is not enough
[Image: 74564142_6KHlZWh0qzDtahA.png?1702093961]

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1. Spring cleaning Sunset Falls 12:37 AM, 12-04-2023 12:41 AM, 07-03-2024