
Hunting 101




Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-02-2023, 10:52 PM

Kotori was patrolling, but not just the pack border.  The river was up high and running hard from all the melted snow and rain.  Kotori imagined a pup falling in there was likely a goner.  Should they bother putting up any protective nets to keep the kids out? Nah, the world wasn’t a puppy-proofed place and if they were too dumb and hopped in the river then they best figure out how to survive the waters that slammed into the rocks within there.

Despite choosing not to put up preventative measures Kotori still searched his pack land for any possible threats to a pup.  Right now even small predators could be dangerous or reptiles like snakes that were in decent supply to the east.  His mongoose Fang was on strict orders to find and kill any that got on pack land.  

He wasn’t thrilled about the pups but damn if he knew how to jump on the parents for it.  He blamed the magic of the land and the spirits that wandered it.  So much for the alpha getting to have the first litter of kids.  These would be the test subjects.

Speaking of, one of the pups came into sight.  The boy's attention was focused on something and Kotori moved in closer to see what was going on.  These children were part of Valta and he’d make sure they got every chance to be worthy of the pack.  That included making sure they learned to trust Kotori as a fit leader they could respect.

“Shochu, what are you up to?” Kotori used the question to let the pup know he was there in case he was too busy to notice Kotori approaching.

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]


12-04-2023, 10:30 PM

The child was focused. One of his parent’s companions was nearby, keeping an eye on him as the boy crept back to the land where the meeting had been held. Outou-chan and his papa hadn’t been happy that he’d tried to go toward the water, not that Shochu would have been foolish enough to get too close. It was moving fast, and observing leaves or sticks that were in it moving quickly and crashing into the rocks was enough for the boy to figure out if he fell in he’d ALSO be moving fast and hitting rocks. Nu-uh, no thank you! So instead of an impromptu swimming lesson or dying, probably, the boy turned back towards the land and stalked across the grass until movement caught his attention. He hunkered down, ears perked forward and eyes wide as he watched a young rabbit nibbling on some of the fresh flora.

Shochu didn’t know many things yet, but that looked like food to him. He had found fascination in the meat Outou-chan brought them, and he found he really liked deer. Would he like this one too? But… how did he get it without it running away? It hopped forward with its big feet, moving towards another clump of grass, this one with a couple dandelions, and Shochu let out a soft gasp. Why did it move like that? He was so fascinated by the rabbit he hadn’t heard anyone else approach, and nearly jumped out of his skin when Kotori spoke to him.

Despite hopping back, the small boy looked up at the leader with bright eyes. He was supposed to be respectful, right? He frowned a little. “Hello Kotori. Um…” He turned his head, seeing that the rabbit thankfully hadn’t been spooked like he had. He kept his voice quiet, excitement slipping back into it when he spoke. “I was watching that. Outou-chan always brings back tasty food to our den, but I’ve never seen him bring one of those back. I wanted to know what it tastes like, but I’m not sure how to get it before it tries to run away.” But… Kotori would, right? He should, since he was an adult.

His eyes lit up and his tail began to wag as he looked back at the leader. “But you’d know! How do I get it?” He was so excited he almost forgot to keep his voice down.

"Speech," 'Thoughts.'



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-04-2023, 10:52 PM

Kotori’s lip curled up on one side as he realized the child’s interest was in the rabbit.  That was a healthy interest Kotori was happy to grow.  The boy had startled in surprise at Kotori’s approach in proof of just how transfixed he had been.  With the explanation given Kotori nodded understandingly.

“Rabbits don’t provide as much food as deer.  So while we only need to kill one deer to feed numerous wolves it would take numerous rabbits to feed one family.  Now, if the meal is only for one wolf then it makes sense to just hunt rabbits, especially if you’re smaller.”   The boy's main interest was hunting but it would be good for the child to see why certain choices were made.  Let him learn to think strategically.

Kotori could explain hunting to the boy but he’d never really get it without experience.  “Rabbits are small and far less dangerous than a deer but they are fast and can turn fast, they also live in warrens underground.  If it gets to the warren before you get to the rabbit it wins.”

“Instead of telling you how about we work as a team to catch this rabbit?  Your job would be making the rabbit run in the direction we want.  Interested?”  Hopefully, one lesson would inspire the boy to want to learn more and hunting was far more fun than listening to lessons. Even if he failed, better than sitting still and listening.

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]


12-11-2023, 10:10 PM
His leader gave a nod, and Shochu would keep his bright blue gaze on him as he spoke. His words made sense… Outou-San would bring home much bigger meals than this so all of them could eat together. It would be a lot more effort and rabbits to get them all one… it was Shochi’s turn to nod now. ”Outou-san brings back deer.” He confirmed, the reiteration of what Kotori had said a sign that he had been paying attention to what he had to say.

As the leader continued to speak he let his gaze trail back to the rabbit. Fast, quick turns… his brow furrowed and his tail swished thoughtfully behind him. How fast was fast? How did he know where it's warren was? Was the warren its den? But the proposition to work together to catch the rabbit was far more interesting than wondering. His eyes lit up and the boy eagerly nodded.

”Yes!” Realizing his voice had increased in volume he cast another glance at the rabbit. It paused for a moment but then went back to eating. Shochu breathed out a sigh of relief before looking back at Kotori.

”It can hear really good…” A recognized problem. But good hunters sti caught them so he could too! ”...where do I get it to run to?”



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-16-2023, 12:03 AM

Kotori appreciated the young pup was able to quietly sit and listen. He gave Shochu an offer to help in a hunt and grinned as the boy eagerly leaped at the idea.  Ironically letting the child help hunt a rabbit was going to make killing the rabbit harder than normal.  Well, if it went poorly there were plenty of rabbits around for however many attempts it took.  Still, if the boy could follow instructions this would be just fine.

“I’m going closer to the water,” Kotori nodded to the rushing waters. “The rabbit isn’t going to risk jumping into that anymore than you should.  It won’t survive.  Always consider the terrain when hunting.  What will hurt and what will hinder?  That water gives the rabbit one less route to escape.  Your job is going to simply scare the rabbit, chase it towards the water, and attempt to get it to come closer to the left side of the water where I’ll be.  Once it's close enough I’ll grab it.”  It was a simple hunt plan by instructions but not as easy for an inexperienced child.  Still, this manner of hunting was skipping around finding the prey, stalking, hiding, biting, dodging attacks, or other things to consider.  The pup was going to get a lesson on what it was like chasing prey.

Even if he tried and the rabbit got away in a few strides, the boy would learn information and experience.  “Don’t try to catch it, a failed attack will cost you precious distance and control.  It’s just like harrying any of your siblings if you’ve done that.  Control the rabbit, don’t let it decide how things play out.”

Kotori stepped away as if about to leave before adding, “It’s fine if this doesn’t work the first time, it's fine if this rabbit gets away.  I guarantee you there are plenty of them and no hunter has a perfect slate, even the best.” With that said Kotori jogged closer to the river's edge, veering off to the left side near a tree, and nodded to the boy.

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]


01-06-2024, 03:05 PM

Shochu listened, gaze fixed on Kotori as he explained he’d be near the water. Just like Shochu knew better than to jump in, the rabbit would too. His gaze flicked to the ground as the older wolf kept talking. Hmm… focus on what the rabbit might want to avoid so it doesn’t get hurt. Probably the same things his papa and Outou-san wanted him to avoid? So if he chased the rabbit toward the water, closer to where Kotori was, the rabbit would have to go away from the water and run toward the older wolf? Right? He frowned, looking back up at Kotori. Simple instructions, but still a bit much for him to comprehend all at once. The basic gist he got was that water was bad for him and the rabbit, and that he needed to chase it closer to Kotori so he could grab it.

Kotori also mentioned that he shouldn’t be the one to try and grab it cause it’d be bad if he missed. He guessed that made sense… he wasn’t really sure how to grab it anyway yet. It would have to be different from grabbing his siblings during play but… how? Not important right now. He just needed to chase it. He waited a moment, gaze moved back to the rabbit as Kotori moved into his position. His tail flicked back and forth in thought. Okay… he looked over at Kotori, given the nod to go ahead. Alright, one rabbit chase coming up!

With a wiggle and a burst of speed as he kicked off the ground, Shochu raced headlong at the rabbit with a series of barks. Barks that came too early and alerted the smaller creature of the puppy coming toward it. In a second the smaller creature was off, bouncing first toward Kotori as it ran. Shochu’s pawsteps hit the earth behind it as it ran, determination in his blue eyes as he kept behind it. So far so good… until it wasn’t.

He was so focused on the rabbit that he wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings. The rabbit missed a large stone, the pup did not. He hit and tumbled head over heels over the thing in a wild display of flailing limbs and a yelp. He hit the earth with a loud oof, looking up to see that the rabbit had changed directions and was racing away from Kotori now. Disappointment filled him as he sat up, blue gaze following the thing until it darted back into its hole.

"Speech," 'Thought.'



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-09-2024, 01:00 AM

Kotori watched the boy as he processed everything Kotori had said.  The Sumatar couldn’t read the boy's mind but he could at least tell the child was taking it seriously.  If the pup did get the rabbit to Kotori it would probably be as much luck as anything else.  Kotori offered a fine set-up but that only meant so much with an ignorant, small and weak pup.  Dinner wasn’t the point of this though.  This was a lesson on using strategy to hunt and to get experience chasing prey.  

Kotori watched the boy start his run, pup and rabbit heading towards him.  It lasted for a number of strides before Sochu tripped and fell.  Kotori stood up and walked towards the downed pup, ignoring the rabbit's escape.  “Before I offer any tips, anything you learned from this?  Don’t worry, there are plenty of rabbits around for more practice.  No wolf becomes a master hunter in a day, it takes a lot of time and hard work.”  He didn’t ask the child if he was alright, assuming he’d say if he was injured.  Kotori wasn’t here to pamper the child but he did offer some honest assurance that the boy was doing fine.

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]

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1. Hunting 101 Monument Rapids 10:52 PM, 12-02-2023 07:12 AM, 03-04-2024