
Beyond a Lost Cause



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
12-13-2023, 03:07 PM

Spring had finally chased away the cold claws of winter only to replace it with grey shrouded skies, threatening rain at any moment, with the sun being a sight few and far between. Not that Nikkal really cared about such things, the monochrome female had more practical things to worry about; like hunger, predators, and shelter from when the skies finally did open up. Basic necessities now that her clan had fallen into ruin and even her dear brother had vanished into the night leaving her on her own to survive. She had to admit, that betrayal hurt but at the end if the day she had always known she only has herself to rely on. Nikkal had no problem being a cold hearted bitch. If her own family turn their backs on her then she would turn her back on them.

The forest floor crunched softly under her light pawsteps as she moved through the tall blanched trees covered in equally white vines. Her keen blue and green eyes carefully studied the strange forest, its energy seemingly different than the rest of Boreas and it made her raven colored hackles raise along her spine. Though she was far from being frightened as the various scars along her body showed a testament to her short temper and willingness to bite first and ask questions later, she was not foolish enough to go parading about strange lands unawares. The song birds flittering high in the strange white trees, singing their songs and offering some small sights of color in a place seemingly devoid of it, brought some comfort to her tense muscles. That comfort was short lived though when she noticed a strange light being cast from between the trees, only becoming more pronounced when the clouds above grew thicker as they slowly moved across the sky.

Nikkal paused, the sudden stop of her pawsteps on the forest floor only seemed that more dramatic when she noticed that the songbirds too, has halted in their calling. Her black ears twitched as she strained to hear any other movement besides a soft burbling of water ahead, then her nose softly snuffed the air but she could only scent normal forest smells. Besides the soft eerie glow filtering through the colorless trees there was nothing that screamed enemy to her. Still, she was not convinced, her brows narrowing together as her dark lips pulled into a frown as she scanned the land around her once more. Her tail lashed behind her twice before she resumed her journey again, stepping into the clearing as her dual toned eyes immediately found a strange circular rock formation with a glowing pool in its center. Nikkal's scowl deepened as she neared the water, its strange light casting eerie shadows over her and the surrounding trees but still her white paws carried her lightly up to the edge of the ungodly water, her toes almost touching the glowing liquid as she lowered her head and peered into the deep.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Advanced Fighter (75)

Novice Hunter (15)

3 Years
Dire wolf
12-16-2023, 08:45 PM

The pink giant had been without a place to stay for quite a bit, it seemed she didn't know what to make for her life anymore. But it didn't bother her as much as she thought. The Toho days were long gone, now she was a mere nomad whose only company was that of her dog servant, and that was it. Blue eyes lurked through the valley, a valley she had somewhat taken as provisional home. Like a base of operations, so to speak.  As she scouted the solitary lands she smelled fresh blood, slowly the giantess followed the scent until she found the carcass of a recently killed deer.

She approached cautiously, knowing how dangerous it could be. But she was hungry, and advantageous wasn't out of the table for her. As she got to it she wasn't aware of the other wolf.

"The talking"

Female Tosa Inu named Tsurume Always around unless told otherwhise.


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1. Beyond a Lost Cause Alabastrine Shrine 03:07 PM, 12-13-2023 01:19 PM, 03-08-2024