
Does it ever end?

Bae-syl, Haydee, Dorian, and Bay



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
12-17-2023, 10:22 PM
Art & Code © Rex/Witchdogtor DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION

Lucette watched as Bae-syl took advantage of the pain she had caused the jaguar, ending its life quickly rather than giving it the opportunity to strike back. Her mate held on even after the cat had perished, and the pixie watched her mate ensure that it was gone before he released it. She let out a breath she hadn't realized she’d been holding then. Poor Bae… she could see the blood on his shoulder, watching as it trickled down his leg. But she knew her mate well enough that moving to clean the wound first would get her nowhere. So she allowed him to move over to her, taking notice how he kept his foreleg up. He was hurt… that cat had done something worse than a mere bite. Her ears fell, a whine leaving her throat as Bae examined her.

“Of course not.” Her voice was gentle as she moved to lick at his shoulder. The bite looked bad… had the cat tore muscle or fractured a bone underneath the skin? “I couldn't just run through… not after…” Her gaze fell. Her father had been killed running away from his head wound. Likely terrified… if she was going to die, she wanted to at least try and have a fighting chance. “I was going to use the terrain to my advantage and keep away from his front. I knew attacking him in an open area wouldn’t end well.” She lifted her green gaze to him, worry within her eyes.

Bae called for Hay, which was a good call. If desperate predators were moving in because of early snow at the end of autumn, she didn't want to think about what would happen when winter actually arrived. “You need to be more careful yourself… charging in like that…” She fixed him with a look. ” Almost gored by a buffalo and now this… you’re not indestructible Bae. I need you, your children need you… you have to approach fights more cautiously and trust I will use what you taught me to avoid harm.” Her voice hardened. What would she do if he got himself killed? Ethne would be down another adult too… and a combatant that they needed.

She turned to clean his shoulder after that, just barely getting the blood to start clotting by the time her sister showed. A call was given to their brother Dorian and Bay. Good… with Bae this far from their den getting him treatment would be necessary before they could get back… and she had emptied her bag earlier that day and she had nothing on paw to ease the pain or make into a poultice... Her gaze turned over to Haydee. “Thanks, Hay.” Her tone had softened.

“It's pretty thin for autumn. Already making desperate moves to chance borders for an easy meal. It's… strange. I'd expect them in winter… but now?” Her gaze flicked to the jaguar’s body. “...when it is skinned, could you have my dirk retrieved? It's under the jaguar…” Her gaze lifted back to her little sister, a thoughtful frown on her face. “Maybe our combatants can work together to do a purge of other predators in the neighboring lands? I'd assist but…” She side eyed Bae-Syl. “Bae would ignore both our orders if there was any chance of me getting hurt.” And charge in and get himself even more hurt…

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

12-18-2023, 01:12 AM

If all of the kings

As Lucette began cleaning his shoulder wound he hissed, the contact stinging and causing him slight pain from the pressure. Yeah that was definitely at least fractured. And the scratches across his face were pretty deep he could figure. That cat had intended to kill him. Too bad for it he had the intelligence to shove his shoulder into its mouth when it went for his throat.

He stayed silent mostly though as Luce started in with her lecturing. He knew it was fear, and love making her so upset, but he wasn't sure there was anything to say to fix it. But he did purse his lips when she shared her battle plan with him. He didn't want to make her think he didn't think her capable but in all truth just because she knew self defense didn't mean he wanted her to use it.

He really didn't want her to fight, anything, ever.

He also didn't want to tell her in the moment it was with his shoulder or his throat. He had been in close quarters with the cat, there were few choices. And if a bust shoulder saved his life then so be it.

Haydee arrived not long after. Sending a call for Dorian and Bay. His ears pinned. He trusted the girl to be aware of certain mental issues Bae-Syl had but others might see his wounds and think worse of him. Especially when they learned who the original target was. His eyes stayed in the distance though. "It was hunting Lucy....its pelt belongs to her." his eyes glanced at Hay from the side as he did his best not to flinch with each cleansing lick luce gave his shoulder. But he couldn't stop the shaking as the adrenaline left him. He wasn't cold or feverish but the shaking was happening.

He was more than aware though of one thing. They had very few combatants. He sighed. Luce might not be aware though. Time he said something as she finished. "Problem with that idea Luce, we only have Hay, myself and I think one other combatant.... our resources will be stretched thin and im not letting Haydee go fight these predators alone, just like if you tried id be out there either fighting or dragging your ass home kicking and screaming." he turned his head to both women  then. His eyes were set and his face serious. Ethne needed something else. And he knew exactly what.

Neither was going to like this though. He knew how he had to fix the situation. Every wolf needed trained in more than defensive measures. But he doubted they would head the call of a mere combatant. "None of us are going to like this..... Haydee I challenge for the position of Bruiser...... this pack needs to be taught more than just defense and they might refuse if im a mere combatant.... and im going to get Bellamy tomorrow evening before I visit Beauregard.... we need more than just me and Haydee patrolling our borders and willing to throw our lives away for our family here." he set them all with a stare. Was Haydee going to make him fight for it? He had been here for a long time. Bellamy had trusted him, and now it was time he made himself step up to a plate. As a combatant he couldn't do more than recruit and train his own children as well as his own apprentices he had never been handed. But at the time Bellamy knew he doubted himself. He wasn't faltering now though. He had alot on the line in Ethne and he was more than willing to prove he was what they needed. The rank would also allow him to make sure everyone was trained, not just the apprentices.

He might be a bull in a China shop when it came to Luce but he wasn't sure they could understand. But this time when he had slipped, he'd felt it, he knew where and who he was. Lucy was his everything. He'd been in control of himself mostly this time. Lucy was the only one here who had felt the slip though. And with her in close proximity of him right now he was certain, she had never feared he could turn on her this time.

Bells had been right all along. He wasn't his family. He had no way of ever becoming them. He fixed his gaze on Haydee as he waited her response to his verbal challenge though. He'd laid out his plans to the women here, and while no one would like it, he trusted Beauregard and Bells both to help them while he couldn't. Bells had trusted him with her family wordlessly when she left, and now it was time he showed them her trust wasn't misplaced.

Ooc: to confirm, Bae is only verbally challenging for the position qt the moment, also the damage he has received is a fractured shoulder and deep gashes to his head and face which will leave him with permanent scars likely.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Have their queens on the throne

Art by Asena

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
12-18-2023, 06:50 PM

Haydée carefully watches as Lucette tends to Bae-Syl and she quietly urges the other two healers to quickly appear. At the news that the jaguar was hunting Luce, the girl’s eyes sharpen and she darts a glance to her sibling, anger rolling across her features like the dark clouds above them. The fact that a predator had crossed their borders to try and hurt her sister brings all of the young Leaders wrath to the surface. A stiff dip of her head is offered as she looks to the dead feline, lips pulling into a sneer as she wishes it was still alive so she could render her own justice to it.

Bae-Syl’s voice pulls her attention back to the injured man and she blinks away the surprise that flickers to life in her green gaze. It is true that Ethne doesn’t have enough combatants, let alone adults, to take the fight to the predators in the area but, what they lack in numbers, the Leader has already planned to supplement with help from other packs. Head tilts slightly as her features settle into a more serious tone as she gives Bae-Syl her full attention, contemplating everything that he has to say. As his words fade into the night air, Haydée remains silent while she mulls over his plan of action and desire for a higher rank.

With a small nod to herself, the Leader says, “You are correct Bae-Syl. We do not have the numbers to take the fight to the predators. However, I have been making strong ties with the Hallows pack and was planning on asking them for a few extra wolves to help us. That, along with the help of our allies in Norad should be enough to prevent any further attacks from errant predators.” Squaring her shoulders, Haydée meets the male’s gaze with her warm green eyes and a smile breaks across her features as she says, “However, your drive and initiative to wish to change things in Ethne are appreciated.”

Pausing to take a deep breath, she then declares, “Bae-Syl, from now on, you will be known as a Bruiser of Ethne. When you are well, I expect you to hold training lessons for all of wolves in Ethne, whether are they are a Combatant or not. In one seasons time, I will check in with you to see what you think of our pack’s progress and form further plans to keep them on track.” The smile that she gives is huge and bright as she promotes the man, hoping that, when she checks in him, she will find him keeping up with the training sessions. Maybe, by this time next season, Haydée will finally a Deputy by her side!

Darting a glance to Lucette, knowing that Bae-Syl probably shouldn’t move too much for a bit, she quickly adds, “Don’t worry about going anywhere either. You are to do exactly what Lucette says. In the morning, I will set out to seek the aid of our neighbors.” A sharp dip of head is given as closes the argument, not willing to hear him protest because, in that matter, she will not accept any rebuttals.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. Does it ever end? Cattail Creek 10:22 PM, 12-17-2023 08:03 AM, 01-30-2024