


08-26-2013, 10:05 PM
this /may/ or may not turn into a fight, but it won't be anything drastic xD

Determination would set her countenance with a rigid expression as the ardent banshee traipsed across the summer foliage on her journey to the rugged expanse where she had initially met the brutish goliath that now sired her juvenile hellhounds, poised immaculately as a juggernaut with her defenses set in lockdown and a maleficent gleam dancing across her metallic eyes. The phantom queen?s diseased mind had been wracked with depressive thoughts relative to her recent failure, but since she had stalked upon the reclaiming of Tortuga by the behemoth ex-sovereign of Amenti to witness her chosen sire?s display of betrayal, sinister ambitions of vengeance had plagued her head and tweaked the once-pitiful excuse of a self-proclaimed imperial queen into her former and malevolent self. She felt at ease again, comfortable in the skin that had been shed at the demise of all of her enemies now only to adorn her once more as hatred was rekindled in her bones towards the male that she had lain with for the first time, insecurities withering away at the recognition of a new purpose: forcing the fool to pay hell for his mistake. Not a single soul was exempt from her spite once they had betrayed her ? not even the male that had breathed life into her most precious possessions.

Scuffed paw-pads would impact the jagged surface of multiple fragments of stone, audible clicks breaching the stagnant air as her mass shifted upon the rock surface and she maneuvered tentatively towards the gargantuan boulder marking the epicenter of the deserted landscape, skull and tail aligned with her spinal column as her pupils raped the area, half-expecting her newest adversary to enter the area as he had during their first encounter. Alas, the male had vacated the rocky plains, though as she inspected the territory with her senses, she could clearly distinguish his masculine aroma that embellished the stone littering the earth, evidently recent judging by the strength of it. Velveteen nostrils quivered as she wrinkled her muzzle with a hint of disgust, bleached incisors protruding from leathery lips gone awry at the commemoration of Seraphim: ? Fucking bastard! She would have his head or what lurked between his limbs; whichever he valued most.

Satisfied with her positioning and confident that the object of pursuit was near, the wraith drew her skull back, allowing a domineering song to cascade from her gaping jaws to summon the male and to possibly attract her children that were situated at the springs not far from where she was currently located ? their presence not dire but welcomed. They deserved to know of their father?s heinous crimes, after all, and she could only presume that they would be just as displeased as she was by his actions. After a few moments of prolonged beckon, the wraith?s skull descended to its original position, digits individually flexing in preparation for the expected outcome to this little meeting, dull nails grappling the rocks beneath her mass to keep her grounded.

Ares 1


08-27-2013, 11:32 PM

Ares would come to his mother's call obediently. That was all he had to keep him together, everything was being turned up side down and after losing all he had ever known there was still one constant in his life: the need to obey her. At times his mind would flutter with thoughts of betrayal and failure. His mother had fallen from grace, letting their kingdom become inhabited by the purple beast. He could not fathom how she had let it happen. He would do all of her bidding, but it had become much more difficult to meet her gaze.
He had never encountered his mother in such a state, he found it hard to believe it was in fact her. The once queen looked so different in his eyes since the day everything came crashing down. What would happen to them now? Would his mother reclaim the kingdom that was rightfully theirs? He didn't know, but he did know he wanted to see why his mother was so intent upon having audience with his father.
Pale paws would find themselves at the edge of her arena, his face completely stoic as his lavender gaze found that of his mother's. He didn't wish to approach, letting his haunches find the earth. His lids would blink as he awaited the appearance of Seraphim.



09-06-2013, 11:49 AM

She couldn't help herself. She had heard the call loud and clear. It did come from her home after all. It was only vaguely familiar. Morphine. The mother of Seraphims children. She had yet to meet the pale woman, but from what she heard she didn't want to meet this woman. She had made an appearance at the pack meeting that Newt had called and didn't seem to pleased that Seraphim was there. It became clear then that Morphine had no idea that he had taken Devya in. When the call sounded, she waited. Waited to see if Seraphim would come. But finally she couldn't wait anymore. The sable babe propelled herself towards the vile woman at an easy pace, there was no need to rush.

When she arrived, only Ares had shown. No Artemis. No Seraphim. Two toned pooled lifted to meet the metallic gaze of the fallen Queen. "Morphine." She address the ex-Queen with cool tones, ebony paws kissed the earth until she stopped a few feet from the ivory woman. "I am Devya, Seraphims adopted daughter." Words rang out in the silence bubble that entrapped them. She held the womans gaze. She would not show fear. She stood her ground, waiting for the fury that would most likely be unleashed from the already angry woman.

Talk like this


09-10-2013, 06:34 PM

This visit had been nothing but expected. Seraphim had been careful at the new pack meeting to do nothing more than smirk when Morphine arrived and expressed her anger toward him. She had wanted information that he was not prepared to offer, so he had let her words go unheeded. He knew she would come for him sooner or later. Verdant gaze missed nothing as the brute laid silently atop a high rocky perch, barely out of view of those searching for him. He had known better than to leave his daughter alone in their lair until his confrontation with the mother of his natural children was complete.

The weakness in Morphine showed as clearly as her fury. The loss of control had left her ravaged, that much was clear. Ares trailed behind her, but something seemed off about the boy. His confidence in his all-mighty mother seemed to be wavering. Finally, Devya had emerged looking ever the confident and proud girl he had hoped she would. In her short amount of time with him she had already grown so much from the state he had found her in.

With his eyes narrowly focused on his target, he rose and gave a curt greeting. Been expecting you, he called from his perch as he began his descent. When he came before the dame, he was more than prepared to offer answers to the questions that burned within her, though he very much doubted she would appreciate his words. You wish to label me as a traitor, to stain my name for our children. Call me whatever you want, but the fact of the matter is there was nothing for me to betray. He paused, never removing his neutral gaze from her vengeful one. I came to Tortuga merely to be closer to our children, and you gave me nothing else.

I owe you nothing. I gave you exactly what you wanted and received nothing in return. If anything, you owe me. Perhaps it would be best for you to give me what is owed and leave me be. He settled back on his haunches beside Devya and glanced toward Ares, allowing sadness to show in his face for only a moment. How unfortunate that it had come to this.

talk, think



09-16-2013, 09:46 PM

A permanent snarl wracked her porcelain countenance, lips unfurling to reveal gluttonous dagger-esque incisors that thirsted to penetrate the flesh of the chosen sire as she stood rooted to the earth, impatiently flexing each digit upon her paws to release the tension building within her petite form as she awaited the behemoth?s emergence. Before the familiar pallid flesh of the perpetrator flashed before eager metallic depths, the underdeveloped physique of her first-born babe breached her peripherals, causing her skull to tip in the direction he approached from, pupils sweeping over his minuscule form and causing the hardened expression that had contorted her visage to subside just slightly at the recognition. Pride just briefly fluctuated throughout her enraged mind as her gaze lingered upon him, appeased to see that at least one of her children had not entirely lost faith in the woman that had birthed them and failed them all the same. A pitying smile dared to creep upon her velveteen lips but the viper surpassed it, abruptly tearing her pupils away from his own as sorrow threatened to overtake her by force, guilt consuming her conscience at the knowledge that his world and confidence had likely faltered due to her own negligence as an imperial. She had vowed to them that she would gift them the world and all it had to offer, but the promise had been shattered and she had instead granted them only confusion and hurt.

The next arrival would derive confusion from the wretched woman, for her pupils fell upon the sable flesh of an unknown juvenile that appeared no older than her own whelps, but her olfactory system alerted her to the presence of her former king. Externally, her expression remained rigid as the child approached, silver depths refusing to stray from its figure out of sheer curiosity, aware to the fact that Nnoitra had long since vanished with the remainder of the former and more glorious Tortuga, but oblivious to the fact that he had ever managed to reproduce. Triangular ears careened forward as easy words spewed from the jaws of the unknown, brows knitting neatly together as she registered her given moniker echoing from the depths of the child?s mouth. She had never encountered this child in her life ? at least, she could not recall ever meeting her ? and yet she was familiar with the ex-sovereign. Jaws unhinged to question the tyke, but before her inquiries could surface, an answer was offered: Seraphim?s daughter. The ardent wraith?s vague features morphed into a devious smirk as her pupils traversed the plains of the child?s physique, impressive although it was under the watch of a foolish bastard. You?d do much better under militant training, the phantom queen cooed, a sardonic chortle vibrating from her lips as her gaze darted back towards her blood relative as if to question his opinion on the matter. Surely forcing herself between the traitor and his adoptive daughter would forge negative emotions within the brute, but it seemed like a fairly effective tactic to slide beneath his skin as he had done to her.

Before she could contemplate kidnapping for much longer, baritone vocalizations alerted her to the presence of the male she had initially sought out, causing the pallid fur upon her spinal column to bristle with evident displeasure, the snarl captivating her porcelain features once more. Metallic gaze met his verdant as he leapt from his perch, triangular ears swiveling back to plaster against her crown while her shoulders rolled forward to gather rolls of excess flesh around the base and sides of her neck to offer further protection in the case that a battle should commence. With her temper rapidly expanding, the idea was not farfetched, and with the new plot that had sprouted in the twisted garden of her vengeful mind, such was almost imminent unless he could manage to convince her otherwise. ? Unlikely. His words sparked further rage within her, but she allowed a crooked grin to splay across her countenance instead, a chuckle rumbling from her chest cavity as she digested a hint of feigned obliviousness. You knew pledging allegiance to an unknown sovereign would anger me, did you not? she questioned curiously although she knew the answer already, the smirk never fading from her features. You got what you wanted, my friend, the viper promised, lowering her skull back in orientation with the remainder of her spine. But you are right, Seraphim; I do owe you. I owe you a hole in your fucking head. I gave you what you wanted; you wanted to see them, to be around them, and I allowed it. So relay to me why you choose to anger me; justify your traitorous nature. Convince me not to drive my teeth through your heart -- or your babe's.


09-19-2013, 12:45 AM

She could feel the intense silver gaze of the pale woman assessing her from the moment she made her presences known. You'd do much better under militant training. The words meant little to her for she didn't fully understand them. It was assumed that it was how she raised her own children. Strict and uncaring. Battle driven. It sounded rather unpleasant but the babe was unable to voice her displeasure before her adoptive father approached, finally making his presence known. Two toner pools turned to him, triangular audits catching every syllable that fell from his ivory jaws.

His words only further fueled the ex queens rage. A snarled wrinkled her features, angry words spewed from leathery lips. Threats quickly followed. She knew Seraphim could defend himself against the enraged woman but when the fallen Queen began to threaten her own life a snarl curled ebony kissers, audits laying flat against her skull. She didn't like this woman. Why would Seraphim want anything to do with her? Even for his children. Defenses slide into place, eyes locking in on the woman. She would not threaten her!

OOC- phone post = shortness

Talk like this


09-19-2013, 06:12 PM

For reasons unknown to him, Morphine's unwavering fury brought Seraphim a bit of joy. It was exactly what she had deserved. The bitch had been asking for it since day one, and karma had finally reared its ugly head and taken a bite. The power she had yearned for and finally reclaimed was wrenched from her grasp in one fell swoop, as retribution for her mistakes.

Pride surged through him as he noted his daughter's reaction to the ex-queen's fury, but he couldn't allow her to become the subject of Morphine's wrath. It was his burden alone to bear. He gently reached out a paw and pushed lightly back on Devya's chest, a choice to ensure her security.

The woman hoped to anger him, but he wouldn't allow it. Seraphim was far wiser than to let her words get to him. She talked a big game, but she was weak now. A chuckle escaped him and he shook his head. His narrow gaze returned to the silvery one that bore into him, but this time it was accompanied by a rare smirk from the brute. Oh, Morphine.

Despite the smirk he let cross his features, his voice remained neutral. It should matter little who I pledge my allegiance to. You have no pack and as I said before I owed you nothing. I gave you children, the thing you wanted to bring about your reign. You let it collapse all on your own. Could you expect the three pack members you managed to get to follow a powerless queen? He paused, his only movement a flicker of his tail. Was my choice to remain in Tortuga with Newt based on angering you? No, but of course I knew it would. I just didn't care.

He glanced again toward his daughter, then toward Ares, who remained patiently waiting behind his mother. What would he think after this conversation was over?

If you wish to rip a hole in my heart, I invite you to try, but it will be mine and mine alone.

talk, think



09-23-2013, 10:14 PM

Metallic gaze bore into the renegade's verdant, defenses secured as she awaited his presumably enraged or intimidated retaliation to her verbal threats, pupils only flickering with the distraction of the sable babe as its countenance contorted in accordance to its displeasure with the ex-sovereign's promise. The viper could not help but allow a maleficent gleam to dance across her eyes as a smirk consumed her features upon observing the babe that evidently contrasted her own children, granting the child with a discreet wink before her gaze flickered back towards the main perpetrator, fury devouring her facial features once more as his masculine form developed into the focus of her vision. A wry chortle slithered from her jaws as the brute placed a reassuring paw to the unknown juvenile's chest, drawing her away from Morphine's reach as if to create a barrier from harm. It would be of no use, however, for the belligerent ice queen held no qualms with obliterating the obstacle of the traitor in order to seize his prized possession; remorse was something lost along the path to malevolence and so the options to ensue sorrow and anger within the male were infinite.

Although irritated by his speech, the wench granted it the entirety of her attention, emotion draining from her face as she registered the words that coursed from the brute's mouth. Utmost loathing towards his being throbbed within her core, mind churning as it urged the clashing demons within her to tear through her interior and emerge for the sole purpose of Seraphim, but the viper would refuse them, permitting an emotionless smile to envelop her visage instead. Her body ceased its incessant quivering and the ruffled fur upon her spinal column flattened as she relaxed, shoulders rolling back to their original position and skull elevating just slightly while the empty smile remained stagnant across her chiseled lips. Heart palpitations slowed as the wench draped pallid eyelids over mercury depths, concealing them from view as she diverged from reality and into the onslaught of thoughts coursing throughout her diseased mind. "If you care little for upsetting me, you'll care little for the consequence you knew would come," she stated smoothly as she breached a decision, unveiling hardened eyes as she looked back upon the brute, a twisted grin tugging at velveteen lips. "Our children are no longer ours, sweet Seraphim. Interact with my children and I will not hesitate to ensure that you never will again." The threat was clear upon her tongue and she would speak it with unwavering confidence, certain in her standing to be able to merge threat and vow into one statement. With her final sentiment, she pivoted to face her son, maneuvering swiftly to his front before brushing her shoulder against his, signifying that they were finished here, for good.

exeunt morphine unless stopped.


10-05-2013, 05:13 PM

He stood in silence, but his expression did not change. There was no point in fighting her now, no point in arguing with her. Now was the time to simply listen and absorb the words coming from her wretched being. She thought she could lay claim to the children, even as they grew to be of age to make their own decisions? Even now he knew Ares's love for his mother was dissipating, her veil being lifted from his eyes.

For now, he would let her threaten and exit without reaction or reply. He watched her go with narrowed gaze, already knowing what he would do. Whatever happened, the bitch would never have her way. It was her destiny to lose everything. If the situation presented itself, however, he would not hesitate in losing his life for the love of his children.

With a final nod toward Ares and a smile for Devya, the brute turned and walked back to his perch, contemplating his next move.

-exit Seraphim-

talk, think