
Getting steamy up in here



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
12-23-2023, 06:53 PM (This post was last modified: 02-29-2024, 05:26 PM by Rogue. Edited 1 time in total.)

With his adolescence came freedoms, and with freedoms came all the opportunities for a young brute nearing adulthood to go roaming and looking for all sorts of trouble to get into. Rogue had been coasting around Boreas for a while, rambling about the countrysides of the warm spring continent just to see what he could see and meet whoever he could meet. So far, that had turned into the brute mostly looking for pretty faes to enjoy looking at and flirting with, putting his newfound skills in romance to the test. A regular Casanova, just like his sire. In truth, he was also half looking for Karaka again, memories of the time he'd spent with the girl still fresh in his mind. She had been a delight, and she had introduced him to some things and a side of himself he hadn't known existed before.

Rogue's wandering paws had brought him to the eastern side of Boreas today, taking in the pleasant spring afternoon as it sank towards early evening. Sauntering through the woods on his own, the brute's amethyst eyes scanned to and fro through the trees, seeking something. A group of wolves he'd passed earlier on had pointed him in the direction of some hot springs around here and Rogue was eager to check them out. A soak in the natural hot tubs sounded heavenly for his weary muscles right about now. Eventually the faint smell of steam and sulfur in the air told him he was headed in the right direction, so onward Rogue went. It didn't take long for the night-furred brute to emerge through some brush to find the pools of steaming hot water laying amidst a rocky clearing in the forest, just waiting for someone to come take a soak in them.

With a grin on his face, Rogue approached the edge of the closest pool, one of the smaller ones, and dipped his toes in the water. It was red hot to the touch; not scalding or painful, but just the right temperature to be tempting and therapeutic. Rogue wasted no time dropping one paw into the steamy water, feeling around for a flat ledge to lower himself down into, then slid smoothly down into the water with a gentle splash. He had reached his full dire height some months ago, so standing on the bottom of the hot spring kept a good portion of his upper chest and head above the water. The brute breathed a sigh of contentment and reclined back on the ledge to lean his back against the rocky side of the pool, letting the water gently lift his body until it almost felt weightless, the heat sinking wonderfully through his muscles on all sides. Surely this place must be heaven...

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
01-17-2024, 05:43 AM

Kaino's paws liked to wander. Though she was part of the band, it didn't cement her to their sides. She was a free spirit and went where she pleased. She did what she pleased as well. She even did who she pleased. Tethered to a band, yes, but leashed like some Sidi dog? No. And so Kaino Saxe meandered through the lands, inspecting this place and that. The fae's keen nose detected a hint of sulfur on the air and curiosity bid that she follow.

As Kai walked, it was as though she could feel the ground beneath her paws growing warmer. The smell of sulfur was growing thicker with each step and, before they even came into view, the woman assumed that she was dealing with a spring or geyser of some sort. The landscape around her was fairly basic. Trees, birds, small wildlife. When the trees opened up though into a wide space, well... that was when this land showed that it was special.

Tiers of pools lay sprawled out before the woman. Some bubbled and steamed something fierce. Others were placid and welcoming. Were they acidic, she wondered? Was this place fit to enjoy a good soak? She'd stink after, but the muscle soothing heat would be worth it, eh?

As Kaino stood at the edge of the treeline, considering her next course of action, movement caught her mint and ice eyes. A blue wolf was dipping his toes into one of the pools. When he didn't scream or anything, she figured that the water was safe for use. Kai was intrigued by the possibility of a bit of fun and so the bob-tailed woman padded forward. She slid her side along the brute's side, her silken fur merging with his own for a moment before stepping into the shallows of the pool. The water was indeed warm, but it wasn't overpoweringly so. "Some company while I relax would be quite nice, you know." The fae's lyrics dripped with sultry humor as she moved to the edge of the pool and leaned against it. Her gaze was playful, but remained upon his face. Would he bite or flee?


Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
01-17-2024, 06:59 PM

A sudden soft brush of fur against his side almost made Rogue jump out of his skin with a start, head snapping around to spy the svelte fae brushing her side against his as she slipped into the hot spring with him. Her coat of swirling purple hues and silver grays was starkly unique to the other wolves he'd ever met, save for maybe his own family and his own. He'd never seen anyone like her before. His amethyst eyes were locked onto her, entranced by her, his sole focus in this moment. Shit, she was pretty too. What were the odds he kept running into pretty faes out in the wild like this? And oh, she was speaking. Rogue blinked twice, snapping himself out of his stupor. She wanted him to keep her company while she relaxed in the spring. Oh hell yeah he was getting in on that! Maybe if he played his cards right, she'd share some kisses with him like the last fae he met had.

Putting on the signature suave Klein smirk, Rogue gestured with a paw to be his guest. "Well, I'm certainly not ever going to turn down a pretty lady's request." He was acting confident, living up his dad's example of a debonair prince, even though he was still young and new to this game. Soaking in the warmth of the steaming spring into his muscles, Rogue reclined back against the edge of the pool as well, his amaranthine gaze lingering on her duo-toned heterochromatic eyes for a spell before being unable to resist the pull of instinct to slide down her form. An adolescent nearing full adulthood had brought out a surge of hormones and testosterone in the Klein brute, and he was finding himself drawn more and more to the fairer sex than ever before. "I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you before. I'd remember eyes likes yours anywhere," he remarked, trying his paw at flirting outright. Faes liked a confident, charming brute, right? Hopefully he wasn't making a total fool of himself. He slid ever so slightly closer to her in the pool, tipping his nose in greeting. "I'm Rogue Klein."

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
02-14-2024, 12:59 AM

Ah, but he was a sweet little thing. The cosmic brute wasted no time in joining Kaino in the warm, steamy water of the spring. His flirting was comical, but gods was he trying! The lavender smoke fae chuckled huskily giving her shoulders a light wiggle as he complemented her mint and ice eyes. "Why thank you, kind sir," the woman purred sweetly.

The blue gent gave his name as Rogue Klein and Kaino accepted his name with a slight bow of her skull, eyes closing momentarily. She replied in kind, "Kaino Saxe, but you can call me Kai." Beneath the water, the woman's bobbed tail swished gently back and forth. She enjoyed interactions like this. It was always so much fun to play with someone new.

As her male counterpart slid just a little closer, Kaino did the same. Beneath the warm water, the fae's paw 'accidentally' brushed against Rogue's leg. A soft gasp pulled from Kai, her mouth in an O shape, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize just how... close we were." Her last few words were sultry, smokey, and very much filled with lascivious undertones.


Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
02-17-2024, 03:37 PM

His comments had earned the Klein prince a sultry little chuckle from the pretty fae, so hey, he must have been doing all right so far! Rogue was still feeling very out of his element, relying on his skills of "fake it til you make it" to see him through. His sire would be proud of him for remaining suave in the face of flirting with a lovely lady. They exchanged names, and the lavender and gray-streaked fae gave her name as Kaino Saxe. Rogue had never heard the family name before, nor was it part of his history lessons. She must have been new in Boreas. "A pleasure to meet you, Kai," rumbled the almost-adult dire brute, that cocksure, lopsided grin on his muzzle all the while.

Trying to keep his eyes above the water and not stare at the way her bobbed tail was wagging at the end of her shapely rump was a challenge, one that Rogue failed again and again as his amethyst eyes dipped down to peer beneath the hazy water for a split second before hurriedly returning to her own mismatched jewels, caught between the manners his mother had worked so hard to teach him and his yearning instincts as a young virile brute in the presence of a sexy minx of a fae. His heart was hammering, racing with the thrill and adrenaline. He was actually flirting and doing well at it, and so far he hadn't chased her away!

That cocky adolescent confidence was swiftly shattered though when he felt the soft brush of Kaino's paw rub against his leg, her digits stroking his outer thigh and making the young brute stiffen up with a start in the water, gasping under his breath. Sunset purple eyes went wide in surprise, glancing down between the small gap of space between them to spy her paw up against his leg. Kai was speaking again and it took Rogue's mind a moment to recalibrate and catch up. Something about them being so close. Oh yes, they were very close, weren't they? Rogue's throat felt tight as he swallowed, trying to mask his sudden surprise with that suave facade again, though a keen-eyed fae like Kaino would undoubtedly be wise to him.

"I, uh... I suppose we are pretty close, huh?" Rogue remarked, sliding an inch closer so her paw was almost resting on his thigh. Gods, was this the right way to go about this? Fuck, he suddenly was acutely aware of just how much of a virgin he still was! Her salacious undertones spoke to his instincts, drawing the young brute in by his most primal of urges he was still learning to recognize. "There's still all this space between us though." Proving his point, Rogue slid his own giant paw across the ledge they were sat on closer to Kai, ever so gently letting his toes brush against the side of the seductive fae's leg in return. Did faes like this too? Well, Kai was doing it to him, so that meant she'd like it too, right? Either that or Rogue was about to get slapped so damn fast.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
02-24-2024, 01:06 AM

The surprise on his face as she brushed against his leg was so very cute. The young man was apparently incredibly innocent, despite pretending not to be. His words were suave, but he was inexperienced. Well, Kaino could work with that. Rogue brushed her leg in return, then pointed out all of the space between them. Another sultry little chuckle drifted through a smile and the lavender woman clucked her tongue. "How unfortunate," she purred. "Let's do something about that." A moment later she was sliding across the underwater shelf until her body was pressed firmly against his own. "Is that better? If you get too warm... let me know." Oh, he would be getting warm, alright.

"So where are you from, Rogue Klein?" The fae pressed her chest against his, thoroughly invading his space, not that she thought he'd mind. One damp paw trailed up the blue brute's arm then her foreleg settled across the back of his neck in a loose embrace. "Surely you aren't a loner like little ol' me." She wouldn't be a loner for long, but for now, she considered herself to be one, band be damned. They didn't have a set place to call home just yet, but soon.

"I'm not from around here at all, so I know nothing about any packs in the area. Is there anywhere that I should steer clear of? Anyone who you think might want to do bad things to me?" She whispered the last bit close to Rogue's ear, her breath gently ruffling the soft, sensitive fur. They would have their fun, but she would also take the opportunity to collect a bit of intel.


Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
02-29-2024, 05:16 PM

The sultry lavender and smoke fae was clearly not as new to this game as Rogue was. The way she fixed him with that disarming smile, the way her alluring voice purred tempting lyrics to him, everything about Kaino seemed perfectly honed for this tango the two of them were entwined in. She suggested they do something about the space between them, and before Rogue could even blink, Kai was already sliding her svelte body across the rocky shelf til their sides were pressed together and he could feel the mingling of her soft fur against his skin beneath the water. The immediate contact elicited a short gasp from the young brute, his breath catching as this little succubus was turning about to press her chest to his, practically climbing up in his lap to do so. The invasion of his personal space was far from unwelcome, and already the adolescent brute could feel that same heat rising up in his belly that he had come to know from the times he'd shared some heated kisses with the other faes he'd met in his travels. With Kai though, the heat was getting hotter than he'd ever felt it before...

Rogue gave Kaino another suggestive, roguish grin and chuckled huskily under his breath, which was getting a little harder to get in amidst the steam and the growing lust. "Yeah, that's better... Don't worry about me getting too warm. I tend to like things... hot," he responded in rumbling tones which still carried his youth, but were clearly the deep baritones of a man grown—that last small space of time between adolescence and full adulthood mere weeks away. The voluptuous fae ran a forepaw up his chest, leaving pleasant tingles across his skin in her wake and making his breath catch again as those tingles tightened the muscles in his core. With Kai all but sitting in his lap in the hot tub, Rogue allowed himself a little more boldness, raising a large dire-sized paw to rest just above her shapely hip on her waist, holding her loosely like her own paw draped around his neck. She asked where he was from, correctly assessing that he was no loner. She was new to Boreas though, so Rogue would use that to his advantage and play the charming local guide to her.

"Is it that obvious I'm from a pack?" he teased her back with a crooked grin and a playful smolder in his sunset eyes. "I'm from Ashen. It's the heart of the Ashen empire out on the west coast. It's my family's pack." Was he bragging a bit by flashing his princely bloodline? Yeah, he was. But the last time he had, it had gotten him some making out, so why not roll the dice again? She asked if there were places she should avoid, or any wolves that would want to do bad things to her, and those heated words whispered in his ear made Rogue's ear twitch and belly clench with a needy hunger he had never indulged before. The Klein brute exhaled hot and heavy as he resisted a shudder running down his spine and settling between his legs. Fuck, she was so hot! Like he was living every teenage boy's fantasy levels of hot. "Well, my family's not very fond of the Raiders or Insomnia. They both suck pretty hard. They live off the southern coast and in the western badlands."

Truthfully, Rogue didn't think either pack was very dangerous—mostly just stupid. He'd never had any bad run-ins with Ashen's enemies and they'd never bothered him. Gaze still fixed on Kai, Rogue brought his free paw up to rest on the small of her back, slowly running his paw pads up the curve of her spine with an appreciative touch while the paw on her waist slid down to cup her hip, really savoring this chance to have a fae in his paws like this. "So Kai... now that you know who's good and who's bad, how about you tell me about some of those bad things you're trying to avoid," Rogue asked in a suggestive rumble, smoldering sunset eyes holding her mismatched emerald and aquamarine jewels.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
03-26-2024, 12:47 AM

My, wasn't he a handsy little thing! Rogue's paws drifted wherever they pleased beneath the water and Kaino wasn't the type to tell him no. The more pleased that he was with his current situation, the looser his tongue might be. The boy spoke of his lineage, coming from a pack called Ashen. A pack that his family ruled, no less. Interesting, interesting. She wanted more and, thankfully, Rogue continued talking. The Raiders and Insomnia were both on Ashen's shit list, it seemed. He didn't explain exactly why other than to childishly say that they 'sucked pretty hard.' Oh boy...

Once he was done playing information guide, Rogue continued to stroke the center of her spine. Kai couldn't deny that the touch felt quite nice. She was a very touchy woman, after all. The other paw slid along her hip and the lavender and smoke fae gave a little smile. This was getting interesting. Would the lad have the balls to go all the way? Would she have to guide him through the steps? Surely he knew how mating worked. Rabbits never ceased fucking each other's brains out. He had to have seen them in action at least once.

Rogue spoke again and his question was laced with insinuations. Internally, Kaino laughed. Externally, she lowered her gaze, shielding vibrant eyes behind heavy lashes. "There are many bad wolves out in the world that might want to take advantage of me." Kai slid closer to the boy as though frightened. "They might try to... bend me to their will," she whispered in sultry tones before shifting enough to press her chest tightly to his. Only then did she raise her gaze to his once more. The look within was innocent, pleading. "You wouldn't do that to me, right? You're one of the good guys?" Using a bit of force as she moved, Kai pressed into Rogue, pushing him back against the edge of the pool before wrapping her forelegs around his neck. The action caused him to sit hard on his rump and, a moment later, she was straddling his lap. "The world can be a scary place for a pretty little thing like me, you know." She could feel the beginnings of arousal beneath her and gently slid her body along it, though she made it appear accidental.

Kai's maw parted and a pink tongue ran over her lower lip enticingly. "How can I thank you for being so sweet to me, Rogue?" Since her forelegs were around his neck, she gently stroked his thick ruff, lightly dragging her claws through the midnight and cobalt fur. "You just say the word and I'll do it if I can." Leaning forward, she whispered breathily in one ear. "Don't be shy now."


Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
03-26-2024, 03:17 PM

The more he touched her svelte body and soft fur, the more reactions Rogue was able to coax out of Kaino. He liked her responses, the way her body moved against his while he took advantage of having a pretty thing like herself in his grasp. Rogue was still a young brute, naive to the ways of women and sex, but it didn't mean he was totally lost in the dark. He knew about mating, knew the mechanics of finding pleasure in the body of another, but he lacked the physical experience. The most he'd ever done is share a few pleasant kisses and cuddles with the faes he'd met in his travels. This—Kaino—was something entirely else. She was sensual and physical and intimate with her actions, taking all that Rogue had experienced before and amplifying it, raising the stakes to the next level. The prince continued his handsy appreciation for her nubile body; truly a brute after his own sire's heart as he reveled in the glory of the female form. She was making him feel things... things he'd never felt this strongly before. It was a heat that was desperate to be closer to her until he exploded.

His question of finding out about those bad things she mentioned earned him a heavy lidded look from the lavender and smoke fae, the midnight sky-furred brute watching enraptured as Kai slid closer to him, talking about bad wolves that would take advantage of a fae like her. The way she spoke in sultry tones of bending her to their will sent a chill running down Rogue's spine that settled into a flaring heat between his legs, his core tightening in response. She slid closer and Rogue felt the press of her chest against his, the mingling of their damp fur together, her coat softly tickling at his skin. Rogue's breath caught and he stared at Kaino, practically hypnotized by the little temptress—so much so that he didn't even realize she was pushing him back until his back was suddenly against the edge of the pool. A soft grunt escaped the prince as he ended up on his rump against the spring wall, finding Kai now straddling his lap while her slender forelegs wrapped around his neck. Fuck, that was hot...

Rogue remained speechless while Kai commented on how scary the world could be for someone as small and pretty as her, and gods be good, he couldn't disagree. She was hot as hell, sexy as sin, and was turning on a very primal, very much untapped part of Rogue's brain—the wild animalistic side that urged him to breed. His arousal was evident, both by the look on his face and the stiffening anatomy between his thighs which Kai found a moment later when her rump grazed against his length. Rogue's muzzle scrunched up with a hiss of breath as he tensed against the rush of delight that simple brush of their bodies brought to him. Gods, that was a new feeling! Sunset eyes flickered open to meet Kai's heated gaze as she licked her lip and asked how she could repay his sweetness. Rogue knew his answer even before she continued to entice him by combing her digits through his thick scruff and whispering heated words into his ear. He wanted her. His belly tightened again with that hungry need, his member aching for attention—her attention.

Don't be shy, huh? Well, in this instance, Rogue could only think of one thing he wanted from this sultry little minx currently occupying his lap. Transfixed eyes still locked to hers, Rogue leaned in closer until his nose was pressed right to where Kaino's throat met her jaw, breathing in her delectable scent as giant paws roamed freely over her hips and around to her shapely rump, being bold in his approach just like she wanted. He'd never touched a fae like this before and maybe it showed, but what he lacked in experience Rogue made up for in bravado. Sly grin spreading across his muzzle, the Klein prince slid his muzzle up the side of Kai's neck until his breath tickled at her ear in return, pulling her body tighter to his until he could feel the soft fur of her rump against his arousal once more. She was right—Rogue wasn't some rapist, but he also wasn't as good as she made him out to be. Hell yeah he was going to do this! With a teasing nip of teeth to the delicate skin, Rogue whispered in hot, husky tones into her ear, "Bend for me, Kai."

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
04-24-2024, 11:06 PM

The young man brazenly ran his paws over Kaino's svelte frame and she purred in appreciation. It was a lovely feeling, being worshipped like this. She was a vain creature and she wasn't the least bit ashamed of it. To have a strong body beneath hers, rising to her attentions... it was like being draped in silver and gold. Like being wrapped in the finest furs. Kaino was a queen when she was in her element and right now, she was certainly in her element.

Rogue asked her to bend, his teeth toying with the sensitive flesh of her throat. A husky chuckle rumbled from the fae and she adjusted her position on top of the virile, hot and ready brute. "As you wish," she purred before sliding down ever so slowly until their bodies were joined as one. A soft little moan pulled from her, mint and ice eyes closing while her head tilted back. Little electric tingles flared through her body. Ah...she loved fucking.

Shapely hips began to roll, each move sinking her down more and more until she sat firmly in Rogue's lap. The woman's claws combed through the thicker fur at the back of the galactic brute's neck, grazing his flesh just as gently as his teeth had grazed her own. Kaino allowed both of their bodies a moment to acclimate, then it was show time.

"Just relax," husky tones purred into the brutes ear. Hind claws found their hold on stone and she was ready to work. Kaino began to move; her body beginning an all too familiar dance. She wasn't one of those 'lay there and take it' types. She was involved. Kaino was a top, so she was used to doing the heavy lifting. Assuming that Rogue was very new to all of this, she expected that he would enjoy letting her do the work. Again and again Kaino's core flexed as she rolled her hips into the man beneath her.

Leaning in, Kaino whispered in Rogue's ear, her hips never stopping the friction that she created between them. "This doesn't have to be the only time," The lavender and smoke fae unwound her forelegs from around his neck, placing her paws on the stony edge of the pool. She drew back just enough so that their gazes could meet. "I could be yours for the night, Rogue." Her pace quickened, sloshing water out over the edge of the spring to soak the land around them. "We could go again and again and again," the woman groaned out, her body beginning to tighten with the familiar tingle that would soon erupt into much larger things.

"Kaino Saxe"

Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]


The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
05-16-2024, 04:29 AM

Oh boy, this was it! Rogue was actually doing this! Imminent moments away from becoming a man, the young brute had never felt more alive than right now. Having a svelte, sexy fae literally in his lap, her heat and softness rubbing oh so enticingly against his length, it made the prince feel more like a king. This beat kissing by a long shot, and he thought he'd really liked that! Reveling in Kaino's body, worshipping her with eager paws and rising lust, Rogue felt his heart race when she purred those sultry words to him. Gods above, yes, this is what he wished! And a moment later after some adjustment of her position, he felt that lithe body of hers swallow him up inside her.

Rogue's sunset eyes went wide and his mouth fell open in a gasp from that initial contact of intimate flesh, a low, breathy moan escaping him right after to mix with hers as their bodies were joined together. Navy lids fluttered over rolling eyes as a pleasure unlike anything he'd ever dreamed in all his horny adolescent fantasies washed over him hotter than the water of the spring they were defiling. Down and down Kai went with each roll of those curvaceous hips, taking all of his maleness with no issue until he felt her soft thighs resting against his own as the lavender and smoke fae sat in the dire brute's lap in a most lecherous manner. And just like that, the virgin Klein prince had been deflowered, his innocence little more than another notch in Kaino's belt—and he couldn't have been happier about it. Gods, did Rogue already love fucking!

The midnight sky brute's hind legs gave little twitches under the water while his lover held still, letting them both grow accustomed to one another and covering him in little affections. Each one drew a breathless sound from Rogue, his chest rising and falling with his laboring breaths. His own giant paws slid down her back to her hips, rubbing over her supple rump, then gliding back up to press against her back and keep her held close to him. She purred for him to relax, then she took him for a ride. Rogue's eyes rolled back in his skull, head tipping back to give Kai unrestricted access to any part of him she wanted to kiss or nibble at—a dangerous show of trust, but the young brute had never had a reason to be distrustful before. It didn't seem like he'd start having one tonight.

Though he was new to this, Rogue was not a passive partner. Kaino took the lead and guided him with her hips through their intimate dance, and as the pleasure crashed over him, Rogue began to feel the rhythm between them building. Kai could be the top, but Rogue was going to be her power bottom. A lecherous and pleasured grin spreading over his muzzle, Rogue bucked and thrust his hips to match Kai's, putting all his athleticism and youthful vigor to good use as their hips collided again and again. The water around them churned and splashed, the steam rising around them from their enthusiastic movements. They were alone together in their own little world here and Rogue didn't want to leave anytime soon.

Kaino seemed to be reading his mind, because she leaned in again and whispered that this didn't have to be their only time tonight and that they could go all night long, all while continuing to melt his brain with her rolling and grinding hips. Rogue's eyes fluttered open wide enough for amethyst to meet mint and ice, letting her see just how deeply pleasured she was making her brute. His paws on her back flexed, combing through her fur with his dangerously sharp diamond claws, careful not to cut her but wanting her to feel him grabbing at her body. The corner of Rogue's lips twitched up into an eager grin while she offered herself to be his tonight. "Gods, yes, Kai...!" he groaned between heavy breaths, a euphoric growl rumbling deep in his chest. He could feel a tightness growing in his belly, getting stronger and stronger with their fucking. He wouldn't last long—what freshly popped virgin ever did?—and he'd take any opportunity to stay in this nirvana with Kaino to indulge in her for as long as he could.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.