
Foolishness runs in the family




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7 Years

Pride - Nonbinary
12-24-2023, 10:14 AM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2024, 09:07 PM by Auðr. Edited 1 time in total.)
[Home Turf Note: Fenrir's Maw]

Well it seemed they had a bunch of nieces and nephews. New ones at least. In all honesty Auðr wasn't totally sure how to feel about that. They weren't sure they what they would even be called. Guess that was one of the nuances of language they'd yet to really grapple with, of course not made easier by it being their second language. It was all a bit much right now, Auðr admittedly hadn't been half as friendly as their brother but there was something about the new kids that made them feel... bad. They didn't know their sister-in-law much and that was part of it, probably well beyond time to rectify that but more than that, something they'd spent much of their life pretending they didn't care about was making the not caring part pretty hard. When their brother's children had been distant or were quite grown it didn't seem to matter at much but now that there were newborns...

Auðr very much doubted they'd ever get to have that. And to an extent it stung. It was to be expected really. Víðarr was the charismatic one, the one who could charm a beggar out of his last cent. Auðr had never been even close. And for the most part they were fine with that but even they couldn't deny it was lonely on the outside, especially when you looked in. Gods they needed a drink. Finding a secluded part of the mountain they decided they'd rather drown their sorrows than try to deal with them right now. "Stackars dåre." They muttered to themselves as they took a swig of some of the mead they'd managed to snag. Now all they needed to do was get well and truly smashed.


Image by Atreum9
Auðr's first language is Swedish and they have a heavy accent. Hover over Swedish words for translation.

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1. Foolishness runs in the family Fenrir's Maw 10:14 AM, 12-24-2023 09:26 AM, 05-05-2024