
Where There is Love

Ikigai <3



Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
12-20-2023, 02:49 PM
Deimos laid awake in the dark of their den with Ikigai wrapped in his embrace, her head tucked into his chest, a small smile on his lips as he just enjoyed the sound of her peaceful breathing as she slept. There were so many parts about his relationship with his beautiful wife that he savored and enjoyed that it was hard to pick a favorite, but these late night moments when it was just the two of them in the space that they had made their home were certainly near the top of the list. He never could have imagined himself as the kind of man that could be so gentle and loving toward anyone, but Ikigai had brought that side out in him because she deserved it. That's not to say that he couldn't have his rougher moments with her whenever she desired, but never before had he wanted to lay awake just so he could watch someone sleep.

His large, bear-like paw rubbed gently along her back as he kissed the top of her head, willing himself to slip into sleep so he could join her. Sleep wasn't coming easily, however, and as he held her lithe body to his much larger and masculine frame it was difficult to keep his mind from wandering. With the warmer breezes of spring had come her heat season and that had brought their fervent desires to have another litter. There had been no shortage of enjoyment between them over the last several weeks and while he had hoped to have a more immediate result from their attempts, he was patient and had no doubt that they would have family when the time was right. Still... he supposed the more frequent the attempts the more likely they were to get there. As much as he hated to disturb her sleep, his paws began to follow his lustful, wandering thoughts and they began to drift lower over her sides and hips to her rump, gently feeling over her feminine figure that he knew oh so well.

Eventually when he finally decided that he just couldn't help himself, Deimos carefully rolled Ikigai over to her other side so that her back was pressed to his belly, doing his best not to fully rouse her just yet. He held her snuggly against him with one of his paws lightly roaming across her belly, tucking his face into the side of her neck and letting her scent fill his nose. Hoping that she wouldn't scold him too harshly for waking her up, his foreleg slid further down her body and hooked around her hip, holding her steady as he pressed his hips into hers with a quiet groan into her pale fur. Perhaps with a bit of luck this would be the time that brought them what they so desired.

"Deimos & Ikigai"



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
12-23-2023, 04:25 AM

Sleep had been peaceful, comfortable, much needed. Never had Ikigai slept so comfortably in all her life. Not until she and Deimos had found their balance. Love was the perfect pillow, the perfect blanket, the perfect home. Wrapped up in the protective arms of her husband, Ikigai slept deeply. For a while, at least.

A little bit of jostling wasn't enough to rouse Iki completely. The fae simply adjusted reflexively and went back to being utterly comfortable. The little snippets of dreams flitting through the pale woman's mind were unremarkable, or at least they had been for some time. Now there was a flash of color here and there. Heat. A moan. A soft growl in one lynx-tipped ear. Rhythmic pictures of lips, tongues, teeth and more zipped through the woman's sleeping mind and a breathy moan pulled from her, dark lips parting softly.

The paws that explored her body left little tingles in their wake and eventually the heightened sensitivity woke the woman from her slumber. Marbled eyes cracked open just in time to feel Deimos hook his paw around her hip and pull her body against his own. This time a soft gasp left parted lips and Iki's spine bowed. Her toes curled and she moaned out the name of her lover, pressing her hips back against his body to feel as much of the man as she could.

Though the two of them had come to terms with the loss of their first litter, that cloud hung over them still. It wasn't a hulking thunder cloud like it had been, but little scraps of cirrus still drifted over their heads most days. Ikigai had told Deimos that she was ready to try again, and try they did. There was no shortage of lovemaking between the two and Ikigai hoped every time that their love would take hold. Each time she had been disappointed, but her heat had come fully upon her later in the season... some strange hormonal shift. Perhaps this would be the one. This time... their love would take hold.

"Deimos & Ikigai"
[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]



Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
12-26-2023, 01:17 AM
Deimos could feel when Ikigai was finally pulled back to consciousness as her body reacted to his own, feeling her back bow and hips press back to his in return. A pleased rumble sounded in his chest and his grip around her tightened with possessive desire while he continued to roll his hips into hers with a practiced rhythm. There was a time not all that long ago that Ikigai had been shy and uncertain when it came to these pleasures, but she had grown and blossomed so much during their time together, revealing the absolutely captivating goddess that had been hidden beneath the carefully maintained demeanor of a princess. He loved all parts of her in all of her forms, but he was never more attracted to her than he was when she let her body react naturally to what he was doing to her.

He worshiped her body and ravaged her slowly and savoringly, taking his time and holding himself back till she found the heights of her pleasure again and again. It was only then that he brought himself to that peak along with her, holding her tight against his chest with a low, rumbling groan. His only thought in that moment was of her and their fathomless desire to start their family. As he laid there in the afterglow, holding her as his paws tenderly traced over her body and he nuzzled lovingly into the side of her neck while he caught his breath, he struggled to keep his thoughts away from the idea that they might have missed their chance. What if their first pregnancy was their only litter? What if that fateful day had snatched away their dreams? His age was slowly creeping up on him and it was hard not to worry that he was the problem for why they had yet to conceive another litter. He was quick to chase the thoughts away while his large paws lingered on her belly, filling his mind with silent pleas that the Ancients help them with their second chance.

Still, no matter what happened, he was still forever grateful that he was able to spend even a fraction of his life with this woman that had taught him far more than she probably even realized. "I love you, my darling," he told her quietly against her ear, leaving a kiss on the back of one slightly pointed ear. "No matter what happens, I will always love you," he promised, squeezing her gently in his embrace.

"Deimos & Ikigai"

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1. Where There is Love Alias Island 02:49 PM, 12-20-2023 11:09 AM, 03-19-2024