

Aresenn <3


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
11-21-2023, 09:36 PM
Along the entirety of this mission so far, Absinth and Aresenn have had numerous events make it not quite so much of a simple scouting trip. It had been littered with trials and tribulations. Nothing they couldn’t handle thus far, but it was still a bit annoying.

Now they had made it to a new land. Leaving the Gorge to enter a land of frost, with some pools of frozen over water… and a large steamy area she didn’t know what to make of. They were a good distance away still though, so she didn’t worry all that much about it yet. Her attention was focused on surveying their surroundings, glancing back at Aresenn when she was sure there would be no interruptions of the coyote or cougar sort.

She dawdled for a moment, waiting for him to catch up to her. Her excitement from the kills they’d just made egging her on as the light began to fade from the day. “Do you think we’ll need to make camp soon? Or shall we continue on through the night?” She was intent on his input, practically oozing satisfaction from her bright emerald orbs. “I could tell you some stories! I kissed a girl once who thought herself a storyteller. Might be fun.” Absinth offered with a purr, her words dangling in the air with utmost temptation; hoping he would take her bait.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
11-21-2023, 10:24 PM

After the brutal encounter with the pack of coyotes, the trip had been relatively quiet. Perhaps it was the afterglow of an adrenaline rush that kept them both introspective- though, in the end, it didn’t really matter. Aresenn’s attention was easily lost in the landscape as they pressed on into the adjacent territory. There seemed to be a visible amount of humidity lingering in the area, mixed with the thaw of winter left an interesting charge to the atmosphere. But it wasn’t until he noticed the slowing pace of his company ahead that he began to tune back in. Perking his ears forward as he heard Absinth’s voice.

Camp. He hadn’t really noticed the slow descent into eventide, but as she pointed it out to him- yes, it certainly was beginning to get dark. As to if they should travel through the night, that was an offer he could easily decline. “Probably. We have five more days to make it back, though. So, I don’t see a need to rush.” The brute mused aloud. But as if he hadn’t already convinced himself, it seemed that she had more to offer him to try and sway his decision. With a breathy scoff, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “Are you trying to make me jealous?” He rumbled, meeting her emerald gaze that obviously glinted with mirth. Aresenn’s amusement was subtle but present all the same. He maintained a playfully narrowed stare for a few more moments before steering his attention inward. As he slowed to a stop at her side, he gently shrugged off the bag over his head- allowing it to gently fall to the ground. Taking a few staggered steps away before tucking a hip to the ground, and flopping to a reclined position. Flexing his toes and stretching his limbs, he stifled a yawn before blinking open his amber gaze and finding Absinth once more.

Aresenn hesitated a moment, looking her over before clearing his voice to continue. “Go on then. Tell me about this girl you kissed.” There was something akin to mock exasperation in his tone, but he was genuinely curious. He wouldn’t pry for details about her life, but anything she was willing to offer, he was ready to accept.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
11-21-2023, 11:12 PM (This post was last modified: 11-21-2023, 11:49 PM by Absinth. Edited 1 time in total.)

As Aresenn divulged the amount of time they still had left, Absinth fixed a smirk on her face. No need to rush. Perfect. She had much enjoyed their escapades thus far. Enjoyed the closeness obtained. She didn’t know if he had closer friends, nor if he had other connections like this- she only knew that she would fight to maintain what she was growing with him.

He rolled his eyes at her, a grin encapsulating her lips as he did so. Trying to make him jealous? Oh? Was he the jealous type? Absinth laughed heartily, cooing a quick reassurance to him. “I might be a flirt with women, but I’m a one man type of girl.” She purred softly, watching his reaction with an invested interest.

She watched as he settled down into a resting position, stretching out as she did the same. Her thigh has a bite in it, her scruff too- but also her throat. So close to Aresenn’s last love bite. Again the spark of anger caressed her psyche, indignant that she would let something touch her so effortlessly. “Even if you aren’t.” She shot at him, a playful smirk playing on inky lips. In fact, she did not know of his exploits, and it made her curious.

She had heard his question, asking her to explain her experience with the girl she had kissed. So, she obliged then. Her frame rising and coming to fall back down near him, a touch away really. “Her name was Karaka. Younger by a year I’d wager. She was coming to explore the Sound. I came upon her on one of the ridges, and I was struck by her beauty. She was orange in color mostly, with speckles and ticks of black, her face even more so intriguing. One side stooped in gold, the other blended out in black. Bright blue eyes staring back at me. And above all that, she had a pair of horns adorned in jewelry. The cost of my having a new gem for her to remember me by was a kiss, one she took greedily. I warned her away from the Sound afterwards, so she and all her beauty would not end up in the paws of Sephiran. Only because she met me first. Because she was sincere and amusing. She was sweet. Naive. Kind. I don’t dwell much in the matters of others, but I’m not heartless. I do what I must, and more- but she was so strong even with our morals opposites she was a force to be reckoned with.” Absinth huffed out, peering up at aresenn with a mischievous grin again. “Do you have a similar soul in your life? One that beckons you to be better? Raka may have been the closest thing to that for me. But I am far too corrupt for her pure soul. I could never fully understand her.” Absinth cackled, leaning her shoulder upon his as she stared at the darkness ahead.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
11-23-2023, 10:06 PM

After he had settled in, it didn’t take her long to do the same. On the topic of his jealousy, she didn’t throw him some line. Her light reassurance did offer him some stability on the matter. But even still, he couldn’t help but return it with humor. “Well, that’s something else I guess we have in common. I’m also a one-man type of girl.” He answered with a breathy chuckle that broke through his one-sided smirk, repeating her own words back to her for the sheer amusement of it. She could interpret that however she wanted. In reality, the idea of making that kind of promise to one individual was an odd idea to wrap his mind around. Rather than pursuing that particular conversation, he’d leave it at his joke and allow their conversation to progress.

Aresenn listened intently as Absinth spoke, though he tried his best to avoid showing it. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as she described the event, but he made a valiant attempt at suppressing his feelings. After all, he had no right to be jealous. They were just two individuals enjoying each other's company, their one shared night aside. As her story came to a natural break, he cleared his throat to interject. "She sounds very exotic.” He echoed lowly. "You are correct in thinking Sephiran would have likely tried her had she lingered.” Karaka may have heeded the advice she was given, but did she really comprehend what mercy she was given? Just a simple redirection in path could have easily saved her a life-altering encounter, and she would likely never know the bullet she had dodged.

Aresenn slowly exhaled, before glancing back at Absinth. "I do.” he trailed off, as if hesitant to continue. His eyes shifted away from hers, gaze searching the air around them for something only he could see. A moment passed between them, slightly awkward in nature until Aresenn finally spoke again. She wanted to know, so he would answer her. "Her name is Andromeda.” He began cautiously. "I think I might have mentioned her indirectly before. She is the daughter of the Armadan Warlord- the one that Sephiran got our asses kicked over. She’s a … friend. I haven’t pushed her for closeness. Nor has she asked for commitment- I couldn’t give it to her if she wanted it.” He glanced back at Absinth, not sure how she'd interpret his words. He had never told another soul about his continued involvement with Andromeda- not Sephiran, not even his own blood relatives when he lived with the Pirates ... but he continued regardless. "She is very similar to what you described. Sweet. Naive. Selfless. I think she could handle herself in a battle of physical strength, but the way I see it, she’s fragile in about every other sense of the word. She is so concerned with the well-being of others, that she doesn’t consider herself. Which is part of her charm, but at the same time, one of the most infuriating things about her.” His words were slow and deliberate, and he seemed to struggle to find the right ones in order to explain his situation. Maybe she could tell this wasn't exactly a topic that he had ever been prepared to share with anyone. "I will never be who she wants me to be,” he continued after a few moments of silence. "We are two vastly different individuals, and she doesn’t see me for who I am- but then of course, how could she? I’ve hidden so much about myself from her. But she sees me for what she wants me to be, or what she thinks I can be. But whatever it is, it isn’t realistic.” That he was certain of. "I’m too selfish to end our friendship ... However, as time goes on I anticipate that it will conclude itself. Her father invited me to join the Armada …” His words trailed off as he cast a glance in his company's direction. "I declined.” His tone almost sounded like reassurance. But obviously, he declined or he wouldn't be sitting here on a scouting mission for Sephiran. He shifted his gaze from Absinth to the stars beginning to peak through the evening sky above, allowing his attention to wander once more. "And I don’t foresee that she’ll be leaving her family’s mantle to join up here. But even if she did, she would get eaten alive. His tone was distant as he spoke; clearly something he had put thought into previously. A likely conclusion that he had already detailed out in his mind.

Blinking the thoughts away, he found Absinth again. Offering her a half-grin beneath suddenly tired eyes. "But that's the soul in my life the beckons more of me- and I pity her for it. I wish for her sake she was as easily steered away as your Karaka was.” Perhaps this was way more than what Absinth had bargained for when she asked. But again, it was she who had asked. And with her miraculous ability to see right through him, he didn't see the benefit in holding back.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
11-24-2023, 01:21 AM

Absinth smirked at his mirthful response, an ear flicking away the topic as it passed through the air. The topic of promises of that nature was strange to her as well. But she knew she was not a whore like her mother. Beyond that, she had no true reference for what any relationship beyond enemies and opportunistic friends meant. He had the privilege of being her first true friend, or at least that was what she supposed. Regardless of the intimate nature of it all. Without that, she felt extremely close to him whether he could sense it or not. It wasn’t every day she let her guard down around another soul after all.

As Aresenn reassured her of her good choice in sending Karaka away, Absinth felt a bite of irritation that she might never see the girl again. If anything, her beauty was something so worthy of viewing twice- or thrice. From her birthlands, none had ever been colored other than charcoal and soot or gray. Every new soul she met of other colorations and mutations were a wonder to her in terms of beauty. But as she thought that, her eyes ran up and down Aresenn’s coat - and she knew he attracted her eye the most even still. Just as she mused that within her mind, his gaze met hers and he spoke again.

Amber orbs fleeing her as he confessed his own Karaka. A girl by the name of Andromeda. Daughter of the Warlord.  A friend that he desired more with. Absinth regarded him carefully, not interrupting as he continued on. Though her gaze may have been amused at best, jealous at worst. The corners of her lips twitching as she shared a crooked grin. The girl was charming, but frustrating. A pure soul of strength, so nothing to be looked down on- but still fragile and naive by his word. Absinth tried to muster up a face to the personality, but of course she could not.  He explained that Andromeda believed him better than he was, more righteous. Absinth couldn’t help but think of a knight in shining armor, come to save a princess with romantic whimsy in her head and nothing else.

Her hackles bristled slightly, but it could have been the cold, of course. The cold also caused her eyes to gleam intensely as well. “You believe she romanticizes you, right? It sounds like it from what you describe. But.. Do you like it? Or does it fill you with guilt? Ah. Do you wish she would see you as you are? But you fear the response of showing it at this point. Rightly so.” She was mostly musing it to herself at the end, emeralds flickering to him waiting for his gaze to come again. She did feel a relief that he was still here, not in the Armada that she knew so little about. With this girl that thought of him better,  not the true him she knew.

He went on to explain the finality in their relationship, that it would most likely end due to the differences in their moralities. Yeah. Absinth couldn’t see someone like what he described surviving along with the Saxe’s. That or they would flee the depravity of it all, unable to see past the bloodshed, unable to turn a blind eye and see the strength growing... He was right to worry. Right to know the result. She would have pitied him, but Absinth didn’t do pity. She merely looked on at him, his gaze coming to meet hers as he flashed a weary grin. “I’m sorry for the inevitable, if it means anything. But I will say you shouldn’t get any more attached. You can take a pound of flesh from me if you must, with a fight- but you’re a fool if you continue to pretend. You split yourself further, given your.. condition. Do you want to be a good man, or is it a fleeting fancy from your youth, before you knew yourself fully? It is not selfish to cling to the past, or the illusion of it all.”  Even Aresenn knew it. He knew this Andromeda was seeing him under falsehoods. Selfish? Absinth waved off his previous statement. It wasn’t selfish to indulge in fantasies outside of reality, but to let that grow further was a dangerous- destructive game. Absinth sought his gaze, hoping she had not offended him, but willing to take the fight for him to understand her thinking. Emeralds aflame with her own resolve it was easy for her to separate fact from fiction.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
11-27-2023, 03:34 PM

Aresenn looked at Absinth, his eyes betraying a hint of surprise at her insight. Somehow, he was never going to grow accustom to having himself laid out in conversation in the manner she seemed to have a talent for doing so. At some point though, her conversational questions seemed to transition into more of a breakdown of a failing social experiment. He didn’t necessarily feel attacked by it, but truth had a way of packing a bite along with it. Clearing his throat, he maintained his line of sight away from his company as he spoke. “I wouldn’t have called it romanticizing, but I suppose that’s what it could be … I don’t know. I like her, and I do feel guilty about it … but not enough to stop.” He didn’t feel like he had to admit to being afraid of showing his true self to her for what would happen. Absinth already knew.

Truthfully, he hadn’t really anticipated how involved the conversation would become in his own dealings after the admission of his own Karaka. As he looked her over, offering his half-hearted grin, he was met with a look from her that was more empty- withdrawn in the workings of her own mind. “I’m sorry as well. But even as I can see where the path is leading, I won’t abandon it-“ He attempted to interject, though cut himself off as she advised that he not get more attached. That he would be a fool if he continued to pretend. “I never claimed not to be a fool, but I-“ Aresenn tried again, but didn’t see the point to continue trying to get his own words in edgewise. You split yourself further given your … condition. That stung a little bit. Not that it wasn’t the truth- not that it wasn’t something he was already very much aware of. It was still something that was difficult to hear regurgitated to him. The grin had long since faded from his expression as he looked away from her once more. Do you want to be a good man? Or is it a fleeting fancy? He didn’t know. “Can you prioritize your damn questions!?” The words reverberated in the space between them with a little more volume than he had originally intended. But the tension that had slowly been building within needed an outlet, better in tone of voice than something more unforgivable. “I didn’t ask for the guided tour of whatever illusion I care to live in.” His annoyance was clear, his muscles tensing as he shoved himself back into a standing position. Looking over his shoulder, he saw a scraggly bit of cover in the distance. Making the decision to go scavenge for kindling and fuel for a fire was one easily made. While he didn’t look at her then, he did open himself up so that he could be easily heard. “We need firewood.” And that was all the explanation he would offer as he turned on his heels to go find the space he needed.

-Fade for Firewood gathering-

"Aresenn Praetor"


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
11-28-2023, 02:40 AM
Absinth had only heard his statement about admitting guilt and his inability to stop what he was doing before her own words and thought processes drowned out everything else. She could not control it. It was like liquid venom was spewing from her lips. She was verbally lashing him repeatedly through it all. She hadn’t even noticed the smile drop from his face. Only when she finished speaking did he finally get a word in, and it was plain to see she had crossed a line - or many. Aresenn stood after shooting back at her for her careless breakdown of his situation, mentioning the need for firewood as he left her with the tense silence she was solely responsible for.

Fuck. That was… bad. She knew she was in the wrong. She wasn’t so much of an asshole as to be blind to how she had deconstructed his words and feelings - then threw them back in his face with added malice. Absinth watched his form retreat, standing as she did so. A quiet growl of irritation left her, eyes falling to the empty space he left in his wake. Why did she do that? What? So he would close himself off to her? Never open up about himself again? I’m the fucking fool. Absinth allowed herself to collapse back down onto the ground, concentrating on what she was going to say when he returned. She just hoped it wouldn’t be more verbal battery.

-Fade in-

As footfalls signaled his approach, Absinth turned to glance at him briefly before her gaze dropped to her ivory paws. It had been… shitty of her to crucify him for sharing that part of himself. She needed to fix this. “Sorry about… that.” She gritted her teeth, a sigh escaping her as she relented and sought eye contact. She had a much softer look on her face than when she was going off on her intense tangents at him, Emeralds apologetic even though she didn’t know how to voice it properly. “Look, this is why I’ve never had friends. I get too.. passionate and I stop thinking about what the fuck I’m even saying. That was fucked up. You were only answering my question.” Visible frustration oozed from her body, her charcoal face setting in a hard look of contemplation. It wasn’t easy to pick apart her own reasonings for doing the things she did.

“I have a sort of.. hate for being untrue to oneself. You know, pretending to be meek, pretending to care about certain things, bending to the will of someone else. I hate weakness in general, and it reminds me of that… in a sense. It’s wildly hypocritical of course - I’ve pretended to be something I was not before too.” She tried to explain, eyes casting upwards to the sky above as the darkness closed in all around them. The stars were twinkling. Probably laughing at her. “That’s really what bothered me. I can imagine you being some sort of proper gent, off talking about flowers or some shit and- ah. fuck. Absinth bit back her tongue for a few moments, bringing her focus away from her barely held back temper as it rose and fell in waves. She wanted to apologize, damn it! Not push him away! Stupid fucking mouth.

Regaining her rationality, she realigned her gaze with his if he allowed; honesty dripping like thick honey from her inky lips. Possibly too hard to swallow, but at least it was sweeter this time. “It's just.. It’s a shame you have to be someone else. That look when you’re holding back, I saw it when you were talking. The repression I mentioned before. It's infuriating. Especially when I have seen so much more of you in the short time we’ve known each other.” Or at least that’s what she believed. The monochromatic fae finished with a low tone, uncertain if her explanation slash apology was sufficient. She felt as though her skin was bubbling at the, albeit small, loss of pride it took to try and remedy the damage she’d caused with her sharp tongue. A little bit of humility was an easy price to pay for her fuck up, particularly if it brought back Aresenn’s half grin. She was quite fond of it after all.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
12-07-2023, 09:55 PM

It didn’t take him long to gather what he needed to get a campfire started and fed. Yes, his mouth was full of various kindling and deadened limbs, but it wasn’t like he needed to hear his own voice in order to be content alone. But of course, he wasn’t alone. Returning to the point where he had left his company, he didn’t see much point in seeking out her eye contact. His attention fixed on a central location, he moved to allow the gathered resources fall to the ground- at the same time she began what seemed to be an apology. “No need.” Aresenn answered her rigidly, amber gaze searching for the bag he had left in the shadows of eventide. Each advancement he made was a fluid one- met with purpose and clear intention. He found the flint and steel where he had left it secured.

As she spoke, he listened, though his attention remained fixed to his task before him. With a strike of the knife, a small shower of sparks descended on the dried grass. In only a couple of attempts, it had already begun to smolder. He wouldn’t deny that he was a little confused when she claimed to hate pretending. How many times had she proclaimed to love playing games? She pointed it out herself that it was a hypocritical sentiment, and he didn’t see the point in pushing her on the topic. As she went on to express her feelings on the topic, the fire began to steadily grow. Working its way through the twigs as it burned brighter and hotter. Once he was satisfied that it didn’t need his immediate attention, he looked at Absinth then. Finding her emerald gaze looking back at his. It’s a shame you have to be someone else. Was it? Aresenn cleared his throat then, returning his attention to fledgling campfire- only looking back at her when she was finished. “You understand I have no idea who I am, right? That the only thing I am adamantly against is not being able to make my own choices. Is that the part that you’re talking about me repressing? If so, you’re going to have to get used to it, because I refuse to allow my condition to go unchecked if there is anything I can do to prevent it.” His tone was relatively casual, though when he recycled her words, he couldn’t help the edge as it manifested in his voice. "Andromeda is friends with the boy that I was …” More or less. They met when things were much simpler to say the very least. “If I have to maintain a facade to see that friendship to its end, then I will." He paused for a brief moment before continuing. "And I will give the same loyalty to you.” Aresenn trailed off. He couldn’t imagine the scenario where the bond he was forming with this girl could possibly be over. But all good things had to come to an end, right? He would stick around to see the end of it.

Staring back into the crackling blaze, it was easy to get lost in thought. Honestly, though, it wasn’t even that her words were incorrect. The irritating part was how right they were. Perhaps this momentary rift hadn’t been caused by resentment but by denial on his part. Who was to say? Though he wasn’t interested in answering any more conflict. Casting a sideways look towards his bag. He retrieved the bottle of spirits that they hadn’t quite finished off during the previous night’s misadventures. There was very little thought put into the sudden swig he took off the top. When he was done, he offered it to his company by setting it down in her direction. If she wanted any of it or not, he didn’t care. The point was, he didn’t think it could hurt things.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
12-09-2023, 02:18 AM

As Absinth spoke she watched his face carefully, inwardly pushing herself to take care in delivering her words with a much more sensitive manner than before. It was difficult to mitigate her usual sharp commentary, but she did not wish to instigate any further conflict. Especially since she knew she had been in the wrong. She wanted to bring him closer - not push him away.

Aresenn went on to describe his sentiments of retaining his freedom of choice, and his desire to prevent the evolution of his aforementioned condition. She would register that using the word ‘condition’ was.. Not okay. Easy enough to avoid… So, he despised not being able to make his own decisions. Despite his blackouts, he valued his friendship with Andromeda. Fine. Absinth was not a woman who knew what it was to back down from a challenge. ”Alright.” She responded, understanding flickering like the camp fires flames across her face. She would not push him on the topic any longer.

He spoke of seeing his involvement with Andromeda to its end, and she was able to accept it with a very subtle raise of her hackles. That hostility eased once she processed the meaning behind his comment of giving the same loyalty to her. So… he meant to see their bond to the end as well. Good. She felt a deep satisfaction at this, offering him a half grin. Though she did wonder…. What if she were to meet this Other Woman… what would come of it? ”I'll return that loyalty. I just… want to continue… this. Absinth spoke with certainty -  not caring how he took her wording as long as she had spoken it into existence. As long as he had heard her.

The monochromatic fae watched him and his expressions, her ears perked at his rifling through the bag at his side. Aresenn would retrieve the bottle of spirits and take a swig, offering it to her by placing it close within her reach. Absinth watched him for a moment before taking the offer easily. Wrapping her lips around the mouth of the bottle and taking a rather big swig off the top. She set the bottle back down, relaxing into a lying position and staring into the fire ahead. She waited for the alcohol to take effect, only a few minutes at most for her - before she spoke to him again. “Want to hear another story?” Absinth grinned, shifting her gaze from the fire to Aresenn as she waited for his response.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
12-12-2023, 09:46 PM

Aresenn nodded, the corner of his lips quirking up into his half-smirk as he watched Absinth. It was impossible to maintain the frustration that had manifested between them. The glow of the moon shone down, casting her features in a serene light that made his pulse quicken. He could feel the chemistry between them, the unspoken tension that seemed unrelenting whenever they were together. He couldn't deny the pull he felt towards her, but he also couldn't ignore the stirring in his mind that told him there was something more at play here. They sat in comfortable silence, their eyes fixed on the mesmerizing dance of flames in the fire pit. The warm glow and crackling sounds provided a soothing reprieve from the cold night air, and from the intense conversation that had just transpired. After a moment or two, he cleared his throat and spoke softly, his sincerity evident in his tone. "As do I.” His gaze never leaving the flickering fire.

After offering her the bottle, he observed her from the corner of his eye as she sipped her own drink, but was perfectly content to stay in this quiet moment as the buzz of alcohol started to soothe him. His attention settled against the growing blaze as he too reclined into a more comfortable position. After several minutes of silence, he perked back up at the sound of her voice. Glancing her direction as she made the casual offer for another story. With a breathy scoff of amusement, he couldn't help the grin that broke his expression. "I don't know if I can handle another story.” He answered teasingly. His amber gaze flickered with a mix of emotions as it landed on the bottle sitting between them. After a moment of internal debate, he reached for the bottle and took another long drink, savoring the taste before letting out a throaty sigh. With his attention fully back on Absinth, he spoke in a low, gravelly voice. "Let's hear it,” The brute prompted, unsure of exactly what he was asking for- his tone both casually interested and in a lighter cadence as they moved on from the minor conflict from earlier.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
12-14-2023, 12:38 AM

‘As do I.’ His reply sent a quickened rush of a pace directly into her heart, allowing for her blood to run hotter and burn her very limbs. Is that so? Absinth contemplated his sincerity, the softer tone in his voice; and knowing this man was not one to fully divulge all his true thoughts and emotions- she was willing to accept the simplistic response as his honest sentiment. Fine by her. She was thoroughly interested in seeing out their bond as well. But what sort of roulette had they entered into with this unspoken pact..?

Her rather mischievous little question certainly did wonders to brighten her features, but more so did her mood lift as Absinth set her eyes upon Aresenn’s grin. His tone teasing her as the fiery man reached for the bottle of spirits again. She would shift her sights on the campfire again as he did so, waiting until he was ready to hear. “Don’t worry. This story is a little different. Courtesy of my dear eldest sister, who decided to take the arduous effort and time to fact check. Silly isn’t that? But it mattered to her, to separate truth from lies.” Absinth meant nothing by her wording, no hidden jab at their conflict- her emeralds lost to the flames before promptly snapping back up in his direction and locking there. “This is the story of a man, who believed he was a God… This god was born to a Pharaoh and his Wife. At birth he was adorned with pure ivory fur, the likes of which none have ever seen again. With eyes of fire he was hailed as a gift from the Heavens, and they screamed of the divinity in his blood.” Absinth’s emeralds flashed intensely, moving to sit upright as she paused the tale. Then, she began again- “A Prince, this prince was given everything his heart ever desired. Lessons upon lessons of whatever he wished. And unlike some other royal wolves, he was obsessed with knowledge. From intellectual pursuits to weaponry, and even tarnishing his own paws with blood in battle. He was the perfect prince. In theory.” Absinth cackled, mirth blanketing over her features; as well as contempt. “But this perfection was only skin deep.” She moved to grasp the bottle of alcohol, taking a swig she sighed heavily as it burned her throat on the way down. Though it did help, she returned to his gaze with a delightful smile that did not reach her eyes. “The Prince could experience no true emotion. He was unfeeling, cruel, and masochistic… It did not take long for his mind to stray, to begin toying with his servants and the common folk. Masochism turned into sadism, which turned him into a full-blown serial murderer. Safety from the prince was not even allotted to his own mother and father. In one night the prince, younger than you or I, usurped the throne in a coup solely for his own amusement. He found it funny to rip his sire’s throat out, and to rape his own mother as his mercenaries ravaged the kingdom.” -Pause- “Then, he vanished and never returned.” Absinth watched Aresenn’s face for changes in expression, eyeing the bottle for a moment before she cleared her throat and set into a new tone. One low and thoughtful, every word wrapped in the elegant manner of speech she had taken on early in her story. No vulgarity to be found, only the light drawl of her rugged voice. “Manipulation was his greatest weapon. He found that only by latching onto another soul, he could feel. These obsessions of his turned deadly as well, given time. Always the same pattern. A weak soul, to have and hold. To love and cherish, and then abuse and abuse again and again. His love was a poison to any who drank of his tainted chalice of a facade. Tongue of melted silver, always looking for a new victim to sully. To play his horrible games with, without ever telling them the rules that might keep them safe from his wrath. And the god is insatiable, always moving in search of his next obsession after completely obliterating his last, be it physically or mentally. He believes it is love, truly. And his love is a death sentence to all to fall under his affectionate gaze.” The monochromatic fae finished her story with a reach for the bottle, not giving Aresenn a chance to stop her as she downed it quickly and licked her inky lips teasingly. Setting the bottle down near him, she proceeded to stretch her body out and flex every one of her toes before she huffed and spoke sharply. “This is the story of a God, who is just a Man. My father. Setekh Inferos.” Absinth felt as though just speaking the man’s name, so close to the fires that resembled those haunting eyes… Perhaps he was able to see her even now.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
12-23-2023, 11:51 PM

Aresenn sat in rapt attention as Absinth weaved an intricate tale of a man who believed himself to be a god. The darkness that lurked beneath the surface of his seemingly perfect facade, the twisted cruelty and sadism he inflicted upon others, it was all so captivating to say the least. As Absinth's words flowed like a dark river, Aresenn couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease deep in his gut. This man, this self-proclaimed deity, was nothing short of a monster. And yet, there was something about the way Absinth told the story that made him wonder if there was more to it than just another cautionary tale. His amber gaze locked with Absinth's piercing emerald eyes, searching for some clue as to why she had chosen to share this particular story. Was it simply for entertainment? Or did it hold some deeper meaning for her? Perhaps it was something she needed to share, to validate to herself that such evil truly exists in the world, and that she had witnessed it first hand. He wouldn't press her on it. He respected her too much to do so, and wouldn't pry beyond the surface level.

The crackling flames of the campfire mirrored the flickering emotions in Aresenn's eyes. Each brushstroke of her vivid descriptions painted a picture in his mind, leaving him with a clear understanding of what her childhood must have been like. He had always known that it hadn't been easy for her, but this recounting of her father's actions left little to the imagination. Aresenn was both impressed and unsettled by Absinth's talent for storytelling, admiring her ability to weave words together with such skill and emotion. But as he studied her face, he couldn't help but wonder why she had chosen to share this particular tale with him. Was it a warning? An attempt at vulnerability? Or perhaps just another layer to unravel in this complex woman sitting across from him. His voice tinged with both admiration and apprehension, Aresenn finally spoke up after a moment of silence, "You have quite the talent for storytelling, Absinth … But I can't help but wonder... why did you choose to share this particular tale with me?” He paused for a moment, leaning forward as he searched her emerald gaze for answers.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
12-31-2023, 05:26 AM
So enraptured in her tale of blood and depravity, Absinth did not read into Aresenn’s reaction – only that she had his full attention. It was a rewarding thing, those amber orbs watching as she spun her story with a narrative tone – enunciating every word she felt was more impactful. But as she finished, and Aresenn processed it all – she found her fur bristling for no reason at all. She was talented at storytelling? Not the sort of compliment she ever thought she would receive. The more she thought about it given the topic at hand… the more she felt unsettled. She knew why.

“It’s not my talent. It’s his. He gave a sliver of his damned silvertongue.” Her response was quiet, building in volume due to the conflicting emotions bubbling within her. Though she kept a tight lid on her expression, her lips quivered as her body fought to show a scowl to no avail. Instead she kept a smile plastered on her face, her eyes locking onto the fire dancing before her. Why had she shared this with him? “Why…? I suppose I wanted you to know my own secret. If you can call it that. Maybe it’s… maybe it’s more like a nightmare. He’s the only thing I fear in this world.” Absinth’s smile faltered, eyes darting to Aresenn with a touch of panic as a piece of the firewood snapped as it burned, sending a puff of smoke and embers up into the air above. For a moment she believed in the impossible – that she was to see an ivory figure materialize out of the corner of her eye, Her head swiveling quickly to look around them. Searching. She’s had a good few drinks by now, and while it had relaxed her originally; now that she had shared the tale of her father… She felt paranoid.  


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
12-31-2023, 09:04 AM

As the words left Absinth's lips, Aresenn could feel the weight of her revelation settling heavily in the crackling silence between them. "His silvertongue..." Aresenn echoed softly, the weight of Absinth's revelation settling heavily in the crackling silence between them. He watched her intently, his mind whirring with questions. She tried her best to maintain a calm facade, but he could see the struggle in her eyes. The flickering flames of the fireplace danced across her face, casting shadows that seemed to mimic the intricacies of her story.

The confession of her fear, so raw and exposed, struck a chord within him. Aresenn had seen her resilient facade crack just enough to reveal the shred of vulnerability that haunted her. He understood the gravity of what she had shared, recognizing the trust she placed in him by unveiling this ghostly fragment of her past. "We all have our nightmares," he murmured, his voice a gentle ripple against the night's hush. Leaning forward slightly, he sought to bridge the space between them, not physically but emotionally. "I can't imagine the weight it carries." He hesitated, sorting out the words he wanted to say to convey his response. "But know this, Absinth ... you don't have to be alone in shouldering that burden."

His amber gaze softened a bit, but there was still a glint of intensity. "Your fears, your nightmares— If you need someone to help push back against those shadows, I'm here." Aresenn's words lingered in the air, a solemn promise woven with sincerity. He respected her boundaries, understanding the delicate nature of her disclosure, yet offering unwavering support in the silent language of understanding and solidarity.

With a sigh, he leaned back into a more posture, his attention drifting toward the blaze. "And at the end of the day, fancy titles and madness aside. Your father, is just a man- albeit a dangerous one. He lives and breathes like the rest of us. He can certainly fall like the rest of us." He finished. It was a sentiment that wasn't intended to undermine her fears. Not in the slightest. But rather a promise- a vow, that he would kill for her without hesitation. Or at the very least, defend her to his last breath.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
12-31-2023, 11:11 AM
She stopped looking around them after affirming that her father was indeed not here to command her life and her freedom… Emeralds seek Aresenn’s amber gaze, taking in every word – his gentle tones impacting her more than he could ever know. It was odd to hear someone speak of her struggles, to affirm the difficulties of it, to acknowledge the burden of it all. She bit her lip, muscles tensing in uncertainty as he offered to help her push away her shadows. But how would she even begin to do such a thing? What if her shadow were too dark? What if they were pure white with molten eyes like fire?

But he had an answer for that too. Aresenn spoke of her father, stripping away titles, casting away his madness – revealing him as just a man. She knew this too, but… there was a concrete assurance in his tone that proved her belief; that her father was mortal in the end, despite all the propaganda of immortality she had heard from his when she was but a child,

Absinth’s breath caught in her throat. Scanning his expression for lie or false optimism, but she found neither. Was it normal to find someone so… determined to comfort? She studied his face for many moments, before her own charcoal facade erupted into a drunken smile, voice giggly and warm. “Careful. I’ll fall for you at this rate.” Absinth rose to her feet, a hum on her tongue as she approached the fiery male – stopping to lower herself down next to him. “We Inferos’ can be a demanding bunch.” It was ironic, considering her story, that she still carried her father’s surname at all. Absinth chuckled as she spoke, peering at him from a side glance as her body pressed up against his, that is – before rolling over onto her back while she laughed, limbs dangling in the air as her skull pulled back to expose her throat to him carelessly. She felt so comfortable, especially after so many drinks, why not loosen up? Why not speak plainly?


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
12-31-2023, 11:14 AM

Aresenn felt warmth spreading through his chest as he watched Absinth visibly begin to relax. He couldn't help but appreciate the unguarded innocence in her drunken laughter- and the way her eyes sparkled with the glow of burning embers. Aresenn's gaze never left hers as he took yet another sip from the bottle, the alcohol warming his body from the inside out. He found himself completely drawn to her. The world had become mere shadows around the two of them, as if the entire universe had momentarily deserted them. Or perhaps that was just the haze from the booze. He couldn't help but chuckle at her response. "It's you who should be careful. I have my own demands." He answered her lowly, his voice rumbling in the narrow space that separated them.

A smirk played on Aresenn's lips as Absinth rolled onto her back, her carefree laughter painting the night. Her ease in this moment was contagious, a stark contrast to the weighty confessions they had exchanged earlier. He watched her with a mix of amusement and genuine fondness, relishing this unguarded interaction, allowing his gaze to linger on her. The pulsating energy of the moment enveloped them, and he could feel the vaguely charted territories of their camaraderie beckoning. With a fluid motion, Aresenn closed the remaining distance, his presence now intimately close to hers. His movement carried a deliberate intent as he edged closer, drawn by the magnetic pull he felt toward her. The flickering firelight played upon his features as he settled, and the air seemed to hum with the growing tension between them.

The air had begun to thicken, the dance of shadows, embers, and buzz of alcohol conspiring to create a moment easily lost in. Aresenn extended a tentative paw to where she lay at his side, lightly grazing the ridge of her cheek- tracing the line where the amber glow danced across her skin. His touch was impulsive, but gentle. An unvoiced desire of contact he couldn't go on ignoring.

"Aresenn Praetor"


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
12-31-2023, 11:15 AM
She delighted in their shared moments, and as they became more and more common she felt her guard dropping. Of course the alcohol had a lot to do with her seemingly complete vulnerability with him on this night, the warmth of the fire lending to the heat coursing within her veins. His response left her giggling, and a coo rang out for his ears alone. “You need only ask, how could I refuse you?” Her words fell in a heavy blanket of enticement, casting her gaze towards him with half lidded eyes. The fire truly suited him well. His pelt was ablaze in the darkness — like an ember personified. Really now, he didn’t need to be so handsome. He didn’t need to look at her with all the fondness in the world, and she didn’t need to acknowledge it. Absinth leaned into his touch, that gentle contact earning him a content sigh from her. She’d told him she liked it rough, didn’t she?

Ah, but this was good too.

Absinth moved to lean up, a paw hooking around the back of his neck and pulling him down to the ground with her. Quite pleased with herself she found his amber gaze and pressed a passionate kiss to his lips, smiling through it.

[End thread via Fade]


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.

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