
The Wild Side.


09-19-2013, 10:08 PM

The peaceful life had it's benefits. There was time to think, time to practice and time to rest, but Erebus was simply not in that kind of mentality. He had been in the relative safety of the lands for not even a week and his body still hadn't picked up on the mental note; there was no reason to fight. He wasn't a rogue from the old lands, fighting and scrapping to live. He now had a home, a place to hunt and rest in peace, but it just wasn't enough. Once a body entered rest it was much harder to put it into motion and he just wasn't the type to sit around and rust. He had to do, he had to be and he had to stay sharp.
There was a deep ache in his very bones. It coursed down his spine, caressed his cranium and throbbed achingly within his jaw. He had to fight, he had to move. He had never been the blood lust type, but neither was he one to be apathetic and so as the day had passed he found his restless limbs carrying his broad form out into an open plain. Intuitive and knowing eyes scanned the area and he let lose a feral snarl all his own. The smell of blood and passion and defeat wafted up into his senses and sent his mind into a more primitive state. His defenses flared to life, his amber eyes glowing with the need to fight. It was a natural urge and he had to answer it or remain a useless carcass. He was not about to resign to that life.
His blood pulsated with adrenaline. His initial scan revealed that only the shadows dared to infringe on his space. Hackles raised and lips sneered, he tilted his head back and let loose a feral cry. It was a wild cry, the cry of a wolf with nothing to lose and everything to gain. He needed to feel the pain of an opponent's attack and he needed to feel the satisfaction of teeth sinking into flesh. He reclined his head back to a level position, eyes scanning, body tense and ready. He felt the terrain solid underneath his massive paws. He closed his eyes and took a breath, enjoying the rush that was building within him. Eyes flashed open and danced with an almost manic delight. He was more than ready to take a walk on the wild side.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

OOC: Ere has the itch to bite. I think three rounds? Cant you can have the first move.
Edited for grammar XD



09-19-2013, 10:30 PM

She had just slaughtered Arthfael. The woman who woke her from her slumber. A horrible mistake for such a beautiful dame. The creamy Wolves body was torn to shreds and scattered across Canttina's iron den. Though the head of the girl sat next to Canttina's lovely wool pallet for a bed. Those bright pink orbs stared hoplessly into the distance without an ounce of life within them. The sight and smell made the gruesome beast's skin crawl in pleasure. Her mahogany fur was lined with a lovely shade of crimson that mad her fur all gross and hard. Her audits perked as a call was let forth in the very very far distance. It was a challenge for any of those reckless beings to fight. A fight is what she needed right then. To release all of her adrenaline from the kill. So, the demon set forth.

After a long prance across fields and rocks the beast arrived in the descolate land of the battlefield. Not but a few weeks ago she had just defeated Ren in a dual. Her shoulder was still a bit torn up from it, but nothing that would horribly pain her in another fight. Yellow orbs were set upon the black Wolf whom called for a fight. She let forth a rippling snarl. "Oh, Canttina would hate to rip into such delicious flesh, but you asked for it, lovely." She slowly licked her lips as she got ready. Her tail was out for balance, her knees bent, eyes slit, ears pinned, lips curled, and of course those scarred hackles were raised.

The fight.
After a roll of her shoulders the woman charged. She went at him head on. Her paws dug into the earth as she charged him like a bull. She would attempt to smacck him straight in the chest with hers. It would cause both of them pain, but it was a good stun for those who were not ready. Her filthy jaws would snap and attempt to grab any skin they could. Though, she would try and aim for the right side of his neck between his collar bone and scruff. It was a basic attack, but those basic attacks were the ones that worked.



for dominance/spar/challenge?


Defenses:Her tail was out for balance, her knees bent, eyes slit, ears pinned, lips curled, and of course those scarred hackles were raised.

Attacks:Charging at him head on in attempt to slam into him with her chest, trying to inflict some sort of stun. She would also try and bite on his right side between his collar bone and scruff.

Injuries: Minor flesh wound to right shoulder from previous fight and healing toe injury.



09-19-2013, 11:21 PM

This was a cold hearted bitch if he'd ever seen one. His eyes had flashed open to harsh reality. Her words grated like nails scraping rock. "Oh, Canttina would hate to rip into such delicious flesh, but you asked for it, lovely." His body tensed in readiness, his tail held stiffly out as he watched the she-wolf square off with a roll of her shoulders, his amber eyes trained on the wolf. He didn't utter a word, but rather let his body language do all the talking.
His body tense and ready,hackles raised, jaw agape and ready as he studied his opponent. Intelligence always played a part in any type of fight and he was at a disadvantage. He knew nothing about this wolf, but there was one thing he did know; body language. His body rocketed forward at the sight of the she-wolfs charge. He was not going to run from this fight. He ran, head level with his back, hackles and fur standing on end, claws digging into the battle-scarred earth below for power and traction. He was going to meet her head on with full force. He was willing to take the brunt force if it meant he was able to get in close to her more vital areas. "I asked for a fight, not a dance." He snarled and the snarl turned into a roar as he felt teeth sink into the right side of his collar bone, but as he snarled in pain and rage, his already open mouth roared to life with flashing knives, seeking revenge on the female's right side of her neck. He threw his right foreleg up in an attempt to push the witch's head down away from his body to the ground. He could only hope that the gravity of his weight against her would work to his advantage.

for spar
Defenses: hackles raised, tail stiff and horizontal for attack and steering, head level with back for added force on impact, claws digging into earth for traction
Attacks: Meets Charge with own charge, mouth open and reaching to attack exposed neck on female's right,(his left) after she bites his right collar bone. Raises right foreleg in attempt to break female's hold on his right side of scruff around collarbone to use his own weight to bring her to the ground.
Injuries: Flesh wound on collar bone, probably to bone.
Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



09-20-2013, 03:25 PM

EDIT: round error.
The demoness was a killer. She was not one to hold back. Though, it was a spar. Spars were practice right? Though most of her practice fights ended up in a lusty furry or rage. At that moment she was to fueled with adrenaline to care about the ending of the fight. Her mind was a blur, high on excitement. Much different then when she ate those mushrooms with Ozz. Her blood boiled and her mind raced. Without a ounce of of care they clashed together. Their chests were forced together in a rush. A bruising would occur, there was no doubt. Their attacks were much the same. He chose to bite down on her right shoulder much like she did. Her bite connected finally to his collar bone. His bite attached to her inner neck. Not vital tissue was damaged, but muscles were pinched. A growl ripped through the air in pain. The bite would hurt for a while, but she continued on. He then threw up his right fore paw to smash down her head but she tried to keep it up. She was lowered slitely and his claws managed to rip across her forehead. The woman growled and she attempted to shake her head. Fangs tried to rip the man's flesh as her head shook violently. The woman then attempted a very risky move. She tried to bring both of her paws up to 'hug' his neck and give her elevation. His words only just registered and she snorted. "You do not intimidate me, boy." She managed to get a smothered sentence out of her mouth. With all that her defences were still very much active. Her tail was out for balance, her knees bent, eyes slit, ears pinned, lips curled, and of course those scarred hackles were raised.




for dominance/spar/challenge?


Defenses:Her tail was out for balance, her knees bent, eyes slit, ears pinned, lips curled, and of course those scarred hackles were raised.

Attacks:Attempt to shake her head roughly trying to rip his flesh even more. She would try to bring up both of her paws to gain height on him.

Injuries: Minor flesh wound to right shoulder from previous fight and healing toe injury. Bite wound to right inner neck, muscle damage. Bruised chest. Scratch to forehead.


09-23-2013, 08:38 PM

He felt her daggers attempt to sink in further as she raised her forelegs to gain leverage on him. He felt her head beginning to shake as she she shook to her head to her left, he wrenched his body away from her and her knives on her right. Hackles raised and legs bent and nimble - tail stiff and extended for quick attack and maneuvering, he didn't hesitate to re-engage. Who is this wench to call me boy? The thought would have amused him if he hadn't currently been bleeding.

As she had shook and he had wrenched his body free, he had landed squarely a minute distance on her right side, stance wide and claws gaining traction, His eyes narrowed dangerously focusing his gaze with acute accuracy. His mouth parted in a snarl ever ready to lay a hold of her flesh. He saw his fur and blood mingled on the ground, and he pinned his ears back flat against his skull, it only served to fuel his fight and hatred. He lunged forward, body taking to the air only briefly, but high enough to attempt to slam his heavy body down on the right side of the wolf, knives seeking the tender flesh of the underside of her throat. If he could knock this wench off her feet and pin her to the ground, teeth near the tender throat flesh, there could be a big advantage in that, but he had to plan for a miss. He would have to watch his side for her revenge attack. He couldn't let her get a hold of his flesh again. It was her turn to bleed.

for dominance/spar/challenge?
Defenses: Tail was out for balance and stiff for steering, his knees bent and nimble ready for action and reflexes, eyes slit for enhanced accuracy of his strike, mouth parted and ready, hackles raised to protect vital areas, stance was wide before attack for stability, claws digging into the ground for added traction.
Attacks: Breaks contact with her with violent yank, using the force of her shake against her. Quickly re-engages to throw weight down on her exposed right, knives seeking to rip right side of her throat.
Injuries: Scratch on face, both sides from her raised forearms, missing fur from where he ripped body away from mouth, deep wound on collar bone, bruised and bleeding.
Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



09-24-2013, 01:31 PM

The woman and the man danced face to face. Her jaws were upon his neck and his were on hers. Most fights ended up like this. Two locked together. But, he yanked back. He took her flesh with him and she took his flesh with her. But, as he skidded back he lunged forward. His brute forced and weight was slammed down on the demoness. She grunted as his teeth managed to get a hold of her right inner neck. Bare fangs entered her tender flesh, just missing vital tissues. The pain nearly made her whimper and her bent knees shake, but she would stand strong. She was lowered to the ground as his weight was upon her. The woman was slightly under him but the under bit of the left side of his neck was open to her jaws. She lunged up, trying to get a hold of his neck. Her jaws snapping, hungry for flesh. Growls were heard, her ears still pinned and lips still curled. Her tail remained tucked and her hackles raised. The woman tried her best to cause as much damage to him, but the position she was in was a bit to sketchy for her liking.




for dominance/spar/challenge?


Defenses:Her tail was out for balance, her knees bent, eyes slit, ears pinned, lips curled, and of course those scarred hackles were raised.

Attacks:She would launch an attack on the under left bit of his neck. trying to bit it and hold it.

Injuries: Minor flesh wound to right shoulder from previous fight and healing toe injury. Bite wound to right inner neck, muscle damage. Bruised chest. Scratch to forehead. Flesh wound to right inner neck, muscle damage.


09-24-2013, 07:45 PM

He felt his weight crash down on her. A feral growl emitted from the depths within as he felt his knives slice through flesh. He had the taste of blood in his mouth and almost felt the pleasure from it all. He was bruised and bleeding, but he was determined. He wasn't going to be letting go of the leverage he had. He forced his weight down on her right side, mindful that she could roll out and he had to be prepared for the break.
Just as he was about to attack again with his mouth, he felt her retaliation as her own knives found the left underside of his neck. They were locked and entwined in a deadly dance and he knew that of he could see the picture they made, he would have laughed if it hadn't meant letting go of one pissed off demoness. Her sharps knives were like hot irons easily piercing through his flesh and fur, narrowly missing his vital veins. He rumbled in pain, but only bit harder, a natural response to the sharp pain that nearly caused him to stagger. He couldn't give up his advantage though so with his hackles still raised and his four legs still straddling the female, he dug his claws into the ground for traction and power. He kept his tail horizontal still with his back for added balance. His mouth still locked onto her throat he did what was only available and shook the flesh he had in his throat like a rag doll. He didn't know the depth of what damage he had done, but all he could see was painted in a blind red fury as his eyes remained as mere amber slits of rage.

for spar
Defenses: Tail still stiff and horizontal with back, for added power and steering, four legs straddling the female for spread out balance, claws digging ground for added traction and power, eyes are slits for eye
Attacks: Attempt to sink teeth deeper into neck and with weight spread out, he shakes his head back and forth in attempt to tear muscle or flesh
Injuries: Scratch on face on cheekbones both sides, from her raised forearms, missing fur/flesh from where he ripped body away from mouth, deep wound on collar bone, bruised and bleeding & now muscle damage to left side of neck from bite.
Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think