
Come at me, Bro!



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (240)

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-08-2024, 02:10 PM
The early summer sun bathed the wide, flat plain in a warm and golden glow, casting long shadows across the lush grasses that danced in the gentle breeze. Cadaver, his youthful curiosity aflame, trotted across the expansive landscape with boundless energy. His mismatched eyes, one a vibrant blue and the other a striking pink, scanned the horizon as he trailed his way through the swaying grass. The scent of the earth, the tang of the grasses, and the distant murmur of the river all mingled in the air, creating a symphony that only fueled the pup's adventurous spirit. As Cadaver journeyed further into the flatland, he felt a pull from the openness of the terrain. The grasses swished and rustled in a peaceful ambience that reflected the essence of the land.

A glint of excitement sparked in Cadaver's mismatched eyes as he stumbled upon a wide clearing amidst the prairie. The ground felt firm beneath his paws, and the absence of obstacles promised a perfect arena for a spirited showdown. His playful demeanor shifted, and a determined gleam replaced the mischief in his gaze. A surge of anticipation surged through him—this place held the promise of challenge and excitement. His ears perked up as he caught a faint rustle, a sound that didn't belong to the whispering grass or the gentle river. Cadaver's attention honed in on a lone coyote, its fur blending with the golden hues of the grass. The predator's eyes met Cadaver's, and a silent understanding passed between them—a challenge unspoken yet accepted. Without hesitation, the young wolf made his decision. Today, he would face this lone coyote on his own, testing his skills and instincts in the vast expanse of the flat plain.

With a challenging bark that echoed through the stillness of the midday air, Cadaver announced his presence to the world. The grasses whispered their approval, as if nature itself acknowledged the impending duel. The coyote, aware of the approaching challenger, eyed Cadaver with unamused ferocity. The stage was set, and nature held its breath, curious to see the outcome between an overconfident pup and a serious threat.

356 / 1500 words
"Cadaver Nightwing"


"All my troubles on the burning pile, All lit up and I start to smile."


Master Fighter (355)

Master Hunter (285)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Hawk-Eyed Hawk-Eyed

1 Year
Extra large

Double MasterScarredSnake EyesRapid Poster - Gold
01-08-2024, 04:32 PM

It's verbatim and it's shakin'

R̶ E̶ D̶ R̶ U̶ M̶

The vermillion boy was quite knowledgeable when it came to the territory his mother ruled over. Mostly the borders, and the fauna within – always doing some semblance of the patrols the adults did. It was compulsive, really, but it had allowed him the chance to do a few small hunts. Today should have been the same, until a noise caught his attention. It sounded familiar… trying to place the sound, he found it a match for the boisterous younger boy he had sparred with not long ago. Red’s lips crackled into a smile, heading towards where he thought the bark had come from. As he broke through the grasses and into an open  area, surrounded by tall grasses – he was immediately jolted by what he saw

It was a sight that terrified him. Not merely because he was faced with the horror of a pup even younger than himself about to face off with a coyote that would surely do him great harm.. But because it reminded him of what had happened to him. The coyote was the cougar in this instant, his heart stilled, stomach dropping into his gut as he froze in place. The gold of his eyes widened in fear and shock. Hundreds of little flashes of memory, spanning from the moment he had seen the tawny pelt in the tall grasses, until the blur of motion around him as he was thrown into a stone. His skull was assaulted with a searing pain, right where his scar was at the back of his head. His teeth gritted, breathing accelerating in panic. He didn’t want to recall it in such detail, didn’t want to be here at all; about to watch the pup be mauled…. be killed. Redrum’s eyes darted from the coyote’s predatory stare, to Cadaver’s determined one. And then his body lurched forward on hasty paws, before he could even think about what he was doing the boy charged into the fray – hoping to save the smaller pup from true harm.

He used his shoulder to knock into the coyote’s, snapping and snarling fiercely as he could in order to divert its attention away from the two-toned boy. Elongated ears were pinned back against his skull, his lips pulled back to reveal his fangs. Redrum had never displayed such aggression before, for any reason. The striped boy backed up as the coyote snapped back at him, its tail rising above its back as it advanced. Red had gained its attention as the greater thread, or perhaps meal, and in one swift motion the coyote surged forward and latched its jaws around Redrum’s side scruff, trying to throw him to the ground. The teeth dug deep into the boy’s pelt, but he did not cry out – instead his growls grew in volume. His own fangs, a child’s really, bit back; grabbing hold of one of the coyote’s forelegs to limit its movements.


Code by TR

Redrum speaks in third person, known as illeism.
He deals with neurological issues from head trauma,
Causing disruptions in speech and movement,
Making him appear twitchy, with uncontrollable tics affecting every muscle.

Assume he isn't wearing his skull mask unless specified.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (240)

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-08-2024, 05:02 PM
Cadaver's mismatched eyes widened with surprise as Redrum sprinted into the fray, drawing the attention of the coyote away from himself. He was overwhelmed with a flush of annoyance, feeling a tinge of jealousy mix with his competitive nature. This was supposed to be his fight! Though, Cadaver's initial irritation turned into shocked disbelief as the coyote latched onto Redrum with a ferocity he hadn't anticipated. This wasn't going to be a playful scuffle like before- this was a fight for survival. And in that moment, Cadaver realized he may have underestimated the danger they were facing. But he certainly wouldn't be out done.

As Redrum engaged the coyote, Cadaver's mind raced. The initial surge of adrenaline and excitement at facing a lone predator quickly gave way to a more sobering realization of the danger they were in. But even as fear crept in, Cadaver refused to let go of his determination. His mismatched eyes burned with fierce resolve as he sprang into action, his paws propelling him towards the skirmish with lightning speed. Every bit of his youthful energy was focused on aiding the older boy. With a snarl ripping from his throat, Cadaver lunged for the coyote's hindquarters, using his sharp teeth to distract and disrupt the predator's focus. He snapped and bit at the air, desperate to find purchase on the coyote's fur. The young wolf's barks and growls mingled with Redrum's, creating an intense chorus of noise as the two pups fought side by side against their wild enemy.

The coyote, now facing attacks from two fronts, growled and snarled in frustration. Its attention shifted between the persistent young wolves, unsure of which to prioritize. Cadaver could see the conflict in the coyote's eyes, a flicker of uncertainty that fueled his determination. He needed to keep the predator off balance, to give Redrum the advantage he needed to turn the tide of the fight.

1160 / 1500 words
"Cadaver Nightwing"


"All my troubles on the burning pile, All lit up and I start to smile."


Master Fighter (355)

Master Hunter (285)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Hawk-Eyed Hawk-Eyed

1 Year
Extra large

Double MasterScarredSnake EyesRapid Poster - Gold
01-08-2024, 06:03 PM

It's verbatim and it's shakin'

R̶ E̶ D̶ R̶ U̶ M̶

This was happening. Actually happening! He had not killed anything other than small prey animals until now, but here he was tasting the blood of another predatory canine in defense of another pup! He would have to contemplate it later, engrossed in the struggle of survival. Redrum is far too focused on his grappling with the enemy to see Cadaver move, to see the other boy’s attack land against the coyote. But he felt it. He felt the coyote release him, blood welling where teeth had punctured his skin. He winced, releasing his own hold on it, in favor of barking out a cry for backup, eyes blazing with promise towards their enemy. He was making certain the coyote knew that there would be hell to pay if it continued to try and harm them. He also knew that his mother’s companions would hear his call, and surely be on their way regardless of the outcome. He wanted to make the coyote panic, but he did not expect the coyote to grow enraged instead, and try to swivel on the smaller Cadaver at its hindquarters. It was pissed off that these children were making it expend more energy, and had sounded an alarm on it too boot. Golden eyes widened again, thrusting himself forward with fores outstretched to catch the coyote before it completed the turn, again his jaws came down on their opponent – taking a bite out of one of its ears in his desperate attempt to get the canid’s focus back unto himself. He would be damned if Cadaver was hurt here, and if he could hold out a bit longer they would be saved! Redrum had not even considered trying to kill it himself, the thought seemed… impossible.

A nearby yowl pierced the air, cutting through even the snarling of the coyote as it tried and succeeded to buck Redrum off, blood flying everywhere from the profuse bleeding of its ear, though almost entirely superficial. Redrum grinned, snarling a taunt at the coyote and watching as it began to lose its nerve. The boy side stepped, placing himself between the smaller Cadaver and their opponent who was looking quite pale now.


Code by TR

Redrum speaks in third person, known as illeism.
He deals with neurological issues from head trauma,
Causing disruptions in speech and movement,
Making him appear twitchy, with uncontrollable tics affecting every muscle.

Assume he isn't wearing his skull mask unless specified.

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1. Come at me, Bro! Dancefloor of the Gods 02:10 PM, 01-08-2024 11:10 AM, 01-11-2024